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Got to love the screeching by the left over Musk buying Twitter.

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15 hours ago, Oksanna said:

Yes, if all of that is true, he is a killer. But tiny tiny potatoes compared to anti-vaxxers. you know? The cowards who think NOT killing people is what makes someone hitler?

Here's how well the vaccines are keeping people out of ICU...


Screen Shot 2022-05-05 at 10.22.55 AM.png

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3 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

O M G. 

The timetable for that chart is right at the top. Dec 14 2020 (2020, like, not last Dec but the Dec before. 1.5 years ago. The exact date on which the first unimportant Canadians started getting the vax).

Dec 14, 2020 is when that started. Get it? Dec 14, 2020. Keep that date in your head for a minute while you look at the next paragraph.

On Dec 14 2020 we were right in the middle of flu season with Delta variant and there were Z E R O double vaxed Canadians and Z E R O triple vaxed Canadians for that entire time. 38M Cnadians were unvaxed, and virtually no one had the single + waiting period until mid-Feb.

DO YOU UNDERSTAND THAT? ONE WHOLE FLU SEASON WITH 38M UNVAXXED CANADIANS AND Z E R O DBL- AND TRIPLE-VAXXED CANADIANS. The unvaxxed deaths were probably at 5,000 by the end of May 2021, and there still wasn't even a chance for any double-vaxxed people to get covid yet. 

The chart has an entire flu season where the whole country was unvaxxed. Covid was still fairly new in 2020. That means that it was still a novel virus. Pretty much everyone here was exposed to covid between Jan 2020 and July 2021. Its "novel virus" status is gone now. Natural immunity exists within a lot of our population. 

The data set intentionally starts off on that date so that really stupid people will misinterpret it and think to themselves "Wow, most of the country is vaxed but most of the deaths are among the unvaxed."

If the Chart started off in Sept of 2021 it would look entirely different. If the Chart started off on Dec 14 2021 then you'd see that 3x as many fully-protected people died of covid in the last 4 months. And that's pretty bad for the vax, because there weren't any triple-vaxxed yet on Dec 14 2021. That's when the first people started getting the booster. 


So, I doubt if you really understand this yet, because I already explained it to you many times, but just realize that most people do understand that chart now. 

Therefor you should probably stop name-calling and acting like I'm the idiot when you're the one who's completely clueless about what those charts actually show. 

I admit, this is nonsense convoluted conspiracy theory, so it doesn't make much sense, but here's a shot. You think that instantly everyone was equally exposed to the virus at the beginning of the pandemic as they are now? In other words, you think the virus doesn't spread and over time, your risk of exposure increases. You are coupling that with the idea that it is seasonal, and you don't understand why it is seasonal and ... step3 profit?

Look, even if all of your little tortured analysis on a small set of data made any sense, you still are seeing a small sliver of the population accountable for the vast majority of deaths.

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2 hours ago, Oksanna said:

I don't care about your sites. I showed you sites that prove what's happening in Canada. FYI that's an entire country with 38M people in it, and by far the most relevant place on earth to us.

You misinterpreted the data I showed you and now you look stupid now, so you want me to look at propaganda from somewhere else. Go fish.

I haven't looked at a single stat from Wisconsin since the beginning of covid. I don't know what they've been saying all along, or when people there started getting vaxied, or when there were a significant number of people single-, double- or triple-vaxied. I don't know what treatments they provide in hospitals and what's banned. I'm not gonna just start researching Wisconsin to find out where their propagandists are fudging the numbers because I don't have to. I have a country-sized data set that I'm well aware of. 

You could learn from looking at the info that I posted or you can keep your head up your ass, I don't care, but I'm gonna keep posting the truth. 

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2 hours ago, Oksanna said:

I admit, this is nonsense convoluted conspiracy theory, so it doesn't make much sense, but here's a shot. You think that instantly everyone was equally exposed to the virus at the beginning of the pandemic as they are now? In other words, you think the virus doesn't spread and over time, your risk of exposure increases. You are coupling that with the idea that it is seasonal, and you don't understand why it is seasonal and ... step3 profit?

Look, even if all of your little tortured analysis on a small set of data made any sense, you still are seeing a small sliver of the population accountable for the vast majority of deaths.

People who don't like what the stats are showing just love to say "THAT'S A SMALL COUNTRY-SIZED SAMPLE!"

Leftists: "The drug trials, done by companies with a vested interested in them, and which we truthfully don't have all the information on, had thousands of people in them. That's a huge sample size. Covid data from Dec 14th 2020 to March 27th 2022, from the entire country of Canada, is a small sample size. The success of the vaccine was proven by the trials that Pfizer and Moderna's buddies held. That is irrefutable!" ?

I understand everything about the flu. I'm the one who had to tell you that covid and the flu have seasonal patterns. You just felt like everyone who was 1, 2 or 3x vaxxed had as much exposure to covid as the unvaxxed did between Dec 2020 and now, so I had to set you straight.

FYI there is not a small sliver of the population responsible for the vast majority of deaths. It was THE ENTIRE COUNTRY from Dec 14th 2020 until July 2021. 





WHAT % OF PEOPLE WERE UNVAXED, 1Xers, 2xers and 3xers? 

Just answer those two questions. Super easy question for any adult. You don't have to be super-accurate, just ball park figures. 

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

I don't care about your sites. I showed you sites that prove what's happening in Canada. FYI that's an entire country with 38M people in it, and by far the most relevant place on earth to us.

You misinterpreted the data I showed you and now you look stupid now, so you want me to look at propaganda from somewhere else. Go fish.

I haven't looked at a single stat from Wisconsin since the beginning of covid. I don't know what they've been saying all along, or when people there started getting vaxied, or when there were a significant number of people single-, double- or triple-vaxied. I don't know what treatments they provide in hospitals and what's banned. I'm not gonna just start researching Wisconsin to find out where their propagandists are fudging the numbers because I don't have to. I have a country-sized data set that I'm well aware of. 

You could learn from looking at the info that I posted or you can keep your head up your ass, I don't care, but I'm gonna keep posting the truth. 


Not interested in the data of a whole country huh?

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2 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

People who don't like what the stats are showing just love to say "THAT'S A SMALL COUNTRY-SIZED SAMPLE!"

Leftists: "The drug trials, done by companies with a vested interested in them, and which we truthfully don't have all the information on, had thousands of people in them. That's a huge sample size. Covid data from Dec 14th 2020 to March 27th 2022, from the entire country of Canada, is a small sample size. The success of the vaccine was proven by the trials that Pfizer and Moderna's buddies held. That is irrefutable!" ?

I understand everything about the flu. I'm the one who had to tell you that covid and the flu have seasonal patterns. You just felt like everyone who was 1, 2 or 3x vaxxed had as much exposure to covid as the unvaxxed did between Dec 2020 and now, so I had to set you straight.

FYI there is not a small sliver of the population responsible for the vast majority of deaths. It was THE ENTIRE COUNTRY from Dec 14th 2020 until July 2021. 





WHAT % OF PEOPLE WERE UNVAXED, 1Xers, 2xers and 3xers? 

Just answer those two questions. Super easy question for any adult. You don't have to be super-accurate, just ball park figures. 

So, I think what you are trying to reach for is that all of the deaths counted as 'unvaccinated'  happened before the vaccine was available?



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1 hour ago, Oksanna said:

I already provided you with incontrovertible evidence. The best that you can do is look to propaganda from other countries.

In this case you've chosen to look to the country that profits the most from making the vaxxes, who lied and said that the "vaccines" would be safe and effective, and from the administration that brought us the Russian collusion witch hunt, Ukrainian collusion witch hunt, war in Ukraine, whipgate, Fordgate, Burismagate, etc. The United States is a dumpster fire. 

We're done here. 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

I already provided you with incontrovertible evidence. The best that you can do is look to propaganda from other countries.

In this case you've chosen to look to the country that profits the most from making the vaxxes, who lied and said that the "vaccines" would be safe and effective, and from the administration that brought us the Russian collusion witch hunt, Ukrainian collusion witch hunt, war in Ukraine, whipgate, Fordgate, Burismagate, etc. The United States is a dumpster fire. 

We're done here. 

Lol, it's ALL data. You spun a story. You didn't provide any evidence. All the data that even you provided had unvaxxed dying far more than vaxxed. And even the story you seemed to be trying to tell completely blows up when you look a little closer.

And on an issue this important and this overwhelmingly backed up by evidence, you guys still just want your story.

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1 hour ago, Oksanna said:

So, I think what you are trying to reach for is that all of the deaths counted as 'unvaccinated'  happened before the vaccine was available?


What I'm explaining to you is that the period starts in Dec 14 2020, a time when there were zero people in Canada vaccinated. Zero. On January 1 2021 there was a minuscule number of people who had the first dose and went through the waiting period, but for all intents and purposes Canada was 99% unvaccinated from Dec 14 to Jan 14.

Add the 45-day waiting period or whatever for the second vax (iirc we did a 3-month wait here) and the very first select group of Canadians with a second dose came on the scene in mid-February, their waiting period to be protected by the second dose ended in Early March. 

For all intents and purposes, there were close to 38M unvaxxed Canadians for the entire flu season of 2020/'21. 

That's why, when you look at the chart which shows the deaths by vax status from Dec 14 2020 to March 27 2022, the unvaxxed are so much higher. It contains a full flu season when there were basically 38M unvaxxed people, 0 double-vaxed and zero triple-vaxed.

Aside..... The government of Ontario released a thoroughly bogus study covering the timeframe starting during the 20/21 flu season (all 14M Ontarians were unvaxxed on day 1) and ending on Aug 7th, when the number of dbl-vaxxed had finally surpassed the number of unvaxxed. The "study" tried to make the case that unvaxxed people were far worse off, but almost every single second of their collective exposure to covid came in the summer. It was basically: unvaxxed during flu season vs double-vaxxed in the summer. COMPLETELY bogus.


The only way that I have found to compare how many unvaxxed vs double- and triple-vaxxed deaths there are is to compare the new numbers to old numbers that I took screenshots of. I have a screenshot from Nov 27 2021, that was the first one I took. At first I thought that it was mid-Dec data, because that was when I found it. I failed to note the end date in the graph's title.

Anyhow, if you listen to the news they always talk about "a pandemic of the unvaccinated" and daily deaths, they never mention the fact that if 20 people died of covid today that, statistically speaking, probably only 6 of them were unvaxxed. 

If they do acknowledge the fact that some vaxxed people died they say "but the vast majority of them are elderly, with co-morbidities." Uhhhhh, hello? We've known that to be the case since about April of 2020, but for the purposes of fear-mongering the media never mentions it about the unvaxxed. Over 80% of the covid deaths in Canada are among people 70 and over, and almost all of them had underlying medical conditions. 

 Literally everything that we get from the media and gov't is complete propaganda. 

Covid deaths by vax status in Canada.png

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38 minutes ago, Oksanna said:

All the data that even you provided had unvaxxed dying far more than vaxxed.

OMG. The data that I had showed what I told you it did. 

You chose to look at the total, which goes back to a flu season where there were 38M unvaxed and zero vaxed.

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1 hour ago, Oksanna said:

Lol, it's ALL data. You spun a story. You didn't provide any evidence. All the data that even you provided had unvaxxed dying far more than vaxxed. And even the story you seemed to be trying to tell completely blows up when you look a little closer.

And on an issue this important and this overwhelmingly backed up by evidence, you guys still just want your story.

There are three photos attached: a graph showing the totals from Nov 27 2021, one from March 27th, and one from April 10th.


Unvaxed vs both:

Nov 27 there were 7,861 "unvaxed" deaths. That number went up by 1,650, to 9,511, by April 10th, the second photo.

Nov 27 there were 981 "fully protected" deaths. That number was split into 2xers and 3xers by Apr 10, and the total number on that date was up by 3,624 to 4,605 (2,770 dbl-vaxxed and 1,835 triple-vaxed).


So in that time frame there were 3,624 fully protected deaths and 1,650 unvaxxed.

The ratio of unvaxed deaths look higher, but what we don't know, which is the only thing that really matters, is "what is the total number of very vulnerable people in each group?"

You need to understand that the 27 yr olds in each group don't matter - we know that they won't die, so they just pad the stats for their own group. It's worth noting that the government is forcing those people to vax. 


Unvaxed vs 2x boosted and 3x boosted:

March 27 to Apr il 10th:

Unvaxed = 85 (9426 to 9511)

Died during waiting period after 1st vax = 2

1xers = 6

2xers = 105 (2665 to 2770)

3xers = 219 (1616 to 1835)

That's 417 ttl. FYI only 20.4% of them were unvaxxed. 

There are 2.6 times as many 3x-vaxxed deaths as unvaxxed in that time frame. 

Theoretically 54% of Canadians are 3xers and 10% of Canadians are unvaxxed.

If there were 5.4x as many unvaxed then there would be the same number unvaxed as 3xers, and there'd be approx (85 x 5.4) =459 unvaxed deaths. That's only 2.1 x as many, not nearly 20x as high as your supposed stats claimed is the case.


So, when you watch the news tonight and they say "X NUMBER OF PEOPLE DIED TODAY, THIS IS A PANDEMIC OF THE UNVACCINATED!", just remember that approximately 20.4% of those people were unvaxxed, 25.2% were dbl vaxed, and 52.5% were triple vaxed. Or that 79.2% of the covid deaths were among vaxed people. 

Did you see that last part? Between March 27th and April 10th 79.2% of covid deaths were among the fully vaxxed. 


Covid deaths by vax status Apr 10.png

Covid Deaths by Vax Status Mar 27.png

Covid deaths by vax status in Canada.png

Edited by WestCanMan
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9 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

There are three photos attached: a graph showing the totals from Nov 27 2021, one from March 27th, and one from April 10th.


Unvaxed vs both:

Nov 27 there were 7,861 "unvaxed" deaths. That number went up by 1,650, to 9,511, by April 10th, the second photo.

Nov 27 there were 981 "fully protected" deaths. That number was split into 2xers and 3xers by Apr 10, and the total number on that date was up by 3,624 to 4,605 (2,770 dbl-vaxxed and 1,835 triple-vaxed).


So in that time frame there were 3,624 fully protected deaths and 1,650 unvaxxed.

The ratio of unvaxed deaths look higher, but what we don't know, which is the only thing that really matters, is "what is the total number of very vulnerable people in each group?"

You need to understand that the 27 yr olds in each group don't matter - we know that they won't die, so they just pad the stats for their own group. It's worth noting that the government is forcing those people to vax. 


Unvaxed vs 2x boosted and 3x boosted:

March 27 to Apr il 10th:

Unvaxed = 85 (9426 to 9511)

Died during waiting period after 1st vax = 2

1xers = 6

2xers = 105 (2665 to 2770)

3xers = 219 (1616 to 1835)

That's 417 ttl. FYI only 20.4% of them were unvaxxed. 

There are 2.6 times as many 3x-vaxxed deaths as unvaxxed in that time frame. 

Theoretically 54% of Canadians are 3xers and 10% of Canadians are unvaxxed.

If there were 5.4x as many unvaxed then there would be the same number unvaxed as 3xers, and there'd be approx (85 x 5.4) =459 unvaxed deaths. That's only 2.1 x as many, not nearly 20x as high as your supposed stats claimed is the case.


So, when you watch the news tonight and they say "X NUMBER OF PEOPLE DIED TODAY, THIS IS A PANDEMIC OF THE UNVACCINATED!", just remember that approximately 20.4% of those people were unvaxxed, 25.2% were dbl vaxed, and 52.5% were triple vaxed. Or that 79.2% of the covid deaths were among vaxed people. 

Did you see that last part? Between March 27th and April 10th 79.2% of covid deaths were among the fully vaxxed. 


Covid deaths by vax status Apr 10.png

Covid Deaths by Vax Status Mar 27.png

Covid deaths by vax status in Canada.png

So, if you want to spin a silly narrative, you can focus on one set of course data, squint, make a ton of crazy assumptions, do bad math, and make a story. You can do all this when you know nothing about analysis, or the underlying subject.

Or, if you want to know the truth, you can look to folks that actually know what they are talking about. Or, even look at the underlying data.





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1 hour ago, Oksanna said:

So, if you want to spin a silly narrative, you can focus on one set of course data, squint, make a ton of crazy assumptions, do bad math, and make a story. You can do all this when you know nothing about analysis, or the underlying subject.

Or, if you want to know the truth, you can look to folks that actually know what they are talking about. Or, even look at the underlying data.

If you want to spin a silly narrative, just do what Oksana does: quote some propagandists.

You're quoting public health Ontario, the group that was already discredited for publishing covid vaccine success stats based on data that they collected between Dec 14 2020 and Aug 7th 2021. IE, data that contained an entire flu season when all 14M people in Ont were unvaxxed and which only contained data for double vaxed people for a very short period of time, all of which was during the summer months. 

If I post some vax stats for 3xers and 2xers from flu season and compare it to unvaxxed stats from the summer what do you think I will find Oksana?

I'm looking at the most relevant data sets on earth for Canadians. I'm looking at the place where the rubber meets the road. 

52.5% of Canadians who died of covid between March 27th and April 10th were 3xers. 54% of Canadians are 3xers. That's a pretty strong correlation. 

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1 minute ago, WestCanMan said:

If you want to spin a silly narrative, just do what Oksana does: quote some propagandists.

You're quoting public health Ontario, the group that was already discredited for publishing covid vaccine success stats based on data that they collected between Dec 14 2020 and Aug 7th 2021. IE, data that contained an entire flu season when all 14M people in Ont were unvaxxed and which only contained data for double vaxed people for a very short period of time, all of which was during the summer months. 

If I post some vax stats for 3xers and 2xers from flu season and compare it to unvaxxed stats from the summer what do you think I will find Oksana?

I'm looking at the most relevant data sets on earth for Canadians. I'm looking at the place where the rubber meets the road. 

52.5% of Canadians who died of covid between March 27th and April 10th were 3xers. 54% of Canadians are 3xers. That's a pretty strong correlation. 

That would all be meaningless. And I understand, no matter how official, no matter how expert, unless it agrees with your little conspiracy theory, it's 'discredited' 'fake news' 'eeevil Ameereican pruupagaanda'

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4 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

If you want to spin a silly narrative, just do what Oksana does: quote some propagandists.

You're quoting public health Ontario, the group that was already discredited for publishing covid vaccine success stats based on data that they collected between Dec 14 2020 and Aug 7th 2021. IE, data that contained an entire flu season when all 14M people in Ont were unvaxxed and which only contained data for double vaxed people for a very short period of time, all of which was during the summer months. 

If I post some vax stats for 3xers and 2xers from flu season and compare it to unvaxxed stats from the summer what do you think I will find Oksana?

I'm looking at the most relevant data sets on earth for Canadians. I'm looking at the place where the rubber meets the road. 

52.5% of Canadians who died of covid between March 27th and April 10th were 3xers. 54% of Canadians are 3xers. That's a pretty strong correlation. 

What is much more relevant: During the relevant times, what percentage of what percentage of each group died. That is important, not wild assumptions and made up analysis by someone who has no idea what they are doing. Is 10% of the population making up 60% of the deaths? Then you have your answer.

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48 minutes ago, Oksanna said:

That would all be meaningless. And I understand, no matter how official, no matter how expert, unless it agrees with your little conspiracy theory, it's 'discredited' 'fake news' 'eeevil Ameereican pruupagaanda'

Why can't you even discuss the fact that 52.5% of covid deaths in Canada are from 3xers? And 3xers make up 54% of the population? Why do you have to run from the only meaningful discussion about covid here?

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53 minutes ago, Oksanna said:

 Is 10% of the population making up 60% of the deaths?

No, they are not. Did you not read my post? Did you look at the stats or are you retarded?

52.5% of the deaths come from 3xers.

54% of the population is 3xers. 

It's weird like that.


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12 hours ago, WestCanMan said:

There are three photos attached: a graph showing the totals from Nov 27 2021, one from March 27th, and one from April 10th.


Unvaxed vs both:

Nov 27 there were 7,861 "unvaxed" deaths. That number went up by 1,650, to 9,511, by April 10th, the second photo.

Nov 27 there were 981 "fully protected" deaths. That number was split into 2xers and 3xers by Apr 10, and the total number on that date was up by 3,624 to 4,605 (2,770 dbl-vaxxed and 1,835 triple-vaxed).


So in that time frame there were 3,624 fully protected deaths and 1,650 unvaxxed.

The ratio of unvaxed deaths look higher, but what we don't know, which is the only thing that really matters, is "what is the total number of very vulnerable people in each group?"

You need to understand that the 27 yr olds in each group don't matter - we know that they won't die, so they just pad the stats for their own group. It's worth noting that the government is forcing those people to vax. 


Unvaxed vs 2x boosted and 3x boosted:

March 27 to Apr il 10th:

Unvaxed = 85 (9426 to 9511)

Died during waiting period after 1st vax = 2

1xers = 6

2xers = 105 (2665 to 2770)

3xers = 219 (1616 to 1835)

That's 417 ttl. FYI only 20.4% of them were unvaxxed. 

There are 2.6 times as many 3x-vaxxed deaths as unvaxxed in that time frame. 

Theoretically 54% of Canadians are 3xers and 10% of Canadians are unvaxxed.

If there were 5.4x as many unvaxed then there would be the same number unvaxed as 3xers, and there'd be approx (85 x 5.4) =459 unvaxed deaths. That's only 2.1 x as many, not nearly 20x as high as your supposed stats claimed is the case.


So, when you watch the news tonight and they say "X NUMBER OF PEOPLE DIED TODAY, THIS IS A PANDEMIC OF THE UNVACCINATED!", just remember that approximately 20.4% of those people were unvaxxed, 25.2% were dbl vaxed, and 52.5% were triple vaxed. Or that 79.2% of the covid deaths were among vaxed people. 

Did you see that last part? Between March 27th and April 10th 79.2% of covid deaths were among the fully vaxxed. 


Covid deaths by vax status Apr 10.png

Covid Deaths by Vax Status Mar 27.png

Covid deaths by vax status in Canada.png

Nope, don't think so. Have you tried looking at a good data set? Can you find this 'pattern' in the data of any other country or data set? Is there any group of people who actually know what they are talking about who think this pattern is a real thing?

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1 minute ago, Oksanna said:

Nope, don't think so. Have you tried looking at a good data set? Can you find this 'pattern' in the data of any other country or data set? Is there any group of people who actually know what they are talking about who think this pattern is a real thing?

I'm looking at the dat set for Canada. What else would I look at?

What's more important than "Who's dying in Canada"? 

As for your less important stats, I don't really care what the known liars are saying. If you don't think they're liars, just look at their laundry list of lies:

They told us that the vaccines would get us to herd immunity when 70-80% of us were vaxed. Then when we got to 80% they said that herd immunity was never a realistic goal, and that they never told us that the vaccines would get us there.

They said that the vaccines would be safe. That was a big lie.

They said that "people might get sick, but not a s sick". Lie

They said that no one would end up in ICU. Lie. 

They said no one would die. That's the biggest lie possible. 

Now they have back-peddled all the way from "The vaccines will be safe, effective and get us to herd immunity" to "Ok, 80% of the covid deaths in Canada are from vaccinated people, but if you look really closely at this dodgy data, you can see how 80% of the covid deaths should be coming from vaccinated people. That's proof that it's really working! Great job people. I'm giving you a very well-earned pat on the head."

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37 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

I'm looking at the dat set for Canada. What else would I look at?

What's more important than "Who's dying in Canada"? 

As for your less important stats, I don't really care what the known liars are saying. If you don't think they're liars, just look at their laundry list of lies:

They told us that the vaccines would get us to herd immunity when 70-80% of us were vaxed. Then when we got to 80% they said that herd immunity was never a realistic goal, and that they never told us that the vaccines would get us there.

They said that the vaccines would be safe. That was a big lie.

They said that "people might get sick, but not a s sick". Lie

They said that no one would end up in ICU. Lie. 

They said no one would die. That's the biggest lie possible. 

Now they have back-peddled all the way from "The vaccines will be safe, effective and get us to herd immunity" to "Ok, 80% of the covid deaths in Canada are from vaccinated people, but if you look really closely at this dodgy data, you can see how 80% of the covid deaths should be coming from vaccinated people. That's proof that it's really working! Great job people. I'm giving you a very well-earned pat on the head."

If what you are trying to say is happening is happening, then that should be evident in more detailed data, in other countries' data. It shouldn't rely on a lot of squinting and wild assumptions shakily derived from a single super coarse data sat that can't be replicated anywhere else, and doesn't hold up when you look at the data at a finer grain. A dream can be derived that way. But if you wanted to know the truth, you would start by looking at what the data is saying. Instead, what you are doing is starting with your conclusion, forcing an interpretation into one sort of kind of agreeable data, and then steadfastly ignoring anything that would tell you that you are wrong.

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34 minutes ago, Oksanna said:

If what you are trying to say is happening is happening, then that should be evident in more detailed data, in other countries' data. It shouldn't rely on a lot of squinting and wild assumptions shakily derived from a single super coarse data sat that can't be replicated anywhere else, and doesn't hold up when you look at the data at a finer grain. A dream can be derived that way.

There's no squinting and wild-eyed assumptions necessary. The data is right there, plain and simple, for all to see. But most people, you included, find the meaningful data too hard to extract from that page. It actually takes patience, and the power of observation, but once you know how what to look for it's plain. 

Maybe that's why it's even allowed to be out there. The page's creators expect people to quickly glance at that graph, just like you did, and say "OMG look how many unvaxxed deaths are compared to vaxed deaths! And just think how many more vaxed than unvaxed there are! This graph is conclusive proof that the vaccines are working! It IS a pandemic of the unvaxxed, and I'm one of the ones in the know now!"

You looked at it multiple times, with a full explanation each time, and it probably took you 6 trues to get it.

The gov't of Ont put out a similar data set, comparing vaxed outcomes with unvaxed outcomes, and using a timeframe which included all of the data from the 2020/'21 flu season (when every single person in Ont was unvaxed) until the middle of summer (when the flu is traditionally near-dormant and the number of dbl vaxed had exceeded the unvaxed).


But if you wanted to know the truth, you would start by looking at what the data is saying. Instead, what you are doing is starting with your conclusion, forcing an interpretation into one sort of kind of agreeable data, and then steadfastly ignoring anything that would tell you that you are wrong.

The data is saying the same thing that the early data from Israeli ICUs showed. The truth, but an uncomfortable proof which needed to be hastily undermined.

It's saying the same thing that Fauci was really saying in this quote: "Delta threw us a curve." (inside voice - the vaxes aren't doing what we said they would).


I started with this conclusion: covid deaths are obviously what we care about the most, especially the ones in Canada, so it's important to find that information. I had to find out for myself who was dying,  in terms of agevax status, and how much of a factor underlying health conditions played.

You can do with that info what you will, interpret it how you want, and draw whatever conclusions you want for yourself personally, but if you post disinformation here I'll stomp it out.

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9 minutes ago, WestCanMan said:

There's no squinting and wild-eyed assumptions necessary. The data is right there, plain and simple, for all to see. But most people, you included, find the meaningful data too hard to extract from that page. It actually takes patience, and the power of observation, but once you know how what to look for it's plain. 

Maybe that's why it's even allowed to be out there. The page's creators expect people to quickly glance at that graph, just like you did, and say "OMG look how many unvaxxed deaths are compared to vaxed deaths! And just think how many more vaxed than unvaxed there are! This graph is conclusive proof that the vaccines are working! It IS a pandemic of the unvaxxed, and I'm one of the ones in the know now!"

You looked at it multiple times, with a full explanation each time, and it probably took you 6 trues to get it.

The gov't of Ont put out a similar data set, comparing vaxed outcomes with unvaxed outcomes, and using a timeframe which included all of the data from the 2020/'21 flu season (when every single person in Ont was unvaxed) until the middle of summer (when the flu is traditionally near-dormant and the number of dbl vaxed had exceeded the unvaxed).

The data is saying the same thing that the early data from Israeli ICUs showed. The truth, but an uncomfortable proof which needed to be hastily undermined.

It's saying the same thing that Fauci was really saying in this quote: "Delta threw us a curve." (inside voice - the vaxes aren't doing what we said they would).


I started with this conclusion: covid deaths are obviously what we care about the most, especially the ones in Canada, so it's important to find that information. I had to find out for myself who was dying,  in terms of agevax status, and how much of a factor underlying health conditions played.

You can do with that info what you will, interpret it how you want, and draw whatever conclusions you want for yourself personally, but if you post disinformation here I'll stomp it out.

Oh? So you looked at Israeli data?


Strange... that data looks soo.. familiar.. where have I seen that before?


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2 minutes ago, Oksanna said:

Oh? So you looked at Israeli data?

Israel has a relatively low population, so they were able to quickly pseudovax a large portion of their people. For that reason the eyes of the world were on them, and the vaccines' successes were supposed to become readily apparent there before anywhere else. 

But instead of being Pfizer's coming out party (half of the people in Israeli ICUs wound up being double-vaxxed), it just turned into another back-peddling session by Fauci - the "people will get really sick but they won't die" one.

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Just now, WestCanMan said:

Israel has a relatively low population, so they were able to quickly pseudovax a large portion of their people. For that reason the eyes of the world were on them, and the vaccines' successes were supposed to become readily apparent there before anywhere else. 

But instead of being Pfizer's coming out party (half of the people in Israeli ICUs wound up being double-vaxxed), it just turned into another back-peddling session by Fauci - the "people will get really sick but they won't die" one.

Hmmm, then it sure is a remarkable coincidence that all data throughout the world on every level seems to look the same now huh?

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