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British Petroleum....had better cough up the cash!

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OVER 12 thousand views...amazing how a search for the truth is more important to the sane person than the search for oil.....Oil is good - but so is candy.

Tony Hayward is going to get the billion dollar hand shake and the golden boot out the door..getting rid of him is like believing that jailing Conrad Black gets rid of all institutionalized corporate corruption and destruction...I say fire all of them and have Obama seize all of their assets..that would make their heads spin...and maybe a few million people might "get their life back" .... But NO...corporations rule governments..and they sell us what we don't need..do we really need three cars per family or a mistress that drives a Hummer..while giving you a hum job?

This is astounding that the new CEO is "southern raised" - big frinking deal - so was Bush..and those other drug dealing twits...YES the over load of dope called oil will become a thing of the past...the sky water and earth can not tolerate more of this "product" being pumped into the environment and displacing nature - once nature is displaced so are we.

That's another point - there are ads out where they talk about oil "producers" - the earth produces it - they just harvest the stuff...they act like they are farmers and work hard to produce crops..they pillage the stuff and force feed us the garbage long after we are no longer hungry - it is forced consumerism...there should be a law against this breach of human rights and freedoms ...OIL companies force themselves on us and our governments - and we like little virgin girls have been conditioned not to put up a struggle...

Big oil has shown itself to be the enemy of mankind and nature - this advesary must be controlled and reined in..another wanna be blue blood CEO is not going to help the situation..these guys are to be held in loathing and utter contempt - the same contempt they hold for us and our natural resourses.

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Why is this in American politics? I had no idea an underwater explosion was political.

This is not political..politics do not really come into play when you are dealing with those that control money,power and oil.

Dudley said that there will be "no pull back" in so far as British Petrolem's continuation of "making it right" - well the FACT that the inner double speak that comes from the inner office at BP...has such a term as "pull back" - means they discuss pulling things back and have done it before.

They are about to do it again. The 2 billion bucks is about to be cleverly pulled out of the hands of the well deserved persons injured by BP..They are already highly lawyered up and ready to rock..There is nothing that the public or governments can do to keep these jerks honest and honourable. You can not reach out and physically ring their necks when they refuse to pay up - as for the courts...every body knows that big buisness owns the judicary - they always have and always will.

NOW it is very shocking that media and the general delluded public are parroting BPs' idea that the spill was not as bad as expected...and that all is suddenly well...well it is not! All that oil is in the ocean and the sweeping under the rug routine through the use of dispersants is strickly cosmetic.

The molecules are there - they are every where and they are not entering the food chain...not to mention the destruction of a vast food supply that will never fully recover...give it 10 years and BPs oil will be in the blood stream of your developing children - and when you go to the hospital to wait while your kid is operated on for brain tumor - think of how...these elite little minded drug dealers...pissed poison into your clam chowder and how they are directly responsible for ruining the health..wealth and happiness of millions.

They are NOT going to pull back or pull out - these little freaks are going to continue to sodomize us all...and we like subimissive wishful thinking fools will imagine that rich people tell the truth and care about us.

BP and those like them do not give a damn if we are alive or dead - our job is to buy their oil and to take the heat from a mile down and pump it into the atmosphere untill hell itself is brought up from the bowels of the earth and engulfs us all.

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Drill baby Drill. HA!

Personally spoke to a couple of privledged Anglos the other night at a party - YOU know the type who have the Island cottage that has been in the family since 1920....classic arrogant useless mother f**kers - who when I asked when I was going to be invited up - joked- that they need a games keeper to flush out the birds and run with the dogs..well - this slight fixed in supposed humor is exactly the way BP looks upon the rest of us..time to allow these chumps to fail..They do not have the best interests of humanity or nation at heart - they are spoiled aging little brats who think that who ever hords most of the money rules the world.

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THERE IS NO OIL? great - there is a god..must have been a mass hypnotic episode. Millions of barrels of toxic waste dumped in the ocean and sank with chemicals banned on BPs home turf. So now the stuff will lay there in the huge dump called the ocean. IT WILL COME BACK TO HAUNT US...and our children - BP and their governmental stool pigeons will continue to roost on their golden branches and live the good life while we and the future suffer...and to think we actually support these creeps...

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OH ALSO! try to get that 2 billion bucks out of them.....they have with great artifice ...prepared the way to mitigate their sorrowful position - they are simply going to rob the poor "little people" - not just for the money but for their very future and hard earned heritage.

WHAT a bunch of c**nts...worst part is that jerks like Fat Allan - may as well work for big oil and so should Biden and Bush and the rest of those smiling parasites who tickle our ears with very nice words ---they simply lied---when are we going to stop electing lawyers to posts of authority? These people go to school an are taught to be the most skillful illusionists and liars on earth.

BP will walk away unscathed and simply at worst change their brand....and we will continue to burn and burn and burn until the temperature of the air and land matches the temperature of semi cooled volcanic rock..we are destined and doomed because we continue to allow those that have no respect,care or love for humanity and nature to rule the world...and for what? To sit in some stupid care and say - look how much I am worth and how shinny my shell is?

Unless we put these companies under firm control - they will destroy us.

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Drill baby Drill. HA!


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Really? I expected you to blame it on Obama.

OF course not- he like all elected persons is a henchman...and a well spoken representative of the pirates and rats that control the money and energy supply....nothing against him personally but...well...he is useless...if given the option to maintain the powerful and wealthy status quo as apposed to saving us and the natural world...he would act as appointed and destroy the world in order to maintain the power and riches of a few....who unlike us live a god like existence on earth and figure they are hear once- may as well use the place up.................even though this attitude destroys this wonderful heaven.............................................

"There are violent men that try to take heaven by force" - those mentioned are violent..their actions have proven so...they are like people with blood on their lips who swear they have not drank from the jugular of humanity and creation.

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Census forms....birth certificates (nonsense that is)....bowing....apologizing....being black....etc, etc, etc.

International corporatism rule the world. Black smack! Birth certification? What does it matter...when I saw a bunch of kids during the G demonstrations - who were sitting with their backs to the security forces and singing Oh Canada...and then get trampled like they were common dirt - I knew then it was all over but the crying.

OPEN boarders...no protection or security of property or person...A high elite forming taking all the wealth...and Presidents that talk like poetic lawyers representing some hidden entity that take great glee in screwing us...it looks like the Nazi forces most certainly won the war - and what a long war it was...My grand father was on the run - my father was on the run and I am still on the run.

FREE men are detested and loathed ---and for what? For having the skill of hand and mind? Looks like my kind will make the last stand as far as personal dignity and honour. Corporatism embraces the mediocre personage...they have no use for those that excel in any manner,,,, rich or poor they are out to get rid of any thing or body that has a high level of awareness and talent...PB is a prime example of inferiors ganging up and destroying the "little people"......looks like they are going to walk away free to jerk off about what they did to nature and man.

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BP is free and clear "all the oil simply vanished" ....................one thing we have learned hear is that big business thinks that the oceans are huge garbage dumps...now we have millions of barrels of oil laying on the bottom of the sea...and a million barrels floating just below the surface - and a million barrels evaporated that we now breathe....There are limits and the limit has been reached ..............................................................

The fact that we do not have any democratic governments on the planet earth - and the fact that big corporations are our un-elected dictators - is a sad and rude awakening ---Imagine - jerks like little Tony Hayward actually rule the world...liars - thieves - and destructive cowards are in control...instead of the strongest rising to the top we have the weakest and most unsavory ruling the roost ...as this BP disaster clearly demonstrated.

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Wouldn't make any difference....some people like to pretend otherwise.

At least you understand that...I think it was some big wig that said..."give me control of the money supply and I don't care who makes the laws..or governs....it's a case of hunger - control the food and energy and you control the unwashed masses.....now pass me a cup of oil - I need to wash down my plastic lunch.

BUT - "those that are willing to lose all and even life itself will find life more abundantly..it was that Jesus fellow who said that...translated - if you are fearless and willing to lose all you will have all...most are cowards and can not take this leap of faith- so we all stay under control of what are really our inferiors ....AND because we LOVE money so much and the state religion is consumerism...rampant unbridled consumption..of things we really do not need...we are lost and in the power of those that deal the dope called oil.

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Just like a bad marriage between the common public and the huge corporate husband..He cheats on you - he abuses you - scars you for the future making you distrust all others...BUT you stay with him as a wimpy woman because he has all the money and you are also afraid of him ----------- great just great and now all is forgotten and we live in in our perverse relationship with corporate power - and smile and act as if nothing has happened until the next abuse - and we will forgive those that deserve no grace or mercy ---because they have shown us none.

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Drill baby Drill. HA!


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I GUESS THE HAITI MONEY - THE TSUNAMI MONEY AND NOW THE GULF OIL DISASTER CASH WILL BE ABSORBED BY THE BIG DOGS AND BE GIVEN BACK TO bp................................ people do not get it - when folks like Clinton and Bush go around collecting disaster cash ........once it goes into THEIR banking system - getting it back is like pulling teeth....

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THERE - THAT WAS EASY.................those little people will believe anything - and that is why they deserve to be eaten alive..................***

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  • 3 weeks later...

Tony the fallen angel Hayward is in exile in Siberia - the QUEEN is pissed off but not embarrassed - the oil is at the bottom of the ocean..hidden from view and all is not well.

The COSMETICS or optics of the operation seemed well presented but was not well thought out - the out of sight out of mind mentality is an utter failure - IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BEST TO FACE THE FACTS AND LET THE OIL WASH UP WERE IT COULD BE SEEN AND CLEANED UP...BUT noooooo - "ALL POWER IS CONDUCTED IN SECRECY" - AND THE SWEEPING UNDER THE RUG OF DIRT THAT GENERATES PROFITS IS OBSCENE EVEN THOUGH IT IS NOT SEEN.

Rich people with class clean up after themselves...those witn no class or loss of intergenerational class leave a mess..

This spectacle of secrecy and mess leaving is a sure sign that this segment of the anglo elite is soon to be no more..

If you can not wipe your own ass you are not fit to rule.

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Drill baby Drill. HA!

DUMP BABY DUMP! The plan set in place by British Petroleum as far as dealing with an accident, consisted of a simple method...The ocean is a vast dumping ground...chemically alter the spilled oil so it sinks in water - and just dump the stuff...This is no different than if BP was in the toxic waste disposal buisness..and their method was to fill a thousand tankers with toxins---go out to sea and dump..also - try getting money out of BP to grant the average person damaged by the monster leak...Rich people when they litigate only hand over money to other rich people.

In other words there is always a profit to be turned no matter what - the "little" people will get nothing.

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Tony the fallen angel Hayward is in exile in Siberia - the QUEEN is pissed off but not embarrassed - the oil is at the bottom of the ocean..hidden from view and all is not well.

The COSMETICS or optics of the operation seemed well presented but was not well thought out - the out of sight out of mind mentality is an utter failure - IT WOULD HAVE BEEN BEST TO FACE THE FACTS AND LET THE OIL WASH UP WERE IT COULD BE SEEN AND CLEANED UP...BUT noooooo - "ALL POWER IS CONDUCTED IN SECRECY" - AND THE SWEEPING UNDER THE RUG OF DIRT THAT GENERATES PROFITS IS OBSCENE EVEN THOUGH IT IS NOT SEEN.

They poured in tons of chemicals to hide the problem. But this is not over, not by far. No one really knows how much oil and sludge is now at the bottom of the ocean, and what its impact will be. But make no mistake, there will be an impact. You can't dump that much crap in the water and not see something bad come out. But the liberal and the capitalist are only concerned with what they can get for something, right now.

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...But make no mistake, there will be an impact. You can't dump that much crap in the water and not see something bad come out.....

Oooooohhhh...so scary! The "impact" will be far less than the Chicken Littles advertsied...they so desperately wanted a major calamity for their political struggle...now lost in the reality of spilled milk...err...oil.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It IS a major calamity.

I hope that Bush Cheney is not typical of grass roots America. He reminds me of the whole Iraq boondoogle....we did not kill them we simply changed them - from an advanced society (forget the dictatorship for a moment) to a society that is now 300 years de-advanced..NOW as British Petroleum said of the dispersants..."it is just like common dish detergent that you use in your kitchen" - well I rise my dishes..or maybe I should listen to the spinsters and just drink the detergent?

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Really? I expected you to blame it on Obama.

How can you blame it on Obama? He like all other front me do what they are told by the high arching international corporate powers...

Oh well - all the oil is on the bottom of the ocean along with millions of tons of other human generated garbage...as for taking care of the people in the Gulf---I am sure the lawyers are plodding about collecting fees and filing more and more papers about nothing - and the last thing on the mind of BP or Obama is to bring justice to an injured group..a group that was sustained by the sea and now will be barely sustained by Obamaish socialism that enriches jerks like Tony Blair who is sitting in a nice hotel with a Russian stripper drinking vodka and talking like a big shot about "the little people" and mean while - The Russian commerical whore is laughing inside when she notices that Tony's soul is as small ass - well...his little oil well .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Really? I expected you to blame it on Obama.

CAN'T BLAME IT ON THAT IDIOT. So I guess all is well and ALL the toxic sludge is cleaned up and all the people damaged by BP have been restored to their former glory? _ look at us humans who kiss the dirty smelly buts of the dominating oil merchants..they shit in our face and we forgave them like it never happened..I suppose we get what we deserve for being such cowards..."what about my job?" - what about the economy...? what about my stocks? Not one person commented on the attack and molestation of mother nature.

It must be human nature --much like the guy that spits on flowers - or dumps an old mattress in the park..we look at nature with hate and contempt and we embrace the artifical - It is nature that sustains us not artifice.

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Drill baby Drill. HA!

Why is it that the super rich never clean up after themselves - and why do I have to work for nothing - as a recycler fo the packaging industry? Hugh...why? The oil was never cleaned up ....just sweep under the carpet..the super rich oil merchants have no class.

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  • 1 month later...

Wouldn't make any difference....some people like to pretend otherwise.

Who ever holds that brick of gold is in control of that thing called democracy. Pretend all you want and justice does not appear because someone states that it exists..sometimes the reality is it simply is non-existant...NOW..

I have a question...What is all those billions of gallons of oil that lay on the sea floor of the Gulf doing right about now? The other questions are _ Where is the Tsnami money ? Where is the Haiti money? AND most importanly...Have all those who made a living from the natural resourses - who were damaged...have they recieved their money from BP yet? OR in the alternative - have they simply been sent back to work to sell sea food that now contains molecules of petroleum?

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