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Alberta is Canada's Sausagefest

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I am talking about my personal life, my acquaintances and family and friends...and the unknown millions of conversations I"ve been a part of, actively or as listener.

Yes yes yes. You're the only one who has conversations (rolls eyes).

And I'm clearly not talking about your personal life. I'm talking about the country and it's history obviously.Why would we be discussing your personal experience regarding the fabric of this entire country and hundreds of years of its' history? It wasn't my intent to insult you but if you were talking about shark attacks and I came along to tell you that I've never been personally attacked by a shark that wouldn't mean much would it? It was never my claim that you personally and your friends have the attitude in question.

lol. It's not like I'm holding you responsible or something, and it's not like you could do anything about it anyways.

I'm informing you of the facts, not expressing an opinion. That's the single difference between us on this particular part of this larger discussion.

No. That's the difference between you and I? Please. I gave you plenty of written facts and Canadian history backing up what I said. It was right there. I can easily provide more and more and 100 more pages worth if you like so don't tell me I'm not giving you facts when that's exactly what I've done while your only facts have been personal anecdotes, which, ironic to your claim here have nothing to do with the "larger discussion". If you want to partake in the "larger discussion" you might have to wade into the deep end and get beyond your limited personal experience. You're giving me personal anecdotes which are nice but useless. I'm talking about the fabric of the country and its' history and I gave you facts regarding all of this as well. Telling me I didn't is, well, just kinda silly but I can understand if you were simply miffed by the "willfully blind" comment.

I could sit here and relate all the times I have heard disparaging words against Alberta and Albertans and something tells me those "facts" wouldn't impress you any more than your personal anecdotes impress me.

Most Canadians don't give a rat's ass about Alberta or about Albertans.

More people care about it than your personal anecdotes that much is certain. We're talking about the country, its' history and its' social fabric. You say you've never heard a disparaging word against Alberta. (shrugs) Great. So? Is your personal experience the end all be all of a very well known and even documented phenomenon? No. It isn't. You act like someone calling Albertans rednecks is like spotting a sasquatch or something and for anyone I know in the West that's hilariously off the mark.

I come to you with plenty of examples of the written history of this country to back up what I'm talking about, that you personally don't ever remember anything regarding it is moot. You may never have heard of it before but millions of other Canadians have.

I have not heard a single disparaging word about Alberta or Albertans that I can remember.

lol.You can start with the first post of this thread.

Here's some more:

"Albertans Arrogant"


Urban dictionary entry for "Albertan":

"1. Albertan

A Texan who can read."

"Many Albertans are rednecks, but you'll find that they are proud. "


Nice little hate-fest from the Montreal mirror:

"Five reasons to hate Alberta"


Here's an entire Canadian website dedicated to hating Alberta, try and count how many Canadians on that site have "disparaging words" about the province and its' people:


^^ That's like all of 3 minutes of Googling. Doesn't take much to see what I'm talking about. You just have to have the will to look, see and accept. Now either you have heard/read disparaging words about Alberta or Albertans in your life or you really are willfully blind. It's either one or the other now. Regardless I've proved my point with "facts" quite a bit more than your personal experience.

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Yes yes yes. You're the only one who has conversations (rolls eyes).

So...you really want to begin your lengthy post about my ignorance with a stated declaration that you have intentionally misread my remark?

To what end?

We're talking about the country, its' history and its' social fabric. You say you've never heard a disparaging word against Alberta. (shrugs) Great. So? Is your personal experience the end all be all of a very well known and even documented phenomenon? No. It isn't. You act like someone calling Albertans rednecks is like spotting a sasquatch or something and for anyone I know in the West that's hilariously off the mark.


Please. I'm from the Maritimes. You think I've never heard disparaging words from other Canadians about it? :)

Hell, a sitting Prime Minister--our current one, in fact--came over here and insulted our work ethic, drive, and so on. And some Maritimers (who work as hard as Albertans...no, I realize you don't believe it--how could it be?--but it's true!) don't appreciate an effete little One-Region Nationalist telling them they don't work hard enough and lack "ambition." (But who has more ambition than a PM, for fuck's sake? They're power-mad by definition.)

But we got over it very quickly. Just sayin.'

lol.You can start with the first post of this thread.

Here's some more:

"Albertans Arrogant"


Urban dictionary entry for "Albertan":

"1. Albertan

A Texan who can read."

"Many Albertans are rednecks, but you'll find that they are proud. "


Nice little hate-fest from the Montreal mirror:

"Five reasons to hate Alberta"


Here's an entire Canadian website dedicated to hating Alberta, try and count how many Canadians on that site have "disparaging words" about the province and its' people:


^^ That's like all of 3 minutes of Googling. Doesn't take much to see what I'm talking about. You just have to have the will to look, see and accept. Now either you have heard/read disparaging words about Alberta or Albertans in your life or you really are willfully blind. It's either one or the other now. Regardless I've proved my point with "facts" quite a bit more than your personal experience.

OK...why don't you do a littler of your "research" (ie reading stuff that aligns exactly with your pre-existing view) about Quebec, and Toronto?

The insults to Alberta diminish into relative obscurity quite quickly, I should think.

For one example...the remarks about these regions on this very website.

And it extrapolates generally.

As to my personal anecdote, to which you return a little overmuch throughout your post, let me clarify:

I used my personal anecdote as an analogy. Because, sure, people writing and speaking in the public politicized sphere have said some unwarranted things about the province. (You know, not unlike a PM telling a region, to its face, that they really suck. :) And why do I guess that you didn't give a rat's ass about that little gem? Wrong "victim," perhaps.)

However, Claudius, and here's my point (obviously...I'm not convinced that you honestly missed it): most Canadians (say, give or take, 99.9% of them) do not strut around denouncing Alberta and insulting its residents.

They simply do not.

They scarcely think about it at all. And for pity's sake, that's not an insult!

If you believe they do, then I'm afraid you're suffering (embracing?) a paranoid delusion.

Or simple narcissism.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Claudius: "Many Canadians love to hate Alberta"

Bleeding Heart: "I've never ever ever ever heard a disparaging word against Alberta in my entire life from any Canadian anywhere"

Claudius: Points out that's either that's bull, or Bleeding heart simply refuses to acknowledge it or see it.

Bleeding Heart: Offended, reinterates, "I've never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever heard a disparaging word against Alberta in my life. How dare you tell me I have when I know full well I haven't! I think you're making it all up and you're full of it"

Claudius: Makes a list of maybe 100 examples of exactly what he's talking about. Takes all of about 20 seconds to do it too.

Bleeding Heart: "Ohhhhh....THOOOOSE disparaging words. Well...um....lemmie see...um, okay I got one: I think you're just being sensitive. Yeah that'll work.".


Yeah. Whatever. Point proven no matter how much you try to deny it.

-- Oh and sitting PM's? Yeah Trudeau literally gave the finger to the entire West and people in Ontario cheered and cheered and cheered. Heck they still do. To this day they still consider him a hero for doing exactly that. Canada maybe has another 30-50 years before it starts to break apart. Frankly I couldn't care less.

Please. I'm from the Maritimes. You think I've never heard disparaging words from other Canadians about it?

uh huh. And yet there's no web site dedicated to hating the maritimes? There are about 4 directed at Alberta.

By the way your comment here only backs up what I've been saying all along here while everyone else closes their eyes and denies it: regional rivalry is the biggest historical schism in Canada....I never once claimed it was only ever just Alberta. Alberta is just 'in fashion' at the moment and happened to be the subject of this thread.

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OK...why don't you do a littler of your "research" (ie reading stuff that aligns exactly with your pre-existing view) about Quebec, and Toronto?

Reading stuff that aligns exactly with my pre-existing view?! LOLOLOLOL!

YOU DENIED ANY OF IT EXISTED SO I PULLED SOME FORWARD TO SHOW IT EXISTS -- NOW YOU "RETORT" WITH THIS BABBLE? Unbelievable. It doesn't "align with my view" it proves it exists when only moments ago you were claiming it doesn't. For f*cksakes grow the hell up.

This is honestly the most childish brain dead dishonest game-playing forum in Canada isn't it?

Yes it is.

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This is honestly the most childish brain dead dishonest game-playing forum in Canada isn't it?

Yes it is.

Well, it no doubt ranks with any of the others, given that....certain posters....screech in caps, "quote" someone incorrectly for some juicy mischaracterization, throw petty little tantrums, and perversely cherish their victim status.

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Well, it no doubt ranks with any of the others, given that....certain posters....screech in caps, "quote" someone incorrectly for some juicy mischaracterization, throw petty little tantrums, and perversely cherish their victim status.

More childishness. I didn't quote you incorrectly. You started out with "I've never ever heard any disparaging words about Alberta", and ended up admitting you had heard them before and then claiming that they shouldn't be a big deal. Grow up and admit it when someone has a point.


I agree. At the ripe(ning) age of 45, I have literally never, not once, ever, heard a disparaging word about Alberta, from some sort of regionalist perspective, outside of this very forum.

...no misquote there Bleeding Heart. Then you move on to try and bury the point by babbling about the Maritimes and how the maritimes has had it's fair share of abuse as well. So what? I never denied that nor does that invalidate my point -- you however have, right here, denied ever hearing the very things you now so casually accept.

Now that I've proven my point you go off on your own childish mischaracterizations babbling about 'tantrums' and so on as though that's going to somehow hide the fact that I've proven my point. You can't even argue it any more all you can do is paint me as having a temper tantrum (keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about being wrong), when all I did was prove my point. Now you have your own tantrum about it.

Childishness. Plain and simple. Particularly embarrassing statement on this forum since you're probably still one of the more mature posters here.

Oh and then there's the Waldo who tries to pretend that posting on an anonymous forum somehow negates ego as a factor in how someone posts. Hilarious. You can tell he doesn't even believe that himself.

I might as well have told you 2 + 2 = 4, listen to you deny it, then come and show you 10000 examples of how 2+2 indeed does equal 4 only to have you babble some nonsense childish "retort" of, "Oh sure...if all you're going to do is bring examples that align with your preconceptions blah blah blah"

Just grow a pair and admit it when someone has a point instead of embarrassing yourself and this entire forum with this childish say-the-opposite-of-whatever-the-other-guy-is-saying mentality.

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More childishness. I didn't quote you incorrectly.

Go back and read your post.

I understand you weren't intentionally and directly quoting me...but quoting a strawman. That's your bad, too. Why use quotation marks when you're not quoting?

You started out with "I've never ever heard any disparaging words about Alberta", and ended up admitting you had heard them before and then claiming that they shouldn't be a big deal. Grow up and admit it when someone has a point.

I said (clearly) that Canadians do not walk about denouncing Alberta--that I had never once heard such a thing occur--and that it was all internet babble and occasional news stories to which Canadians mostly pay no attention. The second point was a later addendum, true...if it helps you to see this as a concession, by all means, go ahead.

I see it rather as clarification, but I'm not going to get pedantic on the point.

...no misquote there Bleeding Heart.

Just the other "quote," eh?

Then you move on to try and bury the point by babbling about the Maritimes and how the maritimes has had it's fair share of abuse as well. So what?

My entire point in that anecdote--and I don't see how you could miss it--was that I'm not crying in my beer over any such slights, real or perceived. I couldn't care less about them. I consider them irrelevant.

Now you have your own tantrum about it.

I choose not to; and have no interest in doing so.

I might as well have told you 2 + 2 = 4, listen to you deny it, then come and show you 10000 examples of how 2+2 indeed does equal 4 only to have you babble some nonsense childish "retort" of, "Oh sure...if all you're going to do is bring examples that align with your preconceptions blah blah blah"

This analogy only works if "I have personally never heard a disparaging word uttered about Alberta, by any Canadians I have ever spoken to" is the formula...and the answer is that I'm lying.

As if we all walk about saying mean things about Albertans!

Again, a handful of people shouting angrily about politics on online forums or (rare) print articles is decidedly not what I was talking about; it didn't even originally occur to me that I needed to distinguish between 45 years of lived experience and some anti-Alberta sentiment you've read in a few places.

Even so, I did distinguish between them later (the millions of personal experiences vs. a tiny list of online and printed ones)...because you had smugly informed me that my personal experience was incorrect, thanks to my wilful blindness.

Just grow a pair and admit it when someone has a point instead of embarrassing yourself and this entire forum with this childish say-the-opposite-of-whatever-the-other-guy-is-saying mentality.

Well, yes, and we can all plainly see that you are above such foolishness.

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I said (clearly) that Canadians do not walk about denouncing Alberta--that I had never once heard such a thing occur--and that it was all internet babble and occasional news stories to which Canadians mostly pay no attention. The second point was a later addendum, true...if it helps you to see this as a concession, by all means, go ahead.

No you didn't say that. You said, right there in black and white completely undeniable:

I agree. At the ripe(ning) age of 45, I have literally never, not once, ever, heard a disparaging word about Alberta, from some sort of regionalist perspective, outside of this very forum.

Then you went on to say this nonsensical babble:

I am talking about my personal life, my acquaintances and family and friends...and the unknown millions of conversations I"ve been a part of, actively or as listener.

I have not heard a single disparaging word about Alberta or Albertans that I can remember.

I'm talking zero. None whatsoever.

Now, Quebec and Ontario is another kettle of fish.

I'm informing you of the facts, not expressing an opinion. That's the single difference between us on this particular part of this larger discussion.

Which is it? your opinion or facts? Because between the two of us the only one to come forward with facts on this matter has been me.

Now you've admitted you do know what I'm talking about,when only moments ago your story was, "I have not heard a single disparaging word about Alberta or Albertans that I can remember. I'm talking zero. None whatsoever."

You basically aren't even man enough to admit it, instead you admit you have heard what I'm talking about before by claiming it shouldn't matter because the maritimes have received the same abuse ....the very same abuse you claim doesn't exist.

Unbelievable. Just listen to yourself. Grow up. :D :D :D

Well, yes, and we can all plainly see that you are above such foolishness.

I proved my point, it's right there in black and white and you've pretty much admitted you know full well what I'm talking about.

YOU'RE the one whose had to change their story 3 times in 4 posts, not me. Once agian, this is how the conversation went no matter how many times you stamp your feet and meekly deny it:

Claudius: "Many Canadians love to hate Alberta"

Bleeding Heart: "I've never ever ever ever heard a disparaging word against Alberta in my entire life from any Canadian anywhere"

Claudius: Points out that's either that's bull, or Bleeding heart simply refuses to acknowledge it or see it.

Bleeding Heart: Offended, reinterates, "I've never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever heard a disparaging word against Alberta in my life. How dare you tell me I have when I know full well I haven't! I think you're making it all up and you're full of it"

Claudius: Makes a list of maybe 100 examples of exactly what he's talking about. Takes all of about 20 seconds to do it too.

Bleeding Heart: "Ohhhhh....THOOOOSE disparaging words. Well...um....lemmie see...um, okay I got one: I think you're just being sensitive. Yeah that'll work.".

Every time you post back trying to deny it you just look stupider. You think you're making me mad but all you're doing is making me laugh.

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No you didn't say that. You said, right there in black and white completely undeniable:

Then you went on to say this nonsensical babble:

Which is it? your opinion or facts? Because between the two of us the only one to come forward with facts on this matter has been me.

I think you're pissed that you misread me, because you've always fancied yourself literate.

Now you accuse me of lying.

You put words that were not my own in direct quotes...and then said you never misquoted me.

Again, I couldn't give a damn...you were merely inventing an unfair strawman in order to mischaracterize my argument. But I'm not going to pretend that reality is other than what it is: you claimed not to have misquoted me. This is directly and literally untrue.

Just go f*ck yourself.

I'll try, but it sounds difficult, even a little dangerous.

You're a little boy playing games. I proved my point and it's done no matter how many times you come back here to dribble out some more weak bullsh!t.

Hey, I forgot all about it; after weeks away, you came back to remind me of your silliness.

I guess when someone responds to your posts, it is further evidence of the ROC's insufferable hatred of Alberta.

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I think you're pissed that you misread me, because you've always fancied yourself literate.

Hilarious. I didn't misquote you. I quoted you EXACTLY. It's right there man...what is it in your head that thinks you can deny it?!

Unbelievable. Are you drunk? Seriously: are you drunk?

You put words that were not my own in direct quotes...and then said you never misquoted me.

What qa weak lying piece of cr@p you are. Where is the misquote?! It's right there on the 15th page man. Once again:

I agree. At the ripe(ning) age of 45, I have literally never, not once, ever, heard a disparaging word about Alberta, from some sort of regionalist perspective, outside of this very forum.

Go ahead pinhead, keep claiming you never said it. It's right there for anyone smart enough to go back 1 measly page.

What a lying f*cking moron. Go ahead and ban me for saying it too. Being banned from the most childish brain dead whimpy forum in North America would be a complement.

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Hilarious. I didn't misquote you. I quoted you EXACTLY. It's right there man...what is it in your head that thinks you can deny it?!

Unbelievable. Are you drunk? Seriously: are you drunk?

Christ on a cracker, man. I've been correcting you about what I wrote...now I have to correct you about your own posts as well?

Bleeding Heart: "Ohhhhh....THOOOOSE disparaging words. Well...um....lemmie see...um, okay I got one: I think you're just being sensitive. Yeah that'll work.".

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Hey, I forgot all about it; after weeks away, you came back to remind me of your silliness.

I guess when someone responds to your posts, it is further evidence of the ROC's insufferable hatred of Alberta.


Hilarious. More "facts" from the "Fact meister"

Oh sorry. No those aren't facts at all. Just your measly imagination. You replied to this on the 7th. What's the date today Einstien?

What a complete f*cking goof you are.

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Christ on a cracker, man. I've been correcting you about what I wrote...now I have to correct you about your own posts as well?


Bleeding Heart: "Ohhhhh....THOOOOSE disparaging words. Well...um....lemmie see...um, okay I got one: I think you're just being sensitive. Yeah that'll work.".

Christ on a cracker, man. I've been correcting you about what I wrote...now I have to correct you about your own posts as well?

That's EXACTLY what you did. You denyed ever hearing them for 3 posts then when I bring them forward you cry like a little girl and basically admit you have heard them before by way of changing your argument and claiming it shouldn't matter because the Maritimes have had the same abuse.

Gawd you are a walking joke.

I'm right. You're wrong. Now or 1000 posts from now. By all means keep crying about it.

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That's EXACTLY what you did. You denyed ever hearing them for 3 posts then when I bring them forward you cry like a little girl and basically admit you have heard them before by way of changing your argument and claiming it shouldn't matter because the Maritimes have had the same abuse.

Gawd you are a walking joke.

Now you're not even responding to the remarks that you're quoting, and you keep losing the target. Take a breath.

To clarify for you:

You said you had never misquoted me, at all.

I supplied your misquote (I quoted it...accurately...a skill you should learn), so you could see it for yourself.

And don't you think you're going a little over the top with your insults, sport?

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Now you're not even responding to the remarks that you're quoting, and you keep losing the target. Take a breath.

I just did exactly that. And yes that's exactly what you did. Once it was absolutely no longer possible for you to deny what I was saying you changed your argument to....

"Duuuuh the maritimes have ha d the same abuse so,like, so what?"

So the abuse I was talking about that only 3 posts ago you denied ever once hearing in your life does indeed exist ...that's what. Point made. Period. No matter how much you continue to post and babble.

Oh and I haven't bothered posting anywhere else because so many posters here are too completely immature to even admit the smallest point. This forum does indeed stand apart in that regard.

...well that and I've been busy living an enjoyable life. lol...sue me.

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You said you had never misquoted me, at all.

I supplied your misquote

Wasn't a quote pinhead. I outlined the path of the conversation....accurately.

....Which is why you've been relegated to 7 posts of avoiding the fact my point was correct and you admitted it...and once you did that you simply tried to change the subject, i.e.:

"yes what I claimed never existed only 3 posts ago does in fact exist, but now I claim it shouldn't matter because the Maritimes get abuse too"

So what?

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I just did exactly that. And yes that's exactly what you did. Once it was absolutely no longer possible for you to deny what I was saying you changed your argument to....

"Duuuuh the maritimes have ha d the same abuse so,like, so what?"

So the abuse I was talking about that only 3 posts ago you denied ever once hearing in your life does indeed exist ...that's what. Point made. Period. No matter how much you continue to post and babble.

Oh and I haven't bothered posting anywhere else because so many posters here are too completely immature to even admit the smallest point. This forum does indeed stand apart in that regard.

...well that and I've been busy living an enjoyable life. lol...sue me.

I'm not in the habit of suing anybody.

nor flying quite into the flurry of insults that seem to have overtaken your better judgement.

Again: you got quite angry when I said you misquoted me...you insisted that you only quoted me directly.

But I wasn't talking about the actual, direct quote.

I was talking about your other (mis)quote.

Again: here's you, quoting me (well...pretending to quote me, for the sake of an unfair strawman):

Bleeding Heart: "Ohhhhh....THOOOOSE disparaging words. Well...um....lemmie see...um, okay I got one: I think you're just being sensitive. Yeah that'll work.".

Didn't you write something earlier--today, in fact...about admitting when you've made a mistake?

Why hold me to higher standards than you hold yourself?

Wasn't a quote pinhead.

I know it wasn't a quote. I said no such thing. And yet you use quotation marks.

I reiterate: I don't mind. I"m not hypersensitive like...like some posters are.

I was only pointing out that you're being disingenuous.

I outlined the path of the conversation....accurately.

Uh huh.

but now I claim it shouldn't matter because the Maritimes get abuse too"

So what?

"So what," exactly so. My point...clearly stated.

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Again: here's you, quoting me (well...pretending to quote me, for the sake of an unfair strawman):

Again that's NOT A QUOTE fool, any more than what I put as my words was a quote. It's a symnopsis of the conversation thus far, and an accurate one too. It's not remotely a direct quote and only a COMPLETE IDIOT would think it was.

And no its not a strawman either.

You claimed you'd never ever ever ever ever heard a disparaging word about Alberta right up to the point that I made it absolutely IMPOSSIBLE to deny at which point you change your argument from "it doesn't exist", to, "it does exuist but so what? The Maritimes get abused too"

Once again, what you claim is a direct quote ISN' T REMOTELY A DIRECT QUOTE and that's obvious since the entire symnopsis of the conversation isn't a direct quote. It is however accurate all the same.

Keep jerking yourself off. My point has been made and now you're just being pissy about it.

One more time and every single time you return to post here...this is how the conversation went, and no these aren't quotes little boy, it's a symnopsis --- OH ANd I did provide the DIRECT quotes from you that back up this symnopsis perfectly so quit making afool of yourself by whining about it:


Claudius: "Many Canadians love to hate Alberta"

Bleeding Heart: "I've never ever ever ever heard a disparaging word against Alberta in my entire life from any Canadian anywhere"

Claudius: Points out that's either that's bull, or Bleeding heart simply refuses to acknowledge it or see it.

Bleeding Heart: Offended, reinterates, "I've never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever heard a disparaging word against Alberta in my life. How dare you tell me I have when I know full well I haven't! I think you're making it all up and you're full of it"

Claudius: Makes a list of maybe 100 examples of exactly what he's talking about. Takes all of about 20 seconds to do it too.

Bleeding Heart: "Ohhhhh....THOOOOSE disparaging words. Well...um....lemmie see...um, okay I got one: I think you're just being sensitive. Yeah that'll work.".


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Again that's NOT A QUOTE fool, any more than what I put as my words was a quote. It's a symnopsis of the conversation thus far, and an accurate one too. It's not remotely a direct quote and only a COMPLETE IDIOT would think it was.

No, as I've repeatedly made clear, it is not a quote at all.

And no its not a strawman either.

Yes, it certainly is.

Keep jerking yourself off. My point has been made and now you're just being pissy about it.

I assure you I'm not jerking off, metaphorically or otherwise; nor am I pissy. I'm not even mildly peeved at you.

One more time and every single time you return to post here...this is how the conversation went, and no these aren't quotes little boy, it's a symnopsis:

But your following synopsis is not accurate, and I've explained why.

And..."Little boy"?

I'm not convinced that the continual barrage of insults is helping your argument. It may even be undermining it.

What a f*cking fool you are.

So you keep insisting.

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I have not heard a single disparaging word about Alberta or Albertans that I can remember.

That said, I'm pretty certain I heard quite a few disparaging words from some Albertan's as recently as yesterday.

Judging by the number of trailer licence plates around town these days I figure at least half the sporty-boats who must think I'm the one cutting them off in a collision avoidance situation are from Alberta. They must think trolling automatically gives them the right-of-way and that a dip-net is the day-shape that lets everyone know it. I figure they're better indicators of a loose nut behind the wheel myself.

Do Albertan's have bigger dipnets by any chance?

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