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act of terrorism

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Isn't messing with our hydro service an act of terrorism? I live in Simcoe, my power was out from Monday at 3Pm Till Wed at 3:55 Am. My fridge and frezzer products are now curbside for garbage collection. My Place of Employment was also closed so I have lost wages on top of that. This is a peaceful protest? Who will compensate my family?

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Isn't messing with our hydro service an act of terrorism? I live in Simcoe, my power was out from Monday at 3Pm Till Wed at 3:55 Am. My fridge and frezzer products are now curbside for garbage collection. My Place of Employment was also closed so I have lost wages on top of that. This is a peaceful protest? Who will compensate my family?

Don't expect a reasonable answer to this. Our elected officials in Ontario are acting like deer in the headlights.

It's a complete farce.

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Definition of Terrorism

ter·ror·ism Pronunciation (tr-rzm)


The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Noun 1. terrorismterrorism - the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimindation or coercion or instilling fear

act of terrorism, terrorist act

biological terrorism, bioterrorism - terrorism using the weapons of biological warfare

chemical terrorism - terrorism using the chemical agents of chemical warfare; can underminethe personal security of citizens; "a good agent for chemical terrorism should be colorless and odorless and inexpensive and readily available and not detectable until symptoms are experienced"

cyber-terrorism, cyberwar - an assault on electronic communication networks

domestic terrorism - terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people; "the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City was an instance of domestic terrorism"

eco-warfare, ecological terrorism, ecological warfare, ecoterrorism - violence carried out to further the political or social objectives of the environmentalists

international terrorism - terrorism practiced by a in a foreign country by terrorists who ae not native to that country

narcoterrorism - the financing of terrorist activities by participation in the drug trade

nuclear terrorism - the use of a nuclear device by a terrorist organization to cause massive devastation or the use (or threat of use) of fissionable radioactive materials; "assaults on nuclear power plants is one form of nuclear terrorism"

state-sponsored terrorism - terrorism practiced by a government against its own people or in support of international terrorism

theoterrorism - terrorism for a religious purpose

coercion - the act of compelling by force of authority

terrorist attack - a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims

Which of these was it?

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Definition of Terrorism
ter·ror·ism Pronunciation (tr-rzm)


The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Noun 1. terrorismterrorism - the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimindation or coercion or instilling fear

act of terrorism, terrorist act

biological terrorism, bioterrorism - terrorism using the weapons of biological warfare

chemical terrorism - terrorism using the chemical agents of chemical warfare; can underminethe personal security of citizens; "a good agent for chemical terrorism should be colorless and odorless and inexpensive and readily available and not detectable until symptoms are experienced"

cyber-terrorism, cyberwar - an assault on electronic communication networks

domestic terrorism - terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people; "the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City was an instance of domestic terrorism"

eco-warfare, ecological terrorism, ecological warfare, ecoterrorism - violence carried out to further the political or social objectives of the environmentalists

international terrorism - terrorism practiced by a in a foreign country by terrorists who ae not native to that country

narcoterrorism - the financing of terrorist activities by participation in the drug trade

nuclear terrorism - the use of a nuclear device by a terrorist organization to cause massive devastation or the use (or threat of use) of fissionable radioactive materials; "assaults on nuclear power plants is one form of nuclear terrorism"

state-sponsored terrorism - terrorism practiced by a government against its own people or in support of international terrorism

theoterrorism - terrorism for a religious purpose

coercion - the act of compelling by force of authority

terrorist attack - a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims

Which of these was it?

all of the above

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I didnt realise they had a nuclear device at the camp!! ( allow me to add a second GUFAW!! lol )

I didnt realise ............

We have Warriors from the camp conducting raids into Caledonia............? If so i hadnt heard lol

using Biological weapons..............?

using Chemical Weapons..............?

Cyber Terrorism ..............? Does this count? LOL

Domestic Terrorism..........? havnt heard any bombs or guns go off

Eco Terrorism...................? Uhm no.

International Terrorism......? I guess they can stick anybody with this from the US that came for support

State sponsered Terrorism....? does this apply to Governments who have tried to erode rights they

themselves agreed to?

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Isn't messing with our hydro service an act of terrorism? I live in Simcoe, my power was out from Monday at 3Pm Till Wed at 3:55 Am. My fridge and frezzer products are now curbside for garbage collection. My Place of Employment was also closed so I have lost wages on top of that. This is a peaceful protest? Who will compensate my family?

I agree with you that it is a form terrorism. A normally peaceful town has been burning through tires, a van and bridges set on fire, and a road was damaged Looting the Henco office on April 20 not mention rocks thrown from by-pass bridge, and vandalizing hydro transfofrmers.

from the caledonia.a website

Dear Sir,

I guess it is fair to say the Rule of Law does not apply in native land disputes. How can the McGuinty government justify selective policing based on race? What happened to the demonstrators in Burlington compared to the activities of the native protestors in Caledonia is shameful. The McGuinty government and the OPP are discriminatory and racist against innocent citizens of this province. The perpetrators of crime, no matter what ethnic background, must be held accountable under the law, irregardless of the circumstances that prompted the offense. Society cannot withstand selective policing based on an accident of birth. The whole fabric of the law is being unraveled as we sit back and watch the chaos at Caledonia. Ipperwash has been under this policy for over a decade. Enough is Enough.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ipperwash Beach, Lambton Shores Ont.

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Vandalism is not terrorism. Causing power outages will only effectively become terrorism when the outages become so common that those who are affected change the way they live to accomodate them and/or put pressure on the authorities to succumb to the protestor's demands. Until then it's just a one-off criminal nuisance. Sorry for your loss.

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Being Held Hostage By Terrorists

Source of Information:

-Merriam - Webster's Dictionary

- American Heritage Dictionary of English Language

3 Entries Found for Terrorism

1) The Unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or and organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments. Often for ideological or political reasons

2) Violent and Intimidating gang activity.

3) The calculated use of Violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature: this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear.

So what is the gov't waiting for?

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You wrote- " Isn't messing around our hydro service an act of terrorism."

I would not go that far.

What is it I'd say is an 'upheaval'- a violent or sudden change or disruption.

There is NO excuse for authorities not to end this nonsense.

They are sitting on their thumbs where the sun don't shine waiting for a better day it seems.

As far as I know there is only one society in Canada and that is a civilized society and authorties it appears don't want to civilize it ...one word to describe the pansy action of our authorities refusal to end this Native uprising..unbelievable.

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Being Held Hostage By Terrorists

Source of Information:

-Merriam - Webster's Dictionary

- American Heritage Dictionary of English Language

3 Entries Found for Terrorism

1) The Unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or and organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments. Often for ideological or political reasons

2) Violent and Intimidating gang activity.

3) The calculated use of Violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature: this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear.

So what is the gov't waiting for?

Scrib...believe it or not, but you just identified the Kaledonians with the above post.

I guess that means that both parties at the blockade were terrorists, by your definition. If that is the case, then the Army needs to take out both groups, correct?

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There is NO excuse for authorities not to end this nonsense.

They are sitting on their thumbs where the sun don't shine waiting for a better day it seems.

As far as I know there is only one society in Canada and that is a civilized society and authorties it appears don't want to civilize it ...one word to describe the pansy action of our authorities refusal to end this Native uprising..unbelievable.

Geez...we could have used your opinion back in 1995, when this whole issue first went to court at the SCC. H

How come you didn't get on the Feds case then, instead of waiting til now? would've saved a lot of anguish in the present.

On another note, are you trying to argue that the actions of the Kaledonians at the blockade were civilized?

Buddy, I've seen more civility coming from a bunch of drunked-up fans fighting at an Argo game than anything we've seen at Kaledonia.

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If you must label the destruction of the transformer as terrorism - fine, but apprehend and prosecute the INDIVIDUALS that did it!!! Just because a person or a select few did this does not mean their actions were endorsed, supported or condoned by anyone at the protest site. Clan Mothers are there there, and they rule the roost so to speak. and they would NEVER ask for something like that to be done

Quote " The perpetrators of crime, no matter what ethnic background, must be held accountable under the law "

If youre talking about assault, uttering threats etc - both sides have done this and the police have wisely curbed their response to both parties here.

If not that?, What rule of LAW are you speaking about?

Lets go after the individuls responsible and not use this as a springboard to have peaceful protestors removed.

You bring up Ipperwash a sad display of overuse of force - deadly force. Is this what you want to see happen?

The incident at Ipperwash has a few distinct differences in comparison to Caledonia --->

During World War II, in 1942, the Canadian Army evacuated the residents of Stoney Point [see Map 1 : Ipperwash] and Kettle Point [see Map 1 : Ipperwash] in order to set up a temporary military training camp. For this, the Chippewas received approximately $50,000 in compensation. When representatives of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) undertook steps to return to their reserve in 1945, The Canadian government refused to leave the site. In 1981 it paid out an additional $2.5 million in compensation and interest, and agreed to hand over the Chippewas land when it was not longer of use for military purposes. Four years later, the Natives were granted permission to hunt and fish on the territory during hunting and fishing seasons decreed by the provincial government. At the same time, the Band Council was given a promise that the military use of the Ipperwash camp would be reviewed every four years. Despite that promise, the camp remained in government hands. In May 1993, groups of Natives came to settle on the land. In February the following year, the government announced that it wanted to negotiate the return of the Ipperwash camp to the First Nations people. After a confrontation with the Chippewas, the military personnel left the base. A few months later, a group of Natives occupied Ipperwash Provincial Park [see Map 1 : Ipperwash] to protect and reclaim a sacred burial ground. One Chippewas member, Anthony (Dudley) George, was shot by Ontario provincial police and died that night.

In case you missed it -- the government agreed to return the land back to the original owners after the military left - but instead they make it into a provincial park.

Some people posting here bring up the argument that since the Haldimand Treaty was signed 200 plus years ago it somehow doesnt apply - The Ipperwash agreement is RECENT HISTORY with the same result

Why didnt our government honour the agreement they themselves wrote?

The dark history of the govenrnment disrespecting the agreements it enters into with Native People continues.....

Isn't messing with our hydro service an act of terrorism? I live in Simcoe, my power was out from Monday at 3Pm Till Wed at 3:55 Am. My fridge and frezzer products are now curbside for garbage collection. My Place of Employment was also closed so I have lost wages on top of that. This is a peaceful protest? Who will compensate my family?

I agree with you that it is a form terrorism. A normally peaceful town has been burning through tires, a van and bridges set on fire, and a road was damaged Looting the Henco office on April 20 not mention rocks thrown from by-pass bridge, and vandalizing hydro transfofrmers.

from the caledonia.a website

Dear Sir,

I guess it is fair to say the Rule of Law does not apply in native land disputes. How can the McGuinty government justify selective policing based on race? What happened to the demonstrators in Burlington compared to the activities of the native protestors in Caledonia is shameful. The McGuinty government and the OPP are discriminatory and racist against innocent citizens of this province. The perpetrators of crime, no matter what ethnic background, must be held accountable under the law, irregardless of the circumstances that prompted the offense. Society cannot withstand selective policing based on an accident of birth. The whole fabric of the law is being unraveled as we sit back and watch the chaos at Caledonia. Ipperwash has been under this policy for over a decade. Enough is Enough.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ipperwash Beach, Lambton Shores Ont.

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Quote " The perpetrators of crime, no matter what ethnic background, must be held accountable under the law "

I totally agree that the perpetrators need to be punished. Thats what the residents here want. We want peace and we want our lives back. I am not a racist. A little background Info, my hubbys father was from six nations his mother not,however he is disappointed in the carrys-on. And he feels shame right now, but he is also happy he takes after his mothers side physically, because its tough going around here right now. Also since my hubby is part native that means my children and grandbaby are too. Its not the principal WHO is causing upheaval, it is THAT it is Being done by Terrorists

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I don't think you are racist, but there are some folks who think the statement 'ALL people should be treated equally" is racist. We do need to have reasonable and open discussion on this issue but usually its not possible because there is always someone who will play the race card and make the usual accusations.

I find it best to put people who do that on 'ignore'....then you do not have to read the more unreasonable posts if you don't wish to.

IMHO Canadians are being sleepwalked into absurd constitutional, financial and legal crisis where the ownership of Canada is up for grabs Many more of these problems are now being processed through our Supreme Court where the fallout from their decisions could eventually put the viability of the Canadian political system in question. These vastly expensive land transfers, cash grants, special government programs and tax exemptions will probably continue and expand until the ownership of downtown Ottawa or Toronto is on the block.

At some point in time a gov't has to take a stand and say enough is enough, ALL people should be treated equally.

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Im sorry your Husband feels shame - he shouldnt.

Quote " And he feels shame right now, but he is also happy he takes after his mothers side physically, because its tough going around here right now.. "

So hes happy that he doesnt outwardly appear Native? Im sorry he feels that way. If your neighbours would harrass someone because he appears to be Native - that is racism and the police should deal with that situation.

What a few people have been trying to hammer home is the fact the dispute is not Native vs Residents of Caledonia. The reason the protesters are there now is because the government froze all development on disputed lands but then somehow the developer obtained permission and began to build - contrary to the agreement.

I think you may have missed the point i was trying to make in regards to the transformer incident.

We agree that some action should be taken BUT only against those with hands-on involvement - you cant white-wash everyone because of one or two people. If you feel better calling the perpetrators of specific actions terrorist thats fine, im not going to argue over semantics with you - but you cannot blanket a whole people with that word.

Before the power outage resulting in your foodstuff being spoiled, and having to drive around the blockade -

What was the biggest inconvienience upon the people of Caledonia?

Quote " The perpetrators of crime, no matter what ethnic background, must be held accountable under the law "

I totally agree that the perpetrators need to be punished. Thats what the residents here want. We want peace and we want our lives back. I am not a racist. A little background Info, my hubbys father was from six nations his mother not,however he is disappointed in the carrys-on. And he feels shame right now, but he is also happy he takes after his mothers side physically, because its tough going around here right now. Also since my hubby is part native that means my children and grandbaby are too. Its not the principal WHO is causing upheaval, it is THAT it is Being done by Terrorists

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Hi guys. Seems that a few are having difficulty with the 'quote' feature. It's really quite simple. You put in the word 'guote' between the brackets symbols [ ] and that starts the quote off. Then, to close the quote you place the word quote between the same brackets except this time, with a closing tag of '/' and then, this makes a nice neat thing that

looks like this

If your post comes out all screwed up like some of the ones on this thread are, it is because you have the closing tags at the beggining and other askew things which I'll explain in a second.

For every opening quote code (remember where I said the word 'quote' between the brackets [ ] there has to be a closing one. If there is not, then none of the ones on the page will work. So, when it is all screwed up, you go edit your post and look, one of the opening quotes does not have a cloing one, or, vice versa. You simply check them off, "opening quote, closing quote." Looking at the post below, there is two opening quotes and three closing ones. Therefore, one of the closing ones has to be removed.

That way, you can change this (letter e on the word quote dropped to allow for demo)

[quot name=sahara' date='May 25 2006, 07:41 PM' post='114470]

[quot name=Enskat Kenraken Ronkwe' date='May 25 2006, 01:42 PM' post='114422]

Quote " The perpetrators of crime, no matter what ethnic background, must be held accountable under the law "

[/quot] ***** Here is the offending extra closing quote tag (taken out in demo below)*******


I totally agree that the perpetrators need to be punished. Thats what the residents here want. We want peace and we want our lives back. I am not a racist. A little background Info, my hubbys father was from six nations his mother not,however he is disappointed in the carrys-on. And he feels shame right now, but he is also happy he takes after his mothers side physically, because its tough going around here right now. Also since my hubby is part native that means my children and grandbaby are too. Its not the principal WHO is causing upheaval, it is THAT it is Being done by Terrorists


Into this

Quote " The perpetrators of crime, no matter what ethnic background, must be held accountable under the law "

I totally agree that the perpetrators need to be punished. Thats what the residents here want. We want peace and we want our lives back. I am not a racist. A little background Info, my hubbys father was from six nations his mother not,however he is disappointed in the carrys-on. And he feels shame right now, but he is also happy he takes after his mothers side physically, because its tough going around here right now. Also since my hubby is part native that means my children and grandbaby are too. Its not the principal WHO is causing upheaval, it is THAT it is Being done by Terrorists

Kapiche? :rolleyes:

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Hi guys. Seems that a few are having difficulty with the 'quote' feature.

[quot name=sahara' date='May 25 2006, 07:41 PM' post='114470]

[quot name=Enskat Kenraken Ronkwe' date='May 25 2006, 01:42 PM' post='114422]

Quote " The perpetrators of crime, no matter what ethnic background, must be held accountable under the law "

***** Here is the offending extra closing quote tag (taken out in demo below)*******


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I totally agree that the perpetrators need to be punished. Thats what the residents here want. We want peace and we want our lives back. I am not a racist. A little background Info, my hubbys father was from six nations his mother not,however he is disappointed in the carrys-on. And he feels shame right now, but he is also happy he takes after his mothers side physically, because its tough going around here right now. Also since my hubby is part native that means my children and grandbaby are too. Its not the principal WHO is causing upheaval, it is THAT it is Being done by Terrorists

From what I hear, there are a lot of folks on Six Nations who are pissed at the vandals and want them punished. They see those goofs as ignoring the wishes of the Clanmothers and Chiefs and raising havoc on their own.

You never piss off the Clanmothers and Chiefs.

Hopefully the police will get them before the people do.


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From what I hear, there are a lot of folks on Six Nations who are pissed at the vandals and want them punished. They see those goofs as ignoring the wishes of the Clanmothers and Chiefs and raising havoc on their own.

You never piss off the Clanmothers and Chiefs.

Hopefully the police will get them before the people do.


HI I realize this, MY PROBLEM is with everyone involved . From the natives to the towns people to the OPP and GOvernment. My family has been screwed with about something that I'm not involved in. I want compensation and I want it OVER. My kids missed school WE both missed work and now lost $$$ to....I did not ask to become involved in this...Yet Iam

And BTW Iam not trying to offend anyone or their views on this. I'm just so FRUSTRATED

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Definition of Terrorism
ter·ror·ism Pronunciation (tr-rzm)


The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

Noun 1. terrorismterrorism - the calculated use of violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimindation or coercion or instilling fear

act of terrorism, terrorist act

biological terrorism, bioterrorism - terrorism using the weapons of biological warfare

chemical terrorism - terrorism using the chemical agents of chemical warfare; can underminethe personal security of citizens; "a good agent for chemical terrorism should be colorless and odorless and inexpensive and readily available and not detectable until symptoms are experienced"

cyber-terrorism, cyberwar - an assault on electronic communication networks

domestic terrorism - terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people; "the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City was an instance of domestic terrorism"

eco-warfare, ecological terrorism, ecological warfare, ecoterrorism - violence carried out to further the political or social objectives of the environmentalists

international terrorism - terrorism practiced by a in a foreign country by terrorists who ae not native to that country

narcoterrorism - the financing of terrorist activities by participation in the drug trade

nuclear terrorism - the use of a nuclear device by a terrorist organization to cause massive devastation or the use (or threat of use) of fissionable radioactive materials; "assaults on nuclear power plants is one form of nuclear terrorism"

state-sponsored terrorism - terrorism practiced by a government against its own people or in support of international terrorism

theoterrorism - terrorism for a religious purpose

coercion - the act of compelling by force of authority

terrorist attack - a surprise attack involving the deliberate use of violence against civilians in the hope of attaining political or religious aims

Which of these was it?

The fact that they blockaded so no one can get through is a clear intent of intimidation and cercion. What would they have done if citizens insisted on passing through?

The fact that they've deliberately vandalised to cause power outage had caused in disruptions (and economic/financial loss)....is also an act of terrorism.

Caledonia and its people were "held hostage".....it was akin to "pay-up-or-else."....

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Vandalism is not terrorism. Causing power outages will only effectively become terrorism when the outages become so common that those who are affected change the way they live to accomodate them and/or put pressure on the authorities to succumb to the protestor's demands. Until then it's just a one-off criminal nuisance. Sorry for your loss.

What is the difference between blowing up the power supply from "vandalising" that results in power outage....when the result achieved is the same?

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Being Held Hostage By Terrorists

Source of Information:

-Merriam - Webster's Dictionary

- American Heritage Dictionary of English Language

3 Entries Found for Terrorism

1) The Unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or and organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments. Often for ideological or political reasons

2) Violent and Intimidating gang activity.

3) The calculated use of Violence (or threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature: this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear.

So what is the gov't waiting for?

Scrib...believe it or not, but you just identified the Kaledonians with the above post.

I guess that means that both parties at the blockade were terrorists, by your definition. If that is the case, then the Army needs to take out both groups, correct?

You're wrong, Tem.

It's like a kid who pushed...and the victim decided to push back. A natural response to bullying tactics.

The blockade by the Indians have instigated a response. This is like the response of the US to Afghanistan....after they were hit by 9/11. :D

Now, don't go spouting off about your legal land woes. Whether it's legit or not is not the point.

Most ordinary citizens couldn't care less about any other major political problems...until it directly affects them. Caledonia citizenry were clearly directly affected. What do they (citizens) have to do with government policies and legal matters?

As Krak had said, arrest those who actually vandalised....ergo, take your protests directly to those who can do something about it and leave the poor ordinary folks alone.

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