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IF Harper wins another majority...


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I believe that the PMO is a very small group of elected, appointed and salaried individuals. Fantino is a dispensable chess piece that was played and dumped when it was convenient. Fantino was never part of the PMO inner circle.

Harpers management style is control from the top. It has certainly worked for him and I can see no reason why he should change now. There is nothing that has done lately to indicate that he has freed anyone outside the inner circle to say anything that has not been cleared by the PMO.

If it ain't broke then why fix it?

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Harpers management style is control from the top. It has certainly worked for him and I can see no reason why he should change now.

It worth remembering how the media treats Conservative leaders who don't keep a tight control of message. Prior to Harper every Conservative hopeful was derailed by unscripted comments from candidates. Harper won because he stopped that. You could say the media got the candidate it wanted because it keep punishing candidates that did not work hard to "control the message". Edited by TimG
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Um, Fantino is an elected, appointed, and salaried individual, as was Nigel Wright. Now they are both under the bus. And there are others. Point being all this high pressure control is fine until it starts to backfire on you. Apparently Harper lost control of both above and the others. So maybe it's more "broke" than he thinks it is. Then there are all those promises of streamlining government and ending corruption within. Oops! Harper will be worried more about Mulcair on many of those points as the latter has a great way of asking pointed questions that make Harper squirm. Not everyone watches QP but many more I suspect will follow the election cycle about to get under way in earnest.

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It worth remembering how the media treats Conservative leaders who don't keep a tight control of message. Prior to Harper every Conservative hopeful was derailed by unscripted comments from candidates. Harper won because he stopped that. You could say the media got the candidate it wanted because it keep punishing candidates that did not work hard to "control the message".

They were derailed because of the public disgust. The media just reports.

Are you saying the media shouldn't report things that reflect badly on a party? :/


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Well we never signed the paper work to buy them ,did we. And the afgan thing was the right thing to do, all that was ,was a attempt at embarrassing the PM using our soldiers. Nobody cared about those prisoners, just like nobody cares about this contempt thing.

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Well we never signed the paper work to buy them ,did we. And the afgan thing was the right thing to do, all that was ,was a attempt at embarrassing the PM using our soldiers. Nobody cared about those prisoners, just like nobody cares about this contempt thing.

I care about it. I don't like it when the elected PM lies to the people who elected him and keeps files hidden which he is required by law to provide. You may like this shit swept under the rug because you like to suck up to Harper because he's your boy and can do no wrong, but don't think you can make the assumption that because you don't care, noone else does.

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Then you are part of a small minority, people care about themselves and not over stuff like that. I know it is hard for you to take, that harper is doing a great job and that is what bothers you the most. Keep trying to make something stick. It is outright stealing (liberals) that piss people off.

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Then you are part of a small minority, people care about themselves and not over stuff like that. I know it is hard for you to take, that harper is doing a great job and that is what bothers you the most. Keep trying to make something stick. It is outright stealing (liberals) that piss people off.

When you look back at it now - it's obvious to any sane observer that it was all a grandstanding ploy orchestrated by a committee that outnumbered the Conservative members.....and that weasel Amir Attaran from the U of Ottawa got his moment in the sun on CBC - incredibly accusing Canada's military of war crimes! I can't think of documents that might be any more sensitive than those of the Military when actively involved in a conflict and when those documents contain information not only about our military but those of numerous Alled countries. It was of course - as usual - a tempest in a teapot......but one that the "loyal" opposition was ready to bring down the government on. Incredible..... or as a famous movie uttered..."inconceivable"!

Edited by Keepitsimple
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Isn't it rather sickeningly blatant how Harper is all of a sudden trying to be the nice guy and fulfilling some of thsoe promises he made so long ago. He met with Kathleen Wynne, he is sending his lapdog minister out to now say they will take some more Syrian refugees, all as we head into the election cycle. Could he make it any more obvious? Will Canadians buy this crap? I sure hope we are smarter.

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Isn't it rather sickeningly blatant how Harper is all of a sudden trying to be the nice guy and fulfilling some of thsoe promises he made so long ago. He met with Kathleen Wynne, he is sending his lapdog minister out to now say they will take some more Syrian refugees, all as we head into the election cycle. Could he make it any more obvious? Will Canadians buy this crap? I sure hope we are smarter.

So you're saying that he should have waited until after the election to do these things? For one, it was Wynne who blatantly started and droned on in the "spat" with Harper - simply to bash Ottawa and deflect from her incompetence and Ontario's fiscal quagmire. Syrian refugees? That's a security nightmare that needed a lot of reflection and will still require very careful processing so that we don't ingest any jihadists.

Edited by Keepitsimple
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So you're saying that he should have waited until after the election to do these things? For one, it was Wynne who blatantly started and droned on in the "spat" with Harper - simply to bash Ottawa and deflect from her incompetence and Ontario's fiscal quagmire. Syrian refugees? That's a security nightmare that needed a lot of reflection and will still require very careful processing so that we don't ingest any jihadists.

Has any other incumbent PM seeking re-election not done this?
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So you're saying that he should have waited until after the election to do these things? For one, it was Wynne who blatantly started and droned on in the "spat" with Harper - simply to bash Ottawa and deflect from her incompetence and Ontario's fiscal quagmire. Syrian refugees? That's a security nightmare that needed a lot of reflection and will still require very careful processing so that we don't ingest any jihadists.

I'm saying that waiting until the election cycle is in full swing to do things long ago promised is quite obviously more about vote getting than proper management, but 'twas ever thus with Harper and co. With regard to Syrian refugees, you seem to forget, or ignore, that many have been successfully brought into Canada through efforts outside of government. It's nought to do with security, again it's about Harper foot dragging on promises until it can be rehydrated to try and look good, at least to those who don't mind being spoofed.

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