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What a g/d ridiculous train of thought. Comparing fascists in Latin America to Canadian Conservatives is like comparing Pol Pot to Chretien or the Liberal Party to the Soviet Communist Party.

Wer'ent you the one calling anyone on the left "pinko's" earlier...

What's good for the goose,kiddo...

You have to wear the skeletons in your ideological closet like everyone else...

Edited by Jack Weber
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There is no conservative party or Conservative party in quebec provinical politics.

True up until the point where the National Defence Act was invoked and mobilized the Van Doos among others. This was while Brian Mulroney was the Prime Minister of Canada.

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Wer'ent you the one calling anyone on the left "pinko's" earlier...

Consider it a term of endearment.

What's good for the goose,kiddo...

Why that's the second time today you've called me "kiddo". That is a classic dramatcrat tactic when they feel threatened and turn into internet assholes: "the Internet tough guy is so much more mature than you and everyone you'll ever meet, he will frequently call the victim a 'child', 'young one' and 'shotacon', as well as other kind of almost not so insulting names, implying youth and frailty. They might even call them 'boy' because, as you already know, there no girls on the internet. They will also get extremely butthurt if the things they say are called threats."

You have to wear the skeletons in your ideological closet like everyone else...

Not when you set the bar.

I could give a whore's cuss over whether you believe the most extreme global ideologies are transferable to Canadian politics or politicians and that I should somehow be expected to defend the indefensible if I wish to debate you.

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True up until the point where the National Defence Act was invoked and mobilized the Van Doos among others. This was while Brian Mulroney was the Prime Minister of Canada.

The reason for Mulrony's popularity in Quebec was two fold...

1.He was born in the province

2.He was enough of a scumbag to cozy up to small c seperatists like Lucy Goosey Bouchard and Pierre Cadieux

History shows us that that has had dire consequences on this country,the accendency of the BQ as a political force being one of many of those issues...

Edited by Jack Weber
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I take my smart ass comment back. I thought we were discussing an abbrev.

As for Oka spell out how the issue was at first liberal, fought against by Conservatives in a free and open environment then rendered illegal to debate once the Conservatives had won.

I would be glad to. Once you show me where protesting abortions and same sex marriage is illegal.

Edited by Shwa
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Consider it a term of endearment.

Why that's the second time today you've called me "kiddo". That is a classic dramatcrat tactic when they feel threatened and turn into internet assholes: "the Internet tough guy is so much more mature than you and everyone you'll ever meet, he will frequently call the victim a 'child', 'young one' and 'shotacon', as well as other kind of almost not so insulting names, implying youth and frailty. They might even call them 'boy' because, as you already know, there no girls on the internet. They will also get extremely butthurt if the things they say are called threats."

Not when you set the bar.

I could give a whore's cuss over whether you believe the most extreme global ideologies are transferable to Canadian politics or politicians and that I should somehow be expected to defend the indefensible if I wish to debate you.

You just left look that up,did'nt you...Kinda like you insinuating anyone East of Manitoba is some wimpy latent homosexual?

Nice try with your definition,but wrong again...

You wanna know what's insulting...

You coming in here,blathering like you know so much,all the while promoting a seperatist agenda with your not-so-cryptic use of that asswipe flag your flying...

And calling anyone a "pinko" because they don't jive with your Albertan 'sanity" is'nt a term of endearment...So try another one

If you don't want to be treated like a pissant,petulant child then don't act like some know it all punk trying to correct those that don't think like you...

Now,other than these quasi legal HRC's which I abhor,when has any left of centre gov't in this country made a protest illegal?

Edited by Jack Weber
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I would be glad to. Once you show me where protesting abortions and same sex marriage is illegal.

Abortion: Violating any bubblezone (areas within several blocks of an abortion clinic) in Canada, even if it is just something on a T-shirt, are subject to an automatic incarceration.

SSM: There is a lengthy list of cases in Canada where people have been charged for everything from writing letters opposing gay marriage to newspapers all the way to refusing to print or rent space in support of a gay marriage.

Over to you.

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Abortion: Violating any bubblezone (areas within several blocks of an abortion clinic) in Canada, even if it is just something on a T-shirt, are subject to an automatic incarceration.

SSM: There is a lengthy list of cases in Canada where people have been charged for everything from writing letters opposing gay marriage to newspapers all the way to refusing to print or rent space in support of a gay marriage.

Over to you.

Cite please...

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True up until the point where the National Defence Act was invoked and mobilized the Van Doos among others. This was while Brian Mulroney was the Prime Minister of Canada.

Uh huh....and who requested the military? Not Mulruney nor was he, or any other leader in the position to refuse the request.

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Abortion: Violating any bubblezone (areas within several blocks of an abortion clinic) in Canada, even if it is just something on a T-shirt, are subject to an automatic incarceration.

SSM: There is a lengthy list of cases in Canada where people have been charged for everything from writing letters opposing gay marriage to newspapers all the way to refusing to print or rent space in support of a gay marriage.

Over to you.

The first I have heard of, the second, is gray....yes you can be sued for discriminating..ie, not wanting to rent to gays, blacks, whites, etc etc....but I'm sure a letter which advoicates violence or promotes hate would not even get printed, let alone result in charges. I suspect you will not a find a legitimate example.

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Over to you.

Not so fast...

Abortion: Violating any bubblezone (areas within several blocks of an abortion clinic) in Canada, even if it is just something on a T-shirt, are subject to an automatic incarceration


But outside or the restricted area, one can protest abortions right? You see, you didn't limit your original statement to include special circumstances, but in fact it is not "illegal to protest" abortion in Canada. There are all kinds of special circumstances to where and when all kinds of protests may be held.

SSM: There is a lengthy list of cases in Canada where people have been charged for everything from writing letters opposing gay marriage to newspapers all the way to refusing to print or rent space in support of a gay marriage.

This is interesting and, since there is a "lengthy list of cases" perhaps you might have a cite handy for that where the actual charge had to do with the protest of SSM and not, say a charge of threatening and such.

Edited by Shwa
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You just left look that up,did'nt you...

I understand don't saying this what.....

inda like you insinuating anyone East of Manitoba is some wimpy latent homosexual?

Absolutely not!!!!

I draw that line somewhere around Lake Simcoe actually.

Nice try with your defination,but wrong again...

Come now, we all know what exactly you are Jack. That's why I'm here. Get used to it.

You wanna know what's insulting...

When Canadian Hustler magazine ran that contest where you had to pick the vagina that would most closely resemble that of Shelia Copps?

You coming in here,blathering like you know so much,all the while promoting a seperatist agenda with your not-so-cryptic use of that asswipe flag your flying...

Even more then Sheila's imaginary cookie shot? Wow. I've got some powerful stuff.

And calling anyone a "pinko" because they don't jive with your Albertan 'sanity" is'nt a term of endearment...So try another one

Who specifically did I call a "pinko" or are you just reaching for reasons to carry on like a classic overly offended and indignant Liberal?

If you don't want to be treated like a pissant,petulant child then don't act like some know it all punk trying to correct those that don't think like you...

Regardless of what I post or how I present it, I fully expect to be treated that way by you Jack.

Now,other than these quasi legal HRC's which I abhor,when has any left of centre gov't in this country made a protest illegal?

In 1993 the Liberal government of BC made it illegal to protest in Clayoquet Sound. A sensitive area that was questionably being logged in order that 1000 year old cedars could be shipped off to the USA and churned into toilet paper. I joined the protesters to protest the fact that it was illegal to protest. Over 800 of us were arrested over about six weeks. Organised anarchy I called it. Maybe I'll write later about my experiences.

Now back to our tiff...........

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Uh huh....and who requested the military? Not Mulruney nor was he, or any other leader in the position to refuse the request.

Prime Minister Mulroney had the right to refuse the request by way of instruction to the Attorney General that the request was without merit or through a legal challenge to the request.

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I'm sure a letter which advoicates violence or promotes hate would not even get printed, let alone result in charges. I suspect you will not a find a legitimate example.

A lot of folks in Alberta and beyond are feeling bruised and abused by the Alberta human rights commission’s conduct in dealing with a letter to the editor that was published on this page six years ago today.

We at the Advocate are among them.

We have had our eyes opened to some state-sanctioned ugliness.

The letter, by a local pastor, expressed love and compassion for some homosexuals, while decrying the activist homosexual agenda of some educators, MPs, judges (and possibly, though not specifically mentioned, Advocate editorialists who have long supported gay rights.)

This is part of a letter written by the editorial board of the Red Deer Advocate after an HRC convicted a writer of a letter to it's editorial page.

Schooling Your Ass

I guess there is much you're "sure of" but you need to realise there is not much of a reason to feel that way.


Edited by grainfedprairieboy
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Not so fast...


But outside or the restricted area, one can protest abortions right? You see, you didn't limit your original statement to include special circumstances, but in fact it is not "illegal to protest" abortion in Canada. There are all kinds of special circumstances to where and when all kinds of protests may be held.

This is interesting and, since there is a "lengthy list of cases" perhaps you might have a cite handy for that where the actual charge had to do with the protest of SSM and not, say a charge of threatening and such.

With all due respect Shwa, it is generally accepted that the farther you are to the left then the more likely it is you support government intervention.

Even the most left wing extreme NDPer won't dsipute the laws penalise conservatives over liberals but where you differ with them is that they except it as a necessary evil, an ends justify the means position where as you seem incapable of it even existing so rather then me just go through examples (posted four so far in this thread) that are immediately dismissed I will prepare a thread specifically on this topic.

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Who specifically did I call a "pinko" or are you just reaching for reasons to carry on like a classic overly offended and indignant Liberal?

Regardless of what I post or how I present it, I fully expect to be treated that way by you Jack.

In 1993 the Liberal government of BC made it illegal to protest in Clayoquet Sound. A sensitive area that was questionably being logged in order that 1000 year old cedars could be shipped off to the USA and churned into toilet paper. I joined the protesters to protest the fact that it was illegal to protest. Over 800 of us were arrested over about six weeks. Organised anarchy I called it. Maybe I'll write later about my experiences.

Now back to our tiff...........

The previous I ignored because it piled into the "meaningless gibberish file"

You did the usual Libertaricon tactic of calling anyone who does'nt agree with them "liberal" and that is usually synonymous with the word "Communist" with the LibertariCon's...Tired word play...

Next you're going to tell me that National Socialism was really a Leftist construct because the word Socialism is in it's "description"...

As far as my treatment of you,and the likes of you goes...You're a disingenuous coward AND a traitor to boot!You're avatar flag is a dead giveaway....How else do you think a traitor promoting seperatism should be treated?You are no better,or worse,than the FLQ detritus of society...

You deserve no less treatment and a whole lot worse!

As far as your claim the Liberal gov't in BC did this horrific thing to you....Does'nt the "Liberal" party in BC actually represent the right of centre people in that province?

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The previous I ignored because it piled into the "meaningless gibberish file"

You did the usual Libertaricon tactic of calling anyone who does'nt agree with them "liberal" and that is usually synonymous with the word "Communist" with the LibertariCon's...Tired word play...

Next you're going to tell me that National Socialism was really a Leftist construct because the word Socialism is in it's "description"...

As far as my treatment of you,and the likes of you goes...You're a disingenuous coward AND a traitor to boot!You're avatar flag is a dead giveaway....How else do you think a traitor promoting seperatism should be treated?You are no better,or worse,than the FLQ detritus of society...

You deserve no less treatment and a whole lot worse!

As far as your claim the Liberal gov't in BC did this horrific thing to you....Does'nt the "Liberal" party in BC actually represent the right of centre people in that province?

Yup dramacrat, you're nothing but an innocent bystander :rolleyes:

And I'm a great traitor as far as they go because I've done far more your country already then you ever will in a lifetime plus, I'd still do more for your country then you ever will and that is a fact.

Unless you'd like to cowboy up for Canada Jack. Can you do that? does your loyalty and love of country mean anything beyond loving it from the comfort of your easy chair? Otherwise sell your stink to someone buying.

And BTW, I have no animosity towards the BC libs as you suggest. Further, I consider Harper a goddamned liberal and unlike you, I judge people and parties by their record and what they promise and not follow them blindly out of some rabid ideology.

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Yup dramacrat, you're nothing but an innocent bystander :rolleyes:

And I'm a great traitor as far as they go because I've done far more your country already then you ever will in a lifetime plus, I'd still do more for your country then you ever will and that is a fact.

Unless you'd like to cowboy up for Canada Jack. Can you do that? does your loyalty and love of country mean anything beyond loving it from the comfort of your easy chair? Otherwise sell your stink to someone buying.

And BTW, I have no animosity towards the BC libs as you suggest. Further, I consider Harper a goddamned liberal and unlike you, I judge people and parties by their record and what they promise and not follow them blindly out of some rabid ideology.

Blah blah blah...

Blathering from an admitted traitor...

Now go pump the oil,pissant...

Edited by Jack Weber
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Some so called King you turned out to be.


I'm no King at all...I never claimed to be...

But you're not what you claim to be when you come in here flying that POS you have on your avatar...

Admit what you are...An Albertan seperatist,nothing more or less!!!

And you have no answer to the traitor lable because you advertize as one...

You have abdicated any right at all to discuss anything wrong about this country because you advocate for seperating from it.

How else should you be treated?

Edited by Jack Weber
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But you're not what you claim to be when you come in here flying that POS you have on your avatar...

Admit what you are...An Albertan seperatist,nothing more or less!!!

In your mind I am a separatist. In my mind you're little different then the English across the ocean who called the colonists traitors for wanting to aspire to be equal to the motherland.

Overall I am a reConfederationalist. (my word. like it?)

And you have no answer to the traitor lable because you advertize as one...

You have abdicated any right at all to discuss anything wrong about this country because you advocate for seperating from it.

You sure do set a lot of rules about who can post, how they'll post, what posts are legitimate etc.

And you say you're not their King?

Of Course, maybe you're right. This time round your subjects seem to have abandoned you.

And stop spelling SepArate wrong. Makes you look ignorant and like an under educated faker. Everyone makes a typo, Hell, I do so constantly and am one of the worst offenders anywhere but you haven't spelled the word correctly in the 15X you've used it as a pejorative over the last two days so smarten up.

How else should you be treated?

The same as I treat everyone else. On merit.

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