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I will be Premier of Ontario one day

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My achievable dream/goal is to become Premier of Ontario before my 50th birthday (May 2, 2038). I believe that I would make a good premier because of my moderatency in being conservative.

My plan:

-During my 20s, I will be involved in the PC party, but I will have a job outside politics,maybe.

-In my 30s, I will run for the nomination, if I get that and if I win then I will become an M.P.P.

-Hopefully, I will become a cabinet minister after a few years.

-Then run for the leadership of the PC party.

What do you think?

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My achievable dream/goal is to become Premier of Ontario before my 50th birthday (May 2, 2038). I believe that I would make a good premier because of my moderatency in being conservative.

The world will come to end on Tuesday, January 19, 2038 at 03:14:07AM as the computers of the world suffer massive failures due to internal clocks that run out of bits. ;)

So you will need to speed up your plans.

On a more serious note - if you have political objectives then you should be very careful what you post on discussion boards because if you say something inflamatory it will come back to haunt because your political opponents can dig up dirt on search engines like google.

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My achievable dream/goal is to become Premier of Ontario before my 50th birthday (May 2, 2038). I believe that I would make a good premier because of my moderatency in being conservative.

The world will come to end on Tuesday, January 19, 2038 at 03:14:07AM as the computers of the world suffer massive failures due to internal clocks that run out of bits. ;)

So you will need to speed up your plans.

On a more serious note - if you have political objectives then you should be very careful what you post on discussion boards because if you say something inflamatory it will come back to haunt because your political opponents can dig up dirt on search engines like google.

Thanks for the tip, but I hardly think that people 40 years from now will try to find the things that I said on a website forum. Rising in government takes time too.

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I think I will describe my positions on issues.

-Aganist Abortion on demand, but if it threatens the woman's life then yes.

-For civil unions (keep marriage between man and woman).

-Pro gay rights (except right to marry, again marriage is between man and woman).

-I believe Ontario needs to take more steps in the environment (more windmills and solar panels).

-One single public health care tier with private involvement.

-Pro Free Trade.

-Cutting taxes and paying off the debt.

-Stricter crime and drug laws.

-Pay equity for women (that's common sense).

-More money for education.

-Banning teachers from striking (They are a necessary service).

What do you people think so far?

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Pay equity for women (that's common sense)

Most people think that pay equity means a man and a woman should be paid the same money for the same job - nothing could be further from the truth. Pay equity is all about a bunch a social engineers going out and deciding that certain jobs are equivalent to each other. For example, if these social engineers decree that that phone technician is 'equal' to a phone operator then an employer is liable for millions (perhaps billions) of dollars in pay to make the phone operator's salary the same as the technicians.

Pay equity is a gross distortion of the market place and has no place in economically liberal program.

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I think I will describe my positions on issues.

-Aganist Abortion on demand, but if it threatens the woman's life then yes.

-For civil unions (keep marriage between man and woman).

-Pro gay rights (except right to marry, again marriage is between man and woman).

-I believe Ontario needs to take more steps in the environment (more windmills and solar panels).

-One single public health care tier with private involvement.

-Pro Free Trade.

-Cutting taxes and paying off the debt.

-Stricter crime and drug laws.

-Pay equity for women (that's common sense).

-More money for education.

-Banning teachers from striking (They are a necessary service).

What do you people think so far?

Against Abortion - try running in Iraq... advice.. If you don't want one, don't have one... Imposing your religious beliefs on others doesn't fly any more.. at least not in Canada...

Pro Free-trade - I think you should learn more about it. Free trade only has a few areas where there are continuous disputes with the USA... Steel, Softwood Lumber, and Cedar shingles.... the only three things that Canada can make cheaper than the USA can.. You should further learn that taxation is only a the tip of the Iceberg... what lies beneath the water is much bigger, and is the reason to fear free trade.... Canada's health and safety rules are secondary to US companies wishes in doing business with Canada... and much much more.. Read Linda McQuaigs book All You Can Eat: Greed, Lust, and the new Capitalism.

Your "Pro Gay Rights"... except treating them as equals... sounds shallow ....

Cutting Taxes and paying the debt - How about fairer taxes......

Banning the right to strike... Should you just stop at the lazy good-for-nothing teachers (Mike Harris's words), or why not a whole plethora of civil servants... If they want to eat, they should work... shouldn't they ???

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You are in your teens right now. By the time you are 50, some of these issues will not even be on the national agenda anymore - ie, women's rights to terminate an unwanted pregnancy and gay marriage will be simply part of the woodwork of Canadian society, along with equal pay for equal work and the national child care program. Health care will have evolved into something we can't even invision at this point, but hopefully will have addressed waiting lists and the whole two tier circus. The bigger question will be what will Canada look like - where will our borders be, or will there be a unified country? Will it even be recognizable from what it is today? What will be the impact of Kyoto, and the ever growing needs of the US for our natural resources? What will be the result of the war in Iraq? Current issues will be just a page in the history books, but other issues will take their place.

But it is good to see people your age taking an active interest in politics, and I hope that you achieve your goal of being Premier. (God, I feel old all of a sudden. Did I really just type "people your age"?)

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Thanks, Melanie. I get my inspiration to be a politican from reading so many books on politicans (Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissnger, Brian Mulroney, Joe Clark, John Crosbie, Bill Davis, Nelson Rockefeller, and Stephen Harper.

Is it a bad thing that I get inspiration from reading about other people's lives?

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Big Blue, if you could actually get elected on that platform you would get my vote =p Sadly, Eastern culture and society in Canada dominates our political landscape, and therefore you have to be an elitist socialist to get anywhere.

Yet another reason I believe the confederation should be disintegrated, let us all go our own ways.

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Against Abortion - try running in Iraq... advice.. If you don't want one, don't have one... Imposing your religious beliefs on others doesn't fly any more.. at least not in Canada...

Pro Free-trade - I think you should learn more about it.  Free trade only has a few areas where there are continuous disputes with the USA... Steel, Softwood Lumber, and Cedar shingles.... the only three things that Canada can make cheaper than the USA can.. You should further learn that taxation is only a the tip of the Iceberg... what lies beneath the water is much bigger, and is the reason to fear free trade.... Canada's health and safety rules are secondary to US companies wishes in doing business with Canada... and much much more.. Read Linda McQuaigs book All You Can Eat: Greed, Lust, and the new Capitalism.

Your "Pro Gay Rights"... except treating them as equals... sounds shallow ....

Cutting Taxes and paying the debt - How about fairer taxes......

Banning the right to strike... Should you just stop at the lazy good-for-nothing teachers (Mike Harris's words), or why not a whole plethora of civil servants... If they want to eat, they should work... shouldn't they ???

Abortion - since you aren't actively encouraging infanticide, we'll leave well enough alone.

Free Trade - go ahead and fear it, if you must. Keeping in mind that Free Trade has made the Auto Pact obsolete (even while GM, Toyota, etc. continue to produce some of the most sought-after cars in Canada) and has had a similar effect across our economy. Why do you think the Europeans are integrating their economies?

I agree with you on Gay Rights and Gay Marriage. It's the libertarian in me.

What do you mean by "fairer" taxes? Our tax system is already "progressive", attaching higher tax rates to higher incomes, so you can't mean that. As far as I'm concerned, fairer taxes means flatter taxes.

As to teachers having the right to strike: it's a pity that any of the public services in this country are unionized, but what're ya gonna do? Blame the sixties and move on.

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I get my inspiration to be a politican from reading so many books on politicans (Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissnger, Brian Mulroney, Joe Clark, John Crosbie, Bill Davis, Nelson Rockefeller, and Stephen Harper.

Is it a bad thing that I get inspiration from reading about other people's lives?

Your choices of reference seem to all come from an extreme right-wing perspective. Try reading about Tommy Douglas, or other people who are not on the extreme right wing if you want to be able to honestly evaluate your position.. or theirs...

Since you choose Brian Mulroney as an inspiration, try reading "The Quick and the Dead"... about Brian Mulroney.

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What do you mean by "fairer" taxes? Our tax system is already "progressive", attaching higher tax rates to higher incomes, so you can't mean that. As far as I'm concerned, fairer taxes means flatter taxes.

In the United States, corporate taxes are at least 4% higher than corporate taxes here in Canada. Personal taxes in the USA are much lower than in Canada. What I would suggest to have "fairer taxes" is that we not continually cut corporate taxes, at the expense of the citizens of Canada. By that, I'm referring to the fact that as a result of Martin's barrage of corporate tax cuts, we have had cuts in public medicine, education, and much much more.... but personal tax cuts have not matched corporate... not even close...

In fact, a large percentage of Ontarians have had their taxes increased as a direct result of provincial "tax cuts". Large tax cuts cut more tax from big business and the wealthiest 1% of the population that they do from other 99% of the public. Much of the burdon of the provincial costs, ei. social programs, were moved to municipal budgets so that Ontario could afford to implement the tax cuts. As a result, property taxes have gone way up, provincial tax cuts have ended up being miniscule in comparison, and services have been cut.

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I get my inspiration to be a politican from reading so many books on politicans (Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, Henry Kissnger, Brian Mulroney, Joe Clark, John Crosbie, Bill Davis, Nelson Rockefeller, and Stephen Harper.

Is it a bad thing that I get inspiration from reading about other people's lives?

Your choices of reference seem to all come from an extreme right-wing perspective. Try reading about Tommy Douglas, or other people who are not on the extreme right wing if you want to be able to honestly evaluate your position.. or theirs...

Since you choose Brian Mulroney as an inspiration, try reading "The Quick and the Dead"... about Brian Mulroney.

Most of those people are Red Torys. I read alittle bit of Trudeau.

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What do you mean by "fairer" taxes? Our tax system is already "progressive", attaching higher tax rates to higher incomes, so you can't mean that. As far as I'm concerned, fairer taxes means flatter taxes.

In the United States, corporate taxes are at least 4% higher than corporate taxes here in Canada. Personal taxes in the USA are much lower than in Canada. What I would suggest to have "fairer taxes" is that we not continually cut corporate taxes, at the expense of the citizens of Canada. By that, I'm referring to the fact that as a result of Martin's barrage of corporate tax cuts, we have had cuts in public medicine, education, and much much more.... but personal tax cuts have not matched corporate... not even close...

In fact, a large percentage of Ontarians have had their taxes increased as a direct result of provincial "tax cuts". Large tax cuts cut more tax from big business and the wealthiest 1% of the population that they do from other 99% of the public. Much of the burdon of the provincial costs, ei. social programs, were moved to municipal budgets so that Ontario could afford to implement the tax cuts. As a result, property taxes have gone way up, provincial tax cuts have ended up being miniscule in comparison, and services have been cut.

So in other words, your idea of fair taxes is to bring our tax system more in line with what the Americans have. And, perhaps, to hike taxes all around, in order to strengthen social programs.

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Thanks for the tip, but I hardly think that people 40 years from now will try to find the things that I said on a website forum.

Ask Malcolm Azania about that. Granted, 10 years is a lot shorter than 40, but its still something to consider.

Pardon, I didn't get quite what you meant?

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Thanks for the tip, but I hardly think that people 40 years from now will try to find the things that I said on a website forum.

Ask Malcolm Azania about that. Granted, 10 years is a lot shorter than 40, but its still something to consider.

Pardon, I didn't get quite what you meant?

He was the NDP candidate for Edmonton-Strathcona in the last federal election. During the campaign, his opponents dug up a post that he had made to a forum over a decade earlier in an effort to discredit him.

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I think I will describe my positions on issues.

-Aganist Abortion on demand, but if it threatens the woman's life then yes.

-For civil unions (keep marriage between man and woman).

-Pro gay rights (except right to marry, again marriage is between man and woman).

-I believe Ontario needs to take more steps in the environment (more windmills and solar panels).

-One single public health care tier with private involvement.

-Pro Free Trade.

-Cutting taxes and paying off the debt.

-Stricter crime and drug laws.

-Pay equity for women (that's common sense).

-More money for education.

-Banning teachers from striking (They are a necessary service).

What do you people think so far?

Heck I'd vote for ya BBM! I thought you were a red Tory. Glad to see you are not. (have to work on that single tier health care though ;) )

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I think I will describe my positions on issues.

-Aganist Abortion on demand, but if it threatens the woman's life then yes.

-For civil unions (keep marriage between man and woman).

-Pro gay rights (except right to marry, again marriage is between man and woman).

-I believe Ontario needs to take more steps in the environment (more windmills and solar panels).

-One single public health care tier with private involvement.

-Pro Free Trade.

-Cutting taxes and paying off the debt.

-Stricter crime and drug laws.

-Pay equity for women (that's common sense).

-More money for education.

-Banning teachers from striking (They are a necessary service).

What do you people think so far?

Heck I'd vote for ya BBM! I thought you were a red Tory. Glad to see you are not. (have to work on that single tier health care though ;) )

How am I not a Red Tory?

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