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Munk debate 2015/09/28

Derek 2.0

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Part of the beauty of our charter is that it protects certain individual rights, regardless of which way the wind is blowing this week or next regarding majority wishes.

Setting aside what might happen in charter challenges to the Supreme Court, it should come as no surprise to those parties who discard the wishes of the majority to be discarded on election day.

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Setting aside what might happen in charter challenges to the Supreme Court, it should come as no surprise to those parties who discard the wishes of the majority to be discarded on election day.

Anyone who is likely to cast their vote based on something as inconsequential as this issue, probably always has, and always will, vote the same way they always did.

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We should not be bombing them causing their displacement and mass migration.

Don't you think Assad had some role in the mass migration of his country's citizens?

We would not need to consider taking in refugees if we stayed out of the conflict.

So in your opinion, we should let innocents be slaughtered rather than take some of them in, if we are not engaged militarily in that country? Wow!

Would you also have the same opinion if we were involved in a humanitarian capacity?

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Anyone who is likely to cast their vote based on something as inconsequential as this issue, probably always has, and always will, vote the same way they always did.

Your view that it is inconsequential is your own and you cannot presume to know that it is inconsequential to others.

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I think many Canadians are turned off by the Liberals and the NDP going counter to the stated wishes of the majority of Canadians who do want the niqab removed when the oath of citizenship is taken.

Your view that it is inconsequential is your own and you cannot presume to know that it is inconsequential to others.

clearly you don't even understand the issue; you've simply accepted the purposeful distraction Harper is fronting. You completely miss the distinction between the period/event of actually taking the oath and the separate ceremony afterwards. In recent days it has been revealed that since the law was put into effect only 2... 2... persons have objected to removing the veil during the actual taking of the oath (something that is done in private... versus the public ceremony). All of this purposeful Harper Conservative distraction over 2 persons that have actually refused to remove the veil during the oath... only 2 persons that have not been granted Canadian citizenship.


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clearly you don't even understand the issue;

Clearly, you're not in my head to be able to conclude this.

you've simply accepted the purposeful distraction Harper is fronting.

Not at all. My comments on this issue are more with regard to parties disregarding the opinion of the majority rather than the merits of asking niqabed women to show their face when taking the citizenship oath in the presence of others taking the oath.

You completely miss the distinction between the period/event of actually taking the oath and the separate ceremony afterwards. In recent days it has been revealed that since the law was put into effect only 2... 2... persons have objected to removing the veil during the actual taking of the oath (something that is done in private... versus the public ceremony). All of this purposeful Harper Conservative distraction over 2 persons that have actually refused to remove the veil during the oath... only 2 persons that have not been granted Canadian citizenship.

Conversely, why are some people hyperventilating over an issue that will be decided by the Supreme Court anyway?

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On revoking citizenship of dual citizens, what if the other country gets wind of what's going on and revokes it first? I suspect they are in no pressing need of more jihadis.

I heard two lawyers, Jackman and Taub, debating the issue on CBC radio. That poor lady Taub sounded very doddery and made a bunch of irrelevant statements about the Holocaust. A new spokesperson should be sought.

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Clearly, you're not in my head to be able to conclude this.

no - I concluded as much... that you didn't even understand the issue... based on your own words where you spoke of the, "niqab removal as a part of the oath taking". Again, the issue is removing it during the public ceremony... not the actual private oath taking.

Conversely, why are some people hyperventilating over an issue that will be decided by the Supreme Court anyway?

I suggest you direct your question to Harper - yes?

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Good piece on the citizenship debate here by Kady:


It would surprise me if at least one foreign country does not revoke citizenship on one of these guys before Canada does. Sending these people back is not exactly a friendly gesture - to the UK for example or 'our ally' (when contracts are involved) Saudi Arabia. What happens when somebody does that to us?

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Good piece on the citizenship debate here by Kady:


It would surprise me if at least one foreign country does not revoke citizenship on one of these guys before Canada does. Sending these people back is not exactly a friendly gesture - to the UK for example or 'our ally' (when contracts are involved) Saudi Arabia. What happens when somebody does that to us?

So my take on this is if they're doing it, we better as well!

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I think we have a responsibility to manage these people ourselves if they were raised in Canada. They are our problem.

I have no issues jailing them for life, other than the cost, but I'm willing to pay for the cost. The issue is that our judicial system can't do so. One of them is eligible for parole in 2016. Unreal.

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Nothing's perfect, but they have no particular ax to grind like politicians do. Who would you prefer to be tried by?

Obviously the judicial system, but when someone is convicted of terrorism, and is eligible to be freed by 2016, clearly our judicial system has failed. Given the lack of the ability to fix that system, if it came down to them roaming our streets or to be deported from Canada, I vote the latter.

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"Almost nobody" isn't the same as "nobody" so you've only proved my point.

You seem to require very little evidence to 'prove' your beliefs to yourself. I can assure you others think differently.

And as I have already pointed out, it's not like there is unanimity in Canada about legalizing or even softening laws on marijuana. So in that way our laws accurately reflect the will of the people. Which is -- uncertain.

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Maybe, maybe not, but perhaps part of the third who doesn't mind running a deficit to pay for mr. terrorist to live for free in prison.

It strikes me as much more practical, once he's served his sentence, to strip him of citizenship and ship him off to who cares where.

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