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My Goodness, the world hasn't come to an end!


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Scrap the cbc

Don't you mean the CLBC?

Canadian Liberal Broadcasting Company.

One could also call it LATV. Liberal Apologist TeleVision.

It's sort of like the NAALCP in the US.

National Association for the Advancement of Liberal Colored People.

If you think I am wrong. Just watch them go on the attack whenever Bush offers a minority judical nominee. Its sick really.

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Ann Coulter is nasty, on sooooo many levels. Her views are reprehensible, self-centered and childish.

Here is a very interesting column, albeit not very politically correct, by a U.S. leftie on Salon.com.

Salon.com Coulter article...


She isn't bad looking I'll tell you that...

And Shoop proves his point by linking to a nasty, on sooooo many levels, article filled with personal vitriol about the sex life of a conservative commentator and writer.

Just imagine the reaction if a conservative website featured such a personal attack on the sex life of a female Democratic commentator and writer...

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FTA Lawyer:

P.S. Heil Harper!

That's the same thing that the CBC had on their news the other day--it was a "mistake", they said.

I sent an email to their ombudsman. That's twice they pulled that Nazi crap on Harper in the last month and a half.

It's outrageous that rightwingers are FORCED to pay for the CBC's ultra-left propaganda.

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Thank God he only got a minority. He's basically a eunuch.

Relax Newbie. You will like living in a country governed by conservatives. You get to stay up late at night drinking blood, and if you go to the movies and produce your National Evil Organization of Conservative Obscene No-goodniks (NEOCON) membership card, you get a free small soda. :)

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Man you gotta chill.

FTA and I have both been sympathetic to the CPC on this board. Just because we find the American neocon's too much for us doesn't mean that we can't support the CPC.

Just imagine the reaction if a conservative website featured such a personal attack on the sex life of a female Democratic commentator and writer...

If you would have actually read the comments to the article instead of just throwing your little tantrum you would have seen that there was quite the negative reaction to the article.

It's outrageous that rightwingers are FORCED to pay for the CBC's ultra-left propaganda.

Completely, and 100% agreed.

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Man you gotta chill.

FTA and I have both been sympathetic to the CPC on this board. Just because we find the American neocon's too much for us doesn't mean that we can't support the CPC.

Just imagine the reaction if a conservative website featured such a personal attack on the sex life of a female Democratic commentator and writer...

If you would have actually read the comments to the article instead of just throwing your little tantrum you would have seen that there was quite the negative reaction to the article.

It's outrageous that rightwingers are FORCED to pay for the CBC's ultra-left propaganda.

Completely, and 100% agreed.

Shoop, I admit that Ann Coulter is a bomb-thrower, but that is why I like her. I like the fact that someone on my side is willing to get as down and dirty as the Democrats are. I'm tired of the right constantly taking the high road and letting the left walk all over them. However, if you step back and look at what Coulter writes, she is usually dead-on.

FTA does nothing but insult conservatives. Also, I find it odd that you claim to be centre-right, but attack one of the most popular conservative writers, Mark Steyn, who is so respected that even the partisan media watchdog (Media Matters) can only come up with one complaint against Steyn--who pumps out an article about every 2nd day.

You previously linked to a Islamic terrorist sympathizing website to prove that Steyn was "bad".

You previously told me not to link to the Western Standard, a conservative website in Western Canada.

And now you link to a 3 page article mocking Coulter's sex life to prove how bad she is.

And you tell me to chill? :o

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Aaah, trouble in paradise boys?

Oh Newbie. You just don't get it. We are not collectivists. Us rightwingers DO sometimes argue amongst ourselves; we are usually individualists, no lockstepping.

Eg, Ann Coulter: A list of favorite rightwing authors/columinsts will have Ann Coulter in the Top 10. However, a list of least favorite rightwing authors/columinsts will also have Ann Coulter in the Top 10.

The right is partisan like everybody else, but not as nearly partisan as the left. I bet if Bush found a cure for cancer, you would still attack him....even call him a neocon, even though most of you have no clue what a neoconservative is...and no, it is not code for Jew.

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Man you gotta chill.

FTA and I have both been sympathetic to the CPC on this board. Just because we find the American neocon's too much for us doesn't mean that we can't support the CPC.

Just imagine the reaction if a conservative website featured such a personal attack on the sex life of a female Democratic commentator and writer...

If you would have actually read the comments to the article instead of just throwing your little tantrum you would have seen that there was quite the negative reaction to the article.

It's outrageous that rightwingers are FORCED to pay for the CBC's ultra-left propaganda.

Completely, and 100% agreed.

Shoop, I admit that Ann Coulter is a bomb-thrower, but that is why I like her. I like the fact that someone on my side is willing to get as down and dirty as the Democrats are. I'm tired of the right constantly taking the high road and letting the left walk all over them. However, if you step back and look at what Coulter writes, she is usually dead-on.

FTA does nothing but insult conservatives. Also, I find it odd that you claim to be centre-right, but attack one of the most popular conservative writers, Mark Steyn, who is so respected that even the partisan media watchdog (Media Matters) can only come up with one complaint against Steyn--who pumps out an article about every 2nd day.

You previously linked to a Islamic terrorist sympathizing website to prove that Steyn was "bad".

You previously told me not to link to the Western Standard, a conservative website in Western Canada.

And now you link to a 3 page article mocking Coulter's sex life to prove how bad she is.

And you tell me to chill? :o

this is a dandy.. can you please cite one example of the Democrates being "dirty" or throwing out blatant lies like Coulter does?

And the Republicans (or conservatives) taking the highroad? hilarious.

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Man you gotta chill.

FTA and I have both been sympathetic to the CPC on this board. Just because we find the American neocon's too much for us doesn't mean that we can't support the CPC.

Just imagine the reaction if a conservative website featured such a personal attack on the sex life of a female Democratic commentator and writer...

If you would have actually read the comments to the article instead of just throwing your little tantrum you would have seen that there was quite the negative reaction to the article.

It's outrageous that rightwingers are FORCED to pay for the CBC's ultra-left propaganda.

Completely, and 100% agreed.

Shoop, I admit that Ann Coulter is a bomb-thrower, but that is why I like her. I like the fact that someone on my side is willing to get as down and dirty as the Democrats are. I'm tired of the right constantly taking the high road and letting the left walk all over them. However, if you step back and look at what Coulter writes, she is usually dead-on.

FTA does nothing but insult conservatives. Also, I find it odd that you claim to be centre-right, but attack one of the most popular conservative writers, Mark Steyn, who is so respected that even the partisan media watchdog (Media Matters) can only come up with one complaint against Steyn--who pumps out an article about every 2nd day.

You previously linked to a Islamic terrorist sympathizing website to prove that Steyn was "bad".

You previously told me not to link to the Western Standard, a conservative website in Western Canada.

And now you link to a 3 page article mocking Coulter's sex life to prove how bad she is.

And you tell me to chill? :o

this is a dandy.. can you please cite one example of the Democrates being "dirty" or throwing out blatant lies like Coulter does?

And the Republicans (or conservatives) taking the highroad? hilarious.

ahh.. erm.. Howard Stern?

I'm a lefty and that statement you just made opened us up for a hella lot of flaming.. because that was just ignorant.

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The more centrist Canadian right really don't like your Coulter's, Mark Steyn's and Levant's.

We would, at times, be more comfortable in the Democratic Party. That is why it is equally sad to see Al Gore's outburst against our win.

But the hard right have to realize that the centrist-right is needed to maintain power in Canada. We were on the cusp of a majority but didn't get it. One has to wonder if *fear* of the further right played a role in the narrow miss...

Eg, Ann Coulter: A list of favorite rightwing authors/columinsts will have Ann Coulter in the Top 10. However, a list of least favorite rightwing authors/columinsts will also have Ann Coulter in the Top 10.

The right is partisan like everybody else, but not as nearly partisan as the left. I bet if Bush found a cure for cancer, you would still attack him....even call him a neocon, even though most of you have no clue what a neoconservative is...and no, it is not code for Jew.

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The right is partisan like everybody else, but not as nearly partisan as the left. I bet if Bush found a cure for cancer, you would still attack him....even call him a neocon, even though most of you have no clue what a neoconservative is...and no, it is not code for Jew.

I know what a neocon is, and it's not an attack word. To suggest that it is gives the impression you don't have a clue what it means.

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Time to lose the aroogance BM. You are in opposition now.
I know what a neocon is, and it's not an attack word. To suggest that it is gives the impression you don't have a clue what it means.

What's arrogant? I just don't understand neocons saying "neocon" is a dirty word.

And I've always been in opposition. I vote NDP. Though I live in Manitoba, where we rule supreme. :P

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It's all good.. Americans use the term liberal like its dirty, and we use the term neo-con like its dirty.

Blah blah noone careess

Ah, Americans in like Mississippi use the term like it is dirty, not your average American...

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You've used it like it was pretty dirty, TML. :D

For sure I have... :P

I respect the NDP and NDP voters (like you Bubber) and I think I have mentioned that I met Jack Layton and thought he was a pretty cool guy.

I just don't like the Liberals and their anti-American propaganda and I don't like the state Canada is in today...

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Memories of Y2K.

I was laughing last night when CBC media (from the East primarily) seemed genuinely upset by our new Gov.

Many journalists conveyed a less than positive slant to their "non-partisan" responsabilities, suggesting that the Liberals just needed a time-out to regroup and take Canada by storm again?.........soon.

Who was suggesting the world would come to an end? ANOTHER mariage debatre, joining BMD, and deficit spending is hardly the end of the world!

And it's funny that you say the media suggested the Liberals needed a "time-out" and call that a liberal slant. Wasn't a "time out" one of the attack lines against the Libs? :rolleyes:

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However, if you step back and look at what Coulter writes, she is usually dead-on.


The "Wisdom" of Ann Coulter

Coulter is spinning her downfall as a new kind of terrorist-war McCarthyism. "People are hysterical about speech right now," she told The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz. "Everyone's comments are being taken out of context and wildly misinterpreted." At the risk of further de-contextualization, here are some of Coulter's past comments:

"[Clinton] masturbates in the sinks."---Rivera Live 8/2/99

"God gave us the earth. We have dominion over the plants, the animals, the trees. God said, 'Earth is yours. Take it. Rape it. It's yours.'"---Hannity & Colmes, 6/20/01

The "backbone of the Democratic Party" is a "typical fat, implacable welfare recipient"---syndicated column 10/29/99

To a disabled Vietnam vet: "People like you caused us to lose that war."---MSNBC

Isn't she just the most balanced journalist you've ever heard? :rolleyes::wacko:

She's not only a menace in the minds of Canadians, but in the minds of aware Americans as well.

Media Matters

the U.S. State Department website notes:

The bilateral relationship between the United States and Canada is perhaps the closest and most extensive in the world. It is reflected in the staggering volume of trade--the equivalent of over $1 billion a day in goods, services, and investment income--and people, more than 200 million a year crossing the U.S.-Canadian border. In fields ranging from law enforcement cooperation to environmental cooperation to free trade, the two countries have set the standard by which many other countries measure their own progress.

Below are excerpts from Coulter's and Carlson's Canada-bashing.

From the November 30 edition of FOX News' Hannity & Colmes:

COULTER: Conservatives, as a general matter, take the position that you should not punish your friends and reward your enemies. And Canada has become trouble recently.

It's -- I suppose it's always, I might add, the worst Americans who end up going there. The Tories after the Revolutionary War, the Vietnam draft dodgers after Vietnam. And now after this election, you have the blue-state people moving up there.

Her "humour" is harmful, not funny. She is not a journalist nor a commentator. She is an opinionated, vile, closed-minded human being. Those who admire and emulate her are also opinionated and close-minded.

This whore has help to divide the people of her country. She's called liberals and democrats (her friggin' brother/sister citizens) the worst, most vile things that's ever come out of anyone's mouth.

For the record. Howard Stern sucks.

I am not a "lefty". :P

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There are a lot of *deservedly* negative connotations with the term neocon. However, there are a lot of supporters of the CPC that definitely aren't neocon. It is arrogant for you to automatically assume that you can insult somebody with a name that doesn't support them. Arrogant for you to be to lazy to actually look at true neocons as only party of the new CPC. Arrogant for you to dismiss honest debate with a word that automatically turns people off .... pinko! :lol:

What's arrogant? I just don't understand neocons saying "neocon" is a dirty word.
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Her "humour" is harmful, not funny. She is not a journalist nor a commentator. She is an opinionated, vile, closed-minded human being. Those who admire and emulate her are also opinionated and close-minded.

This whore has help to divide the people of her country. She's called liberals and democrats (her friggin' brother/sister citizens) the worst, most vile things that's ever come out of anyone's mouth.

For the record. Howard Stern sucks.

I am not a "lefty". :P

What's the difference between a commentator and someone who's merely opinionated? I guess, that a commentator gets paid for her opinion. Which is what Coulter does.

I don't know of anyone who emulates Coulter. She certainly emulates others, many of whom write for the comments section on Kos, and Zuniga himself. If you want to read vile bile, that's a good place to start looking. As I've said before, it's easy for me to imagine Coulter switching sides and attacking Republicans without missing a beat, based strictly on her style.

Howard Stern has had his moments of comic genius, but they're buried under heaping mounds of crap. I don't understand why anyone would consider him a liberal though. He practically worshipped Giuliani. His anti-conservative stance is directed at the christian control freaks and their enablers in the FCC, a stance which is for him mostly self-interested (as opposed to idealistic).

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