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The ugly hate-filled Left

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Since the Bush tax cuts have the economy roaring, increased the govt coffers, and resulted in a decrease of the deficit, you just dissed yourself.    B)

I don't think things are all that rosey in Bushland. The following information speaks for itself:



1) Your link to americanprogress.org is all articles from 2003 and 2004. The latest article in those links is February 20/2004.

Plus the Center for American Progress is not exactly an unbiased source. It was started by George Soros of Moveon.org infamy; it's run by former Clinton chief of staff John Podesta; it helped launch "Media Matters for America" - a media ethics watchdog group run by David Brock, who has publicly confessed to writing false political hatchet jobs for pay, and its key players are Hillary Clinton, George Soros, Morton Halperin, Harold Ickes, and John Podesta.

But when you go to their "About Us" page, it states that "the Center for American Progress is a nonpartisan research and educational institute".

Nonpartisan? :o

2) Your CNN link is from January 2004.

However in January 2005, Larry Kudlow (you might have seen him on CNBC's Kudlow and Company) pointed out that since the end of September/2004, tax collections had grown at 10.5%, while federal cash outlays had risen only 6.1%. He calculated that at this rate, the 2005 deficit would drop to $355 billion from $413 in 2004 and as a fraction of projected GDP the deficit would fall to 2.9% from 2004's 3.6%.

And even the Bush-bashing NY Times reported - in July 2005 - that Federal tax revenue had increased 14.6% during 2005. The reason for the big increase? People and businesses are paying more taxes because more people are working because businesses need more workers to meet demand. These companies also make more revenue, ergo they pay more taxes. In fact, payments by corporations increased over 40%. The federal govt has collected $204 billion more in taxes through June 2005 than it did in the same period in 2004.

This appears to be the result of the Bush tax cuts stimulating the economy.

Tax revenues up 14.6% over 2004

Imagine if taxes were cut in Canada and the 6.9% unemployment rate dropped to the same as the USA's 4.9%. Imagine all that extra revenue that would flow into govt coffers from an extra 350,000 people working and paying taxes. Then add on the extra taxes that businesses would have to pay because of increased revenues.

The economy is doing very well in "Bushland". :)

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Depending on how many votes were added by those diebold machines.

I see you've been visiting the Democratic Underground Message Board lately.

Here's what I know: Those machines CAN be altered. There's no question of that. Anyone with even rudimentary knowledge of computerse and software knows you can have them say anything you want them to. So there's no doubt on this score. Second. Some of the major manufacturers of these machines are not only strong Republican supporters but strong members of the Religious Right. Now I generally don't believe in conspiracy theories, but on the other hand I'm a cynic. And any way you look at things if you're going to use machines they have to be air tight in their security, and these most surely are not. So there is legitimate cause for concern.

Anyone who is unaware that Bush's tax cuts resulted in increased govt revenues and resulted in a drop in the deficit, should not be referring to others as idiots.
A temporary drop which is likely to be eliminated by gas prices which have gone up 30% because of this, not to mention the massive bill for repairs here, not to mention 1 million jobs lost and major damage to America's biggest ports. However, the deficit is not likely to be eliminated for years, not until - the tax cut wears out.
Also, your "Corps official fired for questioning contracts" title is misleading. 

She was demoted for doing a poor job.

That can happen if you do a poor job.

Funny how no one seemed to think she was doing a poor job before she started questioning the Haliburton contracts, eh?

Halliburton has been making 1.5% to 3.7% net profit for their Iraq stint.  For most businesses, 6% is a decent average net profit.

Halliburton:  Profitless Profiteering

Do you believe everything Republicans tell you? :rolleyes:

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scriblett @ Sep 5 2005, 04:07 PM

wild-ass Dr. Evil plan to wipe out blacks
rabid moonbats
gross and depraved indifference, incompetence and mismanagement of the      

Democrat mayor of New Orleans and the Democrat governor of Louisiana.

excuse the rapists, murderers and looters of New Orleans as "angry taxpayers."
I'd puke if I wasn't so pissed off

Impressive dialogue! :unsure:

Does anyone else get the opinion that perhaps this thread title is NOT exactly accurate, if you get my drift?

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first off let me say thank you to all those who donated to the US in a time of need, presidents may come and go, and lord knows we may not always agree with politics but its good to see that some of you realize that the politics are not always in agreement with the people. again thank you for your help in are time of need. I also want to thank europeans for the crude oil that was sent our way. gas prices in the south rose a full dollar and many pump stations were empty. Again thank you for you help. The responsibility for the dikes breaking goes back to the 70s. Its not a fault of bush or clinton. However it is the fault of both the city of New Orleans and the Army corps of engineers for assuming a force5/4 hurricane would not hit new orleans. Those dikes were only supposed to stave off a force3 hurricaine at the most. Southern politics is really at a cross road right now, You have wealthy northerners moving businesses to the south for better climates and cheaper living conditions and the "old money" down here is being pushed out of the market. Thus you see alot of southern gentile going into government service in order to maintan power within the south. the net result of that is these good ole boys as we like to call them, using their powers to keep them selves wealthy, thus you get the corrupt south. This kind of thing has been going on since after the civil war. Northern carpet baggers have been making oppurtonity out of the south for years. Its not really a stretch of an imagination that this is still going on today.

On an unrelated note, another hurricaine is forming but this one is projected at me here in North Carolina, or more specifically my beach home.

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I am glad that Canada and many other countries from all over our planet were able to assist with your Katrina crisis. We are all human beings sharing this fragile planet together and depend on each other for survival.

And good luck with your own personal situation in North Carolina.

I want to preface my following remarks by stating that in our current situation if we have to have one planet superpower, I prefer it be the US rather than Russia, China, or any other powerful country. Some of my closest relatives and friends are Americans and I personally have experienced many enjoyable experiences in the US. Americans have so many positive attributes. And a few not so positive ones.

I think you might though be missing the point concerning the current US Administration. Regardless of what Americans feel themselves about them, I would surmise that most of the rest of the people on planet Earth feel that the 2000 election was rigged by the Conservative supreme court, and that Bush and Blair lied to all of us about the pretext for going to war in Iraq. So as a result of pent up frustrations with Bush & Co. many of us are not prepared to cut him any slack whatosoever about your federal government's resposibilities over the Katrina debacle.

Americans weren't allowed to oppose the war, it was disloyal and you were labelled a traitor if you did. But this will not reoccur with Katrina because peole will be speaking out lound and clear. After Sept 11 Bush should have had the federal government's act together for major emergencies and he has failed the job miserably, and most particularily the mainly poor and primarily black people in New Orleans by playing partisan politics.

The whole bill of goods Americans were sold around security was a crock. You diverted money for the rich people's security issues, and left the poor to perish by natural disaster, which could have almost entirely been prevented. You have lost many, many of your freedoms, and your federal government is not properly prepared to deal with any major emergencies because amongst other reasons, the president has appointed his incompetent political hacks to run organizations like FEMA, etc.

Although there is a connection I won't bore anyone with the pitiful details concerning Bush's denial of global warming.

It could not have been worse that if a huge bomb had been dropped on some part of your country.

Yes and it is for these reasons I believe al Quaeda has won the battle with the US, and President Bush and his cohorts are pretty much entirely to blame.

Will Americans finally wake up? Hillary Clinton & John Kerry both voted for the war in Iraq so I wonder! :unsure:

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oes anyone else get the opinion that perhaps this thread title is NOT exactly accurate, if you get my drift?

Yeah it's pretty hard to take someone seriously when their response to their "ugly and hate-filled" political opponents is nothing but bile and vitriol. The angry demands for idealogical purity from some G.O.P fans here is reminsicent of the rhetoric used by the likes of Red Guard during China's Cultural Revolution.

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i dont condone alot of things that the United States does, but lets face a few facts here, Some of you need to back off the anti americanism a little bit, ive seen a few of you post that you would take a shot at bush if you could get away with it, granted it may have just been trolls. But kill a man, because you dont believe in his politics? I think thats a bit over the edge. We all know the US is struggling financially and economically a bit right now with as much money as we have pumped into the war for iraq and afghanistan. Is it any surprise that it took us some time to get are ducks in a row to help N.O.? secondly, to evacuated a city of that size is like holding back a damn with ur arms. its just not gonna happen. When katrina hit florida it was BARELY a hurricaine, nobody knew that it was gonna turn into one of the biggest to ever hit the United states. They had what a 10 day notice? try evacuating Toronto in 10 days. It just not realistically going to happen. No its my belief that we are doing all we can to help those that we can get to. My next question is not an accusation of any kind, but how many of you have actually stayed for the full furry of a hurricaine before? I was in Charlotte for the one that came through last year and that one was only a category 1 hurricane by the time it reached charlotte. Let me tell you about rain of such driving force that you cant even walk out in it, it beats you down like a hammer. you cannot see more than 5 feet in front of you. The winds smash tear away anything loose, powerlines down, etc. you never understand how damn scary those things are until you live through it. Now i got but a taste of what one can do. Can you imagine a category 4 hurricane smashing into toranto or montreal? or vancouver (typhoon)? These things are human killers and there is nothing we can do or say to stop it. Katrina gave a 29 foot swell! the recorded a 45 foot wave! i mean theres nothing in the world thats gonna survive that. and 10 days is not long enough to evacuate a city

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Depending on how many votes were added by those diebold machines.

I see you've been visiting the Democratic Underground Message Board lately.

Here's what I know: Those machines CAN be altered. There's no question of that. Anyone with even rudimentary knowledge of computerse and software knows you can have them say anything you want them to. So there's no doubt on this score. Second. Some of the major manufacturers of these machines are not only strong Republican supporters but strong members of the Religious Right. Now I generally don't believe in conspiracy theories, but on the other hand I'm a cynic. And any way you look at things if you're going to use machines they have to be air tight in their security, and these most surely are not. So there is legitimate cause for concern.

Anyone who is unaware that Bush's tax cuts resulted in increased govt revenues and resulted in a drop in the deficit, should not be referring to others as idiots.
A temporary drop which is likely to be eliminated by gas prices which have gone up 30% because of this, not to mention the massive bill for repairs here, not to mention 1 million jobs lost and major damage to America's biggest ports. However, the deficit is not likely to be eliminated for years, not until - the tax cut wears out.
Also, your "Corps official fired for questioning contracts" title is misleading. 

She was demoted for doing a poor job.

That can happen if you do a poor job.

Funny how no one seemed to think she was doing a poor job before she started questioning the Haliburton contracts, eh?

Halliburton has been making 1.5% to 3.7% net profit for their Iraq stint.  For most businesses, 6% is a decent average net profit.

Halliburton:  Profitless Profiteering

Do you believe everything Republicans tell you? :rolleyes:

1) You might be cynical, but the fact is that the only people convicted of voter fraud for the federal election were 5 Democrats.

2) I'm not sure what Katrina has to do with Bush's tax cuts.

3) You should read more than the headline of articles you link to. The last paragraph says:

Greenhouse went public last year with her criticism of Iraq-related work awarded to Halliburton by the Corps of Engineers.

4) All of Halliburton's shareholders are Republicans? I can't wait to see your proof of that.

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I would surmise that most of the rest of the people on planet Earth feel that the 2000 election was rigged by the Conservative supreme court

The Supreme Court has more liberals than conservatives. Why do you think the Democrats are so hysterical that Bush is appointing conservatives?

And it is going to get uglier yet. Rehnquist (sp?) passed away a few days ago.

And for the 100th time, it is the responsibility of first the local and state officials for disasterous situations, not the feds.

And that's a fact, Jack - no matter how many times you try to pin all the blame on Bush.

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Compassionate conservatism?

Babs Bush: Things Working Out 'Very Well' for Poor Evacuees from New Orleans

Then she added: "What I’m hearing which is sort of

scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everyone is

so overwhelmed by the hospitality.

"And so many of the people in the arena here, you

know, were underprivileged anyway, so this--this (she

chuckles slightly) is working very well for them."

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No doubt at the time, many people thought it was the end of the world.
August, I wonder if we are drifting from the original intent of this cordial and thought provoking thread? :rolleyes:

The US is not an empire strictly speaking, but they have flexed their muscle throughout the globe and I am not convinced it is always for peace and democracy. In any case, it may be that the US appeared to be in far worse shape at the turn of the century, but it seems to me things have become progressively worse since the Vietnam War. Other nations such as China and India now appear to be the places to invest. How will we be able to compete? I was shocked by the whole Enron affair (and others) and the weakness of GM and Ford is pretty scary. When pillars of US society show such weakness, the fallout will look somewhat like this thread...full of hatred.

I sure hope you are right and I am wrong.

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Anyone who votes for big tax cuts that mean massive borrowing by government is an idiot. Period.

That goes without saying.

Why? Its not too dissimilair from Keynes. Keynes argued that government spending should be increased in times of economic recession, even if that means going into debt. What the US government did to fight a recession was to cut taxes to increase spending by consumers and go into debt. That lead to one of the shallowest recessions on record. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be concerned about the deficit because we should. But if you believe in government intervention in the economy, this was a smart way of doing it.

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A temporary drop which is likely to be eliminated by gas prices which have gone up 30% because of this, not to mention the massive bill for repairs here, not to mention 1 million jobs lost and major damage to America's biggest ports. However, the deficit is not likely to be eliminated for years, not until - the tax cut wears out.


But then again, maybe not.

In August 1992 after Hurricane Andrew decimated Southern Florida, many strongly suggested that this disaster would not only mean a poor employment picture in that area for many months, but also a weakened national economy.

Look at how wrong they were:

1) Florida's unemployment rate in August 1992 before Andrew hit was 8.9%. Twelve months later, it had plummeted to 7.2% as the state added 173,000 jobs.

2) Nationally, 2.3 million non-farm jobs were created in the 12 months following Hurricane Andrew, dropping the unemployment rate from 7.6% to 6.8%.

3) Despite all the gloomy predictions, the GDP grew by 4% in the 3rd quarter of 1992, and a vigorous 4.5% in that year's 4th quarter.

It's probably a little too early to forecast Armageddon in the aftermath of Katrina. <_<

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Repeat note to self: Ignore this thread!

Translation again: I don't like it when people point out our ugly side. :(

I think it's more like mirror is frustrated, having to try to have an intellectual debate with complete retards.

Speaking of complete retards, aren't you the one who said that there was no link between Iraq and Al Qaeda? :lol:

What a maroon. :D

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The man arrested this weekend for allegedly sending white powder to media figures and other high-profile people may be a big admirer of conservative syndicated columnists Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin, according to a writer interviewed on MSNBC.


It appears that Mr. Castagana was a poster to the FreeRepublic, which, as you know, is an online library of some of the most thoughtful right-wing thinkers out there. And his -- the Marc Costanzo alias that he used, his profile said, 'Ann Coulter is a goddess and I idolize Malkin and [conservative pundit Laura] Ingraham.' And there are a lot of posts that suggest that he's a big fan of Malkin and Coulter."

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The man arrested this weekend for allegedly sending white powder to media figures and other high-profile people may be a big admirer of conservative syndicated columnists Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin, according to a writer interviewed on MSNBC.


It appears that Mr. Castagana was a poster to the FreeRepublic, which, as you know, is an online library of some of the most thoughtful right-wing thinkers out there. And his -- the Marc Costanzo alias that he used, his profile said, 'Ann Coulter is a goddess and I idolize Malkin and [conservative pundit Laura] Ingraham.' And there are a lot of posts that suggest that he's a big fan of Malkin and Coulter."

Ah, so that's what Monty's been up to since he got banned. Nice to see he's keeping himself busy.


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