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I am entitled to my entitlements.


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First thing, if some people want to pay anyone to come and talk, isn't that their choice. Now as far as MP's. I know that the MP from Bruce/Grey, the doc. I saw her a local news and she's si still working as a doctor and she said the Commissioner told her she may be in an conflict of interest , by having two jobs , the MP's job apparently must come first. Now, I know she's not the only one doing this, but the Commissioner wants it changed.

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First thing, if some people want to pay anyone to come and talk, isn't that their choice. Now as far as MP's. I know that the MP from Bruce/Grey, the doc. I saw her a local news and she's si still working as a doctor and she said the Commissioner told her she may be in an conflict of interest , by having two jobs , the MP's job apparently must come first. Now, I know she's not the only one doing this, but the Commissioner wants it changed.

It becomes our business when it's taxpayer money being used to pay the person to speak. Trudeau is taking money from non profits and from the education system itself which are taxpayer funded. An MP's job is to speak to the people, Trudeau is double dipping, plain and simple.

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What gets me is that he is avoiding his day job for what he is paid handsomely for to work part time taking money from the educational system.

I want anyone here to tell me they would be allowed to do that in the private sector ? If he was speaking as part of his MP`s duty and for free then I would not have a problem with him educating kids on how our Parliament works. In a non partisian manner as much as possible.

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The feeling of entitlement, he feels he should be paid to speak to little kids and Public servents.

Holy...someone wants to be paid and thats a problem for you?

For the record, he doesnt feel he should paid to speak to little kids, he exepcts if they contract him to do so, he should be paid.

I doubt the diff is obvious to you.

You guys freak out about a conservative using letterhead improperly , buy yet something like this and you see nothing wrong

we would freak out the same if Justin abused his office and the system.

. But it seems you and others don't care what happens to this country ,by wanting justin to win, as long as you have power. Anybody with a brain can see he does not have the maturity or the smarts to be a leader of a country. He is no better than the senators who are legally taking everything they can get thier hands on. So really you have no right anymore to critize anyone about what they do.

Oh good grief.

I dont want him to win, although I suspect he just might.

But I am not cowered under the covers like some,,,,,,cough cough....

At least he can say he worked in the private sector. Can Harper say that?

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It becomes our business when it's taxpayer money being used to pay the person to speak. Trudeau is taking money from non profits and from the education system itself which are taxpayer funded. An MP's job is to speak to the people, Trudeau is double dipping, plain and simple.

Well it isnt so no point in talking about it huh?

Next up please.

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What gets me is that he is avoiding his day job for what he is paid handsomely for to work part time taking money from the educational system.

I want anyone here to tell me they would be allowed to do that in the private sector ? If he was speaking as part of his MP`s duty and for free then I would not have a problem with him educating kids on how our Parliament works. In a non partisian manner as much as possible.

Hmmm....dinner talks after work

Talks when QP is not in session,

Saturdays and or Sundays and holidays.

I take it you have knowledge of his itinerary and can show conflicts in his schedule?


Oh my....what are you basing your knowledge on?

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Well it isnt so no point in talking about it huh?

Next up please.

It sure is. He was paid by various schools to speak. Schools are to be nonpartisan and are government funded. He is taking money away from students to line his own millionaire pockets.

Trudeau also disclosed his earnings from the lecture circuit, well over

$1 million since 2006. What he made from speeches before his election to

Parliament in 2008 — including an eye-popping $462,000 in 2007 — is his

own business. What he’s made since, including $72,000 for four speeches

last year, is to some extent the public’s business.

Last year, for example, Sun Media reported he charged Queen’s University

$12,000, and Literacy for Life, the Canadian Mental Health Association

and the Grace Foundation $20,000 each. Full Story

JT is taking money from schools and from non profits so he can speak there. Do a task that many MP's do for free. It's disgusting. So why does this man feel so entitled?

It's clearly a conflict of interest. A member of government taking money. If this was a Tory it would be front page news coast to coast but since it's the wavy haired, nice looking Trudeau he gets a pass? He shouldn't.

Justin Trudeau, a Prime Minister? I don't think so. You have some growing up to do first Justin.

Edited by Peanutbutter
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It sure is. He was paid by various schools to speak. Schools are to be nonpartisan and are government funded. He is taking money away from students to line his own millionaire pockets.

JT is taking money from schools and from non profits so he can speak there. Do a task that many MP's do for free. It's disgusting. So why does this man feel so entitled?

It's clearly a conflict of interest. A member of government taking money. If this was a Tory it would be front page news coast to coast but since it's the wavy haired, nice looking Trudeau he gets a pass? He shouldn't.

Justin Trudeau, a Prime Minister? I don't think so. You have some growing up to do first Justin.

You said he gets paid by the schools...so not tax payer money then?

Heres the thing, they money is paid to govts, they give it to school boards to do what they think they need to do. They are accountable to the parents of that area. But you have no problem letting the the schools off who asked for a speaker and contracted JT to speak.

See how that works? Its dumb to try and paint this as tax payer money as it makes you look foolish and a whiner.

He isnt entitled and no one, least of all you, has shown how he is.

Oh and about the nice trudeau gets a pass from the media ? well lets see now....does this count as a free pass?

Edmonton Sun

Calgary Sun

Toronto Sun


Montreal Gazette


Yahoo News.......

Yup, free pass......yikes, didnt look huh?

T'is too funny!

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Justin Trudeau is the Canadian equivalent to Barak Obama: Someone who's arrogant with a far left ideology and entitlement supporting menality that will drag Canada into economic and moral ruin. You lefties think Harper is a totalitarian lunatic?. Wait'll you guys bring this guy into power. It'll be bigger government than we've ever seen and even more control over conservatives and libs alike, but you left won't know it. You'll all think it'll be a wonderful progressive utopian love affair as the Americans are with Barak until his and your policies destroy us the same way Obama is destroying the USA. It's only a matter of time the left get their way here just as they have in the US and elect a guy like Obama up here and Trudeau is a ripe candidate for them.

Edited by roy baty
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Well this is my last word on this. I will make sure that anytime a charity or school of so called higher learning is looking for hand outs, I will ,with all vigour campaign ,in the public square to blast them out of the water, if they ever pay any M.P. a single dime for showing up to speak..

I think all students should also look at the cost to them and or parents of tuition and books.

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Hmmm....dinner talks after work

Talks when QP is not in session,

Saturdays and or Sundays and holidays.

I take it you have knowledge of his itinerary and can show conflicts in his schedule?


Oh my....what are you basing your knowledge on?

Based on sun news the only news outlet that is not afarid to print the thruth about him. They had his itinerary and yes he was speaking when he should have been at work.
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Based on sun news the only news outlet that is not afarid to print the thruth about him. They had his itinerary and yes he was speaking when he should have been at work.

Uhm should have been at work.

How many days are the government Mps at work. You know they have all agreed just to take sitting days and schedules. They don't all show up and work every day like normal people.

Unfortuntely MP's don't have to show up. It is not part of their job description. When they show up is their choice (part of the problem is not having enough seats for every MP)

Also one can work while away from ones riding or the hill. Oversights. None the less show me where it shows how an MP is suppose to do their job, all I've seen is not to make expense claims they arn't allowed.

Was the hill in session, was it scheduled? Was he scheduled to sit at that time by the party whip?

Nonsense but this is all part of how government is run under partisan systems.

How many days has Stephen Harper showed up? Vs. Trudeau?

What 30 days a year?

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Uhm should have been at work.

How many days are the government Mps at work. You know they have all agreed just to take sitting days and schedules. They don't all show up and work every day like normal people.

Unfortuntely MP's don't have to show up. It is not part of their job description. When they show up is their choice (part of the problem is not having enough seats for every MP)

Also one can work while away from ones riding or the hill. Oversights. None the less show me where it shows what an MP is suppose to do their job, all I've seen is not make expense claims they arn't allowed.

Was the hill in session, was it scheduled? Was he scheduled to sit at that time by the party whip?

Nonsnese but this is all part of how government is run under partisan systems.

How many days has Stephen Harper showed up? Vs. Trudeau?

What 30 days a year? ...

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Roy batty- Wait'll you guys bring this guy into power. It'll be bigger government than we've ever seen and even more control over conservatives and libs alike, but you left won't know it.

For the record, until the recent layoffs, the Conservatives grew the civil service larger than anyone ever. 49,000 more

Pesky facts...

But, growth of the civil service by anyone is a problem

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Muddy you see, when people MAKE money they pay taxes. I'm sure as a "public servant" that is an MP, he probably does take money from the tax payers but that is only due to corruption within the parliament act which parliamentarians gave themselves income from the general revenue fund rather than funds that parliament raised itself through enterprise. He however is no different from any other MP in that respect. (I have to add though that they did this before he was in office)

So, Trudeau is a politician, taxpayers pay his salary in order for him to pay taxes?

Public schools are run by taxpayer money, so Trudeau is making money here off the taxpayer as well.

This is called 'double dipping' in my view.

If Trudeau is well off, why charge such outrageous fees for his speaking in schools? The number that has been thrown around in this thread is the 20k per session. I know 20k can be spent on much more needed things the school needs. Especially at a point when school teachers are engaging parents to fill the gap to make sure the school has enough supplies. 20k can buy a lot of school supplies.

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So, Trudeau is a politician, taxpayers pay his salary in order for him to pay taxes?

Public schools are run by taxpayer money, so Trudeau is making money here off the taxpayer as well.

This is called 'double dipping' in my view.

If Trudeau is well off, why charge such outrageous fees for his speaking in schools? The number that has been thrown around in this thread is the 20k per session. I know 20k can be spent on much more needed things the school needs. Especially at a point when school teachers are engaging parents to fill the gap to make sure the school has enough supplies. 20k can buy a lot of school supplies.

Surprised at this one GH.

Imagine if a civil servant sat in and watched anything, do you feel the need to say that the performer got money from the taxpayer? The oil patch gets money from the tax payer, we all get money from the taxpayer. Dumb angle is you ask me.

And why charge so much? Why not, the price is market price seeing as the boards freely paid it. Maybe the board nbeeds to be reminded that they cannot afford it?

One cannot combine two separate facts, unrelated , to make this look bad on Justin. The boards should behearing from the parents quite rightfully and those parents should be saying wtf? We cannot afford decent books and you spend how much for a speaker?

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So, Trudeau is a politician, taxpayers pay his salary in order for him to pay taxes?

Public schools are run by taxpayer money, so Trudeau is making money here off the taxpayer as well.

Yes but it is not just public service agencies paying him, it is also private corporations, (he very much pays taxes on those speaking fees earned from private corporations that hire him also) I would suspect that he actually gets more money for "public speaking" from non governmental organizations than governmental ones, as a total. (means of indirect contribution).Well fact is schools are allowed to bring in speakers. I think that using the correct funds is important, but it is legal. I would say, yes, kids can learn from our successful leaders, they are worthwhile to have as part of our educational system. Fact people working for a lot of companies that get government subsidies and credits are making money off the tax payer, from actors to oil sands worker. Its all tax payer money. It shouldn't be about where it Is from, but was it from a legal source. Like rule out kickbacks, that is the moral issue.

None the less this was a private school board, and it isn't a federal funding concern, the funding comes from the province not the federal government.

This is called 'double dipping' in my view.

If Trudeau is well off, why charge such outrageous fees for his speaking in schools? The number that has been thrown around in this thread is the 20k per session. I know 20k can be spent on much more needed things the school needs. Especially at a point when school teachers are engaging parents to fill the gap to make sure the school has enough supplies. 20k can buy a lot of school supplies.

It ain't he is a federal public service employee not a provincial one. No double dipping here, plus it was a private school board. It is the boards decision, boards ARE NOT controlled by the government, especially in Ontario, the ministry just sets the guidelines, and gives funding per student and sets thresholds. Not all board money comes from the provincial government, and private school boards are not prohibited from bringing in public speakers. You are out to lunch with your position, which isn't based upon facts.

They don't have to hire him, boards have the free choice to bring in who they want, your position is nonsense.

I have to state I think MP salaries should be slashed to the poverty line (with office expenses allowed, and service Canada support as required to field requests for government assistance) and moonlighting fully acceptable for extra earning as long as it doesn't represent a conflict of interest. (Likewise MPs should not be able to be crown agents such as ministers.)

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I guess I don't have a problem if it is a private entity that is paying him extra. I do have a problem with him making lots of money from taxpayers money.

The private company is different in that people willingly part with their money for a service or goods. The government simply takes money from taxpayers and allocates it towards whatever is needed. Huge difference here.

It ain't he is a federal public service employee not a provincial one. No double dipping here, plus it was a private school board. It is the boards decision, boards ARE NOT controlled by the government, especially in Ontario, the ministry just sets the guidelines, and gives funding per student and sets thresholds. Not all board money comes from the provincial government, and private school boards are not prohibited from bringing in public speakers. You are out to lunch with your position, which isn't based upon facts.

What does it matter if he is federal or provincial? What does it matter if the school gets funding through provincial or federal funds? Who is paying for his salary either way? Taxpayers. So, still double dipping. Some private boards get funding from the government.

If the school is 100% private, then I don't see a problem, but I would still question why a school would pay that much money for him to come speak.

I have no problem with public speakers, just the outrageous fees they charge for a couple hours. People complain teachers make to much money and have that nice summer off but yet don't have a problem with someone taking funds out of a school.

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I can't say I agree with you. If the board gets $x to spend on a given item than $x should go to it. If a board raises $y then they are free to spend it on anything in their mandate. Boards are self administering, they have their own elected trustee systems. The province only sets the curriculum baseline and legal policy standards. The government doesn't run the boards, they run themselves.

This is why where the funds came from is important.If the government funds for speakers then if they get Joe Blow to speak they are doing their job.

I don't agree with you. It is about proper use of funds, not where those funds came from. I can see you argue that funds shouldn't be paid for public speakers, fine, but I think that you just have a bias.

None the less this is exactly why I think all taxes should be direct taxes and only essential services should be fees paid, everything else including education should be optional. School fees should be paid by people sending their kids there.

Must like I think post secondary education should be free paid by alumni primary and secondary boards could use this same principle that is graduates of those boards pay back into them, and the rest is picked up by the parents and other doners.

The same is true of health insurance, which I think medicare should be premium based health insurance, for anyone who has income high enough to pay for health insurance.

Cut the taxes and this partisan use of tax payer funds disappears.

(Although I have to say the WDCSB has had all kinds of speakers) Local Catholics actually paid a lot more for Bill Clinton. Fact is WDCSB students pay an annual fee each year) although the province does give funding to the catholic board, but these are for specific purposes, likewise often the catholic school board is closely associated with the local catholic churches

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Schools regularly pay for motivational/inspirational speakers to perform for students. IMO, the message, stimulation, encouragement, and enthusiasm provided is usually worth the price tag.

They don't pay those kinds of high prices...
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Just because it's legal doesn't make it ethical. This guy is being paid to be a member of parliament and to represent the interests of his constituents in the House of Commons. When he's not doing that he ought to be either in his office or in his riding. Comparing him to the PM or cabinet ministers who have multiple responsibilities is inane. What he does on the weekend is up to him, but if he's missing speeches and work in order to go out and make money as a professional speaker that's crass and unethical.

FYI, in the public service, operating a business of any kind during work hours is cause for termination. We had one girl who was selling her mother's muffins to people on work time (at work) and the question of her discipline went all the way up to the deputy ministers office.

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Justin Trudeau is the Canadian equivalent to Barak Obama: Someone who's arrogant with a far left ideology and entitlement supporting menality that will drag Canada into economic and moral ruin.

The only argument I'd make is Trudeau is not anywhere near as smart as Obama.
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There's also the little issue of whether he's being paid large speaking fees in an attempt to influence his future policy as a possible PM. I remember Chretien got huge fees when he quit to bide his time prior to running for the Liberal leadership. Everyone knew he was going to run and get it, and so a small-town lawyer with very little experience became a multi-millionaire in a few brief years before becoming Liberal Party leader and Prime Minister.

Corporate donations to politicians are now illegal. Is he getting around that by doing speaking engagements instead?

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There's also the little issue of whether he's being paid large speaking fees in an attempt to influence his future policy as a possible PM. I remember Chretien got huge fees when he quit to bide his time prior to running for the Liberal leadership. Everyone knew he was going to run and get it, and so a small-town lawyer with very little experience became a multi-millionaire in a few brief years before becoming Liberal Party leader and Prime Minister.

Corporate donations to politicians are now illegal. Is he getting around that by doing speaking engagements instead?

I don`t know if can donate that money to his own campaign. It is reported that he has recieved more donations for his leadership race than all the other candidates combined.

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