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Skin colour matters in access to good jobs: study

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This is a topic I am really passionate about.

And that is because there is evidence of racism from all races or countries.

North America,South America,EurAsia, Africa, Australia/Pacific.Pretty much any where humans exist.

If you can't find it, it would be because it has bein hidden or covered up,just means you have to dig harder.

This topic is also great for circular arguments and lots of finger pointing.


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That's the funniest one yet. Which was really first?

Imagine Marathon of 633 runners - all came first :D:D:D

What's funny is how someone like you could be a Canadian citizen after such a dismal score on the citizenship test. Right. You say so yourself. They let anyone in nowadays.

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They let anyone in nowadays.

Unfortunately even terrorists, like Khadrs.

Then we have guys with citizenship and allegiance to France, like Dion, who wanted to be the Prime Minister :)

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What's funny is how someone like you could be a Canadian citizen after such a dismal score on the citizenship test.

Then we have part time Canadians, who are citizen only when needed money, otherwise they are "independent First" nation :D

In fact no one is more dependent that they are.

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Unfortunately even terrorists, like Khadrs.

Then we have guys with citizenship and allegiance to France, like Dion, who wanted to be the Prime Minister :)

Yeah, when we see you as the example of who they are letting in these days, we should be alarmed. Do us a favour and correct our mistake for us will ya?

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Then we have part time Canadians, who are citizen only when needed money, otherwise they are "independent First" nation :D

In fact no one is more dependent that they are.


Except you because you had to come here to get anywhere because your country was a shit-hole. Or you didn't have the guts to stay there and make it better place like so many Canadians have done here. You simply move and take advantage of what we have built up. The spend all your time complaining about it. Let me guess, your dining table is located in your bathroom.

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That's the funniest one yet. Which was really first?

Imagine Marathon of 633 runners - all came first :D:D:D

out of those 633 different First Nations, 230 of them have different Languages, and cultures.

Its sorta like 400 thousand immigrants who run away from there countries, and call themselves Canadian. Most of the people are born on stolen property, which means they aren't even from here, its sorta like being born in a stolen Honda Accord, even though you were born inside that Stolen Vehicle, or Stolen Property, it gives them no rights to that property, because it is stolen property.

People run Marathon's all around the world to immigrate, and syphon off the resources, and rape the First Nations of there land in Canada. Its a proud part of the Canadian Immigrant History. They need to start to immigrating, and raping the resources in Iraq, and place the Iraq people under a version of Canada's own "Indian Act", that would allow immigration to max out, make the immigrants pay taxes on stolen property, let them have kids there, and call themselves whatever corportation or country that stole the property. For instance they could call it the country "Ballsack", and have a bunch of people who are born there be called "Ball Sacky'ins". Its the same idea as Canada. Just brand the people economic deadwood, and try to make laws that seem to ligitimize the sale of stolen property and resources.

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out of those 633 different First Nations, 230 of them have different Languages, and cultures.

Its sorta like 400 thousand immigrants who run away from there countries, and call themselves Canadian. Most of the people are born on stolen property, which means they aren't even from here, its sorta like being born in a stolen Honda Accord, even though you were born inside that Stolen Vehicle, or Stolen Property, it gives them no rights to that property, because it is stolen property.

The Indians lost. Get over it.

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The Indians lost. Get over it.

They never lost any wars, and Canada never declared war on the First Nations. The last time that happened, Chief Pontiac captured 9 out of 11 british forts.

So your wrong, First Nations never lost anything. Unless your saying, that law, and every system of law that is set up here, is fake, and doesn't represent anything like it says, including in the Constitution of Canada. Then you may be right, First Nations lost a few rulings in a kangaroo court system, that doesn't represent a fair ruling, or law itself.

Then you would be suggesting that this is a lawless country when it comes to theft and stealing land.

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Tell me about it. I'm really getting sick of these racists who claim their "indian blood" entitles them to special rights. It's not just me either, talk to anyone who isn't a native and they'll tell you the same thing.

Oh man you really got things wrong.You sound like a loser buddy.You know,someone who can't get ahead and who is envious of others.You're really hard to read buddy


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Tell me about it. I'm really getting sick of these racists who claim their "indian blood" entitles them to special rights. It's not just me either, talk to anyone who isn't a native and they'll tell you the same thing.

Those special rights you are talking about is called the "Indian Act", and it was not created by First Nations, it was created by John A. Macdonald, whom the stink of scottland didn't even leave him yet, when he came up with these racist and oppressive laws in Canada.

Special Rights that you are talking about would be, "Wards of the State", recently changed so that now First Nations are now considered "Human". These other special rights include the exclusion of the development of resources such as mining and others. Under these special rights you are talking about, it was only a few decades removed since First Nations was allowed to consult a lawyer.

You are right, I think anybody would be sick to be called a Canadian, and say that this "Indian Blood" makes them so special, especially when they don't have equal rights under the charter of human rights, or protected by the United Nations.

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They never lost any wars, and Canada never declared war on the First Nations. The last time that happened, Chief Pontiac captured 9 out of 11 british forts.

But then the British came back. :)

The whole thing is problematic the bottom line is Natives want power rights and wealth. Fact is most surrendered Indian land was very recent since there were mass migrations going on throughout the period. It was seminomadic societies - the land is ALL PEOPLES land, and the bottom line is that few areas are traditionally any specific groups before the historic period.

The Souix, Algonkin, Iroquois etc.. were all migrator groups with some inter marriage. Traditionally natives had each male have around 30sq KM of hunting lands or something like that, but groups moved or fought if lands were in dispute There is plenty of land in the North so why force the disputes. If it is hunting why arn't people working to reitnroduce animal species and establish new reserves in the north. Modern natives are commercializing and modernizing, they don't need a lot of land for this. Only resource extraction needs lots of land.

Of course if white man or indian had the chance to make a bunch of money by a claim they'd do it. However many areas arn't even the areas that were traditionally those groups so claims are relatively weak. There are very strong claims, but in some cases they arn't even the groups making the claims that lived in those areas pre contact, but the crown "annexed those lands" or had them ceded by groups that didn't have much of a long standing claim to those areas - now natives who didn't have strong claim are asking for lands they took through violence from previous owners. The dorset culture seemed to have died out around the early 1900's in Northern ontario. The strong claims are sadly the ones where you were assigned land by the crown.

I am very pro native rights but we should recognize that we all deserve equal rights, and the fact is land is only held if you defend it. It is hunting and living areas. Most groups including the Chippewa were migratory, the Chippewa (happens to be THE AMERICAN version of Ojibwe - were stated as originating in Idaho, then moved all the way to around Quebec City, then moved to Wisconsin and areas in between, all throughout this time there was war and conflict. There was also treaty. Most Chippewa land that now houses chippewa is actually Siouan land gained in treaty to have access to hunt in those areas, not to claim as their own. Northern Ontario was primarily winter hunting grounds for the Saulters. Hunting rights have not been lost, natives retain their hunting rights to all lands, no rights have been lost that we as individuals do not surrender ourselves.

First Nations never lost anything. Unless your saying, that law, and every system of law that is set up here, is fake, and doesn't represent anything like it says, including in the Constitution of Canada. Then you may be right, First Nations lost a few rulings in a kangaroo court system, that doesn't represent a fair ruling, or law itself.
Convention is still real. Treaty is founded on a basis of joint convention and understanding of those conventions.
Then you would be suggesting that this is a lawless country when it comes to theft and stealing land.

The natives did that too.

It is all peoples land.

Respect and Cooperation is what binds us as a society.

Edited by William Ashley
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Oh man you really got things wrong.You sound like a loser buddy.You know,someone who can't get ahead and who is envious of others.You're really hard to read buddy

Whats the matter, can't defend your racist views? :D

Rather than lashing out with these pathetic personal attacks can you answer the question:

Why do Indians deserve special rights?

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Those special rights you are talking about is called the "Indian Act", and it was not created by First Nations, it was created by John A. Macdonald, whom the stink of scottland didn't even leave him yet, when he came up with these racist and oppressive laws in Canada.

And yet proposals to scrap the Indian act have been met with steadfast opposition from native groups.

Special Rights that you are talking about would be, "Wards of the State", recently changed so that now First Nations are now considered "Human". These other special rights include the exclusion of the development of resources such as mining and others. Under these special rights you are talking about, it was only a few decades removed since First Nations was allowed to consult a lawyer.

I'll be blunt, I couldn't care less what happened to native Americans in the past. It quite annoying listeing to natives who think they are the only group who have ever experienced hardship. The simple fact is that in a just society no members should have a differing set of rights.

You are right, I think anybody would be sick to be called a Canadian, and say that this "Indian Blood" makes them so special, especially when they don't have equal rights under the charter of human rights, or protected by the United Nations.

So you agree the Indian act should be scrapped, and every citizen declared equal under the law?
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Except you because you had to come here to get anywhere because your country was a shit-hole.

What shithole did your ancestors came from? Still coming?

My shithole produced tanks Hitler used exclusively to conquer Western Front. As well as explosives (I'm sure you heard of Semtex) Hitler needed his tanks on Eastern front. But Daladier and Chamberlain were not smart enough to realize that.

Something well over your head.

You simply move and take advantage of what we have built up.

You built zilch, not even cars, or even small arms.

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Whats the matter, can't defend your racist views? :D

Rather than lashing out with these pathetic personal attacks can you answer the question:

Why do Indians deserve special rights?

Ok buddy you asked for it!

Ever heard about the Quebec act of around 1760-1770,the American revolution and the war of 1812 and who helped the British(Tecumseth)not sure if I spelt his name right.And this is all before the BNA act when Canada started to really screw the natives!

I am not going to argue anything with someone who is ignorant of the facts.I am not saying I know all the facts(I'm a freakin plumber for gods sake not a historian,I got a life you know!)but I know enough when to keep my mouth shut!


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Prior to 1840, native peoples and settlers worked and lived hand in hand.

But then in 1840 the Family Compact was born as an attempt by foreigners (like Sir John A MacDonald) to subvert the authority of the Crown of Great Britain over the wealth of resources in Canada. These Victorians (or Tories as they became known) broke the law, ignored the recognition of rights respected Native peoples and use government institutions and money for their own personal gain. They were responsible for the attack and murder of of many people, indigenous and settlers to opposed their control and expansion of their interest. They ignored the British Parliament and threatened separation if their demands were not met.

(Does anyone recognize the similarity here?)

The British eventually agreed to creating the British North America Act, which gave the Victorian elite and the Family Compact power and control over most of the domestic affairs in Canada. They created the Indian Act, and they were responsible for most of the lands claims issues we have today creating legislation that ignore the law and remove the right of native people to enjoyment of their land. They also were the ones that created residential schools and use starvation and alcohol to induce native people to sell (this is still an illegal act today) their land in return for food and more alcohol.They created the apartheid reserve system, limiting not only the ability for native people to travel (a permit issued by the Indian Agent was required for any native wanting to leave the reserve) but to obtain food and goods from nearby merchants (it was illegal in some parts for merchants to sell to natives). They destroyed the Canada that was developing as a peaceful and co-operative nation where there was room and food for everyone and turned it into a fractured self-serving self-interested group of individuals.

Look at Canada today. Are we any different? And are the interests of a few given attention by government while the needs of many are ignored? You have the Tories - the Family Compact - to thank for that. A society built on sustaining the personal wealth of elitists is not a nation, it is a corporation. And as a corporation the Tories have enfranchised Canada to a future of more poverty and destruction of resources for their personal gain.

Skin colour doesn't matter in Canada. It is just another category of Canadians used by the Family Compact (which is alive in the Tories / Conservatives today) to separate, subjugate and isolate anyone in opposition to their agendas. The Loyalists came here from the US and attempted to take over the country, and if we aren't careful the Victorians who grew up here will hand it back to the US uncontested.

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Prior to 1840, native peoples and settlers worked and lived hand in hand.

But then in 1840 the Family Compact was born as an attempt by foreigners (like Sir John A MacDonald) to subvert the authority of the Crown of Great Britain over the wealth of resources in Canada. These Victorians (or Tories as they became known) broke the law, ignored the recognition of rights respected Native peoples and use government institutions and money for their own personal gain. They were responsible for the attack and murder of of many people, indigenous and settlers to opposed their control and expansion of their interest. They ignored the British Parliament and threatened separation if their demands were not met.

(Does anyone recognize the similarity here?)

The British eventually agreed to creating the British North America Act, which gave the Victorian elite and the Family Compact power and control over most of the domestic affairs in Canada. They created the Indian Act, and they were responsible for most of the lands claims issues we have today creating legislation that ignore the law and remove the right of native people to enjoyment of their land. They also were the ones that created residential schools and use starvation and alcohol to induce native people to sell (this is still an illegal act today) their land in return for food and more alcohol.They created the apartheid reserve system, limiting not only the ability for native people to travel (a permit issued by the Indian Agent was required for any native wanting to leave the reserve) but to obtain food and goods from nearby merchants (it was illegal in some parts for merchants to sell to natives). They destroyed the Canada that was developing as a peaceful and co-operative nation where there was room and food for everyone and turned it into a fractured self-serving self-interested group of individuals.

Look at Canada today. Are we any different? And are the interests of a few given attention by government while the needs of many are ignored? You have the Tories - the Family Compact - to thank for that. A society built on sustaining the personal wealth of elitists is not a nation, it is a corporation. And as a corporation the Tories have enfranchised Canada to a future of more poverty and destruction of resources for their personal gain.

Skin colour doesn't matter in Canada. It is just another category of Canadians used by the Family Compact (which is alive in the Tories / Conservatives today) to separate, subjugate and isolate anyone in opposition to their agendas. The Loyalists came here from the US and attempted to take over the country, and if we aren't careful the Victorians who grew up here will hand it back to the US uncontested.

To say skin color does not matter in Canada is factually incorect.

Every political leader in Canada is white around 6' tall and has blue eyes(political parties with official representation).

There have bein a few exeptions but these exeptions do not reflect the diversity in Canadas population at any time in history(race and gender).


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To say skin color does not matter in Canada is factually incorect.

With that I agreed few times.

Every political leader in Canada is white around 6' tall and has blue eyes(political parties with official representation).

You're free to elect Eskimo.

Every political leader in Haiti and even Jamaica is black and has black eyes.

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