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Let us not forget the Conservatives in Ontario and The Damage they caused to our Economy--They Said One thing and gave us something altogether Different with their Lies and Deceit--They Gave Ontario A Huge Deficit and Lied to Ontarians about it!!!-Conservatives Traditionally Rob the People to give to Corporations and their Cronies---They've allways Done This And Still Do--Look At Their Record---Look At Harris ANd Mulroney--THey Both Fled From Office Despised And Hated By The People--Can We Take Another Chance and Suffer Under THeir Yoke OF Tyranny and Oppression for 4 YEARS of Punishment,Looting and Pilaging Our Public Coffers!!!---- Conservatives Attack Family Programs Like the Child Tax Credit and Our Social Programs Like Health and Education--They Allways Have--Because they Are For Corporations And Their Rich Friends--NOT Ordinary Canadians--- At Least with THe Liberals And Paul Martin--- Our Social Safety Net is SAFE----They Were The Authors of these Programs and Allways Furthered them while they were in office---They Also Get Along with Quebec and won"t destroy Canada by Poisoning Our Relationship with the French and the Rest of Canada--Conservatives--under Harper are Westerners who Hate Ontarians,Quebecers and East Coast Provinces--THey Are Western Red Necks and Separists Formerly and still among their Membership and Secret Agenda---So Vote Wisely!!!------Or we will Truely Suffer Under the Yoke OF Tyranny and Oppression!!! --Harper ----the DEVIL We Don"t Know---The Alliance Conservatives Can"t Even Get Along With OR Agree In their Own Party--Let Alone WIth the Rest Of Canada---Or The Provinces---At Least With The Liberals and Paul Martin---We KNOW Where We Safely Stand-- Thanks----Joseph 13

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except the Alliance supposedly took over the old Tories and now want to end corporate welfare, a policy first put out by the NDP.

Harper beat the Ontario Conservatives in the leadership campaign, including those supported by Klien and Harris so try as you might to link them to hated leaders just won't wash. Welcome.

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It's funny, you bring up how bad past Torie governments were, but in the same breath, you call these guys different (western rednecks).........who said that Harper was a born again Harris and Mulroney? Was Harris and Mulroney western rednecks?

I don't see the connection.......please explain....you see I'm just a poor western redneck that has been sucking hind tit, hence don't have that big of a artsy fartsy Edu-ma-cation as you do.......I'd be sure to clear this up....since us Western rednecks are most likely going to decide who governs the country with this election.

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Kliege? Goldie? Stoker? Paul Wells? Jeffrey Simpson?

Has Stephen Harper ever sat down and had a conversation with Paul Desmarais?

I think that is a legitimate question in this campaign. I expect an answer before I vote.

I am asking a journalist to ask: "Mr Stephen Harper, have you ever had a conversation with Mr Paul Desmarais?"

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Kliege, let's see whether we live in a democracy.

There are journalists who read these posts. Has Stephen Harper ever spoken to Paul Desmarais?

Please tell us and make this known. I think it matters. I am using the Internet to say this freely.

Is there a journalist willing to use the Internet to do the same?

Cohen? Wells? Kinsella? Spector? Steyne?

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These Conservatives under Harper--Are a new face--Harpers on the Old Cronies of The Alliance Party--Who have never Governed a Federal Government--And Hate and Despise the Eastern Provinces and are just going to Cause Dissent and make a Riff in Canada like they have in their Own Party---I lived out West in Alberta and know all about it First Hand!!!--Thank You Very Much--We need a Government that can Keep The Country All Together--At Least Paul Martin Can do the Job---Qubecors allready have also a Great Distrust of the Western Provinces--And Their Belief that THey have BEEN Sucking the Hind Teat--- And Are Worried About What THey WIll DO with THeir Power-And Just How They Will Exact there Years of Self THought Sufferage---And Try to Even Things Out---Drunk on The Spirit Power on a POWER TRIP-Thanks

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Wal ah sartinly doesn't cornsider mahse'f a redneck. Shet mah mouth! ah find it interestin' thet yo' say harper hates ev'ry oen but th' wess an' then turn aroun' an' call him a western redneck, despite th' fack he was not born an' raised in Alberta, it was To'onto. Yo' come off in yer post as mighty hipocritcal givin' no proof thet harper hates ev'ry whar but th' west, but certianly givin' me proof thet yo' hate th' west. As fo' yer claims thet cornservatives say one thin' an' give yo' t'other. ah woudl liek t'ax peopel in ontario how them thar liberal tax cuts is a-comin'. As fo' cornservatives givign moeny t'their cronies, its called adscam an' agian thet was th' liberals, yo' seem t'be slightly cornfused, cuss it all t' tarnation.

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Ahh......a fellow Westerner ;) Could tell my that slow speach and dull persona :D

Let's go grab our smell hounds and unregistered firearms, load up the 3/4 ton pick-up and goes a hunting them there Evil Easterners :D

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Nope.....granted I can't read though....being a western redneck and all :lol:

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Kliege, let's see whether we live in a democracy.

There are journalists who read these posts. Has Stephen Harper ever spoken to Paul Desmarais?

Please tell us and make this known. I think it matters. I am using the Internet to say this freely.

Is there a journalist willing to use the Internet to do the same?

Cohen? Wells? Kinsella? Spector? Steyne? David Olive? Lysiane Gagnon? Chantel Hebert? Greg Oliver? Richard Gwyn?

I'm going entirely English here. Has Stephen Harper ever met Paul Desmarais?

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Let Him Learn At Someone Elses Expense---WE Don"T Want TO Baby Sit And Toilet Train Him--Theres Too Many Serious Issues To Risk For That--With Wars and The Problems in The World And In Our Country--Think About It---His Learning Mistakes Would Be Far Too Costly-Harper has No Sizzle or Steak!!

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How is he supposed to get expereince without being given the chance?

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Think About It!!!---If Stephen Harper Was Applying For A Job And You Were the Employer--With His Little OR No Meaningfull Experience---Would You Hire Him or Look For A More Qualified And Suitable Candidate For THe Job!!!--Well You Are The Employer For The Most Important Job In the Land.....Can Stephen Harper Keep the Country Together--Cause it"s A Very Important Balancing Act......

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I am using the Internet to ask this freely: Has Stephen Harper ever met Paul Desmarais?

There are honest journalists who use the Internet. Please tell us and make this known. I think it matters.

Cohen? Wells? Kinsella? Spector? Steyn? David Olive? Lysiane Gagnon? Chantel Hebert? Greg Oliver? Richard Gwyn?

Answer, please.

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I am using the Internet to ask this freely: Has Stephen Harper ever met Paul Desmarais?

You got me curious to see where you were headed with this August and did some reading last night, despite being an illiterate western redneck like some people seem to imply in here. When I noticed that Desmarais was a campaign backer of Mulroney, Chretien and now Martin, I think I see where you are headed. Desmarais is a power maker and has the power and money to get the Prime Minister he wants (very simplistic ciew). It seems to me, at least since Mulroney anyways, if Desmarais did not back them, they failed to retain power for very long. It could be measured in months and days.

After reading several different sites and papers, I could find no reference to Harper meeting Desmarais unless it was during seminars or such. If we are on the same wave length, then you raise a very interesting point that Desmarais is a behind the scenes man and can make or break a political career.

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:D The Lieberals and their supporters are truly getting desperate.

Latest reason to not vote Conservative...

...lack of experience.

Ah, these are desperate times for a truly pathetic party.

Tell you what...

....if I was hiring a new employee and I find out that the applicant manipulated funds from his former employer for his benefit and the benefit of his friends, I would laugh him outta my office and ask him never to return.

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In The World Political Arena Harper would Get Eaten Alive!!-By the Seasoned Political Veterans--Just Picture That!!!---He"S Dull And Boring Too!!!

No yer wrong, he has expirence wifin party leadership an' has done fine thar. Furthermo'e th' Prime Minister, is backed up by a solid team of ejoocayted varmints. To put it even further Harper is alot mo'e interestin' an' excitin' th' Ebenezer Martin who yo' blindly back; Ebenezer Martin has put no real substance in is speech, it is jsut th' same old crap. He talks fo' a long time about nothing as eff'n he were tryin' t'fish fo' an answer he don't know. We haf see Liberal mismanagment in th' innefeckive Gun registry, 2 billion dollars c'd haf saved menny lives eff'n given t'health care. We haf see th' liberal power abuse wif th' sponso'ship scan'al, ah reckon. not only thet but Ebenezer Martin woudl git ett up alive by political veterans, yo' haf called Hepzibahen harper an amatuer, but he has destroyed Martin this hyar campaign, as enny fool kin plainly see. Martin came into liberal leadership rightly speckin' 250 seats, now it looks as though he would be lucky t'git 150 seats. Martin's reco'd is whut shows us thet he kinnot han'le hisse'f in a politcal power situashun. his reco'd tells us how he destroyed health care, his reco'd tells us how he c'd not keep his own party happy. Thar is infightin' in his own party, they didn't merge, infack they is mo'e fightin' in th' liberal's then th' conservatives. Ebenezer Martin's reco'd is th' exack reason as t'whuffo' ah would not higher him, dawgone it. Trest an' responsibility is of utmost impo'tance when higherin' an empoyee an' he has niether. Not only thet but beign a team player is also impo'tant when higherin' someoen an' agin we haf see how martin has cuzd menny liberals t'be disastisfied, we haf see how martin has scared menny liberal voters away, t'th' NDP an' cornservatives. not only thet but we haf see how martin will jest put kindidates in place, instead of usin' grass roots votin' systems. Whut in tarnation he has done in his sho't time as Prime Minister an' his time as Finance minister is ev'ry reason in thr wo'ld not t'vote fo' him, dawgone it. ah varmintally'd not higher an accountant who'd loose me 250 million dolalrs. ah w'd not higher a strattegist, who kinnot keep th' publics suppo't o' th' suppo't of his party. ah w'd not higher a man who belives thet he is acountable only t'himslef. ah would not higher this hyar man, as enny fool kin plainly see. Jest like 70% of kinadians i'd fire this hyar man, an' Jest like 30-32% of Kinadians ah w'd higher Hepzibahen Harper.


I got one of my wise friends from Quebec to translate it into something you may understand:

Non vous avez tort, il a expirence dans la direction de parti et a fait bien là-bas. De plus le Premier Ministre, est reculé par une équipe solide de gens instruits. Pour le mettre même plus ample Harper est alot plus d'intéresser et exciter alors Paul Martin que vous soutenez aveuglément ; Paul Martin n'a pas mis de vraie substance dans est le discours, c'est la vieille foutaise juste pareille. Il parle pour un temps long de rien comme s'il essayait de pêcher pour une réponse qu'il ne sait pas. Nous avons vu mismanagment Libéral dans l'enregistrement de Fusil de innefective, 2 milliards de dollars auraient pu épargner beaucoup de vies si donné au soin de santé. Nous avons vu l'abus libéral de pouvoir avec le scandale de sponsorat. non seulement que mais Paul Martin obtiendrait mangé vivant par les vétérans politiques, vous avez appelé Stephen harper un amatuer, mais il a détruit Martin cette campagne. Martin est venu dans la direction libérale prévoyant correctement 250 places, maintenant il regarde comme s'il aurait de la chance d'obtenir 150 places. Le rapport de Martin est ce que nous montre qu'il ne peut pas se contrôler dans une situation de pouvoir de politcal. Son rapport nous dit comment il a détruit le soin de santé, son rapport nous dit comment il ne pourrait pas garder son propre parti heureux. Il y a des conflits internes dans son propre parti, ils n'ont pas fusionné, infact qu'ils plus combattent dans le libéral alors les conservateurs. Le rapport de Martin de paul est la raison exacte quant à pourquoi je ne ferais pas plus haut lui. La confiance et la responsabilité sont d'importance extrême quand highering un empoyee et il a niether. Non seulement que mais être personne ayant l'esprit d'équipe est aussi importante quand highering quelqu'un et encore nous avons vu comment que martin a causé beaucoup de libéraux être disastisfied, nous avons vu comment que martin a poussé beaucoup d'électeurs libéraux loin, au NDP et les conservateurs. non seulement que mais nous avons vu comment que martin fera juste a mis des candidats à sa place, au lieu de systèmes de suffrage d'utilisation. Qu'il a-t-il fait dans son chômage partiel comme son Premier Ministre et son temps comme son ministre de Finance est chaque raison dans le monde pour ne pas voter pour lui. Je ne ferais pas personnellement plus haut un comptable qui me libérerait 250 millions de dolalrs. Je ne ferais pas plus haut une stratège, qui ne peut pas garder le soutien de publics ou le soutien de son parti. Je ne ferais pas plus haut un homme qui belives qu'il est acountable seulement à himslef. Je ne ferais pas plus haut cet homme. Juste comme 70% de canadiens je viderais cet homme, et Juste comme 30-32% de Canadiens je ferais plus haut Stephen Harper.

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