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Pedophile's Sentence too Harsh, Judge Rules

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I wish you would use the terms Liberal or Conservative consistently. Many people think

anything they disagree with is Liberal and anything they agree with is Conservative. In fact

being too lenient on a criminal sentence is neither Liberal or Conservative if we use those

two philosophies correctly not that most of you know the difference between Bentham and Burke.

More to the point this is not a left or right wing issue at all. Its an issue as to our criminal

laws and how they have been drafted. Its simplistic to say because they were drafted during

a Liberal government's era that makes them Liberal and therefore what this Judge has done

is enforce a Liberal law.

These so called Liberals don't sit around stating as part of their ideology child molesters should be given lenient sentences. That is naive. Plenty of so called Leftists or Liberals as just as right wing when it comes to this issue if that is how you want to describe it.

Such issues transcend left or right wing definition.

I said Liberals on purpose. And I didn't say it just because Liberal is usually the opposite of what I see as right.

I said Liberals because they were the ones that put the judges that are guilty of the type of judicial obscenity being discussed here. I said Liberals because they are the ones usually out there with the NDP arguing for more lenient sentences. And as you so eloquently pointed out because the laws we are a odds with here were drafted during a period of Liberal majority.

If it walks, talks and looks like a duck ... that's what it is.

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I wish you would use the terms Liberal or Conservative consistently. Many people think

anything they disagree with is Liberal and anything they agree with is Conservative. In fact

being too lenient on a criminal sentence is neither Liberal or Conservative if we use those

two philosophies correctly not that most of you know the difference between Bentham and Burke.

More to the point this is not a left or right wing issue at all. Its an issue as to our criminal

laws and how they have been drafted. Its simplistic to say because they were drafted during

a Liberal government's era that makes them Liberal and therefore what this Judge has done

is enforce a Liberal law.

These so called Liberals don't sit around stating as part of their ideology child molesters should be given lenient sentences. That is naive. Plenty of so called Leftists or Liberals as just as right wing when it comes to this issue if that is how you want to describe it.

Such issues transcend left or right wing definition.

I said Liberals on purpose. And I didn't say it just because Liberal is usually the opposite of what I see as right.

I said Liberals because they were the ones that put the judges that are guilty of the type of judicial obscenity being discussed here. I said Liberals because they are the ones usually out there with the NDP arguing for more lenient sentences. And as you so eloquently pointed out because the laws we are a odds with here were drafted during a period of Liberal majority.

If it walks, talks and looks like a duck ... that's what it is.

Except, it isn't a duck at all.

Who in their right mind would condone this sentence? I cannot think of an example, other than the judge, who clearly lives in her own, small bubble - and should face judicial review immediately. Further, why not review the section of the code covering child rape and raise the minimum sentence to life?

That being said, I can certainly dredge up examples of ridiculous sentences handed out by 'conservative' judges (appointed by the Tories) and equate that to the entire conservative faction. Is that ludicrous? Of course, but it is exactly what is being done here. I guess if you want to paint me into a pigeonhole, I am 'left-leaning', but this action does not represent my thinking on criminal penalties. In fact, you go so far as to ascribe 'weakened sentences' generally as being part of 'liberal' ideology. This is a simplistic and unfair assessment.

Regardless of who's in power, flakes and morons are going to end up on the bench. It's that principle you see in large organizations - the (hmm) effluent rises to the top.

By all means, prove me wrong - that Conservative judge-elects and Conservative-crafted laws have never, in hindsight, proved stupid, ridiculous or unenforceable.

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I wish you would use the terms Liberal or Conservative consistently. Many people think

anything they disagree with is Liberal and anything they agree with is Conservative. In fact

being too lenient on a criminal sentence is neither Liberal or Conservative if we use those

two philosophies correctly not that most of you know the difference between Bentham and Burke.

More to the point this is not a left or right wing issue at all. Its an issue as to our criminal

laws and how they have been drafted. Its simplistic to say because they were drafted during

a Liberal government's era that makes them Liberal and therefore what this Judge has done

is enforce a Liberal law.

These so called Liberals don't sit around stating as part of their ideology child molesters should be given lenient sentences. That is naive. Plenty of so called Leftists or Liberals as just as right wing when it comes to this issue if that is how you want to describe it.

Such issues transcend left or right wing definition.

I said Liberals on purpose. And I didn't say it just because Liberal is usually the opposite of what I see as right.

I said Liberals because they were the ones that put the judges that are guilty of the type of judicial obscenity being discussed here. I said Liberals because they are the ones usually out there with the NDP arguing for more lenient sentences. And as you so eloquently pointed out because the laws we are a odds with here were drafted during a period of Liberal majority.

If it walks, talks and looks like a duck ... that's what it is.

Except, it isn't a duck at all.

Who in their right mind would condone this sentence? I cannot think of an example, other than the judge, who clearly lives in her own, small bubble - and should face judicial review immediately. Further, why not review the section of the code covering child rape and raise the minimum sentence to life?

That being said, I can certainly dredge up examples of ridiculous sentences handed out by 'conservative' judges (appointed by the Tories) and equate that to the entire conservative faction. Is that ludicrous? Of course, but it is exactly what is being done here. I guess if you want to paint me into a pigeonhole, I am 'left-leaning', but this action does not represent my thinking on criminal penalties. In fact, you go so far as to ascribe 'weakened sentences' generally as being part of 'liberal' ideology. This is a simplistic and unfair assessment.

Regardless of who's in power, flakes and morons are going to end up on the bench. It's that principle you see in large organizations - the (hmm) effluent rises to the top.

By all means, prove me wrong - that Conservative judge-elects and Conservative-crafted laws have never, in hindsight, proved stupid, ridiculous or unenforceable.

Then why not make appointments to the court last no more than 8 years, and require that to be reappointed they gain approval from the electorate?

Such an important position cannot be one in which the appointed cannot be held accountable for less than honorable conduct. Surely this abomination applies.

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Then why not make appointments to the court last no more than 8 years, and require that to be reappointed they gain approval from the electorate?

Such an important position cannot be one in which the appointed cannot be held accountable for less than honorable conduct. Surely this abomination applies.

Elected judges? That just completely politicizes the system, more so than it already is. Bad idea. And what does the average person know about the competency of judges with the complexity of the legal system?

Veerrry dangerous.

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Then why not make appointments to the court last no more than 8 years, and require that to be reappointed they gain approval from the electorate?

Such an important position cannot be one in which the appointed cannot be held accountable for less than honorable conduct. Surely this abomination applies.

Elected judges? That just completely politicizes the system, more so than it already is. Bad idea. And what does the average person know about the competency of judges with the complexity of the legal system?

Veerrry dangerous.

First term by appointment, next term with consent from the electorate. No campaigns. Elections Canada just sends out a summary of the judge's decisions and people vote based on their opinions of them. A judge not confirmed by the electorate would be replaced by appointing a new judge.

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Idealistically ok, pragmatically, not so hot. Do you think that Candians will show up to vote for our judges, we don't even vote for our governments that much anymore? Do you think people will read numerous complex judgements and make decisions based upon this? Or will it be because of the judges preceived political bias?

It'd be nice, but it can't realistically work in right now Canada.

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First term by appointment, next term with consent from the electorate. No campaigns. Elections Canada just sends out a summary of the judge's decisions and people vote based on their opinions of them. A judge not confirmed by the electorate would be replaced by appointing a new judge.
I like that!!!!!!

In fact, there is no reason why it can not be applied to ALL elections.

How could I forget? It would put parasitic bureaucrats out of their jobs.

Do you think that Candians will show up to vote for our judges, we don't even vote for our governments that much anymore?
Therefore, by the same logic, our governments are equally (il)legitimate. I agree with that.
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First term by appointment, next term with consent from the electorate. No campaigns. Elections Canada just sends out a summary of the judge's decisions and people vote based on their opinions of them. A judge not confirmed by the electorate would be replaced by appointing a new judge.
Why have judges at all? It would be must cheaper to round up a lynch mob from the local bar.
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Idealistically ok, pragmatically, not so hot. Do you think that Candians will show up to vote for our judges, we don't even vote for our governments that much anymore? Do you think people will read numerous complex judgements and make decisions based upon this? Or will it be because of the judges preceived political bias?

It'd be nice, but it can't realistically work in right now Canada.

I wonder. Americans get to vote on all kinds of things other than just electing politicians, including electing prosecutors and some judges. Give them things to vote on that directly effect their lives instead of just a party politician who is going to vote the party line and maybe they might take more interest. On the other hand, maybe Canadians are just to apathetic. In which case, they get exactly what they deserve.

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I love how people call Canadian prisons cushy.

You crack me up.

I used to work with a guy that had been in and out of the Kingston Penitentiary for years in his life and he thinks they are. He's scared to death of going to jail in the US, but he wouldn't be worried about doing a nickel in Canada. He basically told me that KP was like his home with bars. He used to sit and watch TV for hours each day, his wife came once a week and they were allowed a conjugal visit, he got his grade 12 diploma, a college level accounting diploma, and he worked out like mad. He told me that if someone messed with his family and he felt retribution was needed he had no problem going back. His nickname for it you ask? Club Fed

Its no wonder nobody's afraid of going to jail, its hardly punishment anymore.

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I wonder if this guy will come up here and teach our people how to run a jail ...

I can't think of a better way to run one.

It should be up to criminals not to behave in a manner that would land them there in the first place. If they don't like it there, then don't do anything that would land you back there.





Sheriff Joe Arpaio created the "tent city jail":

He has jail meals down to 40 cents a serving and charges the inmates for them.

He stopped smoking and porno magazines in the jails. Took away their weights. Cut off all but "G" movies.

He started chain gangs so the inmates could do free work on county and city projects.

Then he started chain gangs for women so he wouldn't get sued for discrimination.

He took away cable TV until he found out there was a federal court order that required cable TV for jails. So he hooked! up the cable TV again only let in the Disney channel and the weather channel.

When asked why the weather channel he replied, so they will know how hot it's gonna be while they are working on my chain gangs.

He cut off coffee since it has zero nutritional value.

When the inmates complained, he told them, "This isn't the Ritz/Carlton. If you don't like it, don't come back."

He bought Newt Gingrich' lecture series on videotape that he pipes into the jails.

When asked by a reporter if he had any lecture series by a Democrat, he replied that a democratic lecture series might explain why a lot of the inmates were in his jails in the first place.

More on the Arizona Sheriff:

With temperatures being even hotter than usual in Phoenix (116 degrees just set a new record), the Associated Press reports: About 2,000 inmates living in a barbed-wire-surrounded tent encampment at the Maricopa County Jail have been given permission to strip down to their government-issued pink boxer shorts.

On Wednesday, hundreds of men wearing boxers were either curled up on their bunk beds or chatted in the tents, which reached 138 degrees inside the week before.

Many were also swathed in wet, pink towels as sweat collected on their chests and dripped down to their pink socks.

"It feels like we are in a furnace," said James Zanzot, an inmate who has lived in the tents for 1 year. "It's inhumane."

Joe Arpaio, the tough-guy sheriff who created the tent city and long ago started making his prisoners wear pink, and eat bologna sandwiches, is not one bit sympathetic He said Wednesday that he told all of the inmates: "It's 120 degrees in Iraq and our soldiers are living in tents too, and they have to wear full battle gear, but they didn't commit any crimes, so shut your damned mouths!"

Way to go, Sheriff! Maybe if all prisons were like this one there would be a lot less crime and/or repeat offenders. Criminals should be punished for their crimes - not live in luxury until it's time for their parole, only to go out and commit another crime so they can get back in to live on taxpayers money and enjoy things taxpayers can't afford to have for themselves.

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I've seen interviews of some of this guy's inmates and many of them seem to be ok with the boot camp idea, aside from the pink underwear. I think having these guys feel the satisfaction of hard work goes a lot further to rehabilitate them than sitting around watching TV and reading porn. I like the soldiers in Iraq analogy.

As for the claim that Canadian prisons aren't cush one need not look further than Carla Homolka and the pictures of her in sunbathing and on a swingset or all dressed up at Chrismas or at a birthday party. Ya real hard time for a serial killer :rolleyes:

Then there are the endless examples of day passes for pedophilles and killers.

There was a TLC special on Canadian prisons. They profiled a prisoner living in what looked more like a club med than a prison. He had on a house coat and showed the interviewer all the knives they provided him in his kitchen. They also interviewed some Americans who had served in both the US and Canadian systems and showed them having a good ol' time taking it easy in Canada. One guy summed it up best when he said "if you have to do time, make sure you do it in Canada".

But ya Ottawa I'm sure you're among those who feel that having a barking dog in your face is gross abuse.

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I've seen interviews of some of this guy's inmates and many of them seem to be ok with the boot camp idea, aside from the pink underwear. I think having these guys feel the satisfaction of hard work goes a lot further to rehabilitate them than sitting around watching TV and reading porn. I like the soldiers in Iraq analogy.

As for the claim that Canadian prisons aren't cush one need not look further than Carla Homolka and the pictures of her in sunbathing and on a swingset or all dressed up at Chrismas or at a birthday party. Ya real hard time for a serial killer :rolleyes:

Then there are the endless examples of day passes for pedophilles and killers.

There was a TLC special on Canadian prisons. They profiled a prisoner living in what looked more like a club med than a prison. He had on a house coat and showed the interviewer all the knives they provided him in his kitchen. They also interviewed some Americans who had served in both the US and Canadian systems and showed them having a good ol' time taking it easy in Canada. One guy summed it up best when he said "if you have to do time, make sure you do it in Canada".

But ya Ottawa I'm sure you're among those who feel that having a barking dog in your face is gross abuse.

If ye knew anything at all you'd know Kingston is'nt Club Fed - your friend picked that up from some old gangster movie, after the Capone-era gangsters like Dillinger (he may have coined the phrase, the dapper fellow).

Kingston is aka Disneyland North.

just fyi

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