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Is everyone so racist in the US?

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I spent my last two summers in northern Ontario and I run down to northern Minnesota to visit family on the weekends. It seems like every visit I am appalled at the sheer amount of racism and homophobia there. I know Canada isn't perfect with respect to tolerance (we have come a long way in my opinion) but in all my life I have never heard the word "nigger" spoken outloud, yet everytime I go visit I hear it over and over again. Somehow my family never caught this "racist" bug or else I would have stopped visiting long ago and only my love for my family keeps me going back. However, my patience is pushed to the limit when I encounter other Americans shouting out the N word or saying things like "they have blacks working there now... ah shit" or "those damn Indians". So basically... I want to ask you people who probably know the US a hell of a lot more than I do if the rest of the US is like that because my cousin wants to do a road trip to Yellowstone at the end of July? Will I go out of my mind? Thanks

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I spent my last two summers in northern Ontario and I run down to northern Minnesota to visit family on the weekends.  It seems like every visit I am appalled at the sheer amount of racism and homophobia there.  I know Canada isn't perfect with respect to tolerance (we have come a long way in my opinion) but in all my life I have never heard the word "nigger" spoken outloud, yet everytime I go visit I hear it over and over again.  Somehow my family never caught this "racist" bug or else I would have stopped visiting long ago and only my love for my family keeps me going back.  However, my patience is pushed to the limit when I encounter other Americans shouting out the N word or saying things like "they have blacks working there now... ah shit" or "those damn Indians".  So basically... I want to ask you people who probably know the US a hell of a lot more than I do if the rest of the US is like that because my cousin wants to do a road trip to Yellowstone at the end of July?  Will I go out of my mind?  Thanks

I prefer figuring out why they are pissed off at the indians or those 'blacks'. You see, one common fault with left-wing thinking is that if your a minority then tolerance forgives all. It doesn't, in fact I am disgusted with how much first nations and other minorities can get away with that, should a caucasion attempt it, would result in jail time and/or fines.

True tyranny has always entered society under the veil of tolerance and understanding, I am at least glad the US citizens aren't afraid to voice their concerns over minorities.

I am not supporting actual racism, but I do know that certain minorities do deserve the bad name they have earned on an individual basis. I live in Alberta with Peigan and Blood reserves in the area, and I see our homeless shelters filled with first nations drunks and druggies, I have had friends jumped at night by groups of them, I have had to work with them (and hire them at times) and they have the worst work ethics I have ever seen, and while the rest of the province is working to build ourselves up they are wandering the streets wasted out of their minds wearing clothes and drinking booze our tax dollars paid for.

However, that being said, I also personally know alot of First Nations that aren't at all like that, I know some who work hard for a living, who have better work ethics than white people I have hired, who haven't touched alcohol in their lives, who are going somewhere.

Like I said, judge them based on an individual basis... the problem is, there is just such a higher % of these minorities that are bums than there are caucasions. So I think the same thing will apply down south =p

Ironically the government keeps creating these barriers to 'protect' the minorities, yet all it does is continue to break us more apart. You can't create an equal society by building barriers, and in the case of First Nations in Canada it is only serving to cripple and hurt them.

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Dear Hawk,

I live in Alberta with Peigan and Blood reserves in the area
I am guessing you don't hang out in the 'Galt Gardens Lounge' to drink.
However, that being said, I also personally know alot of First Nations that aren't at all like that, I know some who work hard for a living, who have better work ethics than white people I have hired, who haven't touched alcohol in their lives, who are going somewhere.
I too, have met many of both kinds. I have worked with and consulted with the Tribal Council on the Blood Reserve, and have been on the Piikani (Peigan), T'suu T'ina, Siksika, Samson, Ermineskin, Louis Bull, Montana, Stoney(both in Eden Valley and Morely), and Sunchild Reserves. I met a great many wonderful people, and some 'drunken bums' as well.

I believe what baden refers to is the knee-jerk racism and prejudice that comes at first sight, when people paint everyone of a race or colour with the same brush, without ever talking to them. I had a similar experience in Ft. Lauderdale, FL with a 'redneck' (which I wasn't aware of at the time). I was buying beer at 7-11 and marveling at the dirt-cheap prices, and a guy walked up to me and struck up a conversation about beer. In mid sentence, he notice to young blackish girls walk in and muttered 'F@*king ni&&ers". I was appalled, but didn't really think ALL Americans were like that.

Baden seems to think it is quite common, but it only happened to me 100% of the time. So you have to keep an open mind.

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Friends of mine moved to North Carolina a few years ago, and in preparation for the move checked out the websites of several of the schools in the area. These public schools had a breakdown of the average child's grade point average defined by their age, gender, and race. 6 year old black boys, 6 year old white boys, 6 year old black girls, 6 year old white girls, etc. Also, when they got drivers licences, there is a spot on the licence for race - you designate whether you are white, black, or other. The argument was that you just needed to know, not that it was a judgment or anything. Yeah, right.

With this kind of entrenched discrimination still practiced and justified as "just keeping track of the demographics", no wonder racism is still as widespread as it is. Can you picture any school in Canada posting grade point averages of 6 year old white boys, 6 year old native boys, on their website?

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This link shows why they feel it is necessary to divide children's test scores based on their skin colour. It sounds like they are trying to help the black children, but they do so by calling attention to differences as if the skin colour had anything to do with it (rather than social issues, poverty, entrenched discrimination, lack of opportunity, etc.) Could a white child, living in the same conditions, produce the same test results? The implication is that the white child would still score higher. Could a black child, living in affluence, produce the test results shown for the white children? Again, the implication is no.

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Also, when they got drivers licences, there is a spot on the licence for race - you designate whether you are white, black, or other. The argument was that you just needed to know, not that it was a judgment or anything. Yeah, right.

Actually those statistics are used only for government polls and are completely annonomous (I don't actually see a "real" reason for collecting the info, though) - an actual US driver's license does not have a spot for race (the US Federal Gov't does not allow States to do that).

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The racism practised in the US is much more overt than it is in Canada.

Generally I would say that about many things in the US. Americans tend to be very open about things Canadians wouldn't discuss in public.

It doesn't make it right (of course), but it DOES allow for upfront communication about touchy issues.

Canada has racism all over the place, but as a country we like to have a reputation of being tolerant and inclusive so we bury our hatred deep deep down where the rest of the world can't see it.

I would argue that aboriginal people in this country have been treated almost as badly as african americans have been treated in the US.

And the marginalization continues. Everyone has heard people in this country make terrible jokes about drunk indians etc. It's just under our breath.

In the southern US the hatred is there but it's more apparent due to their history.

I read an article written by a journalist from the LA times who was one of only two journlists covering that mississipi murder trial way back in the sixties. Her basic point was that the south has changed dramatically from back then. Sure, there is still some racism, but it's far far far less than a few decades ago. Perhaps this swift improvement comes from the more candid dialogue they have about this issue in the US.

In Canada, our racism just continues to fester under the surface and everyone pretends its not there.

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The racism practised in the US is much more overt than it is in Canada.

Generally I would say that about many things in the US.  Americans tend to be very open about things Canadians wouldn't discuss in public.

It doesn't make it right (of course), but it DOES allow for upfront communication about touchy issues.

Canada has racism all over the place, but as a country we like to have a reputation of being tolerant and inclusive so we bury our hatred deep deep down where the rest of the world can't see it.

I would argue that aboriginal people in this country have been treated almost as badly as african americans have been treated in the US.

And the marginalization continues.  Everyone has heard people in this country make terrible jokes about drunk indians etc.  It's just under our breath.

In the southern US the hatred is there but it's more apparent due to their history.

I read an article written by a journalist from the LA times who was one of only two journlists covering that mississipi murder trial way back in the sixties.  Her basic point was that the south has changed dramatically from back then.  Sure, there is still some racism, but it's far far far less than a few decades ago.  Perhaps this swift improvement comes from the more candid dialogue they have about this issue in the US.

In Canada, our racism just continues to fester under the surface and everyone pretends its not there.

Having lived three years in the US (and 18 years in Canada) - I'm not absolutely sure I agree with you. In the US I've lived in, mostly, very small, mostly white, towns - so the racism seemed rampant.

I don't think your comments are going to bring very friendly replies though :P

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I am disgusted with how much first nations and other minorities can get away with that, should a caucasion attempt it, would result in jail time and/or fines.

Please, then, explain why study after study shows the exact opposite of what you claim. That is, caucasions get away with far more, and recieve far lesser sentences, than those minorities that you claim have it so good.

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Please, then, explain why study after study shows the exact opposite of what you claim. That is, caucasions get away with far more, and recieve far lesser sentences, than those minorities that you claim have it so good.

Do you happen to have any links (or just a name) to these studies? I'm not disagreeing with you, but I am curious to see them for myself.

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The racism practised in the US is much more overt than it is in Canada.

"Practised". LOL. You make it sound like a career.

  Generally I would say that about many things in the US.  Americans tend to be very open about things Canadians wouldn't discuss in public.

It doesn't make it right (of course), but it DOES allow for upfront communication about touchy issues. 

Perhaps in this case, the "openness" helps to perpetuate the problem. When a kid hears his dad repeatedly mouthing racial slurs, and doing so with obvious vehemence, it rubs off. The kid also learns to hate with no reason.

  Canada has racism all over the place, but as a country we like to have a reputation of being tolerant and inclusive so we bury our hatred deep deep down where the rest of the world can't see it.  

I think we should consider the difference between racism and prejudice.

Everyone is prejudice to some degree. Prejudice is simply feeling differently, or perhaps with a bias, towards a group, or a concept.

Racism is hatred based on that prejudice. Moreover, racism is usually manifested with overt acts or words.

Do I feel differently in the presence of Blacks than I do in the presence of Whites??? Absolutely.

I have looked inward many times to analyze this, and I believe the difference is fueled by what I have taken in from various media over the years.

The "difference", in my case, manifests itself in a very benign way; I simply take a bit more care to not say anything which could be construed as being intended to offend.

Do I hate Blacks???

Not at all.

The same can be said about my feelings for Natives, Orientals, Arabs, etc.

Even hard-line conservatives :)

  I would argue that aboriginal people in this country have been treated almost as badly as african americans have been treated in the US.  

Hmmm. Can't recall any group-lynchings.

But I get your point. Reservations, boarding schools, etc.

The flip side is with the boarding schools. At the time, our government in its vast ignorance actually thought it was doing the native kids a favour by forcing them into these boarding schools. It was all based on good intentions.

Unfortunately, we know what the road to Hell is paved with.

  And the marginalization continues.  Everyone has heard people in this country make terrible jokes about drunk indians etc.  It's just under our breath. 

Hey, I do it out loud. But a joke is a joke.

I am an equal-opportunity offender.

I also crack very rude jokes about Frenchmen and Italians.

And my parents were French and Italian.

I include Scottsmen, Irishmen, hell, anyone I can make a joke about, or have heard a joke about.

I have an arsenal of gay jokes that would make your head spin.

Most of these were picked up from a few gay friends.

Newfies are ALWAYS fair game, and the best Newfie jokes in existence are told by the Newfs themselves.

Hell, there are even jokes about quadriplegics. (What do you call one on your doorstep??? Matt)(What do call one floating in the ocean??? Bob) (Etc, etc)

I simply take care what company I tell these jokes in, as I do NOT seek to cause any bad feelings.

And I make it very clear that it IS a joke, and has no malicious intent.

  In the southern US the hatred is there but it's more apparent due to their history.

No kidding. When your great-great-great-great-granddaddy was immensely rich from the forced labour of his Black slaves, and now you be po' white trash 'cause them n*ggers got uppity, and to make matters worse, they can sit in the FRONT of the bus with you and yo' nine kids and two wives now, hellfire and damnation, thet's jest wrong.

  I read an article written by a journalist from the LA times who was one of only two journlists covering that mississipi murder trial way back in the sixties.  Her basic point was that the south has changed dramatically from back then.  Sure, there is still some racism, but it's far far far less than a few decades ago.  Perhaps this swift improvement comes from the more candid dialogue they have about this issue in the US. 

Or maybe it comes from the South losing the civil war, and slavery being abolished, and then after some time, the law actually prosecuting Whites for lynchings and so forth.

It could also stem from some of the younger generations actually using the thing that sits on top of their shoulders to THINK with, rather than blindly carrying on the hate in the old McCoy/Hatfield tradition.

But yeah, actually being TAUGHT some of the values inherent in the theory that all men were created equal might have something to do with it as well.

But it does continue, and there are those who actively seek to promote the hatred.

In another website, I had a rather protracted debate with someone who fancied himself a neo-nazi. He quoted and cited literature which "proved" that the holocaust never happened, that Blacks are mentally inferior, that Jews are responsible for all the pornography and drug abuse rampant in the world, etc etc etc.

The really sad thing is he actually believed it all.

Poor sap. I cut him to pieces so badly he never came back to that website again.

I'm considering actively seeking out nazi forum sites just to raise some hell and pi$$ some of these morons off.

In Canada, our racism just continues to fester under the surface and everyone pretends its not there.

Again, I would argue that there is a huge difference between racism and prejudice.

Plenty of prejudice everywhere. But racism???

Sorry, but I believe there is simply a lot less of it here.

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The biggest problems concerning people who are racist are that the poeple don't believe they're racist. Since racism is all relative and a matter of opinon, everyone feels that they are correct about their views on the world and how things are. For example: I come from a fairly conservative family, but i'm dating a highly liberal girl. When she came over one day my mom was nervous and trying to make a good impression. She made a slightly racist joke, and now my girlfriend thinks my mom is a crazy nazi or something. She also thinks i'll catch this racist bug, and it drives me up the wall how she can be so snesitive and i can't see what she sees.

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The biggest problems concerning people who are racist are that the poeple don't believe they're racist. Since racism is all relative and a matter of opinon, everyone feels that they are correct about their views on the world and how things are. For example: I come from a fairly conservative family, but i'm dating a highly liberal girl. When she came over one day my mom was nervous and trying to make a good impression. She made a slightly racist joke, and now my girlfriend thinks my mom is a crazy nazi or something. She also thinks i'll catch this racist bug, and it drives me up the wall how she can be so snesitive and i can't see what she sees.

I work with a girl just like that. She's super high maintenance, and while we get along fine I have to watch everything I say on political subjects because she is so uptight and so judgemental that she has been known to totally break off with previous friends and even boyfriends because of one wrong joke, one wrong statement about a minority, about the poor, about homosexuals or natives or anything along those lines.

Which explains why, at 30, though she's very hot looking, very personable, and very outgoing, she has never managed to keep a boyfriend more than six months.

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Both Canada and the US have very serious race problems.

It is much worse in the US however.

In the US, segregation continues in the form of suburbia. Whites live in the 'burbs, the rest live in the cities.

In Canada, most minorities live in the city and the burbs, and about half of all aboriginals live on the reserves.

Alcohol and drug abuse are big problems with aboriginal people...indeed, they are very big problems with other minorities as well.

I think that in Canada, and Alberta in particular, there is a special form of hatred that is reserved specifically for the aboriginals...and it's not just white people. I've heard the worse things come out of the mouths of Vietnamese, Indians, and Pakistani's. Granted, not all Viet, Indians, and Pakistani's hate aboriginals, I'm just noting that I've heard especially horrible things said by people who have no 'history' with aboriginals, and no real requirement or reason to hate them; other than they feel threatened or somehow feel the need to step on the backs of a people they feel inferior.

There's a lot of praise in this thread for American's 'honesty'. Well sure. It's important to talk about it. However, I think it's disgusting to call two children 'niggers' when they walk into a store.

First, the act in itself is horrible. Secondly, saying it to children makes it even more appalling. How anybody can applaud such behaviour is beyond me. I guess some of the rural Alberta wingnuts are going to come out of the wood work on this and praise his right to 'say what he wants....freedom of expression'.

To them, I'll say in advance, there was a time when it was traditional to watch what you say in public, especially around children...a communitarian value that put the well-being of the community as a whole first, and the individual right to call children 'niggers' second. Well, I'm sure somewhere in rural Alberta somebody is mustering up the arguement to justify the name calling...I'll condem it in advance.


Why is everybody so racist in the US?

Not everybody in the US is racist.

There are just more racists in the US. We gottem here in Canada.

I like to think that Canada still has more communitarian values than the US. If the Conservatives get their way, there will be fewer such communitarian values.

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I spent my last two summers in northern Ontario and I run down to northern Minnesota to visit family on the weekends.  It seems like every visit I am appalled at the sheer amount of racism and homophobia there.....

Historically, Canada certainly has been a racist country. It was the order of the day back when. History has recorded it. These days, I seldom hear a racist joke or remark... i never hear the word "racist", even. We live in a border town and have quite a bit of American tourism. The last truly racist remark i heard was from a lady from Atlanta who was telling me about how Atlanta had grown... she told a joke as to how Atlanta had become such a transportation hub that if you die and go to hell, you have to pass through Atlanta first... it was funny... but then she moved closer and wispered... but we still have our "darkies"...

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Both Canada and the US have very serious race problems.

It is much worse in the US however.

I suppose we shall take this at your word correct? HA thanks but no

In the US, segregation continues in the form of suburbia.  Whites live in the 'burbs, the rest live in the cities.

In Canada, most minorities live in the city and the burbs, and about half of all aboriginals live on the reserves.

That proves nothing, not to mention there are more whites in the 'burbs' because there are more whites in general. Also how is that 'racism' even IF that statistic is true? If the 'white' people can afford nicer housing how is that being racist? Are you trying to say racism is keeping 'the rest' from getting good jobs? That is absurd! Affirmative action took care of that one =p

Also consider that a higher % of 'white' people actually go on to post-secondary education, but heck that wouldn't have anything at all to do with anything right?

As for reserves... Only in Canada would it be considered a step towards equality to erect government-sanctioned barriers between its citizen's racial groups.

Alcohol and drug abuse are big problems with aboriginal people...indeed, they are very big problems with other minorities as well. 

Wait, so you just admit they have these very big problems, yet it is racism that they... have... them? Your confusin the hell outta me here jones

I think that in Canada, and Alberta in particular, there is a special form of hatred that is reserved specifically for the aboriginals...and it's not just white people.  I've heard the worse things come out of the mouths of Vietnamese, Indians, and Pakistani's.  Granted, not all Viet, Indians, and Pakistani's hate aboriginals, I'm just noting that I've heard especially horrible things said by people who have no 'history' with aboriginals, and no real requirement or reason to hate them; other than they feel threatened or somehow feel the need to step on the backs of a people they feel inferior. 

Or maybe its because they are constantly having to swerve to avoid groups of drunken aboriginals sauntering into the road, of course it could also be that the half of them that don't live on the reserve in total poverty happen to live in homeless shelters and rely on welfare that costs tax dollars (that half of them don't pay, according to your own stats).

Before you shout 'racist racist!' think about what I said and look into it yourself, there is nothing racist about posting the truth.

There's a lot of praise in this thread for American's 'honesty'.  Well sure.  It's important to talk about it.  However, I think it's disgusting to call two children 'niggers' when they walk into a store. 

First, the act in itself is horrible.  Secondly, saying it to children makes it even more appalling.  How anybody can applaud such behaviour is beyond me. 

We are agreed.

I guess some of the rural Alberta wingnuts are going to come out of the wood work on this and praise his right to 'say what he wants....freedom of expression'.

To them, I'll say in advance, there was a time when it was traditional to watch what you say in public, especially around children...a communitarian value that put the well-being of the community as a whole first, and the individual right to call children 'niggers' second.  Well, I'm sure somewhere in rural Alberta somebody is mustering up the arguement to justify the name calling...I'll condem it in advance.

You are a bigot, enough said.

Why is everybody so racist in the US?

Not everybody in the US is racist.

There are just more racists in the US.  We gottem here in Canada. 

I like to think that Canada still has more communitarian values than the US.  If the Conservatives get their way, there will be fewer such communitarian values.

Refer to my above reply.

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  • 4 weeks later...

You hypocritical a hole are country is multi cultural and we let imigrants from the middle east in to Canada witout strip searching them and beating them adn accusing them of terrorist acts does yours um yea htat is sure tolerence i dont think so you guys make everyone that comes into your country assimilate and become american and you have never heard your country use the word "nigger" before well just over 20 years ago you guys took in black african slaves beat them called them niggers and stripped them of their rights.

now never tell me that my country has no tolerence again

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My wife was Blackfeet, so my kids are half, and their kids one quarter. We've never encountered racism toward them.

I have seen lots in my younger years, but mostly when I was a teen and first moved to Toronto. It was pretty bad then towards Natives. It's improved vastly. When I married in the sixties it wasn't thought of as a good or smart thing to do for a white guy to marry an injun gal, but I did and no one ever said a thing about it. She was completely accepted and always asked to join in any group going.

My youngest daughter get angry even today . Not or racism of her Nationality, but that people often think her a Pakstani before knowing her. It irritates her that so many still cant recognize a Native.LOL

America is different from Canada in that they are more verbal then us and seem to carry old hatreds on forever. Change seems slower there, but it is happening.


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Good morning HAWK:

Please allow me to address two of your comments.......

Also consider that a higher % of 'white' people actually go on to post-secondary education, but heck that wouldn't have anything at all to do with anything right?

Personally, I feel that the lower % of natives going on to post-secondary education is no one's fault but their own.

The reason for this is simple; any Status-Indian in Canada is entitled to free education for as long as they may want to continue their schooling.

All they have to do is sign up and take advantage.

As for reserves... Only in Canada would it be considered a step towards equality to erect government-sanctioned barriers between its citizen's racial groups.

The reserves in Canada are somewhat different from those in the States.

In Canada, the reserve is more like a safe retreat for those who would rather live within their native cultural setting.

Natives in Canada are not confined to reserves, and are free to live wherever they please, limited only by their personal financial resources.

Just like the rest of us.

Many simply do not TRY.

Many others get rich when they DO try, by taking advantage of tax loopholes not available to the rest of us, working off-reserve jobs, while maintaining a reserve mail-address for further tax advantages, etc.

Now for a bit of shoe-on-the-other-foot.

I've had some business dealings with a few reserves in Ontario. Most of these were with the Wikwemikong reserve on Manitoulin Island.

Canada's largest unceded reserve.

If you want to talk about racism, try spin a business deal with the folks there.

They will gladly pay 3-4 times as much to a native-owned business, for inferior service, than pay a white-owned business who will do the job professionally and competently.

When I asked one of them why, his reply boiled down to one word; "Appearances".

Did a sound job there for the Three Fires Music Festival back in '99.

Had to fight like hell to get the contract.

I was bidding against a supposedly native-owned company that was nothing more than a cover-name for a major sound company from southern Ont.

Big company hires 2 native kids to look like they're running things, and charges 3-4 times as much as they would for the same services contracted elsewhere.

While doing sound at the show, a fellow named Derek Miller, one of the performers who was just completing a nation-wide tour called "Aboriginal Voices" along with several other native performers, told me it was by far the best sound they had worked with on the entire tour.

When he learned of the company that had almost got the contract, he laughed, saying they were "absolutely useless".

And yet, they almost got the job while charging 4x as much money.

Would you also call this sort of behaviour racism???

Oh, BTW, we still got stiffed out of $4K on the gig, as did the headline band for the weekend, one of only two white groups on the bill. Don't know about the other white performer, never heard from him after the show, so he may have gotten stiffed, too. I don't know.

But all the native performers got paid.

Would you call THAT reverse racism???

It all goes both ways.

The difference is when they do it, it's called "protecting our culture".

I'm not sure exactly how having an untrained native behind a sound board, rather than a seasoned veteran who just happens to be white, is protecting culture.

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Wow, were to even begin with this topic. Umm. Let me start by saying i live in North Carolina, however i am a transplated Northerner from Michigan. The south has racism no doubt, HOWEVER, there are more openly racist people in Michigan then i ever met in the South. Southern Blacks are some of the nicest, friendliest people you will ever meet, they dont hold a grudge against the white man, in Michigan many of the blacks, and i lived with one for a year and dated a black girl for a year, have a huge chip on their shoulders. without making a huge genralization, the attitude is "you enslaved us and you owe us." And to me thats just not right. In the south you do not see that attitude at all. Another thing, i live in one of the most deverse towns in the south, we have S. Americans, Africans, europeans, White Americans, Black americans, Asians (vietnamese and chinese), mexicans, etc. And you know what? everyone gets along very well. There is less race related hate crimes here then there is in New York city. You wanna talk about ignorance visit NYC. those people think if your not living there than you living in a cave. Someone Commited on North Carolina Drivers Liscense, I grabbed my recently renewed one and compared it to my Old Michigan drivers liscense. Can you guess what i found? NO race identifier on my NC DL, and RACE:White on my Michigan one. Dang that about blows up that argument (yes i know you were getting that info 2nd hand).

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You hypocritical a hole are country is multi cultural and we let imigrants from the middle east in to Canada witout strip searching them and beating them adn accusing them of terrorist acts does yours um yea htat is sure tolerence i dont think so you guys make everyone that comes into your country assimilate and become american and you have never heard your country use the word "nigger" before well just over 20 years ago you guys took in black african slaves beat them called them niggers and stripped them of their rights.

now never tell me that my country has no tolerence again

Why? Why do we have to have these types of people calling themselves conservatives? The Libs love these "liberals in denial" because they tear us apart from within. I'd take an honest NDPer over a red tory any day. What did we do to deserve all of these CINO's?

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