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If Lefties Ran The World

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1. Government commission to explore the need for tolerance of the muslim faith and it's beliefs

2. Government commission to explore the need for tolerance of the Gay community

3. Government commission to explore the need for choice among abortion women

4. Government commission to explore the need for more women's rights

5. Government commission to explore the need for understanding between the muslims who hate gays, abortion and women's rights and gays, abotionists and women.

6. Government commission to ensure that the premier priority of health care is equality above timely care

7. Government commission to participate in an international program which doesn't reduce emissions but rather passes around emissions "credits" between countries and allows the worst offenders to offend unabated (china & india)

8. Government commission to inhibit international military action against rogue states because government couldn't actually act even if it wanted to - because military security has been provided by USA and has allowed lefty state to spend money on lavish social programs instead of security.

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1. Government commission to explore the need for tolerance of the muslim faith and it's beliefs

2. Government commission to explore the need for tolerance of the Gay community

3. Government commission to explore the need for choice among abortion women

4. Government commission to explore the need for more women's rights

5. Government commission to explore the need for understanding between the muslims who hate gays, abortion and women's rights and gays, abotionists and women.

6. Government commission to ensure that the premier priority of health care is equality above timely care

7. Government commission to participate in an international program which doesn't reduce emissions but rather passes around emissions "credits" between countries and allows the worst offenders to offend unabated (china & india)

8. Government commission to inhibit international military action against rogue states because government couldn't actually act even if it wanted to - because military security has been provided by USA and has allowed lefty state to spend money on lavish social programs instead of security.

How do you know all of this Jerry? You're on a rampage against lefties recently.

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If you're going to troll for liberals at least try to make sense while doing it.

The Liberals already have/believe all those things. What are they going to do ... make commissions to pat themselves on the back?

You're making no sense.

I'm all for giving Liberals a hard time now and then. They do it to us. But lets try to have some semblance of common sense while doing so.

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  • Forum Admin
How do you know all of this Jerry? You're on a rampage against lefties recently.

And he will be taking a one month suspension because of this trolling.

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1. Government commission to explore the need for tolerance of the muslim faith and it's beliefs

2. Government commission to explore the need for tolerance of the Gay community

3. Government commission to explore the need for choice among abortion women

4. Government commission to explore the need for more women's rights

5. Government commission to explore the need for understanding between the muslims who hate gays, abortion and women's rights and gays, abotionists and women.

6. Government commission to ensure that the premier priority of health care is equality above timely care

7. Government commission to participate in an international program which doesn't reduce emissions but rather passes around emissions "credits" between countries and allows the worst offenders to offend unabated (china & india)

8. Government commission to inhibit international military action against rogue states because government couldn't actually act even if it wanted to - because military security has been provided by USA and has allowed lefty state to spend money on lavish social programs instead of security.

Don't you dare talk about "lefties" because you've obviously never met one! All you know about "lefties" is what you've read in the National Post and heard on Global TV.

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Guest Warwick Green
Government commission to explore the need for understanding between the muslims who hate gays, abortion and women's rights and gays, abotionists and women.

And if Righties ran the world Islam, homosexuality and abortion would all be banned and women would be back to being beaten, barefoot and pregnant. :)

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Government commission to explore the need for understanding between the muslims who hate gays, abortion and women's rights and gays, abotionists and women.

And if Righties ran the world Islam, homosexuality and abortion would all be banned and women would be back to being beaten, barefoot and pregnant. :)

You're not being fair. The Right doesn't want Islam banned, but most would like radical Islam banned--which has far bigger numbers than some lone far-right whacko out to kill an abortion doctor.

Homosexuality would be banned by the Right? Besides their stubborn traditional marriage demands (unions is not good acceptable) what rights do gay people really lack? I agree that some are uncomfortable around homosexuals, but if the person is talented, and discreet, a smart business-person <---(being PC B) ) will hire him/her. There is a large number of gays making $100,000+/yr.

The Right would ban abortion? Not total abortion. It's just that the Right generally does not believe in abortion at any time and for any flimsy reason. Most believe that abortions should only happen if the mother's life or health is in danger, incest, and rape. Some on the Right think that aborting a child in the 1st trimester is acceptable. Few on the Right believe in late-term abortions. I've seen pics of late-term abortions; it's heartwrenching. :(

The Right would be back to beating women and keeping them barefoot and pregnant?

This last one must be a joke. :)

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You are wasting your time on these left wingers!

These are people who would protest anything remotely close to infringing on someone's rights. (Most of these same people were slapped around in school for being a little off)

They will staunchly defend a cause, not for the validity of the cause, mainly because they need a cause!

Yet when an important thing like free speech versus running scared from crazed muslims, they bow down in fear and denounce anyone who would dare print some stupid ass cartoons, that has the whole muslin world up in arms!

Their need to argue against traditions in marriage or religion is trumped by fear of attack(by irate muslims)! It certainly begs the question....how does a rookie lefty distinguish causes to support or protest?

They have no clear path or leader, they merely jump from cause of the day to the latest "human rights" trendy protest without following anything through!

Confusing enough to make ignoring them to be the better way!!!

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I've seen pics of late-term abortions; it's heartwrenching. :(
So are videos of baby seals being slaughtered. But a baby seal is not human and neither is a fetus.
The Right would be back to beating women and keeping them barefoot and pregnant?

This last one must be a joke. :)

It is a stereotype of right wing men that is about as valid as the stereotypes of left wing people that started this thread.
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These are people who would protest anything remotely close to infringing on someone's rights.

I would argue it is not a bad thign to protest when Human rights are being violated, and I would however argue it is a bad thign to treat rights so frivolously that we can mock people who defend them. You have made no qualifications to what sorts of people are being defended or actions only that lefties like to protest against anything that comes remotely close to infringing on Human rights, I would rather see protest against Rights violations then see rights violations themselves.

(Most of these same people were slapped around in school for being a little off)

Insults are the ammunition of the unintelligent - do not use them. It is okay to criticize a policy, decision, action or comment. Such criticism is part of healthy debate. It is not okay to criticize a person's character or directly insult them, regardless of their position or actions. Derogatory terms such as "loser", "idiot", etc are not permitted unless the context clearly implies that it is not serious. Rule of thumb: Play the ball, not the person (i.e. tackle the argument, not the person making it).

They will staunchly defend a cause, not for the validity of the cause, mainly because they need a cause!

I suggests that you refrain from making such implications, they are implications you are not capable of making and you are not capable of defending. It would be just as inflamatory for me to say all right wingers need a global massacre because they like to see children being killed, cut the B.S

Yet when an important thing like free speech versus running scared from crazed muslims, they bow down in fear and denounce anyone who would dare print some stupid ass cartoons, that has the whole muslin world up in arms!

Well I think this would best describe the sentiments of the majority of Canadians wether left right or center. The Truth is that "Free speech is a right that all Canadians enjoy; Canadians also have the right to voice their opinions... but we regret the publication of this material in several media outlets. While we understand this issue is divisive, we wish that people be respectful of the beliefs of others. And we commend the Canadian Muslim community for voicing its opinion peacefully, respectfully and democratically.

Their need to argue against traditions in marriage or religion is trumped by fear of attack(by irate muslims)!

I do not belive the goal of the positionis to oppose tradition, it happens to be that Gay Marrige is apparently not traditional and by supporting Gay Marrige you are supporting something that tends to go against "Traditional Values" I am afraid you are already Starting with a mis charachterization. But for that Matter Canada is not Governed by Tradition, Canada is not ruled by Religion Canada is a country Governed by the people under a set of Laws, not under a religion and not under a tradition but by the people under laws, laws that should be followed.

It is also funny that you blame the left for fearing "Irrate Muslims", when is it not most Conservatives who in a fear of terrorists, generally stereotyped as very Irrate Muslims, have violated their own laws of the land

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Of course in this case the right is very quick to argue it is justified, it is justified to violate such laws. But when the left asks for some tolerance to be shown, some respect to be shown, you have a problem with it. You will find that one of many things that seperates us from tyranical despots tends to be toleration and moderation, and yet in the fight against such people were are throwing that to the dogs.

It certainly begs the question....how does a rookie lefty distinguish causes to support or protest?

Well the left isn't so monolithic so that everyone holds the same opinions, so I am sure they can figure out their own personal beliefs for themselves, and they can take action based on that.

They have no clear path or leader,

Damned if you do damned if you don't, there are hundreds of millions of people in North America, probabley half of which could be carachterized as being left wing, it is not neccesary, practical, or even benificial to ensure that all these people walk, talk, and act like each other...who knew lefties the defenders of individuality.

they merely jump from cause of the day to the latest "human rights" trendy protest without following anything through!

Confusing enough to make ignoring them to be the better way!!!

That is such a load, I think the better way would be for you to take a one month vacation.

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Government commission to explore the need for understanding between the muslims who hate gays, abortion and women's rights and gays, abotionists and women.

And if Righties ran the world Islam, homosexuality and abortion would all be banned and women would be back to being beaten, barefoot and pregnant. :)

If you mean that, you must not be in contact with righties real often. Most of the people I know are conservative and none wants an absolute ban on any of those things. And every man I know would beat even his best friend if he found the guy hit his wife.

We're not averse to change. We just don't think the world should bend over backwards to the minority.

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And if Righties ran the world Islam, homosexuality and abortion would all be banned and women would be back to being beaten, barefoot and pregnant. :)

Women wouldn't be beaten and killed when impregnated by means of rape while their civilizations praised for holding onto their ideals while we uprooted their controlling dictatorships, Islam would be welcome until someone drew a cartoon about their god and they chose to riot and kill to show discontent, and homosexuality would be accepted until the left-wing media decided it was cool to be homosexual and produced show after show and movie after movie to force it down our throats. It's called DEFENSE. For those of you that are better educated, ( past the fifth grade level), CAUSE and EFFECT. And rightists would allow women to wear shoes, not be pregnant, and not be beaten because they believe in equal rights, not making slack for those who cant seem to fulfill our need for stability and rather not working, beating spouses, starving their children, etc, etc.. in the name of equality. We make amendments to our standards to allow everyone in the world a peice of the pie and as a result we get their culture...go figure.

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Guest Warwick Green
Warwick Green

You wrote- " And women would be back to being beaten, barefoot and pregnant."

Hell no, that's changed.

We want them educated, well fed, well dressed making lots of moolah not babies.

Well, there are exceptions like Gregg.

...and cook the meals and wash the dishes too.

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Guest Warwick Green
Government commission to explore the need for understanding between the muslims who hate gays, abortion and women's rights and gays, abotionists and women.

And if Righties ran the world Islam, homosexuality and abortion would all be banned and women would be back to being beaten, barefoot and pregnant. :)

If you mean that, you must not be in contact with righties real often. Most of the people I know are conservative and none wants an absolute ban on any of those things. And every man I know would beat even his best friend if he found the guy hit his wife.

We're not averse to change. We just don't think the world should bend over backwards to the minority.

I'm conservative myself and I think one of the biggest problems conservatism has is to keep the right wing extremists at bay. Although my comment was tongue in cheek there are a lot of whackos out there - Larry Spencer who wanted to imprison gays or the Toronto printer who refuses to serve them. The real hard-core right want a complete ban on abortion, all gay rights to be rescinded and the Christian religion to be given special constitutional status. Some of them tried to hijack the tory policy conference a year ago.

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Government commission to explore the need for understanding between the muslims who hate gays, abortion and women's rights and gays, abotionists and women.

And if Righties ran the world Islam, homosexuality and abortion would all be banned and women would be back to being beaten, barefoot and pregnant. :)

If you mean that, you must not be in contact with righties real often. Most of the people I know are conservative and none wants an absolute ban on any of those things. And every man I know would beat even his best friend if he found the guy hit his wife.

We're not averse to change. We just don't think the world should bend over backwards to the minority.

I'm conservative myself and I think one of the biggest problems conservatism has is to keep the right wing extremists at bay. Although my comment was tongue in cheek there are a lot of whackos out there - Larry Spencer who wanted to imprison gays or the Toronto printer who refuses to serve them. The real hard-core right want a complete ban on abortion, all gay rights to be rescinded and the Christian religion to be given special constitutional status. Some of them tried to hijack the tory policy conference a year ago.

Every part of society, be it political, religious or otherwise has its zealots. The trick is to ignore them. Instead each side assumes the extremes are the average and they proceed to insult each other on that basis.

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Guest Warwick Green
Every part of society, be it political, religious or otherwise has its zealots. The trick is to ignore them. Instead each side assumes the extremes are the average and they proceed to insult each other on that basis.

Not ignore them. Marginalize them. The socons tried to take over the CPC. Harper nullified them at the policy convention and later made it clear that he will use his influence to prevent any anti-abortion bills being introduced into the HofC. He had to give them a bone though and that was to revisit SSM which, in the whole gay rights debate, is giving them the sleeves out of his vest.

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These are people who would protest anything remotely close to infringing on someone's rights.

I would argue it is not a bad thign to protest when Human rights are being violated, and I would however argue it is a bad thign to treat rights so frivolously that we can mock people who defend them. You have made no qualifications to what sorts of people are being defended or actions only that lefties like to protest against anything that comes remotely close to infringing on Human rights, I would rather see protest against Rights violations then see rights violations themselves.

(Most of these same people were slapped around in school for being a little off)

Insults are the ammunition of the unintelligent - do not use them. It is okay to criticize a policy, decision, action or comment. Such criticism is part of healthy debate. It is not okay to criticize a person's character or directly insult them, regardless of their position or actions. Derogatory terms such as "loser", "idiot", etc are not permitted unless the context clearly implies that it is not serious. Rule of thumb: Play the ball, not the person (i.e. tackle the argument, not the person making it).

They will staunchly defend a cause, not for the validity of the cause, mainly because they need a cause!

I suggests that you refrain from making such implications, they are implications you are not capable of making and you are not capable of defending. It would be just as inflamatory for me to say all right wingers need a global massacre because they like to see children being killed, cut the B.S

Yet when an important thing like free speech versus running scared from crazed muslims, they bow down in fear and denounce anyone who would dare print some stupid ass cartoons, that has the whole muslin world up in arms!

Well I think this would best describe the sentiments of the majority of Canadians wether left right or center. The Truth is that "Free speech is a right that all Canadians enjoy; Canadians also have the right to voice their opinions... but we regret the publication of this material in several media outlets. While we understand this issue is divisive, we wish that people be respectful of the beliefs of others. And we commend the Canadian Muslim community for voicing its opinion peacefully, respectfully and democratically.

Their need to argue against traditions in marriage or religion is trumped by fear of attack(by irate muslims)!

I do not belive the goal of the positionis to oppose tradition, it happens to be that Gay Marrige is apparently not traditional and by supporting Gay Marrige you are supporting something that tends to go against "Traditional Values" I am afraid you are already Starting with a mis charachterization. But for that Matter Canada is not Governed by Tradition, Canada is not ruled by Religion Canada is a country Governed by the people under a set of Laws, not under a religion and not under a tradition but by the people under laws, laws that should be followed.

It is also funny that you blame the left for fearing "Irrate Muslims", when is it not most Conservatives who in a fear of terrorists, generally stereotyped as very Irrate Muslims, have violated their own laws of the land

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Of course in this case the right is very quick to argue it is justified, it is justified to violate such laws. But when the left asks for some tolerance to be shown, some respect to be shown, you have a problem with it. You will find that one of many things that seperates us from tyranical despots tends to be toleration and moderation, and yet in the fight against such people were are throwing that to the dogs.

It certainly begs the question....how does a rookie lefty distinguish causes to support or protest?

Well the left isn't so monolithic so that everyone holds the same opinions, so I am sure they can figure out their own personal beliefs for themselves, and they can take action based on that.

They have no clear path or leader,

Damned if you do damned if you don't, there are hundreds of millions of people in North America, probabley half of which could be carachterized as being left wing, it is not neccesary, practical, or even benificial to ensure that all these people walk, talk, and act like each other...who knew lefties the defenders of individuality.

they merely jump from cause of the day to the latest "human rights" trendy protest without following anything through!

Confusing enough to make ignoring them to be the better way!!!

That is such a load, I think the better way would be for you to take a one month vacation.


Opinions are still allowed on this forum. Most of this was not direct insults to lefties, it was a generalization.

I was merely telling Monty that many lefties on this forum are not worth arguing with, because they can't see the forest for the trees.

How about this Slav, I will not deny your ability to have an opinion and you do the same???

If Greg does not like what I say then he will suspend me, it's not for you to decide. You are a tarnished lefty with a hardon for people not from your side of the political spectrum.

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  • Forum Admin

Come on guys, this whole thread was troll bait and everyone of you knows it.

It's everyone's responsibility not to contribute to these types of generalizations about ideologies. Saying all lefties are this, and all righties are that, is a massive generatization and its kinda ridiculous.

Talk about substantive issues not generalizations.

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