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Are we witnessing a turning point in our history?


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For most of the history of this country we have had the least amount of democracy of any

modern western democratic country.

No other country except several dictatorships have had so much power in the hands of so

few for so long. For example the PM has:

Total control over his MP's who need the PM's OK to even run as a candidate rather than the riding's OK

Buck the PM and forget any political future.

Total control of the GG and the upper chamber which is primarily appointed by him.

Total control of the pig trough - all the cushy jobs and appointments.

Total control of who is appointed to the Supreme court.

Total control over areas that our constitution has decreed to be provincial matters by holding the pursestrings.

Total control over internal ethics and auditors, up until very recently.

Total control over election dates which gives him a huge unfair advantage over the outcome.

Total control over his party's private propaganda medium - CBC which is paid for by us all.

COnsiderable control over the rest of the media as it is owned by a very few rich mostly friendly folks.

Total control over lobbyiests by being able to award contracts without the bother of tenders.

Where were the checks and balances?

When has a serious candidate for PM of Canada EVER campaigned on a promise to limit these very powers

that he could now use and abuse. And additionally promote such things a free votes and ( though not recently)


Add to the above, the increasing power of the internet and of bloggers to force the media to be more balanced

and we will surely have a stronger cleaner country that we can all be proud of and involved in.

Your thoughts.....................

I am not a member of any political party but am intensely in favour of free speech and true democracy.

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Where were the checks and balances?

Canada is a federation. Provincial and federal governments share power. The provinces are the first check on absolute power in Ottawa.

In addition, it may be possible that we are seeing a viable two party system emerging in Canada. The Liberals were only in power for 12 years, from 1993 to 2006. Previously, they were in power from 1962-84 (excepting Clark's 9 months).

I know that many English-Canadians are concerned about the Tory's social conservatism and what this would mean if they form a government. But Canadian history has been pre-occupied with a larger question.

If Stephen Harper manages to get 25% of the vote in Quebec and elects 10 MPs, it will be the first time in Canadian history that we have a French-speaking Protestant Anglophone as PM, and it will be the first time that a PM from outside of Quebec has won seats in Quebec without completely deputizing party affairs to a so-called lieutenant.

Ideology does not drive Canadian politics; regionalism does.

But let's see what happens on Monday, and in particular whether Harper can form a government, and whether it will be a majority or not. The fat lady hasn't yet started to sing.

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Where were the checks and balances?

Canada is a federation. Provincial and federal governments share power. The provinces are the first check on absolute power in Ottawa.

You are both right. The Provinces are the only real check on absolute power in Ottawa. Even worse they are almost the only check on the PMO itself.

Our MP's have reneged on their responsibility to their electors, either in the hope of favours from the big boss or in fear of his wrath. Why? Because they won't stick up for each other when their parliamentary rights and responsibilities are threatened by their own leader.

At Westminster the only real matter of confidence is a budget. Until our Parliament is the same it will remain an autocracy in fact if not in name.

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Total control over his MP's who need the PM's OK to even run as a candidate rather than the riding's OK

Buck the PM and forget any political future.

Do you seriously believe that Stephen Harper has no control over his MPs? Do you seriously believe that Gurmant Grewal's repeated defiance of Harper had nothing to do with him ultimately not running? Do you seriously believe that Grewal, who had been in full campaign mode one day then suddenly declared his noncandidacy the next day, did so spontaneously? If so, I have a large bridge to sell you.

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Even you, August, who I credit for being one of the few really intelligent posters, do not understand Canada's power relations. The Provinces are not just a check: they are the power.

The federal government has little domestic power. It has only the power to tax and to negotiate the spending of the tax moneys with the provinces in almost every area of domestic jurisdiction.It is beyond me to understand how all these politically interested people who post on boards like this cannot grasp that simple reality.

The greatest danger of Harper is that he is determined to devolve that spending power to the Provinces. It is not jurisdicitons he wants to devolve - devolve is the wrong word, btw, since there is nothing to devolve. He intends to remove the only unifying power that the federal government has - the power of money.

With that goes the risk of losing all of Canada's social programes to a hodge-podge of Provincial programmes that will change with the whims of the Provincial governments of the day.

I have never actually thought of Harper as a villain: just as a driven, obsessed man who knows not the consequences of the realization of his beliefs on his fellow men.

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"\" It has only the power to tax and to negotiate the spending of the tax moneys with the provinces... "/"

Negotiate? Are you sure you didn't mean blackmail? We (Alberta) send billions to Ottawa, and then have to beg to get money back for social programs that are PROVINCIAL RESPONSIBILITY. Want fairness? Send us a receipt for the programs you spend money on, and we'll issue you an expense check. There, done.

Losing programs to the "whims" of the provinces? Are you saying that the elected provincial governments are inept at managing their programs? Even the NDP governments? Or was that just the "fend for yourselves" conservative ones?

Alberta's health care system is the best and most efficient in Canada. I speak from ongoing experience. So should I be happy if Ottawa wants to micro-manage it? I think not.

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Hydra had more than one head. See whether you can find your other one: the one that should be used for thinking.

Then, you might see what I posted and wrap your brain around it.

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Do Albertans lament the lack of democracy in their province, what with the Conservatives halfway through their 400-year period of unchallenged power?

LOL! Unchallenged power? LOL!

They're challenged every election cycle. I guess its the CPOC's fault nobody ever produced a candidate with ideas that Albertans could vote for?


Every 4 years Albertans demcratically choose conservatives.

But I guess to Liberals its just not democratic unless they get elected.

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Hydra had more than one head. See whether you can find your other one: the one that should be used for thinking.

Then, you might see what I posted and wrap your brain around it.

Man, I'm at a loss. I got nothing. Your insult has tramatized me.

I re-read your post, and I stand by my comments. If you firmly believe that the fed's deal with provinces as a "big, friendly brother" that guides decisions, that is your right. I, however, believe that the current system is heavy handed federally, and unfair to boot. Differences in opinion.

Now, if you would like to cast insults around like Liberal AdScam funds, I can play that game too. Just let me know and we'll flip for who starts.

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First this from a conservative supporter:

For most of the history of this country we have had the least amount of democracy of any

modern western democratic country.

No other country except several dictatorships have had so much power in the hands of so

few for so long.

Then this from a conservative supporter:

They're challenged every election cycle. I guess its the CPOC's fault nobody ever produced a candidate with ideas that Albertans could vote for?


Every 4 years Albertans demcratically choose conservatives

In the minds of conservatives:

Federally, we are a dictatorship because the majority have voted Liberal for so long.

Provincially, we are NOT a dictatorship because the majority have voted Conservative for so long.

Hullo? you guys make me laugh out loud!

You say Canada is a dictatorship because the majority has voted Liberal, yet you say Alberta isn't a dictatorship even though the same party has been in power for "soooo long" LOL!

You say "Every 4 years... blah blah blah. Well, same thing federally you sillies! Every election we are able to vote for the party of our choice. Ooohhh, but it MUST be a dictatorship. Booga booga! LOL

Y'all see the hypocracy?

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First this from a conservative supporter:
For most of the history of this country we have had the least amount of democracy of any

modern western democratic country.

No other country except several dictatorships have had so much power in the hands of so

few for so long.

Then this from a conservative supporter:

They're challenged every election cycle. I guess its the CPOC's fault nobody ever produced a candidate with ideas that Albertans could vote for?


Every 4 years Albertans demcratically choose conservatives

1. In the minds of conservatives:

Federally, we are a dictatorship because the majority have voted Liberal for so long?

Provincially, we are NOT a dictatorship because the majority have voted Conservative for so long?

2. Hullo? you guys make me laugh out loud!

You say Canada is a dictatorship because the majority has voted Liberal, yet you say Alberta isn't a dictatorship even though the same party has been in power for "soooo long" LOL!

3. You say "Every 4 years... blah blah blah. Well, same thing federally you sillies! Every election we are able to vote for the party of our choice. Ooohhh, but it MUST be a dictatorship. Booga booga! LOL

For the life of me I can't figure out why anyone would vote for the Liberal Party in its current implementation. But the Liberal Party hasn't always been wrong for Canada. Their ideas on the economic side aren't all that different than those of Conservatives. When there wasn't an acceptable Conservative candidate they used to be the no-brainer alternative. They do have some good ideas.

Misguided (IMO) voters do not make this a dictatorship. I won't lie and say that Liberal majorities are the best of times for partisan Conservatives. But a dictatorship? Hardly.

You may find a conservative here and there that will fall into such a badly set trap as the Liberals will find people to fall for their fear and smear--but not this one.

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Make no mistake.

Alberta is currently a democratically elected dictatorship. Klein, who I used to support, has been in power too long and reminds me too closely of Johnny Crouton. We need either a new leader, or a new party in power, or both.

I don't know as much about politics out on the west, but I do know that wouldn't happen if another party could present an acceptable alternative.

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Make no mistake.

Alberta is currently a democratically elected dictatorship. Klein, who I used to support, has been in power too long and reminds me too closely of Johnny Crouton. We need either a new leader, or a new party in power, or both.

I don't know as much about politics out on the west, but I do know that wouldn't happen if another party could present an acceptable alternative.

You hit it on the head. NDP's in this province are a nothing. Never will be. The provincial Liberals always campaign on the "we're not them" platform. And therefore, will not be in power in the forseeable future.

Am I the only one that sees the remarkable parallel between AB provincial and Canadian federal situations?

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I agree, I'm disgusted at the Liberals, but am not ready to vote for the Conservatives. I'm economically conservative and socially liberal. Note the small c and small l.

Social conservatives (the right wing this would include the CHP) would legislate morality. Economic liberals (the left wing, this would include the NDP, the marijuana party) would have us all getting 2 grand a month on welfare.

Harper has come along way from his extreme right of centre social views. Whether or not he still harbours those views remains to be seen.

He certainly has become more economically liberal -- offering people a hundred bucks to screw (that will piss me off forever!)

Does this piss off any other economically conservative voters?

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Harper has pulled some bonehead moves in policy. $100? Why bother. As to whether or not he harbours "extremist right wing values", who cares? Does anyone actually believe that he will assume the Throne and strike down anyone that does not agree with him? He's not that strong. And never will be.

Let us not forget, we (political parties included) are Canadians. In the big scope of world wide politics, we are ALL left of center. Bickering over degrees is pointless.

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You're correct Hydra.

The one real benefit for me personally come Tuesday morning (I'm assuming the Conservatives will win with at the least, a minority) is that my boss (a Conservative) will be a very happy man! And a happy boss makes life grrreat.


The beauty of our system is the fact that we will have MP's from all the parties representing us in Parliament. THAT, my friends, is real democracy!

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You're correct Hydra.

The one real benefit for me personally come Tuesday morning (I'm assuming the Conservatives will win with at the least, a minority) is that my boss (a Conservative) will be a very happy man! And a happy boss makes life grrreat.


The beauty of our system is the fact that we will have MP's from all the parties representing us in Parliament. THAT, my friends, is real democracy!

Except no MP's from the Pot Party. And I really was looking forward to the giggling and Dorito eating during Question Period.

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Total control over his MP's who need the PM's OK to even run as a candidate rather than the riding's OK

Buck the PM and forget any political future.

In a parlimentary system a PM remains in place only because the party allows him to. In theory, any PM can be removed at any time by the other members of that party in parliment. In practice this does not happen because of the political structures within parties.

If we are giving that much power to parties in our system maybe we should impose certain standards on how parties should operate and some rules to ensure the leader of the party cannot rule like an absolute monarch. This could also include some needed reforms of the candidate nomination process.

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I agree, I'm disgusted at the Liberals, but am not ready to vote for the Conservatives. I'm economically conservative and socially liberal. Note the small c and small l.
Drea, if you look at my past posts you will see that I have been a rather ardent supporter of the Liberals and Paul Martin. I also have serious concerns about the social conservatives in the CPC. On the other hand, I have serious concerns about the lack of vision and focus demonstrated by Martin the last 16 months. I came to the conclusion that I should support the conservatives in this election because:

1) Harper is a pragmatist. He is a person that is driven by certain principals, however, he also realizes that politics requires compromise. For that reason, I feel Harper will not let his caucus hijack his economic agenda with social issues.

2) National unity. The Liberals have disgraced the federalist option in Quebec. No amount of hand wringing about how Martin was not really involved will change that. The Conservatives are the only party that has a chance of convincing Quebequers that federalism is worth preserving.

3) The conservatives can be voted out. Any policy enacted by even a majority conservative gov't can be reversed by the next gov't. So if the conservatives try impose policies that goes against the principals of the majority of Canadians then they will not get re-elected and those policies will be reversed.

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Come on, eureka, I'm waiting...

Let's throw away the thoughtful debate process and get right to the name calling.

I'll wait.

*throws some popcorn in the microwave*

I fully plan on treating Monday like the super bowl. A few of my more nerdy friends will be coming over and we'll be drinking beer after beer watching the election results roll in.

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Harper has come along way from his extreme right of centre social views.

He has??? Wasn't it less than two months ago thatr Harper announced in Vancouver that he would not reintroduce the decriminalization of marijuana legislation favoured by the NDP, BQ, Liberals and two thirds of the Canadian population? In other words, Harper still favours permanent criminal records and jail time for possession of a few grams of marijuana. You don't think this zero tolerance US social policy is extreme?

How about Harper's opposition to C-250? Most Canadians I suspect view killing a man merely because he's gay as a hate crime. But not Stephen Harper. He fears that will result in the Bible being banned. Now that's extreme even by religious nut standards.

Other than no longer speaking publicly about his extremely conservative social views, what evidence is there that he has changed his position on any of them?

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Harper has come along way from his extreme right of centre social views.

He has??? Wasn't it less than two months ago thatr Harper announced in Vancouver that he would not reintroduce the decriminalization of marijuana legislation favoured by the NDP, BQ, Liberals and two thirds of the Canadian population? In other words, Harper still favours permanent criminal records and jail time for possession of a few grams of marijuana. You don't think this zero tolerance US social policy is extreme?

How about Harper's opposition to C-250? Most Canadians I suspect view killing a man merely because he's gay as a hate crime. But not Stephen Harper. He fears that will result in the Bible being banned. Now that's extreme even by religious nut standards.

Other than no longer speaking publicly about his extremely conservative social views, what evidence is there that he has changed his position on any of them?



Since when is decrimalizing marijuana such a mainstream view? Among people my age (20s) and I personally support it but most people I know 40 and over don't.

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