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Everything posted by baden

  1. I spent my last two summers in northern Ontario and I run down to northern Minnesota to visit family on the weekends. It seems like every visit I am appalled at the sheer amount of racism and homophobia there. I know Canada isn't perfect with respect to tolerance (we have come a long way in my opinion) but in all my life I have never heard the word "nigger" spoken outloud, yet everytime I go visit I hear it over and over again. Somehow my family never caught this "racist" bug or else I would have stopped visiting long ago and only my love for my family keeps me going back. However, my patience is pushed to the limit when I encounter other Americans shouting out the N word or saying things like "they have blacks working there now... ah shit" or "those damn Indians". So basically... I want to ask you people who probably know the US a hell of a lot more than I do if the rest of the US is like that because my cousin wants to do a road trip to Yellowstone at the end of July? Will I go out of my mind? Thanks
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