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Not guilty? I hope he gets a sentence of sorts by someone.

Guest Peeves

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Guest Peeves

I can only hope the two attackers meet a couple of bullies themselves, that might be a form of justice.


The 13-year-old boy accused of robbing and assaulting Mitchell Wilson, who committed suicide before the case could go to trial, was found not guilty in an Oshawa courtroom on Monday.

Mitchell, 11, took his own life by wrapping a plastic bag over his head shortly after being summoned to testify against the accused boy last September.

The defendant, known only as J.S., cannot be named under the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

Last month, four statements Mitchell made to police and his stepmother before he died were officially entered as evidence in the trial.


Judge rules statements by bullied Mitchell Wilson admissible as evidence in trial of alleged tormentor

‘If I have to go back to that school, I’ll kill myself’

Justice Marie Teresa Devlin ruled that evidence alone wasn’t enough for a conviction.

Mitchell was out for a daily walk, part of the therapy prescribed to him to slow the advancement of his muscular dystrophy, on Nov. 1, 2010 when he was attacked.

In court, his stepmother, Tiffany Usher, testified that as she was driving to the grocery store she saw two youths, both wearing hoodies, as they knocked over another boy. Only as she got closer did she realize it was Mitchell, who yelled to her that the boys had stolen his iPhone. She pursued the two youths. One fled while the other threw the iPhone into Ms. Usher’s car. When she went back she found Mitchell with two chipped teeth, bleeding from the mouth.

Two days after the incident, Mitchell had identified a boy to his stepmother that he said was the attacker. He also picked out a photo of the accused for the school’s principal in a binder of class photos.

Mitchell’s parents felt that his suicide was related to the attack, the upcoming trial and bullying at school.

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I can only hope the two attackers meet a couple of bullies themselves, that might be a form of justice.

I don't. It's terrible and inexcusable what they did to that poor kid, but you have no idea what they've been through. They may come from an abusive family or may have had a parent with severe depression. These attackers are only chilren themselves.
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I don't. It's terrible and inexcusable what they did to that poor kid, but you have no idea what they've been through. They may come from an abusive family or may have had a parent with severe depression. These attackers are only chilren themselves.

yep normally bullies are bullied themselves

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Guest Peeves

I don't. It's terrible and inexcusable what they did to that poor kid, but you have no idea what they've been through. They may come from an abusive family or may have had a parent with severe depression. These attackers are only chilren themselves.

I simply do not care "what THEY've been through. They may have been this and they may have been that, bad parents, depression... were only children themselves..........B/S they're young offenders, junior criminals, the stole and bullied. they deserve to have their hides tanned.

Whining bleeding hearts are enablers...poor riddle kiddies are soo misunderstood.

A kid died because of them.

I hope they have parents that know how to wield the rod. I hope the little sob's are sent to Coventry by their peers.

I hope they meet a bigger bully.

Edited by Peeves
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Guest Peeves

Any idea who the killer is? Our Injustice department frequently makes errors, this is a huge one.

Killer? He killed himself because of facing testifying against a young criminal that threatened him.

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I simply do not care "what THEY've been through. They may have been this and they may have been that, bad parents, depression... were only children themselves..........B/S they're young offenders, junior criminals, the stole and bullied. they deserve to have their hides tanned.

Whining bleeding hearts are enablers...poor riddle kiddies are soo misunderstood.

A kid died because of them.

I hope they have parents that know how to wield the rod. I hope the little sob's are sent to Coventry by their peers.

I hope they meet a bigger bully.

Yes. I'm sure abusing these children will make them see the error in their ways. If only we abused more children. That might fix all of society's problems and eliminate all crime.

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Guest Peeves

As someone who nearly committed suicide, I dispute that.

Go ahead, dispute, but on what grounds. You think there's a connection to a murder? None in evidence.

His parents are satisfied that he committed suicide because of the bullies.

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Guest Peeves

Yes. I'm sure abusing these children will make them see the error in their ways. If only we abused more children. That might fix all of society's problems and eliminate all crime.

Abusing? That would be justice.

When I was 11 a couple of 12 year olds knocked me down and stole my newspaper collection money.

I found out who one was.

Later he 'paid' in spades when he ended up working for me.....loverly retribution.

I would, at 11, have loved to have the shit beat out of them, and they would have deserved it.

You of course would probably pat them on the head and ask me to forgive them for they were probably more in need than I was.

But see, I was working for my wages and they were stealing my money. They probably became staunch NDP'ers.

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I don't. It's terrible and inexcusable what they did to that poor kid, but you have no idea what they've been through. They may come from an abusive family or may have had a parent with severe depression. These attackers are only chilren themselves.

yep normally bullies are bullied themselves

Yep. Poor Terri-Lynne McClintic and Michael Rafferty. No doubt they had a rough childhood and took it out on Tori Stafford, but if anyone is found guilty it should be society! This poor couple was beaten down by a society in which houses aren't made of gumdrop and lollipops. The poor souls. Let us hope that our rehabilitation system can take good care of them and release them in the coming months as productive members of society. :(

Edited by CPCFTW
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When you are bullied you can react in one of 3 ways.

1 - Channel it into positive energy

Example: Bill Gates. Use that to your advantage, become smarter, use your drive to become rich, and powerful. Your lack of control as a child is gone as now as a rich and powerful adult, you have control over everything.

2 - Channel it into negative energy

Example: The above. Go around murdering people or trying to do unspeakable things to children. Or perhaps do your nasty business in private and get away with it.

or 3 - Internalize it

Example: myself. I've been in the loony bin for being a possible "harm to self", see a shrink on a regular basis, am unemployed, and am applying for disability.

Of course I have Autism (found out in 2011) but being bullied was a large part of who I am, and not in a good way. I'm not going to off and murder someone, but I'm also unlikely to ever be truly successful. The sad part is that in the English speaking first world, there are millions like me.

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Guest Peeves

Yep. Poor Terri-Lynne McClintic and Michael Rafferty. No doubt they had a rough childhood and took it out on Tori Stafford, but if anyone is found guilty it should be society! This poor couple was beaten down by a society in which houses aren't made of gumdrop and lollipops. The poor souls. Let us hope that our rehabilitation system can take good care of them and release them in the coming months as productive members of society. :(

Two more endorsements for capital punishment.

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I simply do not care "what THEY've been through. They may have been this and they may have been that, bad parents, depression... were only children themselves..........B/S they're young offenders, junior criminals, the stole and bullied. they deserve to have their hides tanned.

Whining bleeding hearts are enablers...poor riddle kiddies are soo misunderstood.

A kid died because of them.

I hope they have parents that know how to wield the rod. I hope the little sob's are sent to Coventry by their peers.

I hope they meet a bigger bully.

And that bigger bullie would do the same thing as they did.

Do you not see the contradiction in your statement?


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But see, I was working for my wages and they were stealing my money. They probably became staunch NDP'ers.

Your twisted buddy!

So much so that you are using the misfortunes of victim of crime to vent your frustration!

You should be banned from this site buddy!


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When you are bullied you can react in one of 3 ways.

1 - Channel it into positive energy

Example: Bill Gates. Use that to your advantage, become smarter, use your drive to become rich, and powerful. Your lack of control as a child is gone as now as a rich and powerful adult, you have control over everything.

2 - Channel it into negative energy

Example: The above. Go around murdering people or trying to do unspeakable things to children. Or perhaps do your nasty business in private and get away with it.

or 3 - Internalize it

Example: myself. I've been in the loony bin for being a possible "harm to self", see a shrink on a regular basis, am unemployed, and am applying for disability.

Of course I have Autism (found out in 2011) but being bullied was a large part of who I am, and not in a good way. I'm not going to off and murder someone, but I'm also unlikely to ever be truly successful. The sad part is that in the English speaking first world, there are millions like me.

Or 4...

Decide no one will bully you again,commit to physical improvement...Find said bully(ies)...Beat them to a merciless bloody pulp...

And never look back...



By the way,at least 2 of my "bullies" are some of my closest friends...

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I don't. It's terrible and inexcusable what they did to that poor kid, but you have no idea what they've been through. They may come from an abusive family or may have had a parent with severe depression. These attackers are only chilren themselves.

All the more reason to get them straightened out early!

This is yet another example of the "Broken Window" theory, where if you allow vandals to get away with breaking windows, dismissing it as a minor offence, they inevitably graduate to arson and large scale destruction.

Most schools today seem to try to ignore bullying. Teachers and staff don't want to become involved because the legalities are too inconsistent and the "system" will not stand behind any teacher that takes firm action.

So they make a great deal of noise and fury about "zero tolerance" programs but in reality they do little or nothing to protect the victims. Then if a larger scale tragedy occurs they fall all over themselves covering their asses.

If the bullying had been recognized at an early stage and the bullies truly disciplined with more than "anger management" classes, along with REAL protection for the victims then major tragedies would be far less likely to ever occur!

Bullies bully because they've learned they can do so with impunity! They have personality flaws that mean they get a kick out of tormenting someone weaker! By never showing them any firm retribution for negative behavior they never have any true reason to alter it.

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If the bullying had been recognized at an early stage and the bullies truly disciplined with more than "anger management" classes, along with REAL protection for the victims then major tragedies would be far less likely to ever occur!

Bullies bully because they've learned they can do so with impunity! They have personality flaws that mean they get a kick out of tormenting someone weaker! By never showing them any firm retribution for negative behavior they never have any true reason to alter it.

I have to agree.

We punish not only for justice but also as a deterrent to others. When people see that bullies can get away with murder, then more people are inclined to be bullies.

Deterrence works when the penalty is sufficiently large and the risk of getting caught is also high.


Some believe that the State can somehow mould "better" human beings. Even if it were possible, I find the prospect vaguely terrifying.

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This is yet another example of the "Broken Window" theory, where if you allow vandals to get away with breaking windows, dismissing it as a minor offence, they inevitably graduate to arson and large scale destruction.

Just to let you know, the broken windows theory has been dismissed by criminologists.
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Deterrence works when the penalty is sufficiently large and the risk of getting caught is also high.

Statistics about states with the death penalty suggest otherwise. More severe punishments does not create greater deterrence. Those who commit crimes do not do so expecting to get caught.
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Just to let you know, the broken windows theory has been dismissed by criminologists.

ALL of them? What about the apparent success of the policy in New York?

Has it been dismissed by the criminals?

Being a techie, I couldn't care less how many "experts" someone can pile onto a given issue. Things either get better or they don't. An approach either works or it doesn't.

I have little to no respect for academic technobabble. I witnessed first hand how "zero tolerance" for bullying was a total joke at my daughters' elementary school.

Apparently, there are a LARGE number of other parents who share my experience!

The real world is the only one that matters.

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I can only hope the two attackers meet a couple of bullies themselves, that might be a form of justice.


Sometimes "street justice" occurs when official channels refuse to do their jobs.

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Just to let you know, the broken windows theory has been dismissed by criminologists.

Which one? From my experience in the New York City area the theory is alive, well and successful.
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