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Raising the US debt ceiling

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That poll at 70% Shady was on an individual mandate dummy, which is what you like call Obamacare which I call Romneycare. Like it or not Shady what is good for one is good for the other. HYPOCRITE!

There is no poll of Obamacare. There was a poll asking one question of possible health care reform. Obamacare encompasses much more than just the individual mandate. And the Obamacare legislation wasn't being polled. Just an aspect of reform. Big difference, and more pablum from you.

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There is no poll of Obamacare. There was a poll asking one question of possible health care reform. Obamacare encompasses much more than just the individual mandate. And the Obamacare legislation wasn't being polled. Just an aspect of reform. Big difference, and more pablum from you.

That is because Obamacare isn't a thing Shady. You will have to show me the bill that says Obamacare in it because their isn't one. I know there is in your world where you make things up then believe they are true but in the real world there is no Obamacare. There is a individual health care mandate but no such thing as Obamacare.

Don't worry though Shady your side will run on "Cut Cap and Kill medicare" like they did in the 90s then when they win they wont enact it because it is dumb policy just like they did under Bush. Bad policy is bad policy although it might be good politics.

PS it is weird when you say it is more then the individual mandate isn't that the part your side is against? Why yes it is

Here is a great poll on how much Obamacare effects the American people 50% of them either think Obamacare was repealed or don't know if it was. Yes it must be hurting those people so much down there.


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That is because Obamacare isn't a thing Shady.

Actually it is. Obamacare, or "the affordable care act" is a real thing. But unfortunately, the poll you linked to cites neither. It just asks a generalized reform question. Like I've said, Obamacare and/or the affordable care act has never polled well. Try again. :)

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Actually it is. Obamacare, or "the affordable care act" is a real thing. But unfortunately, the poll you linked to cites neither. It just asks a generalized reform question. Like I've said, Obamacare and/or the affordable care act has never polled well. Try again. :)

Sure Shady, Sure. Don't worry Shady Cut Cap and Balance will never pass. Again there is a reason once Republicans won it all they didn't pass what they had been trying to push through for 10 years. It is because they had been trying to push it through because they knew Dems would stop it. Again I ask after losing by 1 vote in 1997 why didn't they pass when they had all the chips in 2001? Oh because it was bad policy I know.

BTW 52% want Obamacare expanded and 39% want it repealed. It polls so badly that the majority of people want more of it right? Again if polls meant anything to you, you would care what they say. You don't and I don't really either know why? Because 50% of the American people don't even know if the health care law is still on the books or not. What does that say to you?


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I think Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron's Secretary of State for Business put well today when he said.

The irony of the situation at the moment, with markets opening tomorrow morning, is that the biggest threat to the world financial system comes from a few right-wing nut­ters in the American congress rather than the euro zone

The world knows what is going on that is for sure.

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Guest American Woman

That is because Obamacare isn't a thing Shady. You will have to show me the bill that says Obamacare in it because their isn't one. I know there is in your world where you make things up then believe they are true but in the real world there is no Obamacare. There is a individual health care mandate but no such thing as Obamacare.

Americans are not for Obama's health care bill. I know of no one who is happy with it. You can keep presenting your poll as some kind of proof that people like it, but individual states have already declared it unconstitutional.

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Americans are not for Obama's health care bill. I know of no one who is happy with it. You can keep presenting your poll as some kind of proof that people like it, but individual states have already declared it unconstitutional.

And the courts have declared those who think it unconstitutional to be willfully misinformed. What is your point. I cited a poll from just a few months ago where over half the public want to see it expanded, if polls are all that have meaning you must be wrong.

Again I am not arguing right now for or against health care reform I pointing to the hypocrisy of citing polls one minutes when they agree with your view points then scoffing at them in the same breath.

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Guest American Woman

....I pointing to the hypocrisy of citing polls one minutes when they agree with your view points then scoffing at them in the same breath.

I won't argue that point - I'm in agreement with you there.

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The CBO says that an increase on American Debt of just 1% would lead to an extra Trillion spent on the debt over the next years. 1% happens to be just how much a default in the 1970s cost American credit indefinitely. Seems kinds stuipd to argue over a Trillion when that is just how much default is going to cost you eh?

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And the courts have declared those who think it unconstitutional to be willfully misinformed.

Actually, that's completely untrue as well. Man, you seriously like to peddle false information. Obamacare will eventually go before the supreme court in probably a year or two.

PENSACOLA, Fla. (AP) — A federal judge declared the Obama administration's health care overhaul unconstitutional Monday, siding with 26 states that argued people cannot be required to buy health insurance.


What's funny is to listen to Obama's lawyers argue for the law in court. Publicly, Obama has insisted that the individual mandate penalty isn't a tax. But privately, his lawyers are using the argument that it is a tax, to defend it constitutionally. Obama's worse than the worst used-car salesman.

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Actually, that's completely untrue as well. Man, you seriously like to peddle false information. Obamacare will eventually go before the supreme court in probably a year or two.

What's funny is to listen to Obama's lawyers argue for the law in court. Publicly, Obama has insisted that the individual mandate penalty isn't a tax. But privately, his lawyers are using the argument that it is a tax, to defend it constitutionally. Obama's worse than the worst used-car salesman.

On appeal that Judges ruling will be overturned. That might be why he never put an injunction on the act. Oh wait that ruling was already overturned. Ouch it must suck to be mis informed so much eh Shady? Citing rulings which have already been ruled null-in-void.


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Guest American Woman
On appeal that Judges ruling will be overturned. That might be why he never put an injunction on the act.

How do you know what would happen in the Supreme Court?

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We've already been over this...the US can continue to pay interest on the debt by curtailing other outlays. The wrangling can continue for weeks after Aug. 4th.

No it can not because it needs 100 billion to roll over T bills. I guess they could sell assets to get that money, Yellow stone might bring a large chunk of cash. However they CAN NOT borrow that 100 billion by issuing new T-bills then pay off the existing ones like they do every 2 weeks. That is where the default will come from. You are being dishonest to pretend like they can some how roll those over with out default.

Dow futures already down 1% some 401Ks are going to take a beating in the morning. I can not see anyone being happy about this that is for sure as it get closer to Aug 2nd and Republicans refuse all compromise.

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