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UN Resolution 2334 to block Israeli settlements.


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1 minute ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


No nation of Palestine in geography class back in the early 1960's.   Wasn't on the globe either....remember globes in classrooms ?

Where was "Palestine" ?

I gave you the balfour declaration and there is no state of Israel mentioned but Palestine is mentioned.. I can't help you anymore than that. Facts are stubborn.

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Just now, Canadianjim said:

I gave you the balfour declaration and there is no state of Israel mentioned but Palestine is mentioned.. I can't help you anymore than that. Facts are stubborn.


Agreed...there was no nation of Palestine...still doesn't exist.  Your empire doesn't exist any more either (Balfour).  Facts are stubborn.

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6 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Agreed...there was no nation of Palestine...still doesn't exist.  Your empire doesn't exist any more either (Balfour).  Facts are stubborn.

Well we know Israel has stolen much of the the land but Palestine exists.. That's the whole issue here. The history says Palestine.,

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6 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


Agreed...there was no nation of Palestine...still doesn't exist.  Your empire doesn't exist any more either (Balfour).  Facts are stubborn.

Oh by the way you may want to check the world atlas....



Currently the "State of Palestine" is officially recognized by the United Nations as a Non-Member Observer State, a status granted on November 29. 2012. The only other geographic entity currently holding this status is the Holy See (Vatican), while Switzerland held the status until 2002.

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2 minutes ago, Canadianjim said:

I gave you the balfour declaration and there is no state of Israel mentioned but Palestine is mentioned.. I can't help you anymore than that. Facts are stubborn.

You can try to ignore the part about the Zionist Movement buying their land. Arabs were allowed to buy land, too. But, that meant paying taxes and serving in the Ottoman Army...few did.

The Mufti's clan did, however. The al-Husseinis (Arafat was one).

The al-Husseinis were the ones that invented "Islam's Third Most Holy Place" jizz-jazz...and countered the Hashemite's claim to be kin to Mohammad. The Grand Mufti paid for that big gold dome via donations...renovating it back into a usable state after earthquake damage. Then pocketing the change...heh.

He went on to become one of Hitler's top SS men. Personally responsible for up to a million deaths.

That's the cause you support.


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28 minutes ago, Canadianjim said:


Really? Balfour declaration is pretty clear on what the land is called.


Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917 

Dear Lord Rothschild, 

I have much pleasure in conveying to you. on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet

His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. 

I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation. 


Arthur James Balfour

Your above response is embarrassing. Do you even know what it is you are quoting? I sure as hell  does not prove there was a Palestinian nation as you claimed in fact the opposite. Maybe its time for a nap?

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6 minutes ago, Canadianjim said:

You may not be aware that Germany was a Christian nation that committed the  holocaust. And i wouldn't  mention some of Hitler's contacts if i were you unless i also wanted to discuss preston Bush and his role in financing the Nazi regime.

Haj Amin al-Husseini was Muslim and raised numerous all-Muslim units for the SS in Yugoslavia (et al). The 13th SS being the most notorious. He was also director of Hitler's Middle East Bureau, which handled Nazi Arab language programing to the Middle East.

He was connected to both Jasenovac and Auschwitz-Birkenau via his immediate superiors, Reinhard Heydrich and later Adolf Eichmann. His most notorious action was to get the Axis Minor nations in the Balkans to send their Jews to Poland (and death) rather than allowing those countries to pay a head-tax per Jew to Turkey to take them as refugees. The Holocaust in Hungary was the result...a nation friendly to Nazi Germany.

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Just now, DogOnPorch said:

Haj Amin al-Husseini was Muslim and raised numerous all-Muslim units for the SS in Yugoslavia (et al). The 13th SS being the most notorious. He was also director of Hitler's Middle East Bureau, which handled Nazi Arab language programing to the Middle East.

He was connected to both Jasenovac and Auschwitz-Birkenau via his immediate superiors, Reinhard Heydrich and later Adolf Eichmann. His most notorious action was to get the Axis Minor nations in the Balkans to send their Jews to Poland (and death) rather than allowing those countries to pay a head-tax per Jew to Turkey to take them as refugees. The Holocaust in Hungary was the result...a nation friendly to Nazi Germany.

Irrelevant to the  Christian Nazis which controlled and ran Germany. 

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24 minutes ago, Canadianjim said:

You should learn to comprehend what you are reading. From the article...


Abbas complained on Saturday that Palestinians were being asked for something that had not been demanded of Arab countries that have previously signed peace treaties with Israel.
"We recognized Israel in mutual recognition in the (1993) Oslo agreement - why do they now ask us to recognize the Jewishness of the state?" he asked.
"Why didn't they present this demand to Jordan or Egypt when they signed a peace agreement with them?" Abbas added.
read more: http://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/1.578785

You really need to apply what you throw out at others. The very words "why do they now ask u s to recognize the Jewishness of the state?" indicate the denial to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

Lol. I love your logic. Refusing to recognize Israel as a Jewish state doesn't mean not recognizing it.

Right. Also you will recognize all Muslim states as soon as they stop being Muslim and the Vatican once it stops being Catholic and England when  stop referring to itself as an Anglican state. Also you don't recognize India's connection to Hinduism or the Buddhist states of Mynammar and Thailand.

You done or do you wish to dig the hole deeper.


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1 minute ago, Rue said:

You really need to apply what you throw out at others. The very words "why do they now ask u s to recognize the Jewishness of the state?" indicate the denial to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.

Lol. I love your logic. Refusing to recognize Israel as a Jewish state doesn't mean not recognizing it.

Right. Also you will recognize all Muslim states as soon as they stop being Muslim and the Vatican once it stops being Catholic and England when  stop referring to itself as an Anglican state. Also you don't recognize India's connection to Hinduism or the Buddhist states of Mynammar and Thailand.

You done or do you wish to dig the hole deeper.


Simply quoting the  article which is confirmed by the Israelis themselves who don't deny the  PLO recognizes them. That  is not an issue . Your attempt to bring in a non extent obstacle is actually amusing since as i stated , even Israel doesn't use that argument.

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3 minutes ago, Canadianjim said:

Irrelevant to the  Christian Nazis which controlled and ran Germany. 

Most Nazis denounced their Christian beliefs and you would know that if you took the time to do your research.

Hitler openly ridiculed Christianity as a religion. He used certain Lutheran clergy and the cowardly Pope Pius during WW2

but neither he nor Nazis believed in Christianity. They rejected Jesus as their saviour and replaced him with Hitler.

Your comments also are putrid because Jehova's Witnesses, Christian Scientists, 7th Day Adventists, Christian Democrat Party members,

Catholic clergy and Catholics, certain Lutheran clergy and Lutherans were killed precisely because they would not conform and follow Nazi beliefs.

As a Jew I find your attempt to respin the holocaust and label all Christians as Nazis sad. It again shows your true agenda.

You done masquerading with the name CanadianJim?

The more you write your true political and extremist religious profile comes through.

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10 minutes ago, Canadianjim said:

Simply quoting the  article which is confirmed by the Israelis themselves who don't deny the  PLO recognizes them. That  is not an issue . Your attempt to bring in a non extent obstacle is actually amusing since as i stated , even Israel doesn't use that argument.

Again you respond with a complete falsehood and now  you claim to speak for all of Israel.

Get this clear. You don't speak for Israel and neither do I but I can bloody well say this and you've shown it, the PA won't recognize Israel's right to be a Jewish state.

Your attempts to pretend it does and now claim "Israel" agrees with you is past absurd.


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Just now, Rue said:

Again you respond with a complete falsehood and now  you claim to speak for all of Israel.

Get this clear. You don't speak for Israel and neither do I but I can bloody well say this, if the PA won't recognize Israel's right to be a Jewish state which it won't,

your attempts to pretend it does only add to your absurd attempt to keep propping a falsehood and now lol claim "Israel" agrees with you.


Neither do you. Why do you think America Jews don't support the republicans.?

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4 minutes ago, Rue said:

Most Nazis denounced their Christian beliefs and you would know that if you took the time to do your research.

Hitler openly ridiculed Christianity as a religion. He used certain Lutheran clergy and the cowardly Pope Pius during WW2

but neither he nor Nazis believed in Christianity. They rejected Jesus as their saviour and replaced him with Hitler.

Your comments also are putrid because Jehova's Witnesses, Christian Scientists, 7th Day Adventists, Christian Democrat Party members,

Catholic clergy and Catholics, certain Lutheran clergy and Lutherans were killed precisely because they would not conform and follow Nazi beliefs.

As a Jew I find your attempt to respin the holocaust and label all Christians as Nazis sad. It again shows your true agenda.

You done masquerading with the name CanadianJim?

The more you write your true political and extremist religious profile comes through.

I know more about Hitler and Germans than you could imagine. I spend 4 months every year in Germany and my spouse is German. Born and raised. I know exactly who was responsible for the  holocaust and so do they. And it wasn't Muslims. You will never hear a German blame muslims for the  holocaust. NEVER

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11 minutes ago, Canadianjim said:

I am consistent in my beliefs. Are you?

I believe the warsaw ghetto was a horrible crime against humanity, I believe the Gaza ghetto is a horrible crime against humanity.

How about you?

You've never been to the Gaza Strip or Gaza City and you have tried to smeer all Christians as Nazis. Your posing now as being consistent is a little late.

Finish what you started. Tell him what your true beliefs are.


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7 minutes ago, Canadianjim said:

I know more about Hitler and Germans than you could imagine. I spend 4 months every year in Germany and my spouse is German. Born and raised. I know exactly who was responsible for the  holocaust and so do they. And it wasn't Muslims. You will never hear a German blame muslims for the  holocaust. NEVER

Your answer makes no sense. No one on this thread stated all Muslims were to  blame for the holocaust as you have suggested about all Christians.

Next I don't care what you claim. You have no way of proving who you are. It means nothing. In my opinion you write like a Muslim who believes in his state government propaganda. I don't care either. If you have Muslim biases and hide them I don't give a damn. The only thing I find sad is your need to smeeran entire people or pretend refusing to recognize Israel as a Jewish state, still means recognizing it.

You smeered all Christians as Nazis. You got caught red handed in a game of semantics over the PA and Hamas denying Israel's existence and now you pose as an expert on Gaza.

Unlike you I was there. Unlike you I have seen people die in Gaza and on the West Bank.

Its precisely why I know you haven't a clue who a Palestinian or Israeli is and what they think or feel but claim you do.

You know nothing of what these people have and now live with. Not a damn thing, Your world begins and ends on a computer making you feel like you know.

You don't.


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1 minute ago, Rue said:

You've never been to the Gaza Strip or Gaza City and you have tried to smeer all Christians as Nazis. Your posing now as being consistent is a little late.

Finish what you started. Tell him what your true beliefs are.


I don't smear all Christians as Nazis. Never did. But if you want to know my religious affiliation, I'll be happy to clarify it for you. I despise all religions equally. They have brought nothing but war and destruction  to the world. The  history is clear. Religious extremists blowing themselves up in the name of religion. Christians condoning every atrocity because they believe God wants them to. After all it's God's chosen people. How could they be wrong? I know what religion does and so do you. You just happen to believe yours is the  "true one"..


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2 minutes ago, Canadianjim said:

I don't smear all Christians as Nazis. Never did. But if you want to know my religious affiliation, I'll be happy to clarify it for you. I despise all religions equally. They have brought nothing but war and destruction  to the world. The  history is clear. Religious extremists blowing themselves up in the name of religion. Christians condoning every atrocity because they believe God wants them to. After all it's God's chosen people. How could they be wrong? I know what religion does and so do you. You just happen to believe yours is the  "true one"..


You despise all religions equally, Yep that sure covers your bases hmm. Wow how consistent, You a Muslim, never. You a Christian. Never.

You were born into a legacy, You want to reject it be my guest, Save that shtick though for someone that cares.

In my world people like you lavish themselves in what they are NOT.

Its easy to deny, Its easy to say what you are NOT.

Children do that.

Get back to  me when you can state what you are because until you can don't claim you understand what is compelling Palestinians and Israelis.

You have no clue what is consuming them-you come from a world where  you can sit back and claim to be NOTHING.

How convenient. No one will call you a Muslim. No one will call you a Jew. No one will call you a Christian,. Poof you are nothing,

Hating all religions. Yah that's a position based on an open mind, deep thoughtful analysis and spiritual enlightenment.

Guess what. The Middle East is all about religious identity. Its seeps in every tiny speck of dirt.

Until you get that, your elitist pronouncements against Israelis means sweet f all.

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Just now, Rue said:

You despise all religions equally, Yep that sure covers your bases hmm. Wow how consistent, You a Muslim, never. You a Christian. Never.

You were born into a legacy, You want to reject it be my guest, Save that shtick though for someone that cares.

In my world people like you lavish themselves in what they are NOT.

Its easy to deny, Its easy to say what you are NOT.

Children do that.

Get back to  me when you can state what you are because until you can don't claim you understand what is compelling Palestinians and Israelis.

You have no clue what is consuming them-you come from a world where  you can sit back and claim to be NOTHING.

How convenient. No one will call you a Muslim. No one will call you a Jew. No one will call you a Christian,. Poof you are nothing,

Hating all religions. Yah that's a position based on an open mind, deep thoughtful analysis and spiritual enlightenment.

Guess what. The Middle East is all about religious identity. Its seeps in every tiny speck of dirt.

Until you get that, your elitist pronouncements against Israelis means sweet f all.

Well i'll tell you what I do know. The world agrees with me. Germans agree with me. France agrees with me. Britain agrees with me. The united nations agrees with me. Most of America agrees with me. As a matter of fact the only people that disagree with me are the  same people who told the  world Iraq had wmds. Then proceeded to invade, torture and kill hundreds of thousands of people on a lie.. That's what I know.

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