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McInnis Cement plant in Gaspé proceeds without environmental hearing


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The Quebec government is taking legislative action to ensure that a $1.1-billion cement plant being built in the Gaspé region of Quebec doesn't become the subject of public hearings on its environmental impact.

Economy Minister Jacques Daoust tabled a bill Thursday that would allow the McInnis Cement project in Port-Daniel-Gascons, Que., to proceed without such hearings — a move the governing Liberals hope will neutralize legal challenges by project opponents.


So Quebec likes to tell Canada what to do, but then do this. I had heard on the radio that this will produce more GHG then the Athabasca oil sands.

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I had heard on the radio that this will produce more GHG then the Athabasca oil sands

Absolutely appalling that they are trying to circumvent environmental assessments, but to compare this to the oil sands is ludicrous. Cement is a huge GHG concern, so yes it needs to be looked at closely. They are claiming to be 20% lower GHG emissions than other cement plants. From what I can tell, they will be about 2% the total GHG emissions compared to the oil sands. Another comparison I found is this plant will be 2% of Quebec emissions when it is ramped up, while the tar sands will be 14% of Canadian emissions (7% today).

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No, but they will be adding some of that 8 billion liters of fresh, steaming sewage from Montreal to the concrete. Oh wait, first they have to get the turd tsunami out of the St Lawrence River. Never mind.

I don't know how far off topic one can drift, but this one takes the cake. It is a cement plant, not a concrete plant.

b.t.w., that 6 billion litres was flushed away 10 months ago. That is the equivalent of about 15 minutes of river flow, not to mention that the majority of it was fresh water anyway.

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I don't know how far off topic one can drift, but this one takes the cake. It is a cement plant, not a concrete plant.

b.t.w., that 6 billion litres was flushed away 10 months ago. That is the equivalent of about 15 minutes of river flow, not to mention that the majority of it was fresh water anyway.

yes, its funnny how ok you are with massive dumping of sewage into a river but a small oil spill gets you all riled up, i wonder what the connection could be, liberal.

"The solution is simple. Stop the corporate welfare. The oil companies can put up a $100 trillion environmental security bond, and then we can talk about getting oil to market. How many thousand improperly decommissioned oil wells are there in Alberta because the industry found it cheaper to continue paying leases than properly closing down the wells?"

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yes, its funnny how ok you are with massive dumping of sewage into a river but a small oil spill gets you all riled up

The sewage decomposes fast naturally, and the oil sticks around murdering wildlife for centuries.

b.t.w. I never said I was ok with the sewage, just the fact that it had absolutely nothing to do with the cement factory.

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The sewage decomposes fast naturally, and the oil sticks around murdering wildlife for centuries.

You are not familiar with modern sewage: http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/only-half-of-drugs-removed-by-sewage-treatment/

And your claims about oil 'murdering wildlife for centuries' are not supported by any scientific evidence.

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And your claims about oil 'murdering wildlife for centuries' are not supported by any scientific evidence.

We have a lot of evidence about the effect of Exxon Valdez on whales and dolphins over 25 years later, and mortality rates are still effected. We don't have good studies on the many smaller species, perhaps Exxon should be funding the billions needed for independent study of their disaster; Deepwater Horizon has many negative consequences after 5 year, but again BP and all those that profit from them should be putting together the trillions needed to properly study their negligence.

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I don't know how far off topic one can drift, but this one takes the cake. It is a cement plant, not a concrete plant.

b.t.w., that 6 billion litres was flushed away 10 months ago. That is the equivalent of about 15 minutes of river flow, not to mention that the majority of it was fresh water anyway.

I was pointing out the utter hypocrisy and politics of convenience in Quebec...... 'over your head like a 747'.

Why would any care about treating any sewage anywhere then, just a needless expense? It all just flushes away anyway.

We have a lot of evidence about the effect of Exxon Valdez on whales and dolphins over 25 years later, and mortality rates are still effected. We don't have good studies on the many smaller species, perhaps Exxon should be funding the billions needed for independent study of their disaster; Deepwater Horizon has many negative consequences after 5 year, but again BP and all those that profit from them should be putting together the trillions needed to properly study their negligence.

Having been to Valdez(a town in Alaska by the way, not the ship) several times, fished there , and eaten a lot of seafood from the very healthy and thriving fishery in Prince Wiliiam Sound-I'd have to conclude you have no idea what you are talking about. And why stop at trillions?

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We have a lot of evidence about the effect of Exxon Valdez on whales and dolphins over 25 years later, and mortality rates are still effected.

For starters, 25 years is not 'centuries' which sees to confirm that your initial claim is nonsense.

I looked at one paper. There is one population of killer whales which has not increased since the spill while other populations expanded. Researchers simply assume that the difference is due to the oil spill but don't have any evidence to support a causal link. They certainly cannot distinguish between harms caused by the initial spill vs. ongoing harms caused by leftover hydrocarbon deposits.

Your speculation about not having "good studies" also seems to confirm that the your claims don't have scientific support and you are simply assuming bad things because that supports your predetermined ideological views.

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Your speculation about not having "good studies" also seems to confirm that the your claims don't have scientific support and you are simply assuming bad things because that supports your predetermined ideological views.

You are the one with ideological views, assuming the oil will magic itself away. Caught up the billions needed for long term studies and wait the century before you dump you mess in the ocean. It is up to you who benefit from it to prove it does not cause any problems.

I was pointing out the utter hypocrisy and politics of convenience in Quebec...... 'over your head like a 747'.

What was your solution? There was necessary maintenance thet needed to be done. Nobody wanted the results, but not doing it would have been far, far worse. Look at the larger picture for a change, get above the 747.

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assuming the oil will magic itself away.

Oil is a natural organic substance.

You are the one assuming it would not be neutralized over time by nature. Look what happened with the gulf spill:


Oil-eating bacteria have started to clean the Deepwater Horizon spill

If you think it is harmful the onus is on you to show it.

It is up to you who benefit from it to prove it does not cause any problems.

So why don't demand the same proof from people dumping sewage. Where is the evidence that all of those prescriptions drugs are not creating havok in the eco-system? Oh right. There is none. What about all of the oil shipped in from Saudi Arabia to keep Quebec's cars running. Why aren't Quebequers demanding that the Saudi's be held to the same standards when it comes to oil spills. Right, because Quebequer's are shameless hypocrites that care nothing for the environment if caring would inconvenience them.

Opposition to energy east has nothing to do with the environment. It is nothing but a ideological attack by irrational zealots which have a lot in common with the folks at WBC.

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You are the one with ideological views, assuming the oil will magic itself away. Caught up the billions needed for long term studies and wait the century before you dump you mess in the ocean. It is up to you who benefit from it to prove it does not cause any problems.

What was your solution? There was necessary maintenance thet needed to be done. Nobody wanted the results, but not doing it would have been far, far worse. Look at the larger picture for a change, get above the 747.

My solution would be the one that has been waiting to happen in Montreal for decades, since the dumping iof sewage there has a long and pungent history there of just literally dumping shit in the river. It is the same solution found elsewhere in countless cities in the developed world: design and build an effective sewage treatment regime. What has held Montreal back is that they just have never been able to get Canadian taxpayers(not Montreal or Quebec, but Canadian) to gift them enough cash to both build the systems found everywhere else, and pay off all the politicians with their hands out. Much simpler to just dump all that shit in the waters they pretend to value when convenient, and blame somebody else.

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The Quebec government is taking legislative action to ensure that a $1.1-billion cement plant being built in the Gaspé region of Quebec doesn't become the subject of public hearings on its environmental impact.

Economy Minister Jacques Daoust tabled a bill Thursday that would allow the McInnis Cement project in Port-Daniel-Gascons, Que., to proceed without such hearings — a move the governing Liberals hope will neutralize legal challenges by project opponents.


So Quebec likes to tell Canada what to do, but then do this. I had heard on the radio that this will produce more GHG then the Athabasca oil sands.

That is the liberal government. You know, those muth*******rs you really enjoy to see ruling in Québec. The party that 100% of anglos here vote for. Even when you have your puppets to rule us, you keep blaming us. The liberals are a disgrace, cheap whores the industry can buy.

Jacques Daoust resigned by the way. Now that the evidences are too compromising, it gave him the desire to retire and work on his vineyard. Be sure his fellows won't bother him to much. They will all laughed about it with a bottle of wine.

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So why don't demand the same proof from people dumping sewage. Where is the evidence that all of those prescriptions drugs are not creating havok in the eco-system? Oh right. There is none. What about all of the oil shipped in from Saudi Arabia to keep Quebec's cars running. Why aren't Quebequers demanding that the Saudi's be held to the same standards when it comes to oil spills. Right, because Quebequer's are shameless hypocrites that care nothing for the environment if caring would inconvenience them.

Opposition to energy east has nothing to do with the environment. It is nothing but a ideological attack by irrational zealots which have a lot in common with the folks at WBC.

1) You refer to the fat Coderre who opened temporarly the dumping sewage in order to execute reparation? As much as I do not like that guy, on his defense, there was no other alternative. The system had to be repaired. Compared to Toronto and some other cities, Montréal has an efficient system releasing less pollution.

2) When did Saudi Arabia spilled oil on Québec soil?

3) Opposition to energy has every thing to do with environment. The risk is not worth it. I agree with the pipeline on the principle. I just have no trust in the industry. We would be taking all the risk for no profits.

4) I am trying to follow you. So we are chummy with Saudi Arabia AND we are also zealots. Well I remember I once mixed up jam and peanut butter on my toast when I was a teen but, a pro-SA and a zealot at the same thing, it's out of common.

5) I resume. We enjoy dumping sewage in the water, we are ecstatic to see this liberal government screwing our environment, we collaborate with Saudi Arabia and we are zealots at the same time, we are shameless hypocrites and we have no intention to preserve our environment. I must confess that I have a particular taste to eat babies on charcoal. You can add it up to the list.

You can't be blamed to hide your hatred toward us, that's for sure.

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