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Chicago Teacher In Teen Sex Bust

I don't know about the rest of you but when I was 15 and could get laid by one of my teachers, I would have been the school hero.

This is ridiculous, penalizing people for what comes naturally.

Well maybe you had good looking teachers but I would have been running to the bathroom, to puke.

that being said we human's, are intellectually leaps and bounds ahead of other animals. A dog does what comes naturally because that is what a dog has to work with. Humans develop much further and faster then any other animal. A full grown chimp has the intellect of a 7 year old child, which is why chimps and 7 year old children are not charged and brought to court. they cannot be held mentally responsible for their actions, they do what comes naturally. However in society we have certain expectations that are to be met, failing to meet those expectations results in punishment. now you can argue down with society, down with the bariers all you want. However as long as their are laws, people who have the mental capacity to abide by them are expected to do so, and humans un-like other animals have the ability to over ride their own insticts.

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Chicago Teacher In Teen Sex Bust

I don't know about the rest of you but when I was 15 and could get laid by one of my teachers, I would have been the school hero.

This is ridiculous, penalizing people for what comes naturally.

First off: golly, Syrup... did you see the woman's mug-shot? If scoring with that pig would have made you the school hero, you must have gone to one messed up school. :ph34r:

Second: not exactly sure how this is federal politics, but whatever.

Third: I bet not very many parents would be as enthusiastic as you to hear that a teacher was introducing their kids to alcohol, marijuana, and prostitution. If I found out that some teacher was buying sex from my hypothetical child and offering around booze and drugs, I would be taking a blowtorch and pliers to parent-teacher night.

And finally... "doing what comes naturally" might cut it if you're a chimpanzee... but as human beings I like to think that we have choices. Having seen her photo, I have no doubt that she is a very lonely woman; however I would suggest that one of the choices available to her would have been buying some D-cells for her pocket-rocket and renting some videos instead of paying children to have sex with her.


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I thought you were a nut bar before syrup, but between this topic and you blaming Mulroney for a car accident.......I'm sorry but either lay off the dope or go seek some help........

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I just can't let this go.........how can you try and justify child abuse as being something natural? If this was a case of a male teacher luring young girls with drugs and booze, would you be alright with that also?

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Are you sure you are not being racist?


I'm talking about the age of consent.

15-16 year old boys are not some wet behind-the-ears kids these days. And they weren't in my day either.

It should not be happening with a teacher, we hold teachers to higher levels of responsibility then we do other people, and we hold grown ups to a higher level of responsibility then we do younger teens. Obviously younger teens are having some fun with each other, however you are talking about a teacher who is more then twice their age, giving them 5,000 pot, and beer. Last tiem I checked trading $5,000, pot and berr to little children was not the natural instict you were talking about. Furthermore her instict is to have sex/reproduce

correct? That being said it is not age specific so telling her not to screw a little kid is not stopping her from actign like an animal with someone older, if she so desires. what she did was abuse her position of authority in numerous ways, to get what she wanted. She is also a special ed teacher wich woudl lead me to belive that the children she is dealing with were not at the level of intellegince as your average 15 year old.

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She is also a special ed teacher wich woudl lead me to belive that the children she is dealing with were not at the level of intellegince as your average 15 year old.

I didn't notice that the first time I read the story.......IMHO, thats even worse if these boys were mentaliy challanged, and she abused them.

Maple, was it natural for the Catholic priests to moleste young natives in residential schools?

What about Olsen? John Wayne Gacey? Dalmer?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I don't know about the rest of you but when I was 15 and could get laid by one of my teachers, I would have been the school hero.
True story!

Believe it or not ML when I was 15 year's old in Junior High back in the 50's, one of the student's in my class, it was rumoured, was sleeping with a female teacher( for the life of me I can't remember her name, I do however remember how she looked, MMMM). She was in her early 20's and he was one of those student's who was quite good looking, and old for his age, he actually had a dark beard. We all talked about how fine she looked, but it was Rick who left with her, in her car, almost every day. She waited for him after school and drove him home, or somewhere.

Yes, we thought he was a hero, and it never crossed anybody's mind to report our suspicions, because we were all envious of him. I think the authorities were suspicious because she never came back the following year, and neither he did. I ran into him year's later and he confirmed that our suspicions were, in fact true. He said their relationship only lasted a short time, and he decided not to return after he had been questioned about their relationship by school authorities. He said he never revealed anything to them, because he didn't want to ruin her career.

He wound up marrying someone else, and he wasn't sure what happened to her, as he hadn't seen or heard from her since. The last time I saw him was only a couple of years ago, and he was driving his own transport truck, long-haul.

I do know one thing, he was the envy of every male student with raging hormones and an active imagination, way back then.

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Funny how sex between consenting humans over the age of 15 is "abuse" if one of the participants is over the age of 18, when girls were often married mothers by that age in the not so distant past of civilization!

You don't want your teens sleeping with adults, teachers/other, then maybe you should lobby for less American bullshit on t.v..

You don't want your teens drinking and smoking pot? Give them a viable economy and social structure and maybe they won't.

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You don't want your teens sleeping with adults, teachers/other, then maybe you should lobby for less American bullshit on t.v..

The media made them do it?

Does Ms. Walker get to blame the media too? She's 33 years old... shouldn't she accept some responsibility for her own actions?

You don't want your teens drinking and smoking pot? Give them a viable economy and social structure and maybe they won't.

I doubt that these kids were drinking and smoking pot because they were depressed over the economy or society. Personally, my bet is that these kids were drinking and smoking pot because they had the opportunity to drink and smoke pot. Maplesyrup talks about "doing what comes naturally"... I think that for most teenagers, getting drunk comes pretty naturally.

Please tell us about viable social structures, Nic. What exactly do you have in mind? What should be different?


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okay Kimmie, here it is!

The media is to blame with top rated shows likt the OC and desperate house wives glamourizing adult/teacher/teen sexual relationships. You think kids are watching this crap with a discerning eye? They're going to school the next day fantasizing over some teacher!

You don't think kids are depressed about the state of our economy and social structure? Hello!!!! Teens being treated and medicated for depressive disprders is higher than ever. You don't think when they see their parents stressed over not having the $ to pay all the biils due, or they have to go without meals or utilities, or clothing that they don't feel that? That they aren't aware? You think these kids don't know that $7/hr is all most of them have to look forward too? And we know that they can't ALL go on to post secondary education, don't we? If there was no peon sector, society would come to a complete stand still. People with university educations don't pump gas, pour coffee, work in grocery stores, flip burgers, babysit, work on farms growing food, or any of a million other lowly but essential jobs.

Remember 'boomers, if it wasn't for the peons there would be no need for CEO's!!!

Maybe the kids were the ones who introduced the teacher to pot? Ever think of that?

Modern teenagers are frustrated seeing $$$ sent over seas, when they see people on their own famillies and communities going without meds, food, shelter, utilities, etc.

Maybe we could send the message that it Important to take care of our own at home, before helping the world!

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What are you talking about ndpnic?

You don't want your teens sleeping with adults, teachers/other, then maybe you should lobby for less American bullshit on t.v..

You don't want your teens drinking and smoking pot? Give them a viable economy and social structure and maybe they won't.

In Canada we have certain lobby groups promoting Methadone Clinics, and one of the nutcase city officials in Vancouver is lobbying that people be allowed to also smoke their crack at this same facility, why not turn this place into a legalized Opium den? Hell why don't we in Canada just legalize all illegal drugs and have it paid for with Medicare dollars, that way the dregs of society will be able to kill themselves off at the taxpayers expense, and the rest of us won't have to worry about healthcare, or paying drug enforcement officers, because we won'y have any of either. This sure is a progressive society we have here in Canada.

I watched a documentary on Discovery which pointed out that violence inside and outside prison's has been increasing steadily over that last number of years. This documentary pointed to the fact that in many cases we have turned our prison's into hospital settings, and now instead of cells we have dormitories, and instead of criminals we instead treat them like patient's. These social engineers (Criminologist's, and bleeding heart organization's like John Howard) want us to believe that everyone is inherently good, and anyone who breaks the law, must be mentally ill, and subject to treatment. The reality is that most people who find themselves incarcerated made a concious choice to break the law. It had nothing to do with a mental illness, it had everything to do with the fact that they never intended to get caught, and next time they will be a little more careful, and not get caught again. I worked in the Criminal Justice field for a number of years as a Youth Worker, and this scenario was repeated time and again by offenders, unless their first crime was a duzzy it is more the norm for offenders to have numerous convictions before they ever end up being incarcerated.

I have seen more soft pornography on Canadian television than I have ever seen watching productions from the USA. Some of this trash being produced in Quebec is nothing but smut, yet our CRTC allows it because it is somehow supposed to be quality Canadian programming. Much of it I wouldn't allow even my teens to watch, yet some of it is shown in Prime Time, all the kids have to do is flip the channels. SexTV. PRIDETV, nothing like promoting alternative lifestyles.

I could care less what two consenting adults do behind their bedroom door, but this crap in Canada is shown as if it is acceptable, just because it was produced in Canada.

We have a controversy broiling in New Brunswick right now because a bunch of social engineers, (Clinical Psychologist's) designed a sex education program for school kids and they thinks it's somehow inportant to inform kids in grade 6 about pleasuring themselves. I'm quite sure they will discover this aspect of human sexuality the same way most of us did, by experimentation, when they are ready. As one teacher put it when teacher start talking to children about sexual experimentation and self-gratification, it could very well end up in a courtroom with the teacher being charged with acting inappropriate with a student.

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In Canada we have certain lobby groups promoting Methadone Clinics, and one of the nutcase city officials in Vancouver is lobbying that people be allowed to also smoke their crack at this same facility, why not turn this place into a legalized Opium den?

What's wrong with methadone?

You know, JWayne, we had the discussion about the Vancouver Safe Injection Site over here., yet you continue to misrepresent its purpose. Why?

The reality is that most people who find themselves incarcerated made a concious choice to break the law.

Maybe, but crime is one element in a web of social problems, usually tied to poverty, marginalization, addictions etc. You seem to be advocating soem ouitdated, Victorian notion that crime is fundamentally a failure of character.

I have seen more soft pornography on Canadian television than I have ever seen watching productions from the USA. Some of this trash being produced in Quebec is nothing but smut, yet our CRTC allows it because it is somehow supposed to be quality Canadian programming. Much of it I wouldn't allow even my teens to watch, yet some of it is shown in Prime Time, all the kids have to do is flip the channels. SexTV. PRIDETV, nothing like promoting alternative lifestyles.

I could care less what two consenting adults do behind their bedroom door, but this crap in Canada is shown as if it is acceptable, just because it was produced in Canada.

No one's forcing you to watch it.

We have a controversy broiling in New Brunswick right now because a bunch of social engineers, (Clinical Psychologist's) designed a sex education program for school kids and they thinks it's somehow inportant to inform kids in grade 6 about pleasuring themselves. I'm quite sure they will discover this aspect of human sexuality the same way most of us did, by experimentation, when they are ready.

Or they can get some proper information now to let them know that it's not wrong, you won't go blind or get hairy palms to counteract the shame and fear that society attaches to natural acts like masturbation and sex.

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I just can't let this go.........how can you try and justify child abuse as being something natural? If this was a case of a male teacher luring young girls with drugs and booze, would you be alright with that also?

Perhaps you have more information than was contained in the link provided. I saw nothing there that indicated these young men were _her_ students.

Now as a matter of policy we don't want teachers sleeping with students. However, let's not forget the age of consent is 14. We as a society have determined that it's all right for adults to have sex with anyone over the age of 13 years old provided both parties consent.

Granted this rule does not apply to student/teacher relationships because it is presumed that teachers can exercise "undue influence". Still, if these weren't her students I don't see where that applies. In any event, I would not call this child abuse. In the US, on the other hand, where the puritan ethic still runs wild and some states have 21 as their age of consent (ridiculous, imho) anything is possible.

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