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Everything posted by Canadianjim

  1. Watching Trump bring shame and disgrace to America is more amusing than I suspected. Perhaps it's a shot at the dems for not getting out to vote? Or maybe a beautiful told you so moment for the utter disaster in the white house. The humiliation of actually knowing you voted for Trump.
  2. 1.IC confirms Russian interference in the election 2. Obama expells several Russian diplomats 3. Immediately Russia says they will do the same thing which is historically what it's always been done by them 4. Flynn contacts the Russians ( initially denies it) 5. Russia then decides NOT to retaliate by expelling Americans 6. Immediately Trump tweets admiration for Putin 7. 3 weeks go by until CNN breaks the story and Trump fires Flynn. If it looks like a duck
  3. lol 54 days compared to 8 years and Obama isn't even close to the number or type of trump's lies
  4. In the 56 days Trump has been in office, we’ve counted 219 false or misleading claims. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/trump-claims/
  5. Human history is all about wars and killing. Including jewish terrorism as well as every other race and religion..
  6. In Canada you couldn't get away with insulting POWs and the equivalent of Gold Star families without becoming intimate with the healthcare system.
  7. Maybe you just have to reconcile yourself with the fact Trump is a serial liar.
  8. People ruled by intellect don't vote for a President that speaks to them at a grade 5 level.
  9. Trump was informed that Canada was America;'s biggest customer. Now he knows to shut his mouth and focus on his russian buddies.
  10. Why do you people keep mocking the Ukrainians? Do you have any idea how many have been killed so far? Stop it.
  11. Lying about seems to be an issue but only if you have ethics.,
  12. What terrorist? This is terrorism. Date Dec 27,2008 Location Gaza ..... Time 11:25am..... Operation Cast Lead.... Israel starts first day of 22 days of bombing. First day they drop 100 1 ton bombs on the city of Gaza. No military force there , no tanks, no airplanes, no defence structure at all. A 1 ton bomb will take out a city block Israel dropped 100 the first day Gaza is one of the most densely populated areas in the world . Nowhere to hide . Nowhere to run 11:25 am is important because that's the time the morning school shift changes to the afternoon shift. 800,000 Palestinian children are on the streets at precisely that time. Now you know what real terrorism is.
  13. Why to pay for Israel's free/ government paid for abortions? is it because you only support killing Jewish babies?
  14. You don't make the rules. Neither do you get to call me an anti semite when in fact you are the one calling for killing semites not me. I have not called for any death to any semite. Jewish or Palestinian . You on the other hand have been very clear about your willingness to kill semites.
  15. You changed it to technical, debatable details ( different opinions on whether PLO recognized Israeli in their charter) rather than intent. i simply exposed your lack of intellectual honesty when it comes to debatable technicalities.
  16. What you are referring to has always been disputed as you well know with different versions of whether the old PLO's platform.. However if you want to stick to exactly what's written then I am sure you are against America trading with or supporting Israel. Correct? After all it against America treaty law to support or do business with a nuclear power that has not signed the NPT. Now let's find out what kind of integrity you really have. This is your chance.
  17. I am always aware of the weakness of an argument based on telling someone else what they think or who's side they are on when i never mentioned a side.. It simply demonstrates to me that you want to side with Israel regardless of what they do right or wrong. That is not now nor has ever been considered an intelligent position based on rational thought. In fact for you to imply all Israelis agree with Netanyu's policies simply means you don't know what is going on have chosen to ignore it. I choose to side with those that are oppressed by unfair treatment. My decision is based on morality not ideology or politics. When your humanity is defined by geographical borders it says more about you than you should be comfortable with.
  18. To suggest that everyone should support Israel no matter what they do is evidence of indoctrination and religious extremism. Try to find another nation on this earth where no criticism is allowed.? You can't do it.
  19. I assumed you knew the difference between red states and blue states. I apologize. Israel also has free/ government paid for abortions,. Probably the reason the liberal jews are the ones filing the patents.
  20. Where you came up with that false equivalence is beyond me. (Russia, China, France)You are better off to try an explain why the American red states file less patents, rather than suffer from cognitive dissonance which must be somewhat uncomfortable.
  21. "You must be referring to the uneducated ones who get their news from the phony and fake lying liberal media." Interesting your would say that since Hillary's private server story was reported first by the NYT, As was the republican attempt to get rid of the ethics committee . Guess what NYT again. My question is why do fake rights wing news sites never break any stories. ? Facts are stubborn. Remember what ever the cult says is true. No thinking required .
  22. I have no problem with anyone's belief when it doesn't translate in to political ideology. Most countries have evolved into understanding how important it is to keep religion out of politics. Religion as well tends to be the enemy of progress,. Let me give you an example. Worldwide the more religious a nation is the less progress is made. The less innovations and inventions. Interestingly enough that also applies to religious states in America. The red religious states file far less patents for innovations and inventions than blue states do. Religion has always been an obstruction to man.
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