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Canadians bashing Canadians

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You are inferring that you served in Nam, if so, I respect your service but,,, what does that have to do with you starting this thread off with bull sh*t about losing licenses and being put on no fly lists, and crap about “threatening the planet”. Doesn’t sound too patriotic to me.

So in your view, patriotism is about agreeing with everything the current administration says or does?

There is a difference between "agreeing with everything " and bring up FALSE claims about 'attacks on rights' in the US.

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There is a difference between "agreeing with everything " and bring up FALSE claims about 'attacks on rights' in the US.

What's false? the "no-fly" lists exist and it seems like peopel are being placed on it for no reason other than being critical of the Bush administration. Also, may I direct your attention over here to the thread dealing with the N.S.A's warrantless surveillance program. It seems like many Americans are concerned about the effect of the "war on terror" on civil rights. I don't think that makes them unpatriotic.

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Instead of "getting annoyed with the trashing," ask yourself how much of it is justified. I have American relatives and friends who are far more vocal in their criticisms. They are not happy to see the promise of America disappearing. They are not happy with the continuing decline into domestic brutality and international irresponsibility.

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Instead of "getting annoyed with the trashing," ask yourself how much of it is justified. I have American relatives and friends who are far more vocal in their criticisms. They are not happy to see the promise of America disappearing. They are not happy with the continuing decline into domestic brutality and international irresponsibility.

"the promise of America disappearing" is nothing but liberal hype that is not based in fact. The Bush admin is well within it's rights to do what they have done during a time of war. As a matter of fact, previous admins have gone much further in regards to treading on civial rights but you won't hear that b/c it won't help the dems get into office.

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"the promise of America disappearing" is nothing but liberal hype that is not based in fact. The Bush admin is well within it's rights to do what they have done during a time of war. As a matter of fact, previous admins have gone much further in regards to treading on civial rights but you won't hear that b/c it won't help the dems get into office.

It may not be disappearing but it seems to be changing into an aristocracy where the people in power are rich, have no ethics or morals and ignore the law.

An equivalent situation to that which provoked the American revolution.

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"the promise of America disappearing" is nothing but liberal hype that is not based in fact. The Bush admin is well within it's rights to do what they have done during a time of war. As a matter of fact, previous admins have gone much further in regards to treading on civial rights but you won't hear that b/c it won't help the dems get into office.

It may not be disappearing but it seems to be changing into an aristocracy where the people in power are rich, have no ethics or morals and ignore the law.

An equivalent situation to that which provoked the American revolution.

You should use "oligarchy" for a country run by the rich. The "no ethics or morals and ignore the law" is crap.

No, the American revolution had nothing to do with a do with what you just layed out.

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the promise of America disappearing" is nothing but liberal hype that is not based in fact. The Bush admin is well within it's rights to do what they have done during a time of war.

Well, you're just plan wrong. Despite the Republican notion that the President has absolute power to do pretty much anything he wants in "wartime" (including spying on Americans, holding U.S. citizens without trial or charge indefinitely, torturing captives etc), and the contortions they go through to "prove" that the president is the law, such is not the case.

As a matter of fact, previous admins have gone much further in regards to treading on civial rights but you won't hear that b/c it won't help the dems get into office.

I don't think there has ever been an adminstration as corrupt and as authoritarian in its leanings as the current one. No administration in history (save perhaps one) has embraced unlimited, unchecked Excutive power the way this gang has. That's what makes them scary.

You should use "oligarchy" for a country run by the rich.

Seems like an appopriate appelation for a country run by a millionaire son of a milionaire who's inner circle consists entirely of millionaires.

The "no ethics or morals and ignore the law" is crap.

You should try advancing a real argument sometime.

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the promise of America disappearing" is nothing but liberal hype that is not based in fact. The Bush admin is well within it's rights to do what they have done during a time of war.

Well, you're just plan wrong. Despite the Republican notion that the President has absolute power to do pretty much anything he wants in "wartime" (including spying on Americans, holding U.S. citizens without trial or charge indefinitely, torturing captives etc), and the contortions they go through to "prove" that the president is the law, such is not the case.

As a matter of fact, previous admins have gone much further in regards to treading on civial rights but you won't hear that b/c it won't help the dems get into office.

I don't think there has ever been an adminstration as corrupt and as authoritarian in its leanings as the current one. No administration in history (save perhaps one) has embraced unlimited, unchecked Excutive power the way this gang has. That's what makes them scary.

You should use "oligarchy" for a country run by the rich.

Seems like an appopriate appelation for a country run by a millionaire son of a milionaire who's inner circle consists entirely of millionaires.

The "no ethics or morals and ignore the law" is crap.

You should try advancing a real argument sometime.

FRD and Lincoln both went much further in suspending civial rights. But since your so smart you probably already knew that but, just forgot to mention it.

"Despite the Republican notion that the President has absolute power" - BS statement, not worth breaking down.

Is Canada any less run by the mega rich? Martin from what i remember was a very wealth man before he took office. I'd say, a vast majority of the world leaders were very well off before they took office.

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FRD and Lincoln both went much further in suspending civial rights. But since your so smart you probably already knew that but, just forgot to mention it.

Neither FDR or Abe ever went as far as to claim unlimited executive power during wartime (especially during a war against a concept).

"Despite the Republican notion that the President has absolute power" - BS statement, not worth breaking down.

But that's precisely what Republicans ar eclaiming:

In both the War Powers Resolution and the Joint Resolution, Congress has recognized the President's authority to use force in circumstances such as those created by the September 11 incidents. Neither statute, however, can place any limits on the President's determinations as to any terrorist threat, the amount of military force to be used in response, or the method, timing, and nature of the response. These decisions, under our Constitution, are for the President alone to make.

The Yoo memo.

Is Canada any less run by the mega rich? Martin from what i remember was a very wealth man before he took office. I'd say, a vast majority of the world leaders were very well off before they took office.

Which does nothing to dispove the original point.

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What we all have to remember here.. is that anti-Americanism is all that's keeping this great country together.

Well that's a very positive perspective.

I am a new Canadian who appreciates that this country is a "Work in Progress" and is to be admired because.

- Some of our institutions and ideas are still developing and are world models.

- We don't have a history or aspirations of empire or world domination.

- Our diplomatic reputation is that of moderation and collaboration.

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You wrote- " Some of our institutions and ideas are still developing and are world models."

Would you care to elaborate?

You wrote- " We don't have a history or aspirations of empire or world domination."

Your right there, we in fact don't even have a functionable military so you can forget about world domination. But maybe some Canadians might think anti-Americanism is a tool and weapon to humiliate and embarrass the U.S. to agree with Canada's socialistic republic point of view from everthing from homosexuality to the soft shoe shuffling on the exaggerated equality bit which all Canadians don't believe in regardless.

But empire building--trust me you can depend on the Liberals for that one building on a defective Charter to create a society that has never been successful --anywhere in the world and is begining to show serious cracks and badly discriminates , something it was designed to prevent.

Speaking of empires , we evolved from the British Empire in which they won this country. We have a vibrant history involving monarchies.

You should be proud of Canada and the U.S. and you should research Canada's history and you will find at one time Americans and Canadians were British. Very little separate Canadian and American culture.

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The U.S. population in 1963 was 184,300,000... In 2005, the U.S. population was 294,400,000. this obviously was an increase of over roughly 110 million people. Never in the history of the world has there been a population increase this large in this amount of time! It is obviously out of control,. During this time, we have given away the store industrially. We have sold our people into debt with the incessant marketing.

We own an SUV, but only owe $22,000 ON IT.....We own a three bedroom house, but still owe 180,000 on the mortgage. Average student loans after four years $80,000. With 294,000,000 people ,no industry relatively speaking. China holding all the paper on our debts! Do we have a problem? Do you want to be in downtown Philadelphia when the money runs out. $ 300.00 a month to have any kind of mnedical coverage.

We have a reason to be concerned,Canada has a reason to be concerned. It is out of control, and no one will admit it publicly! The powers that be know this, and are tightening the wrench on the population in order to regain control, because they know that they caused the problem. This in my opinion is why some of the tension between the two countries has now become an issue..

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What we all have to remember here.. is that anti-Americanism is all that's keeping this great country together.

Well that's a very positive perspective.

I am a new Canadian who appreciates that this country is a "Work in Progress" and is to be admired because.

- Some of our institutions and ideas are still developing and are world models.

- We don't have a history or aspirations of empire or world domination.

- Our diplomatic reputation is that of moderation and collaboration.

Well with that self-righteous attitude you'll fit in well here. Might I remind you that this little "work in progress" is thriving on the spoils of "American imperialism". Perhaps you should think of that next time you put on your Nikes or step onto the General Motors gas guzzling bus listening to your ipod. I have to laugh at you people who think we are sitting on top of this morally high island in the middle of the world, somehow independent of the benefits of the US economy. Don't forget the native people whose land you are now living on at the expense of their culture and hundreds of thousands of their lives. Or was that the fault of our mother imperial countries, France and Britain.

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As a matter of fact, previous admins have gone much further in regards to treading on civial rights but you won't hear that b/c it won't help the dems get into office.

First: both Lincoln and Roosevelt may have suspended certain civil liberties during their administrations, however, they did so only after Congress actually pass a war resolution. So far, Congress has yet to pass a war resolution giving Bush wartime powers. War was never declared against al Qaeda.

Second: the war on terror is, conceivably, an endless struggle. There will never be a momentous surrender signaling the end of hostilities. Therefore, it is all the more important that executive power not be extended during a shadow war with no definitive end in sight.

Third: the legal remedies already existed for Bush's wiretapping, and it afforded all three branches of government the appropriate level of checks and balances. Bush deliberately and arrogantly disregarded the law and shot a hole in the "damned piece of paper" we know as the Constitution. (By the way, "I took an oath to protect the Constitution" is not a valid check on executive power, at least not as they taught Con Law in law school.)

Fourth: ask yourself whether you would want to extend similar carte blanche to enact whatever secret activites a future president may subjectively deem "necessary" for an indeterminate amount of time. Agreeing with such a scheme is the epitome of un-American and anti-democracy. Why do you hate our freedom?

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[Well with that self-righteous attitude you'll fit in well here. Might I remind you that this little "work in progress" is thriving on the spoils of "American imperialism". Perhaps you should think of that next time you put on your Nikes or step onto the General Motors gas guzzling bus listening to your ipod. I have to laugh at you people who think we are sitting on top of this morally high island in the middle of the world, somehow independent of the benefits of the US economy. Don't forget the native people whose land you are now living on at the expense of their culture and hundreds of thousands of their lives. Or was that the fault of our mother imperial countries, France and Britain.

I don't wear Nikes and if I did I would see that they're made in China where a lot of the parts for the GM bus are made. China is also the financial backer of the US economy since they hold much of the debt. Add to this that China is also a nuclear power with the largest army in the world and with a rapidly growing economy. So the USA seems to be losing ground on the criteria that it is so proud of.

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[Well with that self-righteous attitude you'll fit in well here. Might I remind you that this little "work in progress" is thriving on the spoils of "American imperialism". Perhaps you should think of that next time you put on your Nikes or step onto the General Motors gas guzzling bus listening to your ipod. I have to laugh at you people who think we are sitting on top of this morally high island in the middle of the world, somehow independent of the benefits of the US economy. Don't forget the native people whose land you are now living on at the expense of their culture and hundreds of thousands of their lives. Or was that the fault of our mother imperial countries, France and Britain.

I don't wear Nikes and if I did I would see that they're made in China where a lot of the parts for the GM bus are made. China is also the financial backer of the US economy since they hold much of the debt. Add to this that China is also a nuclear power with the largest army in the world and with a rapidly growing economy. So the USA seems to be losing ground on the criteria that it is so proud of.

Yes the U.S. is losing ground,mainly because North American manufacturers profit margin was not enough!, they wanted more,more, more! and they got it. What they are also getting,is a market in north america that is gradually no longer able to buy the products that they are making in China! At some point, they will return to north america for its cheap labor. By that time ,the U.S. will have the largest army in the world,of course they will be marching for food, and trying to control the chaos! All you have to do, is make sure that you are always in the median strip geographically..

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