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Canada Race Based Homicide Data for Accused


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In the USA, the FBI states that 53% of homicides are perpetrated by Blacks. Over 90%  of the Blacks who are  killed, the perpetrator is  Black.


"Of the murder victims for whom race was known, 53.3 percent were Black or African American, 43.8 percent were White, and 2.8 percent were of other races. Race was unknown for 233 victims. "



In Canada, the racial breakdown for those accused of homicide is:

62% White

33 % Racialized

5 % Other/Unknown Race


Stats Canada has data that shows 62% of those accused of homicide are white.

White people make up about 73% of the total Canadian population and white males are the 4-6 ranked highest income earners behind Korean, Japanese, Chinese, tied with Arab and almost even with South Asians.

33% of all accused of homicide are racialized.

Of the 33%, blacks represent 65% of the total of racialized homicides- accused.

5% of accused are unknown race.

The data from stats can shows that Korean and Japanese are represented at a rate of zero for their racial groups with respect to accused for homicide.

They, specifically Korean  and Japanese males, are also the highest income earners in Canada by a large statistical margin. Korean males outearn whites at 1.54 to 1.

Asians are 18% of the total Canadian population and make up 6 % of the incarceration rate.

About 1%  of the accused of homicide are Chinese: they were accused of 7 homicides out of 632 total homicides

Collectively, Asians (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Filipinos, and  other Asian people) represent 18% of the total Canadian population and constitute very few of all accused of homicide.

For all racialized accused of homicide which is 33% of total accused of homicide, Asians are represented thusly:

Japanese= 0

Korean = 0

Chinese= 3 %

Filipino = 3 %


Blacks represent less than 4 % of the total Canadian population and are represented at 20% of the total of all accused of homicide.

127 of 632 accused were identified as Black. This is 20% of all those accused.

118 of the 632 are Black males. This is 19% of all accused of homicide. Black males make up less than 2% of the nation's population and are 19% of the nation's total accused for homicide.


The countries with the highest homicide rates are mostly in the Carribean, Africa, and Latin/South America.





Edited by Bill67
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  • Bill67 changed the title to Canada Race Based Homicide Data for Accused

LPOC called, they said that type of data is only supposed to be released when it can be used in attack ads for political purposes. 

Foolish man. 

If CNN gave an infinite number of monkeys an infinite number of typewriters, leftists would believe everything they typed.

If you missed something on the Cultist Narrative Network, don't worry, the dolt horde here will make sure everyone hears it. 

Kamala didn't get where she is because of her achievements or anything that came out of her mouth. 

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On 10/13/2022 at 6:35 PM, Bill67 said:

In Canada, the racial breakdown for those accused of homicide is:

62% White

33 % Racialized

5 % Other/Unknown Race

This is incorrect. The statistics for 'racialized' in Canada do not include indigenous people, who are counted separately. The term 'visible minority' also does not include indigenous people in government statistics. The last stats I found in a cursory search are for 2019 which give numbers from 2017, but that says over 38% of persons accused of homicide in that year were indigenous. When added to the racialized category you get  29% of homicides committed by whites.



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7 hours ago, I am Groot said:

This is incorrect. The statistics for 'racialized' in Canada do not include indigenous people, who are counted separately. The term 'visible minority' also does not include indigenous people in government statistics. 



I agree with the comment quoted above. I'm just using the data from stats can. I agree that there is no data in the OP for indigenous people. However, based on the data provided by stats can, the OP is a breakdown of that information. With the caveat, that the above OP does not include indigenous data. 


Thank you. I agree.


This data is shocking


More than one-third (38%) of persons accused of homicide in 2017 were identified by police as Indigenous.Footnote9 This proportion has been increasing since 2014 when 31% of persons accused of homicide were Indigenous. The rate of Indigenous people accused of homicide in 2017 was 12 times higher than the rate of non-Indigenous accused (11.12 vs. 0.93 per 100,000 population).


Edited by Bill67
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