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Political Correctness Ignores Muslim rape gangs in UK


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The story emerging from the UK is one in which groups of Pakisani Muslims targeted mainly white girls from poor families for grooming, abuse, rape and prostitution while authorities on a Left wing city council ignored it all for fear of being labelled 'racists'. Insteda they wrung their hands and did nothing as an estimated 1400 girls were raped and abused over a ten year period. Several reports

All of this came to light after the murder of a teenage girl, who was killed for 'bringing shame' to two Muslim families after informing them of what their sons had done to her from the age of eleven.

She continued: "Too many Asian mothers spoil their boys, undervalue their girls, and demean their daughters-in-law.

"Within some British Asian circles, the West is considered degenerate and immoral. So it’s OK to take their girls and ruin them further.


The vast majority of perpetrators have been identified as South Asian and most victims were young white girls, adding to the complexity of the case. Some officials appeared to believe that social workers pointing to a pattern of sexual exploitation were exaggerating, while others reportedly worried about being accused of racism if they spoke out.


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The PC angle doesn't surprise me. When my home town of Bradford elected its first Asian mayor, the left wing Labour council, all elbow patches and muesli, tried to bring in a condition that all future mayors must be of Asian origin. Ironically, it was the Asian community that told them not to be so bloody daft.

Edit> I should add, the muslim community in Rotherham is pushing very hard for prosecutions at the moment.

Edited by bcsapper
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Honestly Argus. Hell's Angels have prostitution rings, Asians bring boatloads of sex slaves as do Eastern Europeans.

Sadly forced prostitution is rampant and equally sad, the law turns a blind eye.

Blame political correctness though if it makes you feel better.

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Because the law is controlled by Muslims and this is another case of a Muslim takeover of the West.

I think you're mistaking the villains of this piece. It's not Muslims. Sorry about the bubble.

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Honestly Argus. Hell's Angels have prostitution rings, Asians bring boatloads of sex slaves as do Eastern Europeans.

How many of them are eleven? The point was not about prostitution, but about the reaction of the local council and police.

The UK is, in many respects, like Canada in that any suggestion of sex with underage girls immediately draws public outrage, police, social workers and media attention. Except that didn't happen here. Year after year teachers complained, the girls families complained, and the police, social workers and councillors ignored it, called the complaintants racist, and refused to even look into it because they were uncomfortable and worried about being seen as targeting a particular group - in this case Pakistani Muslims.

I might add that another facet of this was that despite the very large Pakistani community in the UK the victims were white. These men didn't seek out vulnerable young girls from within their own community where one would expect they would have more contacts and better knowledge, but among the White community, because as one Muslim woman said, they thought white girls were whores anyway.

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How many of them are eleven? The point was not about prostitution, but about the reaction of the local council and police.

The UK is, in many respects, like Canada in that any suggestion of sex with underage girls immediately draws public outrage, police, social workers and media attention. Except that didn't happen here. Year after year teachers complained, the girls families complained, and the police, social workers and councillors ignored it, called the complaintants racist, and refused to even look into it because they were uncomfortable and worried about being seen as targeting a particular group - in this case Pakistani Muslims.

I might add that another facet of this was that despite the very large Pakistani community in the UK the victims were white. These men didn't seek out vulnerable young girls from within their own community where one would expect they would have more contacts and better knowledge, but among the White community, because as one Muslim woman said, they thought white girls were whores anyway.

Well of course. I mean, it's very plausible that people really did think the complaints were based on racism, but thank you for setting the record straight and letting us know what they were REALLY thinking. Of course you know better than anyone else what was in the minds of all those teachers, social-workers, councillors, police... that makes so much more sense!

As for thinking white girls "are whores anyway", there is an element of misogyny within any man who is capable of pimping a woman (or young girl). Most prostitutes in fact started in the sex-trade when they were underage. They don't often decide on their own, *almost always* there is a preying man who lures them into it.

It seems you're particularly offended that these men targeted white women? If so, maybe you should be aware that white men who target underage women for the sex-trade also target white girls. However, they do so because white women are a higher priced commodity.

However, the end result is the same. Men with misogynist beliefs target underage white girls. Shocking.

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Yes it's all about the evil men. Nevermind the fact that it's swarms of third world tribesmen doing these things, or the fact that this thread is more about the authorities ignoring it and their reasons for doing so.

Of course you know better than anyone else what was in the minds of all those teachers, social-workers, councillors, police... that makes so much more sense!

What was in their minds? Standard PC garbage. White person accuses Muslim of something must mean the white person is racist. No point investigating. Done and done.

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Well of course. I mean, it's very plausible that people really did think the complaints were based on racism, but thank you for setting the record straight and letting us know what they were REALLY thinking. Of course you know better than anyone else what was in the minds of all those teachers, social-workers, councillors, police... that makes so much more sense!

The report makes it quite clear, actually, in repeated references amongst those interviewed to their hesitation, to the hesitation imposed upon them from above, to the worries about targeting a particular ethnic group and the possible backlash in accusations of racism. Perhaps you ismply don't want to accept this to be the case, but it is.

It seems you're particularly offended that these men targeted white women? If so, maybe you should be aware that white men who target underage women for the sex-trade also target white girls. However, they do so because white women are a higher priced commodity.

From my decades of watching crime reports and reading news on such activities, most such activities are not carried out by white men here in Canada or in the US, and I think you're probably well aware of that. You are trying to whitewash (no pun intended) the role cultural values play in this, and the fact that cultural attitudes towards women are extremely prejudicial amongst Muslims, particularly those from a place like Pakistan.

The reports make clear that for years this abuse was not done for profit, but for personal sexual enjoyment on the part of gangs of Pakistani men. Only after being given free reign for some time did this graduate into making economic use of these girls' bodies.

Edited by Argus
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Honestly Argus. Hell's Angels have prostitution rings, Asians bring boatloads of sex slaves as do Eastern Europeans.

Sadly forced prostitution is rampant and equally sad, the law turns a blind eye.

Blame political correctness though if it makes you feel better.

Didn't you know? All of the worlds problems are from political leftists and Muslims.

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This horrific tragedy is still going on, and was across north east Yorkshire, not just Rotherham. They have known what was going on because there were arrests in January in Newcastle.


If the rabid politically correct crowd are afraid to enforce the laws and save children for fear of offending some alien culture what should be done? The police have to walk a fine line as they are continually accused of profiling and racism which leads to inaction. They now need to make examples of those who ignored this and make it clear no matter who is doing the crime, they are to be investigated and the guilty severely punished.

Yasmin Alibhali-Brown a Pakistani Muslim, spoke out about the abuse stating clearly that these Pakistani men do not consider their actions to be wrong. She said they have little respect for their own women, less or none for white women.


The perpetrators are not paedophiles in the normal sense of the word. Racial and cultural odium as much as ugly lust and power drives them to abuse. Most of them are also irreversibly misogynist. It is a lethal mix, this sexist psychopathy.

I partly blame their families and communities. Too many Asian mothers spoil their boys, undervalue their girls, and demean their daughters-in-law. Within some British Asian circles, the West is considered degenerate and immoral. So it’s OK to take their girls and ruin them further. Some of the most fierce rows I have ever had have been with Asian women who hold these disgusting views.

One has to wonder if our way of life is so abhorrent to them, why do they immigrate to the west.

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Have any of you actually read about what happened and why council et al didn't take action and failed the children, did any of you read the report. I think before you go off about paranoia and make light of what actually happened, you should read up on it. It was political correctness gone mad, much like what is happening here.

They failed to protect the children because the perpetrators were identified as 'asian', they were in some cases advised not to take action rather than identify them.

The report actually said ‘several staff’ at Rotherham Council ‘described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so’.

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It was political correctness gone mad, much like what is happening here.

Before I take your cue to freak out and start screaming about how the muslims can get away with anything because of political correctness fun amok, what are you referring to when you say "what is happening here"?

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Before I take your cue to freak out and start screaming about how the muslims can get away with anything because of political correctness fun amok, what are you referring to when you say "what is happening here"?

I meant here as in MLW, the not so thinly veiled accusations.

Meanwhile, read up on what has being going on for years in the U.K. (and in other Euro. countries)

BBC Inside Out - the hidden scandal of sexual grooming of young Sikh girls by Muslim men


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I wouldn't know, have they ?

Sorry, I must have misunderstood what you were referring to when you mentioned the "not so thinly veiled accusations" here at MLW and how they relate to people irresponsibly not pursuing the individuals cited in the OP.

So what were you referring to, or would you rather keep that a secret because there is really no comparable situation here?

Edited by BubberMiley
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Maybe you could read the links and content from the BBC, The Times and other papers,

It is strange, isn't it? They have no coherent arguments against the points made in the OP, but they must post, just because Muslims and lefties are involved. Their main argument seems to be that if you are against child abuse and moral cowardice, you must watch Fox News.

I never have, but those credentials don't sound too bad.

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