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The ugly hate-filled Left

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Your "freedom days" have been exposed as inventions. Surely ou know that since no one of consequence gives credence to them anymore: not even the Conservative Party.

The reality of taxation is that Canadians pay less taxes than Americans when healthcare is factored into the calculations for both countries. The lower 50% of Canadians pay less in taxes altogether than the lower 50% of Americans.

The wealthy in Canada do not pay their share, but they are very much closer than the American wealthy.

Canadians pay less tax when healthcare is factored in? What a bunch of nonsense. Tell me, do you use 11 full weeks of pay for your healthcare every year? Then again, maybe you do. Something that is perceived to be free is usually abused.

And the lower 50% of Canadians pay far more taxes than the lower 50% of Americans?!

And how can you claim that the wealthy in Canada don't pay their share? Do you want to tax them even higher?

Quit the class warfare schtick. Your constant demonization of the productive and ambitious will backfire one day if they leave.

Then who will pay nearly all the taxes?

Joe and Mary $20,000 per annum salary?

One of the things that highly-taxed Saskatchewan laments about is all the wealthy people (who fill up the govt coffers) leaving for lower-taxed Alberta.

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Louisiana Democrat Senator threatens to punch Bush in the face if if local officials come under anymore criticism.

Typical Democrat. Threatening violence as usual when someone dares to comment on their ineptitude.

Governor Blanco finally authorizes the use of school buses for Katrina evacuations.

How many lives might have been saved? How many families might have been spared their curent agony of searching, hoping, and praying for the return of their lost children, if Blanco hadn't shirked her duty? :angry:

More Bush Derangement Syndrome, "George Bush doesn't care about black people":

Rapper Kanye West said this on the air during the Red Cross Katrina fundraiser on NBC. Mike Myers (standing next to West) looked like he was going to barf as he listened to West's hateful race-baiting comments. This is the same Kanye West who believes that the US govt administers AIDS and that Bush gave Saddam anthrax.

This prompted the liberal Time Magazine to put West on the cover of their magazine last week, calling him "the smartest man in pop music". :rolleyes:

The Red Cross has been deluged with complaints about West's rant and have issued a press release saying they are an impartial organization and that they do not endorse any comments of a political nature.

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Those Evil Greedy Corporations™ that the left hates:

- Ford Motor Company is allowing customers affected by the Katrina to defer payments for the next 2 months, penalty free.

- For those with two and four-legged friends, Petco is holding a national fundraiser through their stores, asking customers to "round up" their purchase to help those critters in need.

- Anheuser-Busch is sending more than 300,000 cans of clean drinking water.

- Lowe's is not only matching customer donations to the American Red Cross up to $1 million, they're on the case with trucks and supplies.

- The left's favorite whipping boy, Wal-Mart 1) already gave $1 million to the Salvation Army, 2) is using all 3800 stores to raise money, 3) is sending trucks and trucks of supplies, and 4) have already gotten a store in Kenner, LA open for supplies.

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Bush was elected to cut taxes.

I would argue Bush was elected to spend money wisely, not to cut taxes by borrowing money which will have to be paid off in future years.

You would argue wrongly.

Then as I previously suggested, the people who voted for him are idiots.

And, as I've argued, people like you just make it harder for the Democrats and easier for the Republicans.

Why? Because, as I've said, the Republicans aren't really conservative any more. They're political opportunitists in the pay of the corporate lobbyists and the religious right. They don't so much care about what is good for America as what is good for them. So what if the US runs a massive deficit and fobs it off onto their children so long as they get those big donations and a promise of a fat-cat job after they retire!

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Bush was elected to cut taxes.

I would argue Bush was elected to spend money wisely, not to cut taxes by borrowing money which will have to be paid off in future years.

You would argue wrongly.

Then as I previously suggested, the people who voted for him are idiots.

All 62 million of them.

Depending on how many votes were added by those diebold machines.

If only they had heeded the wise words of Argus.  :rolleyes:

Anyone who votes for big tax cuts that mean massive borrowing by government is an idiot. Period.

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Did you watch 60 Minutes tonight? They interviewed the head of the Army Core of Engineers. They asked him what would it have taken to prevent the levees from spilling over in a category 4 or 5 hurricane. He said, $1 billion and 20 years ago. If only Bush had the foresight 20 years ago to know that he was one day going to be President when one of the worst hurricanes would hit the United States, he could have run for President in 1984 and added $1,000,000,000 to fix the problem
I saw 60 Minutes. Did you hear that people? Did you hear that "Bush is to blame for everything" people? 20 years ago! 20 YEARS AGO! You're politicizing this whole event! Shame on all of you! And it wasn't even the levees that broke, it was the flood walls. They run for miles around the city. 20 YEARS AGO! Stop with the nonsense. Enough is goddamn enough.

Were you jumping up and down screaming and drooling when you wrote that? It sure looks like it. take a pill or something. I largely discount what serving officials and officers have to say about anything because anyone who dares to question or contradict the government is finished. So they tend to choose their words, very, very carefully, even if they are honest.

Corps official fired for questioning cuts

Corps official fired for questioning contracts

BTW, guess who has just gotten the first of what will no doubt be many enormous contracts for repairs? Come on, you know, I don't have to tell you - HALIBURTON!

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We learned something that surprised us here. Despite what you’ve been hearing, not one of New Orleans’ levees failed. All of the massive earthen levees survived. The failure was in flood walls like this one on the 17th Street canal. The flood walls are miles long, but only two feet thick
Al Naomi is the man who manages them for the Army Corps of Engineers. He was probably the first to understand what was about to happen to New Orleans

"You see there was not sufficient money or time to do anything about this," Naomi says. "If someone had said, 'O.K. here is a billion dollars, stop this failure from happening for a Category 4,' it couldn’t have been done in time. I’d of had to start 20 years ago to where I feel today I would’ve been safe from a Category 4 storm like Katrina.

60 Minutes

I posted this for all of the George Bush haters in the forum. Please read, several times if you must, so that you can fully comprehend it. However, I see that the argument has now shifted to Haliburton. Gee, what a suprise.

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We learned something that surprised us here. Despite what you’ve been hearing, not one of New Orleans’ levees failed. All of the massive earthen levees survived. The failure was in flood walls like this one on the 17th Street canal. The flood walls are miles long, but only two feet thick
Al Naomi is the man who manages them for the Army Corps of Engineers. He was probably the first to understand what was about to happen to New Orleans

"You see there was not sufficient money or time to do anything about this," Naomi says. "If someone had said, 'O.K. here is a billion dollars, stop this failure from happening for a Category 4,' it couldn’t have been done in time. I’d of had to start 20 years ago to where I feel today I would’ve been safe from a Category 4 storm like Katrina.

60 Minutes

I posted this for all of the George Bush haters in the forum. Please read, several times if you must, so that you can fully comprehend it.

Most of us are literate enough not to have to read things several times. I'm sorry if this causes you to reassess your level of education.

I already responded to this, and your response is to post it again? Pathetic. Do you actually expect a serving officer to contradict the government or to blame it for anything? Please. BTW, maybe you should wonder why they're only two feet thick.

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Why? Because, as I've said, the Republicans aren't really conservative any more. They're political opportunitists in the pay of the corporate lobbyists and the religious right. They don't so much care about what is good for America as what is good for them. So what if the US runs a massive deficit and fobs it off onto their children so long as they get those big donations and a promise of a fat-cat job after they retire!

No, because you talk down to people and call them idiots for voting differently than you. If you have an argument, make it, and then let people decide.

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For some reason, you are truly into an extended anti-Bush rant here. The "Angry White Man" persona is unbecoming.

If he took money away from a desperately important, priority project like this in order to spend it on a bridge to nowhere so as to make a political deal with a senior Republican then he knowingly endangered the people of New Orleans for political advantage. And for what? We're not talking about major money here, not in light of the quarter trillion dollar highway bill, for example. There were two useless bridges funded in Alaska for a total of some five hundred million, more than five times the money slashed from the New Orleans flood control program. Hell, that's small change. They could have taken it out of what Haliburton steals every year.

You simply cannot blame Bush Jnr for all that is wrong in the way government works in the US (or anywhere else). Here in Canada, in all likelihood, the Liberals will be re-elected and yet everyone knows that the Liberals are far from perfect.

As to Bush and the bridge to nowhere:

While the congressional largesse brings a rare moment of bipartisanship on Capitol Hill, it has been condemned by deficit hawks and the White House. President Bush threatened to issue his first veto to the Republican-led Congress when an earlier draft exceeded his $256 billion limit, but a compromise was finally reached.
US News World Report

I think both the Democrats and Republicans are to blame for such pork. And sure, the $250 million for the bridge would have been better used elsewhere - in hindsight, maybe even to build thicker levees in New Orleans.

How many billions does our federal government spend on, say, Indian and Northern Affairs?


And Argus, your idea that Truman was the last honest US politician is somewhat laughable.

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The US seems to be an empire in decline. They are involved in a war that does not appear to be paying off, their dollar is shaky, major corporations like GM and Ford have to dramatically reduce prices in order to maintain sales, they have a serious debt problem and they are facing energy shortages. Nobody is saying this is all Bush's fault, but they appear to be in real trouble and better do something about it.

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I believe that Americans are taught this in grade school, or at the latest, high school.

Louisiana had about, oh, 50 YEARS to built levees that could take the strain of a major hurricane that THEY KNEW WAS COMING. So, unless Bush is really H.G. Wells 'The Time Traveler...'

But according to Argus, everything wrong in the world is Bush and the republican's fault. I suggest you teach us all by standing out in the streets of your hometown with a sandwich board proclaiming this. Then you will have fullfilled your role in life. Please, go! Go now! Educate the masses!

Came across this in another forum, think it says it all:


Bottom line: I've had it with the Leftists screaming that the debacle in New Orleans is Bush's fault. I've also had it with the positively tepid rebuttals from the Republican party. Hell, the cretins in Washington recently went so far as to grant a meeting with the very moonbats who claimed that the mess was not only created by the White House, but perpetuated by Bush's administration like some wild-ass Dr. Evil plan to wipe out blacks. (Way to go, guys...nothing like giving the nutjobs an audience!)

I hate it to break it to the rabid moonbats, but the truth is far less sinister...and it is far more frightening.

The carnage, insanity and destruction that preceded and followed Hurricane Katrina's landfall was allowed to take root, fester, and spread like a cancer gone mad thanks entirely to the gross and depraved indifference, incompetence and mismanagement of the Democrat mayor of New Orleans and the Democrat governor of Louisiana. The evidence of this incompetence is many, varied and vast.

Yet the anti-American Leftists go on blaming Bush for the problems associated with Katrina's aftermath...all the while as they excuse the rapists, murderers and looters of New Orleans as "angry taxpayers."

Hell, I'd puke if I wasn't so pissed off.

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Yet the anti-American Leftists go on blaming Bush for the problems associated with Katrina's aftermath...all the while as they excuse the rapists, murderers and looters of New Orleans as "angry taxpayers."
I am curious how many rapes an murders happened in New Orleans per week before Katrina? I would not be surprised to to find out that Katrina only prompted a small increase since New Orleans was already a crime infested city.
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Why? Because, as I've said, the Republicans aren't really conservative any more. They're political opportunitists in the pay of the corporate lobbyists and the religious right. They don't so much care about what is good for America as what is good for them. So what if the US runs a massive deficit and fobs it off onto their children so long as they get those big donations and a promise of a fat-cat job after they retire!

No, because you talk down to people and call them idiots for voting differently than you. If you have an argument, make it, and then let people decide.

I'm not campaigning for the Democratic Party, I'm giving my opinion.

And people ARE idiots if they vote for big tax cuts the government can't afford.

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For some reason, you are truly into an extended anti-Bush rant here.  The "Angry White Man" persona is unbecoming.

Massive, needless waste and death does anger me. And I have never made any secret of my contempt for George Bush as both a man and a politician.

If he took money away from a desperately important, priority project like this in order to spend it on a bridge to nowhere so as to make a political deal with a senior Republican then he knowingly endangered the people of New Orleans for political advantage. And for what? We're not talking about major money here, not in light of the quarter trillion dollar highway bill, for example. There were two useless bridges funded in Alaska for a total of some five hundred million, more than five times the money slashed from the New Orleans flood control program. Hell, that's small change. They could have taken it out of what Haliburton steals every year.

You simply cannot blame Bush Jnr for all that is wrong in the way government works in the US (or anywhere else).

I don't believe I'm doing that. What I'm doing is holding him to the same standard I would hold any political leader, including our own. Everything I have criticised about Bush I have also criticised about our own leaders. If Bush takes taxpayer money in the hundreds of millions and wastes it, particularly when that money is desperately needed for life-protecting projects, then that is unforgiveable negligence and corruption in my opinion. Bush's government is directly responsible for the downgrading of FEMA's importance, the reassigment of tasks away from disaster planning, and the cutting of funds for flood protection in the New Orleans area. These were White house decisions, not those of congress.

As to Bush and the bridge to nowhere:
While the congressional largesse brings a rare moment of bipartisanship on Capitol Hill, it has been condemned by deficit hawks and the White House. President Bush threatened to issue his first veto to the Republican-led Congress when an earlier draft exceeded his $256 billion limit, but a compromise was finally reached.
US News World Report

I think both the Democrats and Republicans are to blame for such pork. And sure, the $250 million for the bridge would have been better used elsewhere - in hindsight, maybe even to build thicker levees in New Orleans.

The money would have been better used. Period. Don't give me that hindsight BS. Anyone with more than half a brain would know the importance of flood control there and how much more important it was than bridges to nowhere in Alaska. BTW, Ronald Reagan vetoed a bloated highway bill filled with pork by saying "I haven't seen this much lard since I handed out blue ribbons at the Iowa State Fair"

That bill couldn't hold a candle to the pork in this one, and Clinton happily signed it without so much as a quibble.

And Argus, your idea that Truman was the last honest US politician is somewhat laughable.

I didn't say he was honest. I said he admitted that the buck passing stopped when you got to the White House. You were the guy in charge and there was no one else to blame. Even if he didn't always stick to it the position was admirable and a standard to measure others with. Perhaps Truman didn't always meet it, but George Bush junior has never even heard of it.

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The US seems to be an empire in decline.  They are involved in a war that does not appear to be paying off, their dollar is shaky, major corporations like GM and Ford have to dramatically reduce prices in order to maintain sales, they have a serious debt problem and they are facing energy shortages.  Nobody is saying this is all Bush's fault, but they appear to be in real trouble and better do something about it.

Cartman, are you serious? The strength of the United States is based on the work and effort of almost 300 million people. And what empire are you talking about?


In 1900, a hurricane struck Galveston and some 6000 people were killed. No doubt at the time, many people thought it was the end of the world.

In 1906, San Francisco suffered an earthquake:

It was bedlam, pandemonium and hell rolled into one. There must have been 10,000 people trying to get on that boat. Men and women fought like wildcats to push their way aboard. Clothes were torn from the backs of men and women and children indiscriminately. Women fainted, and there was no water at hand with which to revive them. Men lost their reason at those awful moments. One big, strong man, beat his head against one of the iron pillars on the dock, and cried out in a loud voice: 'This fire must be put out! The city must be saved!' It was awful."

Or, how about the mayor's order to shoot to kill?

The 20th century turned out to be pretty good for the US.

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The carnage, insanity and destruction that preceded and followed Hurricane Katrina's landfall was allowed to take root, fester, and spread like a cancer gone mad thanks entirely to the gross and depraved indifference, incompetence and mismanagement of the Democrat mayor of New Orleans and the Democrat governor of Louisiana. The evidence of this incompetence is many, varied and vast.

You write like you have extensive and intimate knowledge of New Orleans and Louisiana politics and personalities. Go ahead, then, let's hear all about the "many, varied and vast" evidence you posess.

Yet the anti-American Leftists go on blaming Bush for the problems associated with Katrina's aftermath...all the while as they excuse the rapists, murderers and looters of New Orleans as "angry taxpayers."

Well, no one - sane - has ever accused me of being an anti-American leftist. And I'm quite sure the anti-American leftists here will find the idea of dropping me in amongst their ranks to be both laughable and somewhat alarming.

This is a Canadian forum. I'm sure the mayor of New Orleans has a lot of faults. No doubt, so too does the mayor of Biloxi and the mayor of Scranton. I don't think useful discussions could be held on them here, however, given how little information most people posess on local politics. State politics is no better. Did the governor do a bad job? Did she make mistakes? Certainly possible, but very few of us have any real knowledge of Louisiana politics - nor want to, to be frank. Most of us know little or nothing about provincial politics beyond our borders, much less what's going on in southern states.

That leaves federal politics, American politics, which, oh-by-the-way, is what this forum is devoted to. I am not particularly defending the actions of municipal or state authorities because I don't know a lot about them - and I'm betting you know even less. I am advancing the proposition that the money slashed from frederal funding to flood protection in that area was either criminally negligent, or inspired by the fact the population was largely made up of poor, black democrats (or both), and that Bush's treatment of the Federal Emergency Management Agency since he took office contributed to the confusion and incompetence of the rescue effort.

And so far the only replies from the fanatic so-called conservative set have been bleating about the evil leftist democrats and what they might or might not have done, either now or in the past. Except nothing they might or might not have done excuses or explains Bush's actions. Nor can you. None of you can even begin to explain his actions except by trying to smear others for their own alleged actions.

However, as I am always a seeker of knowledge, do enlighten us with your extensive knowledge about the local and state power structure, their funding and budgetary debates, the opposition of Republicans, and the vast evidence regarding how it all contributed to this disaster. I'm sure it will be fascinating.

A word of advice: I don't regard a cite from Fox news to be an adequate representation of "many, varied, and vast" evidence.

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Depending on how many votes were added by those diebold machines.

I see you've been visiting the Democratic Underground Message Board lately.

Btw, those 5 people convicted of voter fraud in June 2005 were...Democrats!

And don't get me started on the crap they pulled to steal the Washington State governorship.

There is a reason why they are called the Party of Graft and Corruption.

Anyone who votes for big tax cuts that mean massive borrowing by government is an idiot. Period.

Anyone who is unaware that Bush's tax cuts resulted in increased govt revenues and resulted in a drop in the deficit, should not be referring to others as idiots.

Also, your "Corps official fired for questioning contracts" title is misleading.

She was demoted for doing a poor job.

That can happen if you do a poor job.

BTW, guess who has just gotten the first of what will no doubt be many enormous contracts for repairs? Come on, you know, I don't have to tell you - HALIBURTON!

I haven't heard that but since they are the best at what they do, I see no reason for them not to do the cleanup. Halliburton got no-bid contracts from the Clinton Administration too.

Any business that has bid on a government contract knows it can take up to a year to go through the normal bidding process. This is unacceptable during emergencies.

Halliburton has been making 1.5% to 3.7% net profit for their Iraq stint. For most businesses, 6% is a decent average net profit.

Halliburton: Profitless Profiteering

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The "Tax Freedom Day" of the Fraser Institute is a fiction. It would be an entry for the Giller if only the creators could write as well as they lie.

Figures of two or three years ago are that Canadians pay a total of 36% of National Income in total taxes for all levels: Americans pay 30%. Healthcare makes up the difference and we get other services, too, that Americans must pay for.

Of course, some of the American excess goes to the military machine and the extras for Senators and friends of Senators.

The lower 50% of Canadian Income earners do pay less tax than the lower 50% of Americans.

Those are facts not the bleary eyed fanaticism of a raving lunatic Bushite.

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The "Tax Freedom Day" of the Fraser Institute is a fiction. It would be an entry for the Giller if only the creators could write as well as they lie.

Figures of two or three years ago are that Canadians pay a total of 36% of National Income in total taxes for all  levels: Americans pay 30%. Healthcare makes up the difference and we get other services, too, that Americans must pay for.

Of course, some of the American excess goes to the military machine and the extras for Senators and friends of Senators.

The lower 50% of Canadian Income earners do pay less tax than the lower 50% of Americans.

Those are facts not the bleary eyed fanaticism of a raving lunatic Bushite.

They are lies and bleary-eyed fanaticism of a raving lunatic with Bush Derangement Syndrome.

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Since the Bush tax cuts have the economy roaring, increased the govt coffers, and resulted in a decrease of the deficit, you just dissed yourself.    B)

I don't think things are all that rosey in Bushland. The following information speaks for itself:



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