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Dumb Remark of the Day

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A toss-up:

"There's lots of the media who would like to say this issue's over," he said.

"This issue's not over.

"I give Stephen Harper great credit for making that clear."

Pat O'Brien, 5 December 2005, (speaking about same sex marriage)

London Free Press


"I didn't work so hard to put the two conservative parties together to have Mr. Harper break apart this country," Ms. Stronach told the Canadian Club in a speech Monday.
Belinda Stronach, 5 December 2005

G & M

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"What you want to do, from the federal government's point of view, is make it the Canadian centre of excellence in the areas where you're really focusing. One of those areas is weather, and I really believe the place it ought to take place is where the weather is as severe as it is right here."
Paul Martin, 6 December 2005, St. John's, Newfoundland


“I don’t think any of us know exactly what he’s talking about,” Harper told The Telegram in a phone interview Monday night.

“They set up five so-called centres of excellence, one in Halifax, and that’s why they moved everything out of Newfoundland. So, I think he’s just making it up as he’s going along.”

Stephen Harper

St. John's Telegram

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"I will be speaking about constitutional issues tomorrow. Today, we're focusing on the environmental crisis that is facing the country," he said.


Mr. Layton said he's trying to stay on message. "There's several hundred issues we could talk about on any given day -- on an almost random basis. We're trying to make sure people understand what our key priorities are."

Jack Layton, 6 December 2005

G & M


In The American President, Aaron Sorkin explained better than I can why Layton's remark is dumb:

President Andrew Shepherd: This is NOT the business of the American people!

A.J.: With all due respect, sir, the American people have a funny way of deciding on their own what is and what is not their business.

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"We assumed that if they told us that —: we assumed it would probably be something we'd be happy with," said William Gleberzon, CARP's executive director.

A report that had already appeared in The Globe and Mail that morning had already indicated that an announcement about the taxation of trusts was coming that day, however.

William Glberzon, 8 December 2005

G & M


I think Layton's remark was eminently sensible. It does not say rhe people cannot raise issues but that he wants to talk about what he stands for.
In a democracy, politicians don't set the agenda; people do, and that includes the media. Layton's quote is churlish and dumb.
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"We assumed that if they told us that —: we assumed it would probably be something we'd be happy with," said William Gleberzon, CARP's executive director.

A report that had already appeared in The Globe and Mail that morning had already indicated that an announcement about the taxation of trusts was coming that day, however.

William Glberzon, 8 December 2005

G & M


The markets, like public life in this country, have become a free for all.

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I really think you guys would be shocked to learn that Adscam isn't top of mind for mot voters... Preserving our Health Care, Social Infrastructure, creating jobs and our strong economy is... and THAT is why Harper has a slim chance of winning the big tostada!

Harper has no choice but to focus on adscam. He can't even mention the economy for fear that Canadians will be reminded that Canada has the lowest unemployment rate in 30 years or that Canada leads all the G-8 nations in economic growth and debt reduction.

On second thought, he does have a choice. He can remind Canadians that he stands with the US Republicans on some issues. For example, he blurted out in BC that he opposes decriminalization of marjiuana, i.e., favours permanent criminal records and jail time for possession. Harper makes Garneau look like a brilliant politician.

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I really think you guys would be shocked to learn that Adscam isn't top of mind for mot voters... Preserving our Health Care, Social Infrastructure, creating jobs and our strong economy is... and THAT is why Harper has a slim chance of winning the big tostada!

Harper has no choice but to focus on adscam. He can't even mention the economy for fear that Canadians will be reminded that Canada has the lowest unemployment rate in 30 years or that Canada leads all the G-8 nations in economic growth and debt reduction.

You really think people believe the economy is going well? If you live in your mom's basement and have no friends I guess you could believe that. Those of us who are out in the world realize how very many people are desperate for real jobs but have to settle for do-nothing, go-nowhere Mcjobs without benefits or future - and part time ones, as often as not. No one who does have a real job feels secure in it, and fuel costs and taxes keep rising ever higher. We have hundreds of thousands of employable people warehoused on welfare, and God only knows how many who work just long enough, as fishermen or mill workers, to qualify for pogey each year. Meanwhile, baby boomers are aging, and our social and health services for seniors is heading for collapse without a major investment of funds and planning. And everything I buy comes from China.

On second thought, he does have a choice.  He can remind Canadians that he stands with the US Republicans on some  issues.  For example, he blurted out in BC that he opposes decriminalization of marjiuana, i.e., favours permanent criminal records and jail time for possession. Harper makes Garneau look like a brilliant politician.

How much pot do you smoke every day? You seem obsessed with this issue. It's like nothing else matters to you. No matter what thread, no matter what topic, you have to keep bringing up decriminalizing drugs. How about this for a plan? Decriminalize it, but impose ten thousand dollar fines on anyone caught smoking or posessing it. And execute anyone caught selling or smuggling it.

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Having read the quote again I agree.  I have not endorsed a candidate that I will vote for yet.  But I think it should be noted that if the GST is 5%, government services will decline.

Why? Or is the concept of efficiency in government and cracking down on wasteful and uneccesary spending so beyond the pale after years of Liberal rule that you can't even contemplate it?

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" J'ai l'intention d'établir un mécanisme fédéral pour l'élection de sénateurs dans l'autre Chambre. Si un souverainiste ou un autre gagne l'élection d'une façon démocratique, il pourra avoir son siège au Sénat ", a dit M. Harper.

Sur le ton de l'humour, le chef conservateur n'a pu s'empêcher de décocher une flèche bien acérée à l'endroit du Bloc québécois et de son chef, Gilles Duceppe, qui semble vouloir s'enraciner à Ottawa.

" M. Duceppe a décidé de rester à Ottawa (au lieu de briguer la direction du Parti québécois au printemps). M. Duceppe est maintenant un député à vie. Il me semble déjà être sénateur ", a-t-il déclaré.

Stephen Harper, 9 December 2005

La Presse

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"Contrairement à la croyance populaire, la province de Québec est une province qui est très pauvre", a fait valoir Mme Chalifour Sherrer, lors d'un point de presse à Québec, à l'occasion du lancement officiel de la campagne des libéraux de Paul Martin dans la capitale.

"Les gens ont encore l'impression que la province de Québec est la vache à lait de l'ensemble du Canada. Ce n'est pas le cas. La province de Québec a besoin de la péréquation et de vivre des argents (sic) de l'Alberta, de l'Ontario et de la Colombie-Britannique, faute de quoi, elle n'arriverait pas", a-t-elle ajouté.

Hélène Chalifour Sherrer, 9 December 2005

La Presse


Liberal Leader Paul Martin's former principal secretary and now a candidate in the Quebec City riding of Louis Hébert, said yesterday afternoon that, contrary to popular belief, Quebec "was a very poor province."

"People still have the impression that the province of Quebec is the milking cow for all of Canada. That is not the case. The province of Quebec needs equalization payments and money from Alberta, Ontario and British Columbia, otherwise it couldn't make ends meet," Ms. Chalifour-Sherrer said.

G & M

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"The province of Quebec needs equalization payments and money from Alberta, Ontario and British Columbia, otherwise it couldn't make ends meet," Ms. Chalifour-Sherrer said.

Yes, certainly a dumb statement to make in Quebec these days. I note that both the BQ and CPC candidate attacked her for making this statement. I wonder if anyone actually addressed the issue that the statement is more-or-less true. :)

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You really think people believe the economy is going well? If you live in your mom's basement and have no friends I guess you could believe that. Those of us who are out in the world realize how very many people are desperate for real jobs but have to settle for do-nothing, go-nowhere Mcjobs without benefits or future - and part time ones, as often as not. No one who does have a real job feels secure in it, and fuel costs and taxes keep rising ever higher. We have hundreds of thousands of employable people warehoused on welfare, and God only knows how many who work just long enough, as fishermen or mill workers, to qualify for pogey each year. Meanwhile, baby boomers are aging, and our social and health services for seniors is heading for collapse without a major investment of funds and planning. And everything I buy comes from China.

The funny thing isn't that you think the economy isn't doing as well as is popularity reported, it’s that you think the conservatives would improve any of the issues you have with the country. However there are enough factual errors in your post to obfuscate any statements of substance. That’s sad, you should be voting NDP.

And just to point out that the US does not have an option as to where to buy there fuel from, there are logistical costs carried by the purchaser. So long as any export tax is less then the logistical savings of purchasing fuel from Canada then there really is nothing the US can do about it.

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You really think people believe the economy is going well? If you live in your mom's basement and have no friends I guess you could believe that. Those of us who are out in the world realize how very many people are desperate for real jobs but have to settle for do-nothing, go-nowhere Mcjobs without benefits or future - and part time ones, as often as not. No one who does have a real job feels secure in it, and fuel costs and taxes keep rising ever higher. We have hundreds of thousands of employable people warehoused on welfare, and God only knows how many who work just long enough, as fishermen or mill workers, to qualify for pogey each year. Meanwhile, baby boomers are aging, and our social and health services for seniors is heading for collapse without a major investment of funds and planning. And everything I buy comes from China.

The funny thing isn't that you think the economy isn't doing as well as is popularity reported, it’s that you think the conservatives would improve any of the issues you have with the country.

I don't know that they will. I do know the Liberals won't. So given a choice between a party which has demonstrated a complete lack of interest in the welfare of the country against one which - hasn't, I'll choose the latter.

However there are enough factual errors in your post to obfuscate any statements of substance.

That many, eh? Name `em.

And just to point out that the US does not have an option as to where to buy there fuel from, there are logistical costs carried by the purchaser. So long as any export tax is less then the logistical savings of purchasing fuel from Canada then there really is nothing the US can do about it.

Except, perhaps, impose countervailing duties on Canadian exports to their country.

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"There was a very vague, very general discussion,'' Embury said, adding that it dealt with the association's planned submission on the income trusts issue. "They left the meeting no wiser than when they came through the door.''

Although there was media speculation that morning that Goodale was planning to make an early decision on the controversial issue, Embury said there was no discussion about the timing of the decision or what it might be.

John Embury, Press Guy to Goodale, 10 December 2005

National Post

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"Don't give people 25 bucks a week to blow on beer and popcorn," Reid said during a panel discussion on CBC News: Sunday. "Give them child-care spaces that work. Stephen Harper's plan has nothing to do with child care."

The Conservative on the panel called the comment "an insult," and said it proves that the Liberals don't trust families to make their own choices about what's best for their children.

Reid quickly issued an apology.

"It was dumb," he said. "No way around it. I regret it."

Scott Reid, press guy for Paul Martin, 11 December 2005


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The same incident, as reported by the National Post. (Bear in mind that the remark was made on a CBC programme.)

During an appearance as a panelist on CBC-TV, Mr. Reid criticized the Conservatives' child-care policy, which Mr. Harper says would give parents more flexibility on who provides daycare for their children.

"We are not trying to take people's time away from their grandparents, but working families need care," Mr. Reid said. "They need care that is regulated, safe and secure and that's what we're building here. Don't give people $25 a day to blow on beer and popcorn. Give them child-care spaces that work."

(The Tory plan would actually provide families $25 a week per child.)

When a Conservative strategist on the program challenged Mr. Reid about how his choice of words was an insult to Canadian parents, Mr. Reid hedged. "That's not what I think," he said.

Then Mr. Reid continued: "There are no controls over what the money goes toward. Under our plan, money will go to child care."

Afterward, when the political implications of his remarks were becoming clear, Mr. Reid said he was sorry.

On the campaign hustings with Mr. Martin, Mr. Reid stayed out of sight but issued a statement, through e-mail, to journalists who asked him to explain his comments. "It was a dumb way to make my point and I apologize because obviously, no responsible parent would make that choice. The point remains that Mr. Harper offers a tax cut, not a child-care plan."

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Referring to same-sex marriage:

"We shouldn't have a free vote on something that has already been decided. We should not have to have one every six months," he said.
Gilles Duceppe, 16 December 2005



But Duceppe also said what I consider the best line of the English debate:

"The West wants in and Quebec wants out."
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