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Michael Moore Owns Haliburton!

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Dear Shady,
Actually, he does lie.

If you've seen his "documentary", Fairenheit 9/11, he makes heavy innuendoes about the flights that took members of the Bin Laden family out of the country after Sept. 11. When the real truth is as follows:

Well, that link opens up more questions than it answers. Actually it is pretty damning to the Bush admin. After 4 years they still can't get their story straight.

Clarke claims 'sole responsibility' for the decision, but then says "The FBI actually approved it", and the FBI denies Clarke's word.

People in the Bush admin seem to be trying to throw themselves on a grenade that hasn't gone off yet...

Seems like Moore was telling the truth, and the US gov't hasn't even settled on the lie they are going to tell the people. And you seem to have every faith in them...let us know when they finalize whatever lie they come up with at the end, and bring it back to us.

Michael Moore doesnt not love his country. Michael Moore is a seething mass of hatred. Im ashamed he went to Michigan State University. Hes an example of everything i hate in a human being. In retrospect hate is too strong a word, so i change my statment to say "He is everything i dislike in a human being."

He is a champion of mediocracy.

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How does this sound, if you want to get rid of people like Haliburton just don't listen to them, don't buy their product,

the difficulty or dare I say hypocrisy involved in someone from the right calling Moore a hypocrite comes from the number of times I have heard those same writers claim that the way to improve the world's environment is to make everyone rich enough that they can afford to care. If I owned stock in a copper mine in the Andes and got wealthy enough to have time to read about the labour conditions in the mine and as a result dumped the stock and bought into a recycling company, or better yet worked for the exposure of the injustice to less wealthy members of the N American public I would merely be fulfilling the corporate agenda.

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Michael Moore doesnt not love his country.  Michael Moore is a seething mass of hatred.  Im ashamed he went to Michigan State University.  Hes an example of everything i hate in a human being.  In retrospect hate is too strong a word, so i change my statment to say "He is everything i dislike in a human being."

I had to comment when I read this. If someone expressing his opinion of his or her government equates to hatred of his country (and for some, unpatriotism), then we're all in trouble. To me Mr. Moore is a hero for having the guts to stand up and challenge the absurdity and vile of the current U.S. administration. Michael Moore is first and foremost a film-maker and can be as biased as he wishes. I suggest challenging Mr. Moore's facts that he presents on his website and in his books.

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Michael Moore also has terrorist group Hizbollah distrubting Fahrenheit 9-11 in the Mid East.

Rope.Tree.Michael Moore.

I'm not sure where you get that Montgomery but I'm not sure where you get your monologue at the bottom of your posts either.

Lefties like the poor? their policies put people in beaurocracy so that the working people will have more and more poor to support? I thought beaurocracies were formed in response to a need. Some sector of the society believes that we need a defense and even offensive capabilities so we get ourselves an army. By your judgement that would make the American government the biggest bunch of pinkos the world has ever seen.

Not enough people were getting decent medical care so governments mandated improvements to the system, in order to do that there does have to be people to manage things. There are too many people taking advantage of others on the stock market so a securities exchange commision has to be established. mindless exploiters are denuding our landscapes so there has to be a ministry of the environment. Liberals and biker gangs are trying to rip us off so there have to be police. Are you seeing a pattern here?

Sure there is inefficiencies and corruption but until people are responsible enough, and I don't see that bright day a dawning, to live in anarchy and not create the problems for the planet and it's other inhabitants we're stuck with the system.

They care for the poor you say, one of the nicer things people could say about them I suppose.

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Michael Moore also has terrorist group Hizbollah distrubting Fahrenheit 9-11 in the Mid East.

Rope.Tree.Michael Moore.

Moore should change his name to "More" and super size it.

But for the record, I think there was a time when he was pretty objective.

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Dear Shady,

Michael Moore also has terrorist group Hizbollah distrubting Fahrenheit 9-11 in the Mid East.
This is pure sophistry. I can't believe you could be so simple-minded as to fall for it by making the leap with this...

Fahrenheit 9/11 gets help offer from Hezbollah


The first quote blatantly implies that Moore has a terrorist organization 'doing his bidding' by distributing his movie. Your quote clearly implies that the offer came from a terrorist organization to a UAE distributor, and the only way Moore is involved in this deal is that he made an 'Anti Fascist-America' movie. If the UAE distibutor accepts the help of the Hizbollah, you can bet Moore and his US distributor will pull the movie out of their hands pronto.

So, the first post it is obviously not true because the offer has only been made, not accepted, nor will it likely ever be. A classic case of disingenuous posting, going beyond misrepresentation to the realm of outright lying. And you seem to have fallen for it.

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if you chase the devel ..shares get you into hell..to know the plan the way the of beast. it helps if you know what he did and hopes to ,its called eternal vigelance or some thing ..we get only that we deserve ..stop crying like a baby and buy a share of some thing that you love to help gain loves graces.

it is not that there is evil only that it should not destroy the little children..fellows of our enjoined creation ,our gd is a ..the god of love ..passion ..look at how often fire (love..what else but fire reflects this burning passion../come on the fire ,,come on the flame ..do some thing out there ..smile ..never let the devel think he got to you of the fear of mere flesh so smile it makes a better mask ..when it fits propperly..in gods time ,,as one ,,our leaders will lead as they have the last few weeks if we support the to us great or better we show only part of the greatness that god reveal recieve above that we owe

ps condalisa girl you did great ) we yet ..of gods will are allowed to beliecve helping the many not a few.,helping the any ..for who is not a child of the onlytrue,love light/life.

i wont say beast only cause i like dic[ too ,and even gwb its allright our neighbour ..god did put you in to do ..well lets have a bit of faith in the ole ,soon to take sabbath lord god we eternally trust

quote=speaker,Nov 21 2005, 02:14 PM]

How does this sound, if you want to get rid of people like Haliburton just don't listen to them, don't buy their product,

the difficulty or dare I say hypocrisy involved in someone from the right calling Moore a hypocrite comes from the number of times I have heard those same writers claim that the way to improve the world's environment is to make everyone rich enough that they can afford to care. If I owned stock in a copper mine in the Andes and got wealthy enough to have time to read about the labour conditions in the mine and as a result dumped the stock and bought into a recycling company, or better yet worked for the exposure of the injustice to less wealthy members of the N American public I would merely be fulfilling the corporate agenda.

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A classic case of disingenuous posting

Dear fleabag, all I did was post the title of the article. However, it certainly speaks volumes that terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah are offering there support and aid in distributing Michael Moore's work. Don't you think?

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Dear Shady,

Dear fleabag, all I did was post the title of the article.
Yes, and I did not mean to imply yours was the disingenuous post, just the original one.
However, it certainly speaks volumes that terrorist organizations such as Hezbollah are offering there support and aid in distributing Michael Moore's work
As I say,
he made an 'Anti Fascist-America' movie.
so it is not surprising that anyone opposed to US foreign policy would pick up on it. As has been said in the past, (although some things have presumably changed the situation) including Bin Laden himself, 9/11 happened because of hatred of US foriegn policy, and US actions such as the US support of tyrannical dictatorships that oppress Muslims, not because of a hatred of freedom nor democracy.
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A classic case of disingenuous posting


Dear fleabag, all I did was post the title of the article.


THIS MUST NEVER BE A CRIME..sedition is act..not word

However, it certainly speaks volumes that terrorist organizations such as

noe modia ..new-s..media publisise people opposing dust..bold statement,,then no fair rebuttal..creating knoeing..but not knowledge..Hezbollah are offering therier /?support....of word .r of which act by which person .,belief is ,cannot be crime..acting upon deceptive beluief is gining lie of word reaity of deed,act..and aid in distributing Michael Moore's work. ...can only be ssen as gggo or ill by she who must be reviled..but obeyed.. Don't you think?

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if you chase the devel ..shares get you into hell..to know the plan the way  the  of beast. it helps if you know what he did and hopes to ,its called eternal vigelance or some thing ..we get only that we deserve ..stop crying like a baby and buy a share of some thing that you love to help gain loves graces.

it is not that there is evil only that it should not destroy the little  children..fellows of our enjoined creation ,our gd is a ..the god of love ..passion ..look at how often fire (love..what else but fire reflects this burning passion../come on the fire ,,come on the flame ..do some thing out there ..smile ..never let the devel think he got to you of the fear of mere flesh so smile it makes a better mask ..when it fits propperly..in gods time ,,as one ,,our leaders will lead as they have the last few weeks if we support the to us great or better we show only part of the greatness that god reveal recieve above that we owe

ps  condalisa girl you did great ) we yet ..of gods will are allowed to beliecve helping the many not a few.,helping the any ..for who is not a child of the onlytrue,love  light/life.

i wont say beast only cause i like dic[ too ,and even gwb its allright our neighbour ..god did put you in to do ..well lets have a bit of  faith in the ole ,soon to take sabbath lord god we eternally trust

Isn't there a forum on this website for discussing religious issues????

I hope the "devel" doesn't get me for suggesting that this post would be better suited there.

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A classic case of disingenuous posting


Dear fleabag, all I did was post the title of the article.


THIS MUST NEVER BE A CRIME..sedition is act..not word

However, it certainly speaks volumes that terrorist organizations such as

noe modia ..new-s..media publisize people opposing dust..bold statement,,then no fair rebuttal..creating knoeing..but not knowledge..Hezbollah are offering thier /?..support....of word .

of which act by which person .,belief is ,cannot be crime..acting upon deceptive belief is gining lie of word into its good/bad reality of deed,act..

and aid in distributing Michael Moore's work. ...can only be ssen as good or ill by she who must be reviled..but obeyed.. Don't you think?

..reason is what..144.00-excuses

EDIT version
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Dear Shakeyhands,

Hopefully soon this poster and his disingenuous posts will be gone. Then he can infest some other site, claiming to be punted from MLW for using the word..."the".

I suspect that the administrator is tired of being deluged by your whining emails demanding that everyone who proves you wrong be banned from the forum.

Perhaps you would be more at home at the Democratic Underground, where the word "why" can get you banned?

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opefully soon this poster and his disingenuous posts will be gone. Then he can infest some other site, claiming to be punted from MLW for using the word..."the".
Frankly, I find his capacity for twisting the facts to fit his world view and the fact that there is a entire world of right wing pundits who seem to share those views quite informative in terrifying sort of way.

Why do I get the feeling that some people on this site are CBC operatives?

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So what?  He's the left's God.

He has the same relationship to the left as morons like O'Liely and Limbaugh have to the right. Basically, the vast majority of both sides regard these characters as simple entertainers or fools.

Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh had seats of honor beside a former Republican president at the Republican National Convention?!

I guess I missed that.

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WorldNetDaily: Moore's Distributor OK with terrorist support

The company distributing filmmaker Michael Moore’s Bush-bashing movie “Fahrenheit 9/11” says it won’t reject an offer of help from Middle East terrorist organization Hezbollah.

As WorldNetDaily reported, terrorists affiliated with the Iran-backed network last week offered to help promote the film in the United Arab Emirates.

The movie industry publication Screen Daily reported, “In terms of marketing the film, [distributor] Front Row is getting a boost from organizations related to Hezbollah which have rung up from Lebanon to ask if there’s anything they can do to support the film.”

The story then quotes Front Row Managing Director Gianluca Chacra: “We can’t go against these organizations as they could strongly boycott the film in Lebanon and Syria.”

Why is Hizbollah so eager to help Michael Moore?


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I sent an email to Mr Moore and he graciously replied. 
From: [email protected]  View Contact Details 

Date: Sat, 5 Nov 2005 11:40:13 EST

Subject: Re: Is it true? 

To: [email protected]


I have never owned stock in anything in my life. neither has any business i own. i am personally opposed to owning stocks. i think they are taking the fact that i sit on the board of a charity that once briefly owned stock but no longer does.. The right is only interested in smearing their loudest critis (ask joe wilson).

Hmmmm.... This is straight from the horse, where did they get their info from?

LOL. How can anyone believe what Michael Moore says after his thoroughly dishonest Fahrenheit 9-11 agitprop.

Although I do agree with part of your last sentence..."straight from the horse('s a$$)"

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I suspect that the administrator is tired of being deluged by your whining emails demanding that everyone who proves you wrong be banned from the forum.
I only suggest that people who are derogatory, derisive and post false (for the purposes of 'flaming') information be disciplined/banned. If Greg has a problem with me, I'm sure he'll say something. However, you seem to have proven my point, that you only post imflammatory rhetoric against those you disagree with, and never contribute to debate. (Well, mostly never. I have, in the past, noted some 2-3% of you posts actually had something to do with a topic, 95% is ad hom attacks.
Perhaps you would be more at home at the Democratic Underground, where the word "why" can get you banned?
Again, another post with 100% rubbish content. Perhaps I will give Greg a miss this time.

You are a 'DU reject' (by your own admission), for being an asshole, no one believes your bullshit about it being over the word 'why'. The sooner you fuck off the better. No forum should be subjected to assholes like you.

If the moderator shall find issue with this post, no problem. My only hope is that he reviews your posts also, and takes the appropriate action that is best for everyone.

Edited by theloniusfleabag
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Darth Buddha:

So Moore is a loudmouthed hypocrite.  So what?

Yeah, so what if one of the biggest icons of the left is a lying hypocrite? Sure, he had a prize seat beside an ex-president at the DNC. Sure, many of the top leaders of the DNC went to the premiere of the disgusting agitprop known as Fahrenheit 9-11, and gleefully pronounced that the movie spoke the truth.

But sooo what? Who cares if he is anti-gun but his bodyguard gets arrested on gun charges.

Safety and security for me but not for thee--the very definition of a hypocrite.

Does that make his factual arguments any less valid, or are you actually fool enough to think that an ad hominem attack in leiu of rebuttal is valid?  I go to his film but I verify the facts with a bit of reading afterwards. But even when he's exaggerating, he's still funny.

Michael Moore and factual argument do not belong in the same sentence. You can't possibly be this foolish.

Are you saying that she should only own union resorts, restaraunts, and vineyards?  Why do you think that makes any sense whatsoever?  Just how many resorts, restaraunts, and vineyards ARE union?

Why not? Wouldn't it be hypocritical not to? Are you telling us that there are no restaurants that are unionized? What nonsense. KFC in BC has over 50 unionized restaurants.

You have no point, and even as a smear this isn't up to muster.

Pot, meet the kettle.

Just how is THAT possible...  given his employment and writing history, that rings fasle on its face.  LINK.

Chomsky did work for the DoD on translating computer languages; MIT gets money from the US military. Do you read anything other than leftwing news sources?

And I am not going to even get into Chomsky's anti-Semitism.

And Wikipedia? Get real. Anyone can write anything on that site. You DO know that, don't you?

Again, so one proponent of environmentalism doesn't live up to her ideals... I can find a laundry list of consevatives who lobby for exceptions to get around the limitations of the free market, who succeed in getting corporate welfare for their pet interests, and a variety of other hypocritical endeavors.

I think you are confused. From the WND article:

Those who believe that the rich need to pay more in taxes proved especially adept at avoiding taxes themselves. Critics of capitalism and corporate enterprise frequently invested in the very companies they denounced. Those who espouse strict environmental regulations worked vigorously to sidestep them when it came to their own businesses and properties. Those who advocate steep inheritance taxes to promote fairer income distribution hid their investments in trusts or exotic overseas locales to reduce their own tax liability. Those who are strong proponents of affirmative action rarely practiced it themselves, and some had abysmal records when it came to hiring minorities. Those who proclaim themselves champions of civil liberties when it comes to criminal or terrorist cases went to extraordinary lengths to curtail the civil liberties of others when they felt threatened or just inconvenienced. Advocates of gun control had no problem making sure that an arsenal of weapons was available to protect them from dangerous criminals."

I can also point out a variety of highly immoral, unethical, and dastardly religious fundamentalists.  So what?  It wouldn't prove one side or the other more "valid" either way.

Okay. You point out the "variety of highly immoral, unethical, and dastardly religious fundamentalists", and I will point out the variety of highly immoral, unethical, and dastardly secular fundamentalists of the left.

Let's see who can come up with the most examples.

Then again, maybe not.

Having read your "source" at the WorldNetDaily, which I rate as about as reliable as the latest liberal news releases from "MoveOn.org", I think you ought to do the reading.  You need to get a hefty dose of reality:  you, like the liberals you criticize, choose to believe highly biased sources that pre-chew your ideas for you.  You don't check facts.  You don't do your own thinking.  You don't bother to question the motives of those you quote.

To me, you are just as bad as the worst knee-jerk bleeding-heart rabid liberal:  you are wholly unencumbered by the thought process.

Unbelievable. Like Michael Moore, Darth Buddha comes across as a hypocrite. "Sources" (note the sneer quotes) from conservative websites are always lies - even when backed up with facts, dates, and names - but a website where anyone can change history (Wikipedia) by simply typing in whatever they feel like is The Pure Truth.

Someone who appears to be putting WorldNetDaily on the same plane as MoveOn.org of Bush=Hitler infamy.

Someone who claims that others need a hefty dose of reality but claims that Michael Moore is factual.

Someone who suggests others read, but has no clue of Chomsky's relatiionship with the US military.

Someone who doesn't check facts and someone who does not do their own thinking.

In short, the typical blind ideological leftwinger.

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