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Female Israeli soldiers speak out about the Israeli sickness

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The propagandists are here in full force.

Nothing to see here folks. It's all made up. It's all fake. So are these samples of daily incidents that go on in the occupied territories:

It gets really fake around 2:15.

Says the card carrying member of CJPME.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Says the card carrying member of CJPME.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

The only propaganda I try to spread is the truth and justice. I don't try to sugar coat anything or try to bend any truths. If I am ever wrong, I expect to be corrected.

Once again, you have an opportunity to address the information given from Israeli soldiers and the video I posted above, showing these terrible checkpoints.

Let me know when you're able to address the videos without stooping into one of your baseless accusation rants in order to try to shut down debate on facts.

Edited by Hudson Jones
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Dude...I don't start these threads yet I'm the propagandist? I belong to no political organization yet you, the very biased CJPME member, calls ME a propagandist? As for me being out 'in full force', this website is part of the daily trap-line.

It is to laff...


As for your 'terrible checkpoints'...how many hundreds of thousands of poor, beleaguered 'Palestinian' Arabs have died crossing them? Are we talking Syria-like numbers? You know...more folks than have been killed in all the Arab-Israeli Wars combined?? Those kind of numbers of dead? Terrible checkpoints, indeed. I wonder WHY they're 'terrible'? Perhaps it has something to do with these poor, beleaguered 'Palestinian' Arabs historically starting the Arab-Israeli Wars and supporting terrorist leaders like Arafat or Holocaust deniers like Abbas or REAL Nazis like al-Husseini. Call me mad.

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I am not active member of the group. I just receive their emails, telling me about their talks. Who cares anyway? They're promoting international law, justice and peace. Never have they advocated for anything more or less. This is not about the group or their agenda. This is about what I feel about the people who suffer.

For me, this is about promoting justice for a group who has been stripped of their human rights and dignity by a brutal occupier for several decades.

Most of these checkpoints are situated inside the Palestinian territories. There is no need for them when it comes to security. They're only there to continue to make life miserable for the Palestinians. Here is an ambulance, trying to get from a hospital in the Palestinian territories, to a village inside the Palestinian territory, in order to help a pregnant woman.

Guess who thinks that's not a good idea? The "most moral army in the world".

Edited by Hudson Jones
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The compassion you attempt to exploit is at the very heart of Zionism-it is the belief that we will not find ourselves as Jews until we can welcome the day when we can live compassionately with others who are not Jewish.

The very qualities this young woman shows are what Zionism stands for and has always stood for and it spits in your face and contradicts everything you have said about Zionism.

Are you saying that true Zionists are those who will stand up against Israel's aggression against Palestinians?

Has anyone told Israel that?

Edited by jacee
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I am not active member of the group. I just receive their emails, telling me about their talks. Who cares anyway? They're promoting international law, justice and peace. Never have they advocated for anything more or less. This is not about the group or their agenda. This is about what I feel about the people who suffer.

For me, this is about promoting justice for a group who has been stripped of their human rights and dignity by a brutal occupier for several decades.

Most of these checkpoints are situated inside the Palestinian territories. There is no need for them when it comes to security. They're only there to continue to make life miserable for the Palestinians. Here is an ambulance, trying to get from a hospital in the Palestinian territories, to a village inside the Palestinian territory, in order to help a pregnant woman.

Guess who thinks that's not a good idea? The "most moral army in the world".

Not an active member? Only get their emails? Oh, please...what do you call THIS exchange on a national debate forum? I call it active...

This is about what I feel about the people who suffer.

Really? If only that were true... There are more dead in Syria than in ALL...count 'em...ALL...the Arab Israeli Wars combined. Child soldiers...torture...nerve gas...SCUD missiles...foreign mercenaries...etc, etc, etc. Syria should be YOUR shining moment of addressing folks' various sufferings. However, there's a certain element missing from the mix in Syria. Isn't there?

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I like Jews, and don't mind Israelis. Those Zionists on the other hand.

So you engage in bigotry against "Zionists". Good for you. Isn't that wonderful. Thanks for sharing that

you come on this board to hate Zionists.

What you think if you couch your reference to your hatred with the word "Zionist" it makes you righteous and


Can these responses get any more absurd?

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Certainly. That these young ladies would PARTICIPATE in such a thing says they ALSO have an agenda. They didn't accidentally end up on this organization's cameras.

Their agenda is to reach out to Palestinians. Period. HudsonBud is trying to exploit the peace initiative for the agenda that HudsonBud represents and will not disclose.

Let's not cloud the issue. The issue of a soldier being compassionate and feeling conflicted is a good thing. It is a sign of noral strength and integrity. Israel and its people have never hidden their feelings and ambivalence towards war. That is precisely the point.

The HudsonBud agenda is to come on this forum and paint all Zionists as evil. You heard the parroting of Ghost. Its not Israelis I hate its Zionists. Hee hee.

The point and issue is-HudsonBud quotes the very Zionists he wants wiped out. HudsonBud quotes and illustrates the very qualities he denies in Zionists. HudsonBud uses the very qualities he says do not exist in Zionists to try advocate an agenda against these very people's right to exist.

That is the issue-a new standard in lows-taking the very qualities that HudsonBud says do not exist in ZIonists and using them to try justify hating Zionists.

Questioning the motives of this young woman or other soldiers is not the issue. they have a right to express their feelings. Israel is a democracy and it has a civilian army. Its not afraid of self criticism. It is a vital part of the evolution of its identity.

Therein lies the irony. HudsonBud came on this forum to demonize Zionists as brutal oppressors and call for their being wiped out, now it uses their humanity and compassion to argue they should be wiped out as well.

The two faced b.s. is evident.

Don't walk into this pathetic attempt to exploit the compassion of Israelis by this propaganda site to denigrate intentionally or unintentionally the motives of these soldiers.

The bottom line is I have never met a soldier and I know many in Israel, Canada, the US who set out to join their units with the express intent to want to kill let alone engage in police actions or governorship of civilians.

Soldiers were not trained to interact with or govern civilians. They were trained to defend the innocent not police them.

Its only natural they would feel conflict in their roles and so they should. A true democratic nation can not last if it remains a

civilian government administrator using its military. The two are not compatible. There must be dynamic tension. Its what makes Israel democratic and herein lies the irony.

That very conflict the soldier talks of is what makes an Israeli-compassion. That is something to be proud of and while HudsonBud calls it a mental illness or sneers at it as a weakness to try exploit it explodes right back in his face.

It shows he ridicules compassion the very thing he claims Jews, Israelis and Zionists do not have.

So I say to you, laugh. Have a good laugh at this latest attempt. It defies absurdity. It shows this HudsonBud site is so desperate to make anti Israel noise it now will try exploit the moral decency of the very people it says do not have this decency to justify wiping them out.

Think about it. Zionists are demons that need to be wiped out shrieks hudsonbud. Over and over on this site making sweeping slurs that Zionists are without compassion. Now he argues-see listen to their compassion-hear it-they are mentally ill for being compassionate.

So there we have it-the reasoning melted down to one simple absurd pretext-Israelis have no compassion-but we will use any expressions of compassion against Israelis to justify destroying them and the way we get around that contradiction will be to call the compassion mental illness or sickness.

Its thread bare. Its transparent. Its scraping the bottom of the propaganda barrel.

I am part of the very peace movement that HudsonBud ridicules.

I know the Hamas-Hezbollah agenda believes it can exploit the peace movement and use peace advocates as dupes.

See you need to understand one thing-those same IDF soldiers that do not relish what they do-they will if called upon defend the country-the very qualities that make such soldiers compassionate will give them the strength needed to defend if the call comes.

Don't mistake compassion with weakness.Do not mistake regret for blood shedding and feeling remorse for conflicts with civilians as weakness. It is moral strength.

The Jewish religion has always taught compassion is a strength not a weakness. It is a central precept of the religion to question and

search for better ways to be compassionate with each other. That is what our spiritual essence is all about.

This hate site can ridicule it, try manipulate it-but it will never be able to use it against us. Just the opposite-each time HudsonBuds try exploit it, it makes us stronger.

I am proud of those soldiers as I am all Israelis who defend their country and believe they have a right to live in a Jewish nation. They have a right to speak out and be compassionate.

Me personally I believe they should understand Hamas and Hezbollah propaganda networks will twist their words. They need to be prepared to discuss further that their message of regret should not be confused with the second part of their message and that is-they do not want to harm or hurt any civilian-they do not want conflict with civilians but if terrorists try wipe them out-they will do what is necessary. Don't mistake the agenda.

Some of us talk like that young woman because we know we are capable of feeling nothing-getting to an existential place in our minds where there are no feelings, just a quite unnatural calm-no feelings-just a sense of what must be done to survive.

Of course we must feel conflicted about it. Our very struggle to exist means we have to fight and we can never get to the point where we accept our struggle to be as the only way.

We must not just fight to defend, but never give up hope using our minds and our souls to search for Palestinians and Arabs and others in the Middle East to live in peace with.

You want me to kill to defend? That is one issue. You know the answer. The other part is this-because you know the answer I would give you-don't ask me why I have insomnia. It is destined. People who do what is necessary, never sleep peacefully. We always regret.

When I use the words I and we, you know who that stands for. Its metaphoric.

Lol. You have to laugh. HudsonBud using compassionate Zionists to argue their extinction. Lol. Its past absurd.

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Are you out in 'full force'?


The lack of interest in the ongoing horror that is Syria among the 'anti-Zionists' says all I really need to know. Can you imagine the uproar if Israel had used nerve gas or was caught supporting child soldiers or ate the hearts of their enemies?

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The only propaganda I try to spread is the truth and justice. I don't try to sugar coat anything or try to bend any truths. If I am ever wrong, I expect to be corrected.

Once again, you have an opportunity to address the information given from Israeli soldiers and the video I posted above, showing these terrible checkpoints.

Let me know when you're able to address the videos without stooping into one of your baseless accusation rants in order to try to shut down debate on facts.

Here I am. What afraid to address me. I am part of the group of people whose words you try use. Here I am.

You want a response. You were given them and you do what you do-run from me and others who directly respond.

You engage in bait and switch. When addressed directly you try switch the topic as you did trying to suggest it was said that what these soldiers have stated is fake.

No its not fake. It is very real. You do not know these people, you do not speak for them, you do not know what they feel or what the reasons are for what they say. You come on this board to exploit and misappropriate their words for your own agenda of hatred, period.

Now finish what you started. You came on this board calling for all Zionists to be wiped out which i is a violent call to arms as you referred to them as cancer.

You now quote the very people you want violently wiped out as justification to want them dead violently.

That makes you a two faced propaganda tool. You twist and manipulate words out of their context to justify killing the very people speaking out searching for Palestinians to live peacefully with.

Lol you think you sense a weakness HudsonBud to exploit? Lol.

We've only started and hear me loud and clear-the very people you try exploit to kill others just like them-oh they aint goin anywhere.

Now HudsonBud put up or shut up-even if what these people say are true-does that justify you calling them cancer? Does it justify you advocating violence and terror and calling on them to be wiped out.

You don't run all their words HudsonBud. Of course not because if you did you would know what I know and anyone else does who listens to their words-they are not apologizing for being Jews. They are not apologizing for desiring to live as Jews in a Jewish state. They are not apologizing for wanting to live in a Jewish state. They are not stating they do not think they should exist as Jews in a Jewish state-all inferences you are trying to make.

You project your agenda into their words to try twist and change the actual context of what they argue and that is-Zionists do not want violence. We do not want war with Palestinian civilians.

As for you HudsonBud-until you disclose your real names-you can preach all the righteousness you want on this forum but all you are is a propaganda unit and I am here smiling all the way. In fact I have been laughing for a few hours now.

That is without a doubt the most ridiculous attempt at anti Zionist bashing yet and it couldn't have gotten more absurd then when Ghost parroted your silly song by chirping its not Jews or Israelis he hates its Zionists.

Larry, Moe, Curly Joe you are the funniest guys I know.

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So you engage in bigotry against "Zionists". Good for you. Isn't that wonderful. Thanks for sharing that

you come on this board to hate Zionists.

I don't engage in bigotry against Zionists. Others seem to have that more than covered.

What you think if you couch your reference to your hatred with the word "Zionist" it makes you righteous and


Well, maybe you can call me an anti-semite again for knowing and recognizing the difference between a Jew, an Israeli and a Zionist.

Can these responses get any more absurd?

No, but I await your next rant.

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Are you out in 'full force'?


The lack of interest in the ongoing horror that is Syria among the 'anti-Zionists' says all I really need to know. Can you imagine the uproar if Israel had used nerve gas or was caught supporting child soldiers or ate the hearts of their enemies?

:ph34r: Zionist Commando No.4567 reporting.

Ignore moi Dog that post you know was not really for thou.

Edited by Rue
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I don't engage in bigotry against Zionists. Others seem to have that more than covered.

Well, maybe you can call me an anti-semite again for knowing and recognizing the difference between a Jew, an Israeli and a Zionist.

No, but I await your next rant.

You stated and I quote:

"I like Jews, and don't mind Israelis. Those Zionists on the other hand. "

Now you stated:

"Well, maybe you can call me an anti-semite again for knowing and recognizing the difference between a Jew, an Israeli and a Zionist."

That goes without saying. Since Zionists include Israelis and Israeli Jews, you would necessarily hate Israelis and Israeli Jews.

Deduction and logic are not your strengths.

You throw out slurs and you give them no thought.

Stop mincing with me.

You assume any Israeli that isn't Jewish is not a Zionist.

You justify hating Jews and Israelis Jewish or otherwise or anyone else if they are Zionist.

That speaks for itself. You feel the need to come on this forum and stick your tongue out at people you disagree with.

Then uyou get snitty with and suggest I rant because I challenge your ignorance and bigotry.

So what next-should I respond I hate anti Zionists? Would that add to the debate?

You want to get snitty with Dog? You want to get snitty with anyone else who supports the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish state? Go on snitty snit snit.

Is that what you think will make meaningful conrtributions to the forum sharing your feels of intolerance?

Should anyone care that you dislike Jews, Israelis or anyone who supports the right of Israel to exist?

Why? Does it mean anything? Are your sentiments that crucial? Will Palestinians, terrorists, Arabs, or whoever else you think it is you are giggling up to will draw strength from you and wipe out the evil Zionists? Hmmm?

Are they gathering empowered by your words ready to slay the Zionist foe?

Tee hee. I like Jews. Tee hee its Zionists I don't like. Hee hee. Aren't I clever. I didn't use the word Jew I used the word Zionist. Hee hee. I like Jews provided they know their place. I like Jews provided they don't think they have the same rights as other human beings. I like Jews who don't think they have the right to express their collective identity through a state. I like Jews who will disappear into the ocean never to be heard again.

Some of my best friends are Jews. Really.

You done?

You done with the snitty jew comments-because I haven't even begun to challenge you or as you say rant.

You lowered yourself to a level of discussion that speaks for itself.

You are and I repeat again engaging in an exercise where you insult Jews. You come on this forum to say if a Jew knows his or her place, you will like them. Guess what-I know my place and its up your face. Boo.

Get this clear-I could care less if you like people who agree with you-Jew or non Jew. Get this clear-you want some step n fetch it Jews to serve you tea, look again. I don't do bow ties and I don't say yassuh az a cummin massuh.

Trot your insecurities and need for confirmation from HudsonBud out of my Jewish face.

Yoh Dawg, I'z just getting started listen to this rap:

if dah Joo no his place

ghost gunna like his face

but if dat Joo don't behave

Ghost gunna rave

listen to dah song it goes like diss

ghost gunna tell duh Joo where he can piss

do what he say and get duh hell out

den Ghost gonna like you and not pout

yah see when Ghos is dunn dissin certain Jooz

he's gonna break dah followin news

no you fellas don't have a nation

you still gotta avoid one udder situation

you aint living next door to me

hey I never said I would live next to Jewery

Ghost just busy telling duh Joo to go

he fohgot we aint a negro

see Ghost's so busy saying what we can't do

he don't give much thought to where we go

no not Ghost dah lover of dah joo

he aint got the slighest clue

so Iz gonna sing dis sog loud and clear

dis Zionist got no fear

Ghos and Buddy wanna wack dah Jooz

gonna have to try harder den actin like foolz

now you gonna try tell dis joo to know his place

gonna stick my Zionist butt ryt in yoh face.

There Dawg, he may not have rythm but it should help.

Edited by Rue
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Guest American Woman

I like Jews, and don't mind Israelis. Those Zionists on the other hand.

Wow. You "like" Jews "don't mind" Israelis. That's mighty white of you. But then there's "those Zionists on the other hand." Care to elaborate? Or should we conclude that you have no love for them? <_<

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Are you saying that true Zionists are those who will stand up against Israel's aggression against Palestinians?

Has anyone told Israel that?

I don't use words like "true" Zionist you do. You and HudsonBud come on this forum and use words like "truth" to describe your opinions.

Don't project on me your simplistic concepts.

You are also showing your ignorance about Zionists. Many of us speak up against unjust aggression against Palestinians by Jewish settlers or the IDF. That includes Zionists who are Israeli and non Israeli, Jewish or non Jewish. In your world one is black or white. You put people in simplistic absolute labels.

In Israel if you even bothered to push yourself out of your world and black and whites you would know each day in the Knesset, on t.v., in the media, in the courts, debate and criticism goes on as to what force or actions should be engaged in on the West Bank.

You would know the majority of Israelis do not want to fight Palestinians or see them hurt. Your comments indicate someone brought up to believe all Zionists think the same, do not criticize Israeli policies and all hate Palestinians.

That is par for the course on this forum. Can you for once stop stereotyping Zionists and Israelis? Is it possible?

Because I believe in a Jewish state-because I volunteered in Israel and did things you could never understand-that means I hate Palestinians and want them hurt?

You don't k now me. You don't k now Zionists. You haven't a clue/

So let's start. I do not speak for any Israeli. I do not speak for any other Zionist. I can speak for myself and I can tell you to go find out what the dialogue is in Israel by Israelis as to the situation on the West Bank.

I can tell you the people I know in the IDF. I can tell you the people I know in Israel, Muslim, Jewish and Christian who support the right of Jews to a state.

I can tell you without any qualification it is possible to be a Zionist and believe in the right for Israel to exist as a Jewish state but not want Palestinian civilians caught in a cross fire with terrorists dedicated to the destruction of Israeli civilians and their state.

Now what about you? Is it possible for you to believe Zionists can care about Palestinians and not want them hurt or are you so stunted by your bigotry and stereotypes you can't see that possibility and so ask me the sarcastic question you did?

You ask me if I know truth? Really? Do you think you would know what truth is to be able to determine if what I told you was true or not? What an absurd question. You don't know truth and neither do I. All we have are our opinions. The difference between us is mine include the right of both Palestinians and Jews to have their own countries and live peacefully.

You? Will you come on this forum and state Jews have a right to live in peace in their own nation free of terrorism or do you want to giggle along with HudsonBud and Ghost and play the " I like Jews as long as they aren't Zionists" song-because I will tell you why I ask that-if you asked me the question expecting me to insult Israelis, Jews, or people who support the right of Israel to exist and stereotype them all as violent-I will tell you what I told HudsonBud-the very words of the soldiers HudsonBud tries to twist already answered your question.

Either you wanted to make a snicker sneer at what you think are Zionists and suggest none of us care about Palestinians, or you want to presume to tell me what truth is.

I do not know what truth is. What I know is what a body looks like blown up and being placed in bags. What I know is a kid of 9 carrying a nail bomb. What I know is what it looks like to have a stomach full of worms that come right out the rear end. What I know is what an eye infection looks like, what infected gums and teeth look like. I know what impitago is and raw sewage coated on people's feet.

I know what it is to see fatah Hawks threaten mothers with death for resisting them coming for their children. I know what it is like to see people lit on fire with rubber tires for being accused of speaking to Israelis.

I know what Israeli settlers look like who spit in my face and Hasidic ultra orthodox Jews who tried to split my head open with a rock. I know what it is like to see a Jordanian soldier urinate on a Jewish grave. I know what its like to see a Muslim who is openly homosexual run into the jewish sector with an eye hanging out of its socket. What you want truth?

I don't know what is truth. I just know what I have seen and its something that has no simplistic label. It is what it is. Its called people and people blow up and stink in the sun the same way.

I will also tell you something else since you asked me that question-I know what its like to stand with a holocaust survivor with his prison number and listen to what he had to do to survive and then fight three wars after the holocaust just so he has the right to breath. You think I am going to lecture that man on what the truth is? Really? You think when I spent days on end in the desert learning from Beduins I lectured them on what truth was?

I do not know truth. I can only bare witness to the pain others were kind enough to share with me. I can only bare witness to the Jews of Israel who came to their land to live in freedom. I can only bare witness to the pain of certain Palestinians who have chosen not to hate or blame me or believe terrorism is the solution. I bare witness to the Jews and Arabs of the Middle East who embrace peace and the right of both peoples to have their own countries. That I bare witness to and that is something that is not called truth-it is called decency, civility, mutual respect, tolerance, humanity, compassion-it goes by a lot of words but truth is not one of them.

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any ideology and practice that takes away the rights of others, like zionism does, should be outlawed. zionism has turned into an ugly and destructive colonialist cult, where, its main goal, "greater israel" or "promised land" has resulted in the violation of the rights of another group of people.

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any ideology and practice that takes away the rights of others, like zionism does, should be outlawed.

Well, it would certainly solve the problem. The only people left in the middle east would be atheists. I'm sure they could all get along.

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Wow. You "like" Jews "don't mind" Israelis. That's mighty white of you. But then there's "those Zionists on the other hand." Care to elaborate? Or should we conclude that you have no love for them? <_<

Zionism is a political movement that you can dislike, like, love, or hate regardless of how you feel about Jews. A lot of jews dont like it very much either.

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You seem to keep forgetting what zionism actually is. It is simply the belief that the Jewish people should have a sovereign and independent state.

Its a belief that a certain ethnic group has a right to a state on a certain piece of land, and its a political movement with certain history, and a certain way of going about things. I belong to a race as well, and I guess "my people" might want to have a state of their own as well. But maybe I believe my state should exist on land that YOUR people are currently living on. Suddenly by aspirations of statehood arent quite so benign.

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Its a belief that a certain ethnic group has a right to a state on a certain piece of land, and its a political movement with certain history, and a certain way of going about things. I belong to a race as well, and I guess "my people" might want to have a state of their own as well. But maybe I believe my state should exist on land that YOUR people are currently living on. Suddenly by aspirations of statehood arent quite so benign.

Indeed, it certainly has a certain history. The state of Israel was established in perhaps one of the most peaceful and civilized ways of about any state in history, and that is in part of a result of the nature of the Zionist movement, which was always comprised of intellectuals who preferred negotiation and purchases to violence. And, since then, it has defended itself multiple times against aggression, occasionally gaining territory as a result, not unlike hundreds of civilizations in human history. Currently it is occupying a territory which it will have to some day cede control over, when the conditions are right for them to do so.

As to your other comments... your race, whichever one you prefer to count yourself as, already has a state. Few states are established in a completely benign way, and it is nonsensical to criticize Israel, whose only crime was to be formed in the mid 20th century, rather than a few decades or centuries earlier, when the formation of new states at the expense of others was the norm. Nonetheless, the Palestinians will someday gain their state in the West Bank and Gaza, and I bet you anything that when that happens, they will have waited a lot shorter of a time span for that to have come to pass than the Jews did for their state to be re-established, and that they will have endured far less death and suffering along the way.

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Indeed, it certainly has a certain history. The state of Israel was established in perhaps one of the most peaceful and civilized ways of about any state in history, and that is in part of a result of the nature of the Zionist movement, which was always comprised of intellectuals who preferred negotiation and purchases to violence. And, since then, it has defended itself multiple times against aggression, occasionally gaining territory as a result, not unlike hundreds of civilizations in human history. Currently it is occupying a territory which it will have to some day cede control over, when the conditions are right for them to do so.

I wouldnt call it peaceful really. Early zionists used terrorism to achieve their goals, and would have been place on a terrorist watch list of some kind today. They also actively encouraged countries around the world to expel jews. Its not only a racist ideology but at times it has also been an anti-simetic one.

And, since then, it has defended itself multiple times against aggression

Not really... Isreal has also instigated and initiated a lot of that aggression. For example, the 6 day war was a direct result of the construction of the NWC, and the Arab response to the NWC which Israel bombed in 1965. The only way you could believe the agression over there is one-sided is if you completely ignored documented history. Modern day revisionists claim that the 6 day war started with the closing of the Straits of Tiran and the buildup of troops on the peninsula, but Isreal had already bombed syria and engaged in dozens of violations of its airspace before that point.

By any realistic reading of history both sides are CO-AGRESSORS...

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