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17 year invents land-mine detector

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A 17 year old girl, has come up with detecting land-mines, which she hope tech., will help end all wars and not destroy the world or the people in them. The only way I could see this happening is the next generation has a 100% change in attitude against war, but that would be up against the profits of selling war equipment. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/good-news/17-old-girl-inspired-piano-invents-land-mine-163303398.html

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A 17 year old girl, has come up with detecting land-mines, which she hope tech., will help end all wars and not destroy the world or the people in them. The only way I could see this happening is the next generation has a 100% change in attitude against war, but that would be up against the profits of selling war equipment. http://ca.news.yahoo.com/blogs/good-news/17-old-girl-inspired-piano-invents-land-mine-163303398.html

War is bad...Yes...

I highly doubt you'd find a veteran that wouldn't disagree with that..

What would you have done vis a vis NAZI Germany and it's invasion Poland circa September 1939?

Edited by Jack Weber
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War is bad...Yes...

I highly doubt you'd find a veteran that wouldn't disagree with that..

What would you have done vis a vis NAZI Germany and it's invasion Poland circa September 1939?

Would you agree that there are many reasons why countries go to war and not all are righteous? The only way the world could NOT have war is the theory that the New World Order, whom ever they be, had cantrol over countries through their economies and could do great harm to that country that didn't go along with what ever the ?? wanted done. Also, I guess they could take weapons away from countries, who was a problem to them. Sounds something from the past??

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Would you agree that there are many reasons why countries go to war and not all are righteous? The only way the world could NOT have war is the theory that the New World Order, whom ever they be, had cantrol over countries through their economies and could do great harm to that country that didn't go along with what ever the ?? wanted done. Also, I guess they could take weapons away from countries, who was a problem to them. Sounds something from the past??

Tinfoil hat global conspiracy theories aside...

I'll ask the question again because you refused to/could not answer it...

Assuming you feel all war is avoidable:

What would you have done vis a vis NAZI Germany and its invasion of Poland circa September 1939?

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Tinfoil hat global conspiracy theories aside...

I'll ask the question again because you refused to/could not answer it...

Assuming you feel all war is avoidable:

What would you have done vis a vis NAZI Germany and its invasion of Poland circa September 1939?

I'm not really seeing what in his post suggests he thinks all war is avoidable or that he would not support a war in every circumstance.

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I'm not really seeing what in his post suggests he thinks all war is avoidable or that he would not support a war in every circumstance.

The person,not the poster, wants to end all war...

Noble,if not idealistic...

Unfortunately,there is a case for a "Just War"...

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The person,not the poster, wants to end all war...

Noble,if not idealistic...

Unfortunately,there is a case for a "Just War"...

If you can name a 'just war' since the end of WWII, I'd like to hear it.

Now if we can just clean up all the DU rounds in Iraq and Libya and other countries NATO/UN have invaded.

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