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  1. In the USA, the FBI states that 53% of homicides are perpetrated by Blacks. Over 90% of the Blacks who are killed, the perpetrator is Black. "Of the murder victims for whom race was known, 53.3 percent were Black or African American, 43.8 percent were White, and 2.8 percent were of other races. Race was unknown for 233 victims. " https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2018/crime-in-the-u.s.-2018/topic-pages/expanded-homicide In Canada, the racial breakdown for those accused of homicide is: 62% White 33 % Racialized 5 % Other/Unknown Race Stats Canada has data that shows 62% of those accused of homicide are white. White people make up about 73% of the total Canadian population and white males are the 4-6 ranked highest income earners behind Korean, Japanese, Chinese, tied with Arab and almost even with South Asians. 33% of all accused of homicide are racialized. Of the 33%, blacks represent 65% of the total of racialized homicides- accused. 5% of accused are unknown race. The data from stats can shows that Korean and Japanese are represented at a rate of zero for their racial groups with respect to accused for homicide. They, specifically Korean and Japanese males, are also the highest income earners in Canada by a large statistical margin. Korean males outearn whites at 1.54 to 1. Asians are 18% of the total Canadian population and make up 6 % of the incarceration rate. About 1% of the accused of homicide are Chinese: they were accused of 7 homicides out of 632 total homicides Collectively, Asians (Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Filipinos, and other Asian people) represent 18% of the total Canadian population and constitute very few of all accused of homicide. For all racialized accused of homicide which is 33% of total accused of homicide, Asians are represented thusly: Japanese= 0 Korean = 0 Chinese= 3 % Filipino = 3 % Blacks represent less than 4 % of the total Canadian population and are represented at 20% of the total of all accused of homicide. 127 of 632 accused were identified as Black. This is 20% of all those accused. 118 of the 632 are Black males. This is 19% of all accused of homicide. Black males make up less than 2% of the nation's population and are 19% of the nation's total accused for homicide. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=3510020701 The countries with the highest homicide rates are mostly in the Carribean, Africa, and Latin/South America. https://www.theglobaleconomy.com/rankings/homicide_rate/
  2. Canada and its provinces and municipalities will not release data on the most dangerous offenders. Despite serious crimes impacting our communities, our governments will not take an intelligent and rational approach to addressing the issues. Realistically, how can we solve the core issues at play, if we do not take an analytical approach to identifying common traits in the most violent and egregious criminals? We can never stop the crimes if we don't identify and attack the societal factors that contribute to creating these pariahs. We need to invest in data collection to find the common attributes in order to develop a legitimate response to protect our communities. Variables like race, age, socio-economic status, family structure, and others must be collected and analyzed. For now, we simply attribute crime to " systemic racism" and take action to reduce " systemic racism" by lowering sentences ( See Bill C 5 ) and de-streaming education and canceling merit based gifted programs, and creating legislation to impact legal gun owners. The politicians and media blame the judicial system and " racist " police but of course, it is a certain demographic, who the government protects, consistently pulling the triggers. Naturally, everyone knows, none of these " solutions " work or address the core issues and while we see our government play " kind social worker " people keep dying. Kids like Dante Andreatta and Jahiem Robinson are dying from our governments' commitment to woke politics and virtue signaling. They refuse to take an intelligent approach to stopping the crime and the results are we, as a society, fail to protect our most vulnerable, our children. https://www.google.com/amp/s/globalnews.ca/news/8620740/toronto-school-shooting-charges-david-mary-thomson-collegiate-institute/amp/ If we knew the commonalities amongst the human traffickers, gun shooters, car jackets, and murderers, we could invest in prevention in these groups. In the USA, the FBI data shows that 56% of homicides are committed by Black people. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_crime_in_the_United_States In Canada, we have no idea who are committing the murders and serious crimes including trafficking and killing our youth. We have data to show that 44% of victims are Black. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/new-uoft-research-sheds-light-on-homicides-1.6315931 Why don't we look to see who does the crime, not the victims? In Canada, the total black population is 3.5 % and the male population is just under 2%. Based on the few media sources that will identity the race of suspects and police reports, the predominant group responsible for shootings and murders seems to be black, males aged 16 to 40. This segment of the male, black population would be around 1% of the population. https://www.torontopolice.on.ca/homicide/mostwanted.php https://www.torontopolice.on.ca/homicide/currentcases.php Many, most, black males aged 16 to 40 are not murderers or involved in gun violence. We need to know what the additional traits are that contribute to the violent behavior as otherwise we will have no hope in helping these that turn to vile criminal behavior. Our current policy of hiding the evidence and refusing to examine the core issues by identifying a pattern/trend/commonalities will continue to be ineffective. Imagine how useful analytics could be in finding a pattern/trend in anti social, criminal behavior. For example, if we could determine that X family situation, matched with Y socio-economic status, and Z education level, etc. contribute to involvement in serious criminal behavior, we could focus government resources and programs on this smaller specifically defined group. This would dramatically improve efficiency and the potency of the approach and lives would be saved. We could also potentially find that these variables and not race are leading traits. Who knows? We are not even trying to target the problem so we have lots to learn. Government. Stop being woke. If you care about Black lives, take real action to stop the crime in this community. We are Canadians and we should care about all of us. Ignoring a problem for fear of optics, is creating more crime. When our schools, malls, homes, public events are not safe anymore, it's time to demand real action, not woke rhetoric, from our governments. https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/shootings-a-stabbing-illegal-fireworks-and-cops-injured-at-woodbine-beach https://globalnews.ca/news/7537399/3-men-charged-brantford-hotel-shooting-death-toronto-boy/ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5025385 https://www.google.com/amp/s/beta.cp24.com/news/2020/7/20/1_5031610.html
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