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"Disappearing Palestine" bus ads anger Jewish groups

Black Dog

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Nobody said that the Vietnam wasnt a humanitarian catastrophe. From the US invasion to the fall of Saigon, to the Sino-Vietnamese war years later it definately was.

But its still a horrible analogy for the reasons I mentioned, and which you completely ignored.

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Yes. Huge focus. The UN is busy with resolution after resolution against all of those places. The media just never quits going on about them.The Bud/dub's, Hudson Jones', and Naomi Glover's have started thread after about all of them. The world focus on those places just never stops. The criticism has been consistantly loud and clear throughout the world.

"Dirtfarm" comes across as oh-so-intelligent. :rolleyes: But you'll concede that, eh? Most likely because the focus is on Israel - just as I said.

Yes. Huge focus. The UN is busy with resolution after resolution against all of those places.

The UN went further than that, it put international troops on the ground in all of those places.

The media just never quits going on about them. The world focus on those places just never stops.

ROFLMAO. The media stops reporting on and the world stops focusing on events that end. Gee... I wonder why theres more discussion on the occupation in the middle east than say... Russias invasion of Georgia? Could it be because the Russians went home?

Not sure why you have a hard time understanding that. The focus on conflicts ends when the conflicts end. Theres not a lot of talk about desert storm anymore but there sure as hell was when it was happening.

Could it be that - GHASP! - media coverage and public interest in conflicts ends... When the conflict is over? :blink: Wow.... what a concept.

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Nobody said that the Vietnam wasnt a humanitarian catastrophe. From the US invasion to the fall of Saigon, to the Sino-Vietnamese war years later it definately was.

But its still a horrible analogy for the reasons I mentioned, and which you completely ignored.

There was a holocaust at sea. Estimated deaths up to 400,000. Many others were sent to 're-education camps'. Many of influence were simply executed.

But yeah...the war that the Arabs started and lost is much more important than that 'humanitarian catastrophe' in Indochina.

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Nobody said that the Vietnam wasnt a humanitarian catastrophe. From the US invasion to the fall of Saigon, to the Sino-Vietnamese war years later it definately was.

But its still a horrible analogy for the reasons I mentioned, and which you completely ignored.

The US never invaded South Viet-Nam, btw. Shows your history is askew from square 1.

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There was a holocaust at sea. Estimated deaths up to 400,000. Many others were sent to 're-education camps'. Many of influence were simply executed.

But yeah...the war that the Arabs started and lost is much more important than that 'humanitarian catastrophe' in Indochina.

Nobody is saying that one is more important than the other, just that its a really stupid analogy.

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Yes. Huge focus. The UN is busy with resolution after resolution against all of those places. The media just never quits going on about them.The Bud/dub's, Hudson Jones', and Naomi Glover's have started thread after about all of them. The world focus on those places just never stops. The criticism has been consistantly loud and clear throughout the world.

"Dirtfarm" comes across as oh-so-intelligent. :rolleyes: But you'll concede that, eh? Most likely because the focus is on Israel - just as I said.

You don't suppose folks would get a tad irate if the Israelis imprisoned a couple million folks, shot their community leaders and gave the boot into shark infested waters to the rest who didn't 're-educate' up to Jewish standards.


:lol: :lol:

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Nobody said that the Vietnam wasnt a humanitarian catastrophe. From the US invasion to the fall of Saigon, to the Sino-Vietnamese war years later it definately was.

But its still a horrible analogy for the reasons I mentioned, and which you completely ignored.

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Nobody is saying that one is more important than the other, just that its a really stupid analogy.

Hardly...you just don't want to admit it. The duplicity of the UN for one. One rule for Israel...another rule for North Viet-Nam. Many more refugees. Much crueler post war results. The Arabs started their war...the North Viet-Namese, as well.

But you'd have to look it up to know what happened. You don't even understand the US's presence in South Viet-Nam. You thought it was an invasion.

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Nobody said that the Vietnam wasnt a humanitarian catastrophe. From the US invasion to the fall of Saigon, to the Sino-Vietnamese war years later it definately was.

But its still a horrible analogy for the reasons I mentioned, and which you completely ignored.

I said Vietnam in general, not sout vietnam... See those groups of letters? Those are words! They make sentences... On second thought, never mind.

Anyhow... Youve done a great job in pointing out why your origional analogy is so bad. North Vietnam assimilated the south (brutally as you pointed out), imprisoned, killed, or "re-educated" people that didnt like it. The end result is that people in both the north and south are citizens of Vietnam. If they had done what Israel did which is permanently military rule without any attempts to assimilate, they would have the same problems. There would be armed resistance, guerilla warfare, lots of events for the news cycle, etc, etc

THAT is what makes the situation in Israel different and why all these lamebrained analogies fall flat on their face. Israel CANNOT assimilate, with force or otherwise because of demographics.

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Hardly...you just don't want to admit it. The duplicity of the UN for one. One rule for Israel...another rule for North Viet-Nam. Many more refugees. Much crueler post war results. The Arabs started their war...the North Viet-Namese, as well.

But you'd have to look it up to know what happened. You don't even understand the US's presence in South Viet-Nam. You thought it was an invasion.

No Iv never thought the US invaded South Vietnam, and I never said that either... I guess the road from making stupid claims to dishonest ones is easily travelled.

The duplicity of the UN for one. One rule for Israel...another rule for North Viet-Nam.


Edited by dre
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Anyhow... Youve done a great job in pointing out why your origional analogy is so bad. North Vietnam assimilated the south (brutally as you pointed out), imprisoned, killed, or "re-educated" people that didnt like it. The end result is that people in both the north and south are citizens of Vietnam. If they had done what Israel did which is permanently military rule without any attempts to assimilate, they would have the same problems. There would be armed resistance, guerilla warfare, lots of events for the news cycle, etc, etc

Ahhhh...so had the Israelis acted like the North Vietnamese, there wouldn't have been a problem. Murder and exile does send a message. I do agree with you there. But, the Israelis don't do that sort of evil thing no mater bud's propaganda.

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No Iv never thought the US invaded vietnam, and I never said that either... I guess the road from making stupid claims to dishonest ones is easily travelled.


Nobody said that the Vietnam wasnt a humanitarian catastrophe. From the US invasion to the fall of Saigon, to the Sino-Vietnamese war years later it definately was.

But its still a horrible analogy for the reasons I mentioned, and which you completely ignored.

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Ahhhh...so had the Israelis acted like the North Vietnamese, there wouldn't have been a problem. Murder and exile does send a message. I do agree with you there. But, the Israelis don't do that sort of evil thing no mater bud's propaganda.

Yes thats probably correct. Israel had a window where it could have forced assimilation on the rest and killed the dissenters. There would have been outrage for sure, but eventually it would just become a part of history, and without a steady stream of events to keep it on peoples minds, it eventually would have become more or less a non issue.

But, the Israelis don't do that sort of evil thing.

I think Israel probably would have gone the forced assimilation route if it were not for demographics, and if they did everyone including the palestians would probably be better off today

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Then my suspicions that you really don't understand the Arab-Israeli conflict are confirmed. Thank you.

Yeah I somehow new that your epic failure to logically connect Vietnam to the ME conflict in any way would result in some kind of equally retarded statement declaring your superior knowledge and understanding :D

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Trying to make a legal case for Israels ownership of the occupied territories is beyond silly. Even Israel does not assert such a claim, and not one single country on earth recognizes Israeli ownership of ANY of this land including Israels closest allies.

Legally, its a military occupation. Even Israeli law and their high court considers the occupied territories to be just that. occupied territories.

But all of that is quite irrelevant because theres millions of people living there that already own it and were born on it.

Few of the people living there made a stink when Jordan decided to enter the 1967 War. In fact, quite to the contrary. Normally, what happens when a country or group of countries starts a war and loses, they seek peace. In this case, they didn't go to the victor for peace; they went to other nations to impose a peace on Israel.

Israel cannot credibly be asked to either turn over land to people who don't want peace and don't accept its existence as a Jewish state. Israel can't be expected to hold the land in cold storage waiting for such event, either. At some point, the victor correctly begins absorbing the land. And Israel has been quite humane about it, compared to European examples over the centuries.

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Yeah I somehow new that your epic failure to logically connect Vietnam to the ME conflict in any way would result in some kind of equally retarded statement declaring your superior knowledge and understanding :D

Claiming the Khartoum Resolution has nothing to do with the situation in the Middle East is what you did. You do realize what you just claimed, eh?


Start a thread about it if you want. That has nothing to do with the middle eastern conflict or debunking stupid analogies.

And you want me to take your opinion seriously?

Edited by DogOnPorch
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Claiming the Khartoum Resolution has nothing to do with the situation in the Middle East is what you did. You do realize what you just claimed, eh?


Yeah what I claimed is that youre trying to move the goalposts because I keep easily kicking the ball between your legs. The Arab League has nothing to do with your ridiculous vietnam analogy, and it also has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, which is about settlement building in the occupied territories.

And you want me to take your opinion seriously?

The only way you would take me seriously is if I embraced your lopsided revisionist version of history, and joined your calls for ethnic cleansing, and the denial of the right to self determination for millions of people based on their ethnicity. So no... I dont want you to take me seriously.

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The real China is called Taiwan. It was reduced to that by a brutal civil war at the hands of Mao and his pack of murderers. The fellows still in charge to this day. The ones we do business with. All is forgotten as long as money is involved. And so much time has passed that folks such as yourself don't know any different.

That aside, your comparison is a red herring and a strawman. I didn't make-up the Ottoman Land Code just to win an argument with you. It just is. That Zionists bought Ottoman land is a matter of history.

Your argument is this: the Jews bought land that nobody else wanted, took really good care of it and the Muslims are just a bunch of rabid anti-Semites for rejecting a Jewish nation thereafter.

If statehood should naturally follow if migrants buy land that nobody wants, surely you wouldn't mind if (insert whatever nationality you want here) bought tones of uninhibited land in Canada, fixed it up real nice and then declared a *country*?!?

My argument isn't a strawman, I'm providing an analogy to show the huge leap of logic you make. Your logic is flawed in a big way.

Edited by BC_chick
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Your argument is this: the Jews bought land that nobody else wanted, took really good care of it and the Muslims are just a bunch of rabid anti-Semites for rejecting a Jewish nation thereafter.

If statehood should naturally follow if migrants buy land that nobody wants, surely you wouldn't mind if (insert whatever nationality you want here) bought tones of uninhibited land in Canada, fixed it up real nice and then declared a *country*?!?

My argument isn't a strawman, I'm providing an analogy to show the huge leap of logic you make. Your logic is flawed in a big way.

Look...just because you hate me doesn't change history. It's not an argument. Your hatred of me is clouding your ability to reason. The Ottoman Land Code is easy enough for you to look-up yourself if you do not believe me.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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Yeah what I claimed is that youre trying to move the goalposts because I keep easily kicking the ball between your legs. The Arab League has nothing to do with your ridiculous vietnam analogy, and it also has nothing to do with the topic of this thread, which is about settlement building in the occupied territories.

The only way you would take me seriously is if I embraced your lopsided revisionist version of history, and joined your calls for ethnic cleansing, and the denial of the right to self determination for millions of people based on their ethnicity. So no... I dont want you to take me seriously.

More cries of racism from dre.

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