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Canadian women to march in America against Trump.


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3 hours ago, Topaz said:

My understanding why these women are going to DC is the language Trump used with Billy Bush and they want to tell him they don't like it. I just hope they have huge health insurance  coverage when the plan violence breaks out and if they land in the hospital.

Ah come on. Its a tad more then just a kitten  comment to Billy Bush. (how appropriate)

More to the point, what is it about women forming interest groups that bothers men so much?

You think only women's groups are going to protest Trump. Give him some credit. Everyone hates him.

He is not selective in who he insults. Sooner or later everyone gets insulted by him. He's just blatant about it unlike Obama who smiled and couched his words.

Hell Ronald Reagan came to Canada and all kinds of groups protested against him/ Its politics.

Sorry I think there are particular issues women may feel offends their gender identity that he has said but its a tad more complex then that and to make couched suggestions women shouldn't form interest groups or express their opinions about their gender is  crock.

I just am putting it out. Too many back handed comments about women. In our society they can drive cars too you know.



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11 hours ago, Rue said:

In regards to your first sentence, yes and based on your past posts on this forum. I also think given your comments on this thread reflect a selective process about women and Jews But hey I am a Zionist and you know we have lots of women in the IDF and Golda Meir had more balls then any of our men so what do I know. I

I agree with your fourth sentence.

In regards to your first sentence in paragraph 5, yah their are  wannabee Trumps in Canada. One is running for the Tories called Kellie Leach (appropriate last name) and the other is waiting in the wings and trying to use his reality show and posings as a millionaire to pose himself as the next messiah of Canada and intends to come in at the last second at the Tory leadership convention posing himself as the cure for Justin Trudeauitis and there is a thread about him.

In regards to your comments about elitist globalism I think Clinton and Trump are both elitists. Let's be clear, to run for the US Presidency you need the kind of money and connections that requires elitist connections.  It's just a fact. I am neutral when it comes to elitists. I don't resent them for being elitist. I don't envy rich, powerful people. With it comes stress and tension. I don't envy that at all. I challenge elitists only if they pretend like Trudeau to understand poor and Middle Class people and patronize us as he does and I don't think Trump could care a hoot about workers his track record shows wherever he has had a project workers have been stiffed their wages.

That said, while I think he is a sleezy car salesman I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt before I wet my pants over him and march in the streets. I also  think his foreign policy might end up better than under the Obama regime Lord knows it couldn't get worse.

Furthermore its an American issue for his people to dal with and only becomes a concern to me when it impacts on Canada negatively. Whether Ms. Hyland is the one to deal with him remains to be seen. I think it was a mistake picking her if they really wanted someone to mesh with him. I think Gen. Leslie was the guy to choose or Grant Garneau .Then again maybe that is my sexist attitude speaking and maybe Trump and Putin having to deal with her is not a bad thing. I think its naïve I think it sets her up for failure.

I think Hyland would make a great Culture Minister. That is where her forte would be as a journalist understanding how globalism is impacting with Canadian culture. That's just my opinion. I also think Bill Blair should be the Solicitor General or in charge of the Security Portfolio and havings someone like Gen. Leslie not in cabinet with his command experience is ridiculous. The guy they put in as Defence Minister is o.k. but he barely can read the sentences he is given without vomiting because he knows better. I don't like seeing a good manlike that hung out to dry.

In regards to your last sentence who are the Zionist elite and what a dumb thing to say. If you are going to make veiled bigoted statements at Jews in Canada stop hiding behind the word Zionist. Spit it out. Lol. Zionist elite. Yah right. Have you looked at who Trudeau's advisor is for the Middle East-he is a rabid little anti-Semite from Mississauga, Ontario. Go find out who Omar Aleghbra is and what he stands for.

Go list the Jewish cabinet Ministers and advisors in Trudeau's office. Hah.

Trudeau makes no secret of his views. . I don't think though he's an anti-Semite or against Israel existing either but he's never supported settlements on the West Bank and he has a naïve Obama view of Muslims. With due fairness to him his pro Muslim sympathies are based on a naïve liberal assumption that he can get into bed with certain Muslims.. I do not disagree he is polite and respectful of Muslims.. They are as Canadian as anyone else and should not be treated rudely or with hatred.. Where I disagree is with certain extremists in the Muslim community he has associated himself with and befriended I think he's naïve and that could be dangerous-but I also think he's surrounded by an apparatus of security that checks and balances his naivite. I would hope so.

All I know is for such a ridiculously naïve person which I think he is, his government got it right on the mission to help Kurds. I may not like him but his government did that right. I also think he's a two face embracing China while spitting at Russia.

I also don't like the fact he hired an Immigration Lawyer as Immigration Minister, not because he's Muslim but because he's necessarily got a conflict of interest and bias in favour of certain positions before he even takes office. I could care less about his skin colour or religion. I object to his selection the same way no Prime Minister has ever appointed an aboriginal as Indian Affairs Minister. Its too much of a conflict and in fact this crass tokenism of hiring a visible minority refugee for this post may set this new Minister up for failure just like sending a woman to deal wi th Putin and Trump may set her up for undeserved ridicule and there may be a better way to deal with perceived intolerance.

I repeat again, there is nothing in this thread about women that can't be said about men. The fact you made it only about women speaks to your selective process. Last time I looked people of both genders hated and liked Trump.

If women getting together in a group frightens you hey what can I say- I know you  probably feel the same way about Muslims and Jews too. Lol.

Just so you know I don't gather in groups. I don't need pack reinforcement,ridiculous chants and hand gestures, funny marching techniques to make me feel strong and dangerous. Also I don't wear black or brown shirts and I think grown men who wear jodphurs look ridiculous unless they play polo.

Have a nice day Taxmoi.






Regards #i. Just because I have said many times that I am a pro-white activist does not have to mean that I am a white supremacist. With Zionists, anyone who utters anything about being proud of their Caucasian people and achievements well all of them just have to be white supremacists,  racists and anti-Semite. Get real. I do not say the word Jew because from my understanding not all Jews are Zionists. Got it now? So, you being a Zionist then you must be one of those Jewish supremacists that David Duke, Jarod Taylor, and Brother Nathaniel keep talking about. Hey, we both are a couple of supremacists. Cool, eh?   

So, just why do Canadian zionists give a dam about Israel when you/they are suppose to be Canadian? Are you Canadian or are you Israeli? My ancestors came from Britain but you don't see me getting all up tight as to what happens in Britain, not that there is lot's to talk about as to what is going on in Britain with the Muslims. I am only interested and concerned about Canada, not the rest of the world. You need to decide as to whether you want to be loyal to Canada or to Israel. You should be more concerned about Canada, and stop worrying about Israel that you don't even live in, as far as I know, and is of no interest to most Canadians anyway. 

Women gathering in groups don't frighten me as much as those feminist women who get together and who seems to be always plotting against men, and so those women really need to be watched. When I see a bunch of Muslims together I get the willys. With most Jews looking white, it is hard to tell as to who is Jewish, and who is the gentile. 

I am an Anglophone so it is Taxme. :D 

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On 1/12/2017 at 11:09 PM, taxme said:

Regards #i. Just because I have said many times that I am a pro-white activist does not have to mean that I am a white supremacist. With Zionists, anyone who utters anything about being proud of their Caucasian people and achievements well all of them just have to be white supremacists,  racists and anti-Semite. Get real. I do not say the word Jew because from my understanding not all Jews are Zionists. Got it now? So, you being a Zionist then you must be one of those Jewish supremacists that David Duke, Jarod Taylor, and Brother Nathaniel keep talking about. Hey, we both are a couple of supremacists. Cool, eh?   

So, just why do Canadian zionists give a dam about Israel when you/they are suppose to be Canadian? Are you Canadian or are you Israeli? My ancestors came from Britain but you don't see me getting all up tight as to what happens in Britain, not that there is lot's to talk about as to what is going on in Britain with the Muslims. I am only interested and concerned about Canada, not the rest of the world. You need to decide as to whether you want to be loyal to Canada or to Israel. You should be more concerned about Canada, and stop worrying about Israel that you don't even live in, as far as I know, and is of no interest to most Canadians anyway. 

Women gathering in groups don't frighten me as much as those feminist women who get together and who seems to be always plotting against men, and so those women really need to be watched. When I see a bunch of Muslims together I get the willys. With most Jews looking white, it is hard to tell as to who is Jewish, and who is the gentile. 

I am an Anglophone so it is Taxme. :D 

That is what the left does. You can't say boo anymore without being called a racist. 

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4 hours ago, cybercoma said:

Well, "boo" is a racist term, as in "spook" or "jig-a-boo." So I guess if you don't want to be a racist, maybe don't say racist things. It's pretty simple really.

When I say "boo", it means I want the team to score more goals, or the performer to get off the stage.

On Halloween I might use the scary version.

None of my "boos" are racist.

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19 hours ago, PIK said:

That is what the left does. You can't say boo anymore without being called a racist. 

I am not leftist or rightist I am smack in the Middle. Stop trying to label me with simplistic retarded stereotypes.

I think this thread is a crock because it suggests there is something unique or wrong about women's political interest groups, Muslims in groups, etc

I have addressed specifically why  have concerns. My concerns are not leftist or rightist in political orientation but challenge illogical stereotypes that assign thoughts, characteristics and behaviours in a negative way solely based on gender or religion, etc.

I don't give a flying phack if the person stereotyping is right or left in their orientation to me such reasoning used by either or myself or anyone human is problematic.

Now call me leftist again and I kill you. Just joking. PIK isn't it bad enough I have been accused of supporting Trudeau now you call me leftist?

Here you need a label its:

smack middle of the road existential Taoist Buddhist Kabbalist Agnostic Christian Relativist Antt-All Humans Pro all Animals except Mosquitoes, Roaches and Sewer Rats Habs Supporting Zionist with Irish Tendencies Belgian Beer Drinking Bilingual Worst Goaltender World Has Seen Edward Kennedy-Truman-Laurier-Rastafari-Native Peoples Vision Sharing Asshole


...but don't call me leftist... 


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14 hours ago, bcsapper said:

When I say "boo", it means I want the team to score more goals, or the performer to get off the stage.

On Halloween I might use the scary version.

None of my "boos" are racist.

No but if you wear a hood and burn a cross while saying boo you might make some blacks, Catholics or Jews and for that matter many others a tad nervous.

In your case I believe you are quite logical and hate everyone equally. You are above this thread's agenda in i.q. I also have great confidence you won't ride in private jets with the Agha Kahn when you are Prime Minister. Seriously without straying the thread was started as if its some big deal that women may not like Trump. The fact they ave vaginas to me is extraneous to the actual issues that may cause some women to hate Trump just as I do not care if people who love or hate Trump may have penises. I think some of the comments at women on this thread are a crock of sheeyat because for the same reason I challenge the thread originators stereotypes about other groups. All kidding aside you have not done that and don't on threads. You are above that. 

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Tax me I will now respond to you.

You stated:

“ Just because I have said many times that I am a pro-white activist does not have to mean that I am a white supremacist.”

Yes and I have responded describing yourself as Crest Toothpaste is a silly way to couch your agenda. Actually the word-play of changing the term white supremacist to pro-white activist, was first coined by David Duke of the KKK. He told his followers they had to be more media aware when communicating and as I said, if you walk, waddle and fart like a duck, no one is going to think you are a Snowy Owl because you call yourself Crest Toothpaste.

You stated: “ With Zionists, anyone who utters anything about being proud of their Caucasian people and achievements well all of them just have to be white supremacists,  racists and anti-Semite.”

You again engage in a stereotype where you assume all Zionists think the same way. They don’t. That’s you projecting the same thoughts on them all. In fact you really mean to criticize what you think I have challenged you for. To start with I have pointed out to you who Caucasian people are.

 I have also  pointed out to you in another thread that Caucasian people relates to people who spoke or speak a group of languages that originate din the region of the Cacasus (Transcaucasia)..

There are more than 50 different peoples that come from this region.

 It was pointed out on another thread to you that Caucasian peoples include people who speak Caucasic languages; the Kartvelians, Northeast Caucasians and Northwest Caucasians.

 People who speak Kartvelian languages include Georgians of Russia, (Syans, Mingrelians, Laz).

 People who speak Northeast Caucasian languages include the Avar-Andic peoples, (Avars, Andis,Akvakh, Botliks, Godoberi, Chamalals, Bagvalals, Tindis). They also include Tsezic (Didoic) peoples, (Tsez, Hunukh, Bezhta Hunzibs, Khwarshi), Lezgic peoples (Aguls, Legzians, Rutuls, Tabasarans, Tsakhurs, Kryts, Buduck, Udins, Archins), the Dargin people, (Khinalug, Laks), the Nakh people, (Bats, Chechens, Kists, Ingush.

 The Caucasian people also include people who speak Northwest Caucasian languages (Abkhaz, Abaza, Circassians (Adyghe, Kabarday, Cherkes, Ubykh). Caucasians also includes people who speak Turkic languages, i.e., Azerbaijanis, Balkars, Karachays, Kumys, Meskhetian Turks, Nogais.Turkmeni.

 Caucasians also include people who speak Indo-European languages, i.e., Armenians, Greeks (Hellenic peoples (Caucasus Greeks, Urums, Pontic Greeks), Iranians (Gulaks, Mazanderanis, Ossetians, Talysh, Kurds, Tats, Mountain Jews Yazidis), Slavs (Russians, Kuban and Terek Cossaks, Ukrainians).

You use the term Caucasian thinking it means White Eurpean. It doesn’t. Ironically it includes people from Iran, Iraq, Turkey and people who would not be pale skinned and you would beer have living next door to you.

 You use Caucasian to define people as being members of the white race but if these people with pale skin are Jews, Muslims or any other religions, ethnic or cultural group you don’t like they magically stop being white.

 The term Caucasian used to denote white race came from Christoph Meiners in his treatise “Outline of History of Mankind “ written in 1785 and then referred to by Johann Friedruch Blumenbach a German doctor and anthropologist in the 1790’s. This treatise defined to races of people (Caucasians and Mongolians). Meiner subjectively decided Caucasians were more attractive and virtuous than Mongolians. His theories were not based on science. Meiners used the word Caucasian because he subjectively felt people from Mount Caucasus were “beautiful”.

Today no one uses this term to mean white race except people who describe themselves as toothpaste, i.e., “white activists” like you.

 There’s a reason for that. Science and in particular biology and genetics has revealed that there is no such thing as “race”. A person with coal black skin and a person white snow white skin (more likely grey-pink) can have more genetically in common than two white or two black men. Skin colour, lip size, hair texture, imagined penis size, all the subjective physical characteristics people have given and still give to describe the difference between “white” (European/Caucasian), yellow (Mongolian/Mongoloid/Oriental) and black (Negroid) peoples has been proved to be subjective and meaningless as such characteristics are secondary characteristics non germaine to the determination of genetic typing.

You cling to an outmoded and ridiculous stereotype and one you don’t even follow when your supposed white race that you claim to be an activist for includes Jews and Arabs and no doubt Turks, Chechens, etc.

You use an outmoded term to define who it is you claim to support. Cut to the chase Taxme and say it clear and precise-you claim to advocate on behalf of specific white peoples-people you think are white but have as well the same physical and religious and ethnic beliefs as you. If that white person was an albino black man, an albino Chinese man, a Muslim, a Jew, a Turk you feel they are in competition and a danger to you and your supposed group of people you share your characteristics with.

I stated in another thread you define people based on these subjective physical characteristics no different than baboons, chimpanzees, Organatans Spider Monkeys and other simeons. You revert back to your primal (simeon primate) instincts of defining people based on subjective physical features which is what pack animals and the apes (simeons) of which humans are, do. We have a primal instinct to define ourselves in packs of similar physical appearance and someone from another pack is considered a competition and danger to our prospective mates, water and food supplies so we get into territorial battles with other packs over this.

 You choose to remain grounded in such behaviour. This is why I challenge you, I find your classification of humans primal, i.e., unadvanced and a holdover from the days when we walked on our knuckles. Furthermore I think your fear of people who do not look like you when practiced, leads to inbreeding and inbreeding will cause your pack to suffer from genetic disorders and die out.

 You are your own worst enemy. Your thinking leads to extinction. Nature requires mating to go outside its immediate genetic pool as much as possible to avoid diseases and conditions caused by genetic inbreeding. It may be too late with you?

You stated:

“ Get real. I do not say the word Jew because from my understanding not all Jews are Zionists.”

No but then your actual comments refer to ALL Jews and not just Zionists, just like your use of the term “Caucasian” only means for you “white” people. The word you choose is not the issue, it’s the context in which you use it. The context in which you use “Zionist” is done to refer to all Jews, not just Zionist ones just as you stereotype ALL women, and ALL Muslims, and ALL leftists etc. An example of that is the very next sentence you stated after the above one when you then stated:

“So, you being a Zionist then you must be one of those Jewish supremacists that David Duke, Jarod Taylor, and Brother Nathaniel keep talking about. “

You blatantly show how for you the term Zionist and Jewish are interchangeable. You contradict your very words in the very next sentence. Not all Zionists are Jews. In fact there are probably more Christian Zionists then there are Jewish ones.nNext, you slur all Zionists as being Jewish supremacists. Zionist does not define Jews as a race, religion, or superior people. It never has. I asked you to provide one piece of literature just one from a Zionist that defines Jews in Zionism as a religious entity or superior religious or racial identity. You have repeatedly ignored me because you can’t find one example. Zionism only defines Jews as a political collective in need of a state organ to protect its collective identity from political persecution.It says nothing else.

Then you stated:

“Hey, we both are a couple of supremacists. Cool, eh?”

No. My words on this forum make it clear I consider people of all religions, ethnicities, cultures, languages, nationalities different but not inferior or superior to me or anyone else. You on the other hand have defined a “white race” and suggest it needs your defence against “non whites” who you refer to as a danger to “whites”. Your definition of white isn’t even consistent because you then subjectively exclude whites you think are different from you, i.e., whites who are Turkish, Muslim Jewish, female, gay, etc/   

Now you asked me:

“So, just why do Canadian zionists give a dam about Israel when you/they are suppose to be Canadian? “

Not just Canadian Zionists, but all kinds of Canadians who don’t all themselves Zionists care about other countries whose people are engaged in conflict and are exposed to terrorism. We care because we consider ourselves part of a global world that is inter-connected in cause and effect. We care the same reason we care if someone slips and falls ad needs us to help them get up or needs us to call for help. Your question assumes a Canadian should only care about what goes on in Canada. That is illogical. It reflects your belief you should close your mind to things outside Canada and not give a damn and all Canadians should. But hey you don’t stop at just Canada. You stop at white race Canadians. You have made it clear you only are concerned about white race Canadians unless that white raced Canadian is Muslim, Jewish, a woman, a gay person, or any kind of white person you think physically looks different or you think doesn’t fit into your group and its imagined needs and interests. You demonstrate inbred thinking, or closed-minded thinking where you can’t function outside narrow parameters of type casting.

You asked me twice now if and I quote:

“Are you Canadian or are you Israeli?

I am going to answer your question first pointing out its predicated on the ancient anti-semitic slur that Jews are only loyal to Jews.

(source: http://www.abc.net.au/religion/articles/2013/03/04/3703114.htm)

“ There is nothing new or original about the idea that Jews cannot be loyal members of society…Because of our Jewishness, our loyalty is in question. We must go above and beyond the other communities .. to prove that we really are part of society. We must "be and yet not be Jews….The whole affair is sadly reminiscent of the viciously prejudiced accusations of disloyalty against Albert Dreyfus, a Jewish officer in the French military. It was the 1894 "Dreyfus affair" that prompted a young Theodore Herzl to found the Zionist movement.”


Using your train of thought a Greek Canadian concerned about what goes on in Greece  where their ancestors live and where some relatives might live is disloyal to Canada. A Ukrainian Canadian including our current Foreign Affairs Minister proud of her Ukrainian heritage, who challenges what Russia has done to Ukraine, is disloyal to Canada. Canadians with dual American citizenship and are concerned about politics and other things in the US are disloyal.

 It would appear in your world you can’t imagine someone could have multiple opinions and not only that balance them in order of priority. Because your cognitive (thought) process doesn’t work that way you assume everyone else must think like you and only be able to think in blacks or whites.

 Interestingly for someone who accused me of being a leftist as you did, you engage in very common leftist smeer tactics, i.e.,

( source: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/03/obamas_court_jews_raise_the_dual_loyalty_canard_.html )

Accusations of dual loyalty against Jews used to be something one expected to hear, if at all in this country, from the extreme right.  But modern conservatives generally strongly support Israel and rarely display anti-Semitic tendencies.   On the other hand, the far left has been anti-Israel for decades, and hostility to the Jewish state -- often occulted by philo-Israel bromides -- is increasingly becoming a mainstream sentiment within the Democratic Party.  Some leftist Jews have raised the issue before, but now many more have recklessly raised the canard as a means to support President Obama’s opposition to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyah.........

This makes charges of dual loyalty by the left, and especially liberal Jews all the more odious.  Fealty to a leader is not loyalty, any more than expression of free speech is disloyalty.”

You stated:

My ancestors came from Britain but you don't see me getting all up tight as to what happens in Britain, not that there is lot's to talk about as to what is going on in Britain with the Muslims. I am only interested and concerned about Canada, not the rest of the world.”

Hah. You came on this forum because you are as you state” all up tight” about the “white race”. So you now want to pretend you are not uptight about who you consider white people of European heritage in Canada who you feel are not getting treated fairly? Lol.

Then you state this comment:

“You need to decide as to whether you want to be loyal to Canada or to Israel. You should be more concerned about Canada, and stop worrying about Israel that you don't even live in, as far as I know, and is of no interest to most Canadians anyway. “

First off, the fact I care about both Israelis and Palestinians doesn’t make me disloyal to Canada anymore than it did Lester B. Pearson when he won the Nobel Peace Prize for inventing the concept of peace keeping troops and sending them to conflicts in Cyprus and the Middle East.

 I am no more disloyal to Canada than the Canadian soldiers who died and/or put their lives on the line to go to Afghanistan, serve on all the peacekeeping missions across the world. Sacrifice in Korea, World War One, Two and now in Iraq. These are loyal Canadians who make me proud to be a Canadian.

 There is no contradiction between my believing Jews have a right to their own Jewish country and Palestinians having a right to a second country on the West Bank and in Gaza. (Jordan is already one). There is no contradiction about being concerned about terrorism in the Middle East or conflicts across the world and being a loyal Canadian. To suggest otherwise is simply you assuming for one to be loyal they have to only care about what you say. Interesting how you are not disloyal to Canada when you clearly state you consider non white race Canadians your enemy and so much so you need to be an activist against them.

 You might before you lecture me or anyone on being a loyal Canadian look at yourself in the mirror. Like the vast majority of immigrants and refugees, I am proud my refugee and immigrant grandparents and mother came to Canada and I am proud my father served in the Air Force in WW2 and retired as a Major from the Army after the war. I am proud of what this country has given me-political rights and luxuries my ancestors dreamed of. Jews in Israel born there, Palestinians on the West Bank or in camps born there had no more choice or say as to their birthplace than I did.

 Refugees who escaped to Israel and refugees who flee to any country including Canada are people who are not disloyal to Canada when they get here. They are and become good citizens. Immigrants built this country. Your alleged ancestry  means what? You came to a country where the laws were all based on British laws. If you were of non British ancestry and came to Canada you think you would believe you are of the “white race”. You think your belief you are of a “white European” race would be the same? You think Italians, Estonians, Dukhabors.  Ukrainians, Greeks, Irish share your British white European beliefs? Hmmm? These people just to name a few were white Europeans ridiculed when they came to Canada no different than we ridicule today’s immigrants.

See that is the big difference between us. In my world Canada already existed as a nation of native nations when first the Vikings, and then later British and French came. I see all three peoples as having built equally as meaningful foundations of law, which then allowed so many other peoples to come to Canada and build the country. We have a racist history towards our natives, the Chinese and Indians who built our railroads. We had very real issues arresting en masse Japanese, Germans and Italians in Canada during WW2 because we had no other way security wise of being able to properly screen for possible spies.

 We have had story after story in this country about injustice and racism towards native peoples, and other visible minorities, sometimes towards visible minorities or women or gays. Lots of groups of every skin pigment have experienced discrimination and we have been shamed from it and learned from it hopefully and know better now to repeat it. Stephen Harper had no problems with my beliefs nor does the Conservative Party. The Liberal Party does. It even engaged in a smeer campaign against Bob Rae when he ran for its leadership because his wife was a "Jew" and the smeer campaign sent this meant he would be too pro Israel. Rae was an idiot for other reaosns but the dual loyalty canard never dies. Right now many believe Trudeau is disloyal to Canada and has aligned himself to closely to the Muslim community. Whether this reflects in bias and pro terrorist foreign policy or whether it does not and simply makes him a naive idiot for some of the Muslims he hangs out with remains to be seen. The fact is and I have stated it, smeering all Muslim Canadians as disloyal simply because they are Muslim is illogical, prejudice and hateful. Challenging extremist Muslim fundamentalists does not mean hating all Muslims.

You stated:

“Women gathering in groups don't frighten me as much as those feminist women who get together and who seems to be always plotting against men, and so those women really need to be watched.”

So “those feminist women” how do you know them from other women?  How do you know they are plotting against men? Do you propose a political police keep an eye on them or a gender police or should we put trackers on them? What makes them feminist and then what makes their feminism so frightening to you? What plots are they involved in?

 Oh but wait its not just women… you also stated

“ When I see a bunch of Muslims together I get the willys.”

Good lord man stay out of Mississauga, Malton, Milton, Guelph, Hamilton. you might get a heart attack.


“ With most Jews looking white, it is hard to tell as to who is Jewish, and who is the gentile.”

Now isn’t it interesting for someone who told me he only is upset about Zionist Jews your last sentence above makes it clear its not just Zionist Jews.

Look at your words. You stereotype women, Muslims. Jews.

Voila,  you agenda, it’s a distrust, a hatred expressed towards women, Muslims, Jews. Tell me how does a Jew “look white”. Are you saying it’s a temporary phenomena, something we take on and off? Are you saying my pale skin is an illusion? You just showed your stereotyping of Jews has nothing to do with you supporting people who are “white” but in facy only certain kinds of people you believe are white.

 If the person who is white is a woman, Jew or Muslim well out of the white race they go right? I’ve already read your other comments on gays. Out they go. Well hey why stop there right?

I believe your words evidence you are a bigot. 

Regards and have a wonderful day

Rue (the Jew who looks white and can not be trusted to be Canadian by Taxme)

p.s. I am a Habs fan so I spell Canadians,  "Canadiens"





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On 1/18/2017 at 9:44 AM, Rue said:

Rue (the Jew who looks white and can not be trusted to be Canadian by Taxme)


p.s. I am a Habs fan so I spell Canadians,  "Canadiens"

You said that "zionists don't all think the same way". Well, I say to you that all pro-white activists don't all think the same way also. So, what's your point for speaking before you think? 

Edited by kimmy
excessive quoting
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9 hours ago, taxme said:

You said that "zionists don't all think the same way". Well, I say to you that all pro-white activists don't all think the same way also. So, what's your point for speaking before you think? 

I have never stated all pro-white activists think the same way. I only know one person who claims to be one, and that is you so that is why I specifically challenge your words and don't make negative generalizations about any other person you think is white, activist or anything else.


Rue one of many Jews

dah Jew goes boo

so duz dah Muslim two

an you know what else aint gnu

its your hatred of women too

muss be sumtang frightened like dat

of all dem folks an dat

and yoo aint no good with equations

you can't even define caucasians

but hey you got high hopes for trump

you tink he's some white activist chump

got some news

his sons and daughter are married to Jews

you aint gotta clue

each grandchild of his is a Jew

yer a funny dude

you an your race feud

based on lip size and skin colour

unless it comes from  a Jew or Muslim mudder

and feminists upset your willy

an make you all chilly

yah I dig

you flipped yer wig

no one brown got it in for you

jess me sayin boo

and sayin watch under your bed

an watch dah boogy man instead

he aint coloured brown

he's actually a neo Nazi clown

he can't dance a tune

an he snarls like a baboon

he thinks he;s cool doin the goose step

but he aint no Johny Depp

jus Mel Gibson drinkin beer

an all full of fear

lol dah elitist Jew dun finish his rap

let me know wuzzup when you got more crap



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On 1/19/2017 at 8:44 AM, Rue said:

I have never stated all pro-white activists think the same way. I only know one person who claims to be one, and that is you so that is why I specifically challenge your words and don't make negative generalizations about any other person you think is white, activist or anything else.


let me know wuzzup when you got more crap

Pretty soon I think that I am going to give up trying to discuss anything with you. You have never looked at me as a pro-white activist. You have always tried to label me always as a white supremacist, a racist, and anti-jew. You are dead wrong. Just where have I ever said that I was a racist, a white supremacist or anti-jew? You can never quote and never will be able to quote verbatim where I have ever said that I was anyone of those. Your whole problem stems from the fact that whenever anyone dares to question anything that has to do with Judaism. Israel or zionism they become your enemy #1 and they some how they have to be attacked and called a racist, a white supremacist or hates Jews. You are just to emotional to discuss anything with. You need to learn that others have a right to their own opinions also. It is not all about you and what you think or believe. :rolleyes:

Edited by kimmy
trimmed excessive quote
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