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Will Israel attack Iran?

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Iraq's fate was sealed when George Bush became president. The WMD guessing game was just for show.

Well...plus, these fellows like to ignore the 5000 odd tons of VX precursors either now in Syria or buried in the desert. Since it doesn't make a fancy mushroom cloud, who cares?

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You're the one claiming that these bunkers exist. This even though Israel's Jericho program is top secret and all known launches originating @ Palmahim. So where'd you get your information?

Mordechai Vanunu described a secret underground bunker deep underground Israel's nuclear research complex.

That's nice. I'm betting the Jews really do not care that the Muslim think that the Jewish Temple site is theirs push-come-to-shove.

Not sure what your point is or how it changes the fact that the Islamic world thinks Temple Mount is the third most holiest site in the world. Sure depending on what magical book you believe it may or not be holy but Muslims think it is and they wouldn't destroy it with a nuclear bomb, or make it a radioactive fallout deathtrap.

You speculate. For all we know, Israel's nuclear program is a paper tiger. There have been no tests of this unproven design of theirs apparently based on Teller-Ulam's design...which is not the "simple" shot-plug design.

Sure if you discount the successful test fire of a nuclear weapon in the Indian ocean or the recently revealed documents that support a shared nuclear program with Apartheid South Africa.

Secret South African documents reveal that Israel offered to sell nuclear warheads to the apartheid regime, providing the first official documentary evidence of the state's possession of nuclear weapons.


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Mordechai Vanunu described a secret underground bunker deep underground Israel's nuclear research complex.

There is no launch complex at Dimona.

Not sure what your point is or how it changes the fact that the Islamic world thinks Temple Mount is the third most holiest site in the world. Sure depending on what magical book you believe it may or not be holy but Muslims think it is and they wouldn't destroy it with a nuclear bomb, or make it a radioactive fallout deathtrap.

A tid-bit unknown to the vast majority of Muslims before the 20th century. Jerusalem is not in the Koran, afterall...not once. Mohammed never set foot there. Just Omar and pals...humans I'll remind you...not gods.

Sure if you discount the successful test fire of a nuclear weapon in the Indian ocean or the recently revealed documents that support a shared nuclear program with Apartheid South Africa.

If you think that was a nuclear test blast, I've got a nice bridge in NYC for sale if you're interested.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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There is no launch complex at Dimona.

Well I'm glad you have full access to Dimona. Maybe you'd like to share your info with the IAEA. You asked if the nuclear weapons were in a bunker, I told you where the last sighting of them was (Hint: In a bunker). I don't know where the silos are but with your top secret access to Israeli military sites I'm sure you could just tell me.

A tid-bit unknown to the vast majority of Muslims before the 20th century. Jerusalem is not in the Koran, afterall...not once. Mohammed never set foot there. Just Omar and pals...humans I'll remind you...not gods.

It doesn't matter if they decided last night. It is now the third most holy site in Islam and the Islamic world regards it as such and won't attack it anymore than they would attack Mecca.

If you think that was a nuclear test blast, I've got a nice bridge in NYC for sale if you're interested.

Right, and the nuclear weapons offered to Apartheid South Africa they must be fabrications too.

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Well I'm glad you have full access to Dimona. Maybe you'd like to share your info with the IAEA.

Why....Israel is not a NPT signatory, unlike Iran.

Right, and the nuclear weapons offered to Apartheid South Africa they must be fabrications too.

Several NATO/NPT countries have "nuclear weapons", courtesy of Uncle Sam.

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Right, and the nuclear weapons offered to Apartheid South Africa they must be fabrications too.

Suspected, only. Help in perhaps the same way Teller apparently assisted Israel with the H-Bomb. These were both clever nations on their own and Teller at least wasn't going to directly betray his own country. Apparently Pakistan had its fingers in the South Afrikan pie as well. Now there's a country that treats nuclear technology somewhat as a commodity*...cough, cough North Korea, cough Iran, cough, cough.




Yeah...we don't know what VH-6911 saw in 1979. It was a very very old satellite with many non-working sensors (launched in 1969). It could have been the test of an impolsion device made to crush plutonium into a critical mass or it could have been a meteor...or a nice big ass thunder storm...or a malfunction...or who knows? There's doubt what it 'saw', anyways. If it was those nasty Zionists and their evil South Afrikan buddies it wasn't a full scale test seeing no radiation was detected.

As for Dimona, it's not a launch facility...but, Google Earth has a very detailed shot of the area...you're free to point out these suspected launch areas that you think could exist there. Also feel free to check out areas of Montana/North Dakota where hardened missile silos exist for comparison. A quick seach for Palmahim in order to see what Israel's ACTUAL lauch facility looks like might also be interseting for you. Or not.

What a fleet o' nukes w/o testing means is that they are not good for a First Strike. Who knows if they work? One out of ten might detonate while the others go fizz. Not something you want to bet your nation on. More a last ditch, launch 'em all at Mecca type of deal.

* Can we say CANDU?

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Why....Israel is not a NPT signatory, unlike Iran.

What is preventing Israel from signing it? Should be worried about the countries that are not signatory to it. Like India and Pakistan.

Several NATO/NPT countries have "nuclear weapons", courtesy of Uncle Sam.

So why would we need nukes? As a deterrent? The same reason Iran and North Korea want nukes, to deter attacks on them.

But hopefully we can avoid the next attack. Most likely Israel will use the USA and fake an attack on the USS Enterprise to goad them into attacking Iran. Why would they send a ship that old to the region?

Your next post is interesting.

What a fleet o' nukes w/o testing means is that they are not good for a First Strike. Who knows if they work? One out of ten might detonate while the others go fizz. Not something you want to bet your nation on. More a last ditch, launch 'em all at Mecca type of deal.

So when does Iran begin testing?

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When they wish to see if their hard work paid-off.

Well, people seemed to be worried about Iran getting a nuke when they have not even built one yet. And then testing needs to happen. If they are going to make an attack in Israel, they would want to make sure they have a reliable weapon, right? But that is still years away.

Israel admits Iran not building nukes at this time.


The intelligence assessment Israeli officials will present later this week to Dempsey indicates that Iran has not yet decided whether to make a nuclear bomb.

The Israeli view is that while Iran continues to improve its nuclear capabilities, it has not yet decided whether to translate these capabilities into a nuclear weapon - or, more specifically, a nuclear warhead mounted atop a missile. Nor is it clear when Iran might make such a decision.

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Well, people seemed to be worried about Iran getting a nuke when they have not even built one yet. And then testing needs to happen. If they are going to make an attack in Israel, they would want to make sure they have a reliable weapon, right? But that is still years away.

Israel admits Iran not building nukes at this time.


They're closer than you think. The game they must play is to build right-up to the point of assembly least they spark an attack too early. Then well-meaning folks can trumpet Iran's lack of interest in nuclear weapons. Handy for Iran, having a ready and willing 5th column. Testing will have to occur or they could easily get a fizzle rather than the kaboom desired (see N Korea's test). Other delivery methods exist...ship comes to mind...but with Hamas and Iran being the jilted lovers at the moment, it does narrow Iran's options. As for putting a warhead atop an ICBM...Iran's engineers use the same slide rule as the rest. Don't be so naive to think they aren't building with that very goal in mind.

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They're closer than you think. The game they must play is to build right-up to the point of assembly least they spark an attack too early. Then well-meaning folks can trumpet Iran's lack of interest in nuclear weapons. Handy for Iran, having a ready and willing 5th column. Testing will have to occur or they could easily get a fizzle rather than the kaboom desired (see N Korea's test). Other delivery methods exist...ship comes to mind...but with Hamas and Iran being the jilted lovers at the moment, it does narrow Iran's options. As for putting a warhead atop an ICBM...Iran's engineers use the same slide rule as the rest. Don't be so naive to think they aren't building with that very goal in mind.

The whole idea of Iran giving nukes to Hamas is just silly. They have been working on nuclear technology for about 40 years, and if they are weaponizing, its because they desperately want to avoid becoming the next Iraq.

This whole "terrorist nuke" narrative is pure fear mongering, and wishfull thinking. Its about as credible as Colin Powells claim that that Iraq had a robust WMD industry run from the back of pickup trucks :lol:

Handy for Iran, having a ready and willing 5th column.


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The whole idea of Iran giving nukes to Hamas is just silly. They have been working on nuclear technology for about 40 years, and if they are weaponizing, its because they desperately want to avoid becoming the next Iraq.

This whole "terrorist nuke" narrative is pure fear mongering, and wishfull thinking. Its about as credible as Colin Powells claim that that Iraq had a robust WMD industry run from the back of pickup trucks :lol:


They were duped!!


The defector who convinced the White House that Iraq had a secret biological weapons programme has admitted for the first time that he lied about his story, then watched in shock as it was used to justify the war.

Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi, codenamed Curveball by German and American intelligence officials who dealt with his claims, has told the Guardian that he fabricated tales of mobile bioweapons trucks and clandestine factories in an attempt to bring down the Saddam Hussein regime, from which he had fled in 1995.

"Maybe I was right, maybe I was not right," he said. "They gave me this chance. I had the chance to fabricate something to topple the regime. I and my sons are proud of that and we are proud that we were the reason to give Iraq the margin of democracy."

Shocked to find out his bunk evidence was used, but proud he helped give Iraq 'Democracy'.

Expect more drummed up garbage in regards to Iran's programs. Because Iran is part of the NPT, the USA and other countries signatory to it are actually obligated to help Iran gain and implement and monitor technology for peaceful purposes, like civilian power production.

Israel and the USA already attacked the facility with the Stuxnet virus. Along with several mysterious accidents at several sites that are homes to the Iranian National Guard. The covert war on Iran has already been going on for a few years. Something will trigger so this becomes an overt war.

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They were duped!!


Shocked to find out his bunk evidence was used, but proud he helped give Iraq 'Democracy'.

Expect more drummed up garbage in regards to Iran's programs. Because Iran is part of the NPT, the USA and other countries signatory to it are actually obligated to help Iran gain and implement and monitor technology for peaceful purposes, like civilian power production.

Israel and the USA already attacked the facility with the Stuxnet virus. Along with several mysterious accidents at several sites that are homes to the Iranian National Guard. The covert war on Iran has already been going on for a few years. Something will trigger so this becomes an overt war.

Yup, and if youre not stupid enough to fall for the same shit again, youre a member of the iranian "fifth column". :lol:

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Yup, and if youre not stupid enough to fall for the same shit again, youre a member of the iranian "fifth column". :lol:

Poor, poor innocent Iran. It should be free to shoot its people in peace. Besides, PressTV said it is for nuclear medicine.

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The whole idea of Iran giving nukes to Hamas is just silly. They have been working on nuclear technology for about 40 years, and if they are weaponizing, its because they desperately want to avoid becoming the next Iraq.

This whole "terrorist nuke" narrative is pure fear mongering, and wishfull thinking. Its about as credible as Colin Powells claim that that Iraq had a robust WMD industry run from the back of pickup trucks :lol:

the very same people who helped promote the bogus reasons for the war on iraq are doing the same thing with iran. you have to have a lot of arrogance to think that you deserve any respect for promoting unnecessary suffering onto people.

edit: come to think of it, they're not looking for respect. they lack the empathy and just want to bully. it takes a lot of disconnection from humanity to be like that.

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Good boy, dre.

Your continuing denial of the existence of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem is accepted. How about next I make you roll over and beg for a tasty snack?


Here's some Google fun for you. Who rebuilt the mosques on the Temple Mount from the ruins witnessed by Samuel Clemmens to their current glory? Hint...answer is in the first paragraph.

And another...who with the help of Adolf Eichmann is responsible for the death of over 500,000 Jews in the Balkans? Hint...answer is in the first paragraph.

Yasser Arafat (not his REAL name) is the direct relative of who?

Hamas and Hezbollah gives what sort of salute when on parade?

But, go ahead and continue to deny the very existence of this historical figure. I'm looking forward to your blurb on how Julius Caesar was actually invented by Shakespeare.

Edited by DogOnPorch
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Good boy, dre.

Your continuing denial of the existence of the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem is accepted. How about next I make you roll over and beg for a tasty snack?


Here's some Google fun for you. Who rebuilt the mosques on the Temple Mount from the ruins witnessed by Samuel Clemmens to their current glory? Hint...answer is in the first paragraph.

And another...who with the help of Adolf Eichmann is responsible for the death of over 500,000 Jews in the Balkans? Hint...answer is in the first paragraph.

Yasser Arafat (not his REAL name) is the direct relative of who?

Hamas and Hezbollah gives what sort of salute when on parade?

But, go ahead and continue to deny the very existence of this historical figure. I'm looking forward to your blurb on how Julius Caesar was actually invented by Shakespeare.

Your confused... I never denied that any such person existed. What I did was laugh at your various outbreaks of Nazi Turrets, and your never ending "lonesome roads beck" impersonation.

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