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The world must support the oppressed, defenseless nation of Iran against Iran's brutal regime.

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While Iran's regime under mullahs and ayatollahs ordering their mercenary security forces to shoot into crowd, the weak spineless Biden administration is considering revival of 2015 nuclear deal with Iran's oppressive regime. 

There has been many uprising by Iranians in recent past during which the mullahs ordered brutal crackdowns in which hundreds were targeted in their hearts and heads. Many were taken to prisons and subjected to extreme torture. Many women even men prisoners were raped by islamic prison guards under the order of islamic clergy overseeing torture and rape, some even murdered.

The most recent is uprising in the past 2 weeks against extreme poverty and rapid rise in prices of essential goods like bread. The poverty protests changed into protests for regime change as murderous mercenary security guards opened fire into peaceful crowd. So far at least six people have been reported dead and hundreds arrested the fate of whom are unknown. The nation is calling for regime change and death of murderous leaders of islamic republic while the regime has cut off internet to many parts of the country, news still getting out of a brutal crackdown on defenseless unarmed peaceful demonstrators who simply demand their rights.

Iranians are on streets again calling for the return of exile king while calling on God to bless his grandfather's soul, the great Reza Shah, the first king of Pahlavi dynasty who modernized Iran in less than 16 years of his golden rule before being forced out by British imperialism. 


in the last uprising thousands were killed.

In many places, security forces responded by opening fire on unarmed protesters, largely unemployed or low-income young men between the ages of 19 and 26,


Human rights violations condemned by U.N.


Methods of torture in Iran documented by Amnesty International over the past years include floggings, electric shocks, mock executions, waterboarding, sexual violence, suspension, force-feeding of chemical substances, and deliberate deprivation of medical care


Any government or group representing democracy or standing for democratic values and negotiating for peace or a deal with these murderous regime like the nuclear deal must be hold accountable for its actions. They are stamping a brutal regime.

Edited by CITIZEN_2015
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Protests continue in Iran against the absolute dictatorship of islamic republic as many teachers, pensioners, bus drivers and lorry drivers go on strike for better pay. It is hoped that workers in other major industries like oil and steel will also join the national strike to cripple the murderous regime of ayatollahs.



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Protests against the brutal islamic regime in Iran spread to other Iranian cities as the government agents are believed by the nation to be responsible to blow up a well know house of Abadan to crack down on antigovernmental demonstrations in Khuzestan province . This reminded of 1978 setting of fire of Rex cinema in Abdan by the agents of the mullahs from Iraq where Khomeini resided then and locking the exist dorrt and purposely burning hundreds of innocent people in there and then blamed the brutal incident on the innocent Shah. The people then believed these mullahs and it was follows by mass anti-Shah demonstrations but now after 44 years the nation has learned the satanic nature of ruling mullahs and this time their lies are not believed anymore and antigovernmental demonstrations of started all over iram shouting Khamenei is a murderer and his rule is invalid. and must go.

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Clerics are the most hated segment of Iranian society


Mercenary forces clashed with peaceful demonstrators who were mourning their dead.


In the Aryamehr sports complex (built by former King, the Shah), during the Iran league championship final the spectators blessed the soul of the Great Pahlavi dynasty founder, Reza Shah the great, who built the modern Iran in less than two decades and limited the power of hated islamic clergy in Iran during his rule and hence Iran prospered.

Women are in the front line of opposition to this regime as their freedom and equality granted by Pahlavi dynasty was taken back by the mullahs after the 1979 illegal coup.

Revolution is coming to Iran to remove the dirt and bury the ruling clergy in the garbage bag of the history. This murderous, corrupt, hated islamic republic is nearing the end of its miserable life by the power of women of Iran and by the power of nation of Iran.

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Ptince Reza Pahlavi, the son of the late Shah and grandson of Reza Shah the great whose names are being called by the nation and their souls blessed and who is the hope of Iran nation for restoring great Iran sent a televised message to Iran nation that this hated regime which in 44 years totally destroyed Iran will be gone soon so the nation should be prepared and do what it can to accelerate its fall. He said even the Soviet dictatorship fell in spite of having thousands of nuclear weapons. He also had a warning for those who suppress the nation like the hated murderous security forces. Join the nation now or you will be punished later for treason and crimes against Iranian nation.


In response, a day later the scared, frightened and angry islamic republic leader made a speech against Pahlavi dynasty rejecting a return to the past (a return of monarchy) as the nation is chanting on streets these days, calling the nation as mercenaries of the West!!!!!!. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

 The nation of Iran is suffering under this blood thirsty self imposed corrupt murderous islamic republic regime. Those who deny these murderous acts and try to hide the extend of these criminal activities against a defenseless nation are traitor bastards and collaborators with this occupying bastards and murderous regime and paid mercenaries who will sell their body and soul and country and countrymen for money. 

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  • 2 weeks later...


Attacks on defenseless women with blessing and support of a government!!!!.

The hated islamic regime in Iran is attacking women on streets and beat them up or take them to prisons simply for refusing to wear the hated islamic Hijab.



Iranian women are fighting back


Victory to Iranian women. 

Death and destruction to any government,, group.. organization or religion which discriminates against people based on gender. Death to the ruling islamic clergy in Iran. The hanging day when the nation will have a rope (or using their own fucking dirty turbans) on your dirty necks and let them hang from trees is near.

In a desperate act, the hated regime is resorting to violence and mass arrests to postpone its inevitable fate (the mass hanging of ruling islamic clergy and their traitor gangs).




The hated islamic republic is like a fly in a spider web is having its last days. It is like a wounded wild animal who attacks everything and everyone in its last minutes of miserable satanic life.



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Hamid Nouri condemned of war crimes mass execution of political prisoners under islamic republic and sentenced to life imprisonment by Swedish court today.


The next one in line will be the murderous President of islamic Republic who masterminded the mass murder.


The question is whether him or other dirty mullahs will be hanged sooner by Iran nation or captured by international justice and face life imprisonments.

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There are some 7 billion people in the world. There are about 90 million in Iran.

In perspective, 90 of 7000.

Why should 6 billion others care about Iran.


More pertinently, define "Iran". Among the several billion people on this planet, what is Iran?


Make no mistake. Each individual has a life as I. It is this appartenance that intrigues me.

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5 hours ago, August1991 said:

Why should 6 billion others care about Iran.


...intrigues me.

There are 200 countries in the world, so why should we care about one or two rogue states?

In the village of 200, why should they care about one or two thieves? Or murderers?

The answer is that we can focus on other things if we trust our neighbors; we can build towards something instead of having to worry about defending ourselves.

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Innocent woman on the bus arrested for a fight with a veiled bitch informant of the hated islamic regime.


A 28-year-old artist and editor has been arrested after she was filmed arguing with a woman on a bus over forced hijab, in the course of which she said the woman had bitten her.

There is so much  evil in the world and the evils are each others best friends. One example murderous Putin is meeting the murderous Iranian islamic clerical leaders soon. 


Another mass murderer by the name of Bashir Assad was meeting Iranian islamic clerical leaders short time ago.



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On 7/16/2022 at 7:36 AM, Michael Hardner said:

There are 200 countries in the world, so why should we care about one or two rogue states?

In the village of 200, why should they care about one or two thieves? Or murderers?


It is not about rogue states.

Lucien Bouchard famously said that when he was PM, for every person in his office asking for something, there were many others outside unable to ask.

When people speak of "power": to me, this word is a synonym for control. The two words are interchangeable.  

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13 hours ago, August1991 said:

It is not about rogue states.


Maybe it is about caring for fellow humans? Or if you don't care (you are the type who will just walk away if you see a child being beaten up by several strong adults or a young defenseless girl being attacked) then care about your own safety. These ideological idiots will soon have their dirty murderous hands on nuclear weapons and all because the West has been too weak, too stupid and too selfish to respond decisively and strongly in the past. 

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14 hours ago, August1991 said:

It is not about rogue states.

Lucien Bouchard famously said that when he was PM, for every person in his office asking for something, there were many others outside unable to ask.

When people speak of "power": to me, this word is a synonym for control. The two words are interchangeable.  

And yet I answered why we care about iran. Bouchard of all people cares about the outliers, and so should you. Especially if they're dangerous.

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On 7/19/2022 at 12:58 PM, CITIZEN_2015 said:

Maybe it is about caring for fellow humans?

But which fellow human?

The one fellow who by chance is in front of me, in the public spotlight or my office? Or the many other fellow humans who simply by chance did not receive the spotlight.


There is much harm in society when a government chooses to help arbitrarily a particular person.


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On 7/19/2022 at 1:30 PM, Michael Hardner said:

And yet I answered why we care about iran.

I don't know.

In the early 1600s (Thirty Years War), Swedes got involved. 

During the so-called World Wars of the early 1900s (1914 to 1945), Swedes avoided getting involved. (We Canadians did.)


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23 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

Most of the world’s population suffers under nasty regimes of one sort or another. Why should we single out Iran in particular? 

Because it is the worst. Because its ideology is based on end of the world. Because unlike the rest of regimes who are a threat to their own nation, this regime in Iran is a serious threat to the whole world. They will soon have their murderous dirty hands on weapons of mass destruction and there are plenty of evidence for that. 

They murder their own citizens so what do you expect them to do with you and me when they get the power to fo so?

They even slaughter dogs, man's best friend now!!!!!!



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Assassination attempt in American soil by murderous islamic republic.

Iran murderous regime wanted to assassinate a female opposition figure to mandatory hijab, Massih Alinejad who is also a US citizen in American soil.




No one in the world has any security for as long as this murderous regime stays in power and like a cancer cell must be taken out by any available mean.


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1 hour ago, Contrarian said:

Everyone is aware of The Islamic Revolutionary Guard atrocities but let us also remember that before then the SAVAK, royal guard secret police which served the Shah were equally as brutal

This is not true but a big lie. Islamic republic is the most brutal regime in recent history of the world. A regime which completely and totally destroyed Iran and caused the death of millions of Iranians.

Iran made significant progress during the Pahlavi dynasty. Iran's economy grew double digits for many years during which many Iranians enjoyed total and complete social freedom and total equality for women and religious minorities. Iran became a regional power under the Shah and a major economic. military and political power in the middle east. The communists like traitor Tudeh party and islamic murderers like those now in power were put in jail but none killed as why they now have the power.

The Shah tripled the price of oil in 1973 in order to modernize Iran faster and better the lives of his nation. Hence the powers in the West united to overthrow the Shah with lies and exaggerations like yourself. While the French gave a huge platform to Iranian opposition figures hungry for power, the peanut brain Carter administration was fooled by the British to help to overthrow the Shah and destroy Iran in the process. 

I am not claiming that the Shah's government was a democracy but that was 70's/ Most of the world including Europe was under brutal dictatorships. Fascism even in western Europe like Spain and half of Eastern Europe under Soviet fascism. South and Central America and Asia under complete and brutal  dictatorships. Now in that time Iran was not Switzerland so you wanted democracy in Iran!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

Cold war was in progress. The Soviets bordering Iran wanted to reach Persian Gulf.  The Shah and his great father Reza Shah the great made Iran prosperous and its nation proud. This hated murderous islamic regime has brought nothing but death and destruction and humiliation for Iran and Iranians.

Some Iranians were tricked by western propaganda and lies and promises (like free electricity and food and daily cash payments from oil revenue) by opposition leaders to take part in an uprising. A red and black alliance with western propaganda brought down the Shah with disastrous consequences not only for Iran and Iranians but the whole world.

Today young Iranians are calling the names of the Pahlavi Kings in streets of Iran and getting shot by islamic regime for these actions asking God to bless their souls and demanding the return of Prince Reza Pahlavi, the exile and legitimate King of Iran. His father was not overthrown in a so called revolution but in an international conspiracy to overthrow the Shah and destroy Iran. The western powers who destroy Iran will now face the murders' hands on nuclear weapons soon thanks to stupidity of Carter administration and its like Biden administration.

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1 hour ago, Contrarian said:

Nobody is denying its brutality but last time i checked they allow churches synagogues to operate. 

The sunni regime in Saudi Arabia:

There has been virtually no Jewish activity in Saudi Arabia since the beginning of the 21st century. (other non-Muslim) religious services are prohibited from being held in Saudi Arabia.

I think the second regime is more brutal. Just because we are allies with them does not stop me to call on the irrationality of it.

You can't compare the two. Iran's society is much much more advanced than Saudi Arabia demanding equality, justice and rights. women had all the rights some 50 years ago under Pahlavi dynasty. Saudi society is highly religious and they deserve what they have. Iran society deserve much better. 

Btw, religious minorities including Christians are under suppression in Iran too.


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