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Canadian Gun Crimes Related To Low IQs ?

Oleg Bach

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Truely I wish that someone would go into the high violence neighbourhoods and start running some tests. Like maybe IQ tests for young men between the ages 12 and 25...those partaking in the gang style life. I swear that you would find these males to have the intelligence level of highly trained Jack Russell Terriers. They are clever little dogs when they get a puncture wound from a high speed projectile..They never wast valuable time waiting for and ambulance. They either rush themselves to emergency or have associates drive them...THEN our emerg becomes a lock down zone - slowing the entry of legitimately ill people...wait...forget the IQ test for the gang bangers - Lets run some tests on the policy makers that grant idots with guns more rights than your ailing grandmother.

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Truely I wish that someone would go into the high violence neighbourhoods and start running some tests. Like maybe IQ tests for young men between the ages 12 and 25...those partaking in the gang style life. I swear that you would find these males to have the intelligence level of highly trained Jack Russell Terriers. They are clever little dogs when they get a puncture wound from a high speed projectile..They never wast valuable time waiting for and ambulance. They either rush themselves to emergency or have associates drive them...THEN our emerg becomes a lock down zone - slowing the entry of legitimately ill people...wait...forget the IQ test for the gang bangers - Lets run some tests on the policy makers that grant idots with guns more rights than your ailing grandmother.

Toronto has far lower crime rates than other cities.

There's 9 other cities that receive priority.


Edited by Strangles
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Toronto has far lower crime rates than other cities.

There's 9 other cities that receive priority.


Not talking about crime rates..talking about the possible fact that blacks in these areas that are shooting each other are just plain stupid. Not saying there are not stupid white people...guess my point was someone should explain to the crimminals that they are not banished from mainstream society for being crimminals....but because they have low intelligence and suffer from cowardice (hense the prop of a gun) ...I would love to see a campaign with huge posters in the subway...telling the gang bangers that they are GAY because they use guns and violence...sure it might not be politically correct to use the term Phag..but they should be insulted that they are NOT real men.. :lol: That they are stupid..that should be instilled.....THAT race put aside - YOU are doing this because you are stupid..and it has nothing to do with respect or the gain of bling bling - Just plain stupid - For instance - you are yours are not shooting each other..because YOU are intelligent, thoughtful and wise - the blacks are stupid...and we allow it as do their leaders..who don't have the guts to call it for what it is - retardedness!

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Not talking about crime rates..talking about the possible fact that blacks in these areas that are shooting each other are just plain stupid. Not saying there are not stupid white people...guess my point was someone should explain to the crimminals that they are not banished from mainstream society for being crimminals....but because they have low intelligence and suffer from cowardice (hense the prop of a gun) ...I would love to see a campaign with huge posters in the subway...telling the gang bangers that they are GAY because they use guns and violence...sure it might not be politically correct to use the term Phag..but they should be insulted that they are NOT real men.. :lol: That they are stupid..that should be instilled.....THAT race put aside - YOU are doing this because you are stupid..and it has nothing to do with respect or the gain of bling bling - Just plain stupid - For instance - you are yours are not shooting each other..because YOU are intelligent, thoughtful and wise - the blacks are stupid...and we allow it as do their leaders..who don't have the guts to call it for what it is - retardedness!

It’s not about race it’s about culture. The Nigerians and Ghanaians are not shooting each other. They work in the highest echelons of society and their kids attend the best universities.

Nigerians tend to be overly represented as 'successful' blacks in Canada. Almost every one I've meet has 1 or more post-grad degrees and their kids are either enrolled, attending or have completed university and work in a high powered/management job. I guess the Nigerian is today what the Jew was in Medieval Europe.

Jamaicans and Somalians on the other hand are notorious for poverty and crime.

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I don't know if I would say it's low IQ's that are the problem.

Young people are immortal-in their minds. I recall when I was much younger. I still shake my head at some of the things I did. While not TOO illegal, I definitely took some pretty scary risks to life and limb, all in the name of fun. It was all done with the unshakable confidence that only a young person can have, the confidence that nothing unduly bad could happen to me.

Now, older and (I hope) wiser, I gauge my risks more carefully.

These kids in gangs may or may not have high IQ's, but, IMO, the problem relates more to their youth, and that sense of immortality.

Throw a lot of bad parenting into the mix, lack of education, or rather lack of parent to lay the smack down on the kid for not taking his/her education seriously, and they sure SEEM stupid.

All that coupled with the recent romanticizing of the modern day "gangsta", the traditional turf wars that we've seen in one form or another for decades, and the availability of weapons, it's all a recipe for "disasta".

Bill Cosby has a similar take, if you've ever looked into any of his rants on the state of the African American situation.

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.....All that coupled with the recent romanticizing of the modern day "gangsta", the traditional turf wars that we've seen in one form or another for decades, and the availability of weapons, it's all a recipe for "disasta".

Aw shucks.....why is it OK to "romaniticize" the Depression Era "White" gangstas but not modern day Blacks, Asians, or Latinos. Gotta love those "White" biker gangs too.....vroooooom...vrooooom!

Bill Cosby has a similar take, if you've ever looked into any of his rants on the state of the African American situation.

Bill Cosby has a PHd in education from UMass, but he grew up on the same Philly streets as me. His rants are meaningless in the 'hood unless one is bullet-proof. Banning guns is easier than reducing unemployment, but not nearly as effective.

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Aw shucks.....why is it OK to "romaniticize" the Depression Era "White" gangstas but not modern day Blacks, Asians, or Latinos. Gotta love those "White" biker gangs too.....vroooooom...vrooooom!

I don't see an entire culture being built around the romanticizing of the depression-era gangs, nor do I hear songs on a daily basis which praise the virtues of being a member of the Hell's Angels od Bandidos. Can't say as I've seen a lot of teenage kids dressing like the Angels, either.

OTOH, it seems like half the kids in the street, rich and poor, are doing the crotch-of-the-pants-at-the-knees thing, the oversize hoodies, and all the other popularized gangsta-rap-affiliated mode of dress.

Bill Cosby has a PHd in education from UMass, but he grew up on the same Philly streets as me. His rants are meaningless in the 'hood unless one is bullet-proof. Banning guns is easier than reducing unemployment, but not nearly as effective.

Point well taken, but I don't recall mentioning anything about banning guns, so I'm not sure why you've chosen to direct this at my last post.

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Why are our racist leaders not explaining to the black community that there is a tacit policy to get rid of them via their own violent and stupid hand...holding a gun...nice plan but some of us white folks might get caught in the cross fire...like those Rosedale boys who were shot in their SUV last year - that must have really pissed off the status quo.

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Why are our racist leaders not explaining to the black community that there is a tacit policy to get rid of them via their own violent and stupid hand...holding a gun...nice plan but some of us white folks might get caught in the cross fire...like those Rosedale boys who were shot in their SUV last year - that must have really pissed off the status quo.

It is an unsolved murder..and I bet you they were offed by some stupid black kid out of sheer resentment. The point of this thread is to stop the practice of granting bail to those that are caught with guns...NEVER in the our past judical history would a person make bail if he was caught with a people killer in his pocket..so why do they release them - simple..to kill more blacks using blacks - It's insidious.

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I don't see an entire culture being built around the romanticizing of the depression-era gangs, nor do I hear songs on a daily basis which praise the virtues of being a member of the Hell's Angels od Bandidos. Can't say as I've seen a lot of teenage kids dressing like the Angels, either.

Far worse than that, the "culture" you favor has seen fit to make yet another romantic film about gangsters (Dillinger), mobsters, and even white collar criminals. Teenage kids have lots to choose from, whether you favor one over the other...or not.

OTOH, it seems like half the kids in the street, rich and poor, are doing the crotch-of-the-pants-at-the-knees thing, the oversize hoodies, and all the other popularized gangsta-rap-affiliated mode of dress.

And Elvis will corrupt our youth.....

Point well taken, but I don't recall mentioning anything about banning guns, so I'm not sure why you've chosen to direct this at my last post.

Because Doctor Cosby is irrelevant from the comfort and safety of his leather easy chair and yet more honorary doctorates. That 'sho ain't keepin' it real 'Bro.

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Is that the same Doctor Cosby that roofied a Canadian womans drink? Is that the same Jello cat that insists that the white folk pay his fee in cash - by the brief case - Is that the same Fat Albert gansta that I sat having a drink with as a kid at the local Jazz and Blues club who's henchmen threatened to beat the crap out of me because I was white? Point I am making is that there are dumb white negros - and dumb black ones..to further the point someone should attempt to explain to these dummies that shooting people in the name of respect and honour is NOT respectable or honourable - or smart. Time to insult the gang bangers and call them out...that they are cowards and primatives who did not learn a single thing during their long stay in North America....maybe a black mother should instill in their sons that guns are for stupid people ----but instead some push their kids forward towards evil and stupidity out of sheer spite - which is stupid.

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Is that the same Doctor Cosby that roofied a Canadian womans drink? Is that the same Jello cat that insists that the white folk pay his fee in cash - by the brief case - Is that the same Fat Albert gansta that I sat having a drink with as a kid at the local Jazz and Blues club who's henchmen threatened to beat the crap out of me because I was white?

Same Coz, Cuz. He was a lot cooler in " I Spy ", making Robert Culp (white guy) look like a chump.

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Far worse than that, the "culture" you favor has seen fit to make yet another romantic film about gangsters (Dillinger), mobsters, and even white collar criminals. Teenage kids have lots to choose from, whether you favor one over the other...or not.

You are drawing a conclusion from a false premise. The fact that I disapprove of one so-called culture does not mean I approve of another.

Show me where I said anything about approving of gangs of ANY sort???

And Elvis will corrupt our youth.....

Uh-huh. But Elvis did not brag in various publications about how many cops he and his mates killed, or how many bullet wounds he's got, or the drive-by's he perpetrated. He was just a good ol' southern boy who loved to sing.

Now, however, kids are being given a message that it's somehow cool to go out with a gun and shoot someone. They're being given that message repeatedly, in word and in song, by icons who proudly sport their scars like medals of honor; scars acquired in gang wars, drive-by's, etc.

Granted, any kid with half a brain will know better, but there are always a few.....

What to do about it??? Good question. Can't censor the tunes, that's a non-starter. Gotta hope kids start developing better taste in music, and better sense in their lives.

Because Doctor Cosby is irrelevant from the comfort and safety of his leather easy chair and yet more honorary doctorates.

Does this mean what he has to say bears any less truth???

That 'sho ain't keepin' it real 'Bro.

Yo, you ain't so fly eitha, dawg, sho 'nuff. :rolleyes:

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You are drawing a conclusion from a false premise. The fact that I disapprove of one so-called culture does not mean I approve of another.

Show me where I said anything about approving of gangs of ANY sort???

So why do you have a special grudge for today's (black) variety?

Uh-huh. But Elvis did not brag in various publications about how many cops he and his mates killed, or how many bullet wounds he's got, or the drive-by's he perpetrated. He was just a good ol' southern boy who loved to sing.

Guess you have never been to the Elvis museum and seen his deputy badge.....nice gun too.

Now, however, kids are being given a message that it's somehow cool to go out with a gun and shoot someone. They're being given that message repeatedly, in word and in song, by icons who proudly sport their scars like medals of honor; scars acquired in gang wars, drive-by's, etc.

Hi Yo Silver....Away!

Granted, any kid with half a brain will know better, but there are always a few.....

It's not just kids.....some adults don't give a damn either.

What to do about it??? Good question. Can't censor the tunes, that's a non-starter. Gotta hope kids start developing better taste in music, and better sense in their lives.

Start a new Gun Registry just for kids.

Does this mean what he has to say bears any less truth???

Yes....too bad for Dr. Huckstable...no street cred.

Edited by bush_cheney2004
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So why do you have a special grudge for today's (black) variety?

"Street gangs", was the term I used. They come in a variety of colours, white included.

Guess you have never been to the Elvis museum and seen his deputy badge.....nice gun too.

I do my best to avoid all things Elvis.

While I do not own a deputy badge, I do possess a few firearms.

I've never used them to shoot anyone, though, although the day is young... :P

Hi Yo Silver....Away!

Gotta love an intelligent debate wherein the participants address the issues with valid points.

It's not just kids.....some adults don't give a damn either.


Start a new Gun Registry just for kids.

Yeah, and have high-school students enforce it??? Uh-huh.

Yes....too bad for Dr. Huckstable...no street cred.

I believe he was attempting to address the situation at the parent level. A grown-up person should be able to recognize common sense without the adornment of "street cred" trappings.

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"Street gangs", was the term I used. They come in a variety of colours, white included.

Of course...code words don't apply, eh?

I do my best to avoid all things Elvis.

While I do not own a deputy badge, I do possess a few firearms.

I've never used them to shoot anyone, though, although the day is young... :P

Good....then you clearly recognize the utility of firearms, and at least from a distance, have a working knowledge of the impact of firearms in the development of Norte America. No reason to expect that to diminish anytime soon

Gotta love an intelligent debate wherein the participants address the issues with valid points.

Sorry, I used a common American reference to The Lone Ranger. He rode on a big white horse and used six shooters on the job. Six shooters are firearms.


Homicide (and suicide) are interesting behaviours....no monopoly by the "street gangs".

Yeah, and have high-school students enforce it??? Uh-huh.

High schoolers do not manufacture the guns (or ammo).

I believe he was attempting to address the situation at the parent level. A grown-up person should be able to recognize common sense without the adornment of "street cred" trappings.

Common sense is more valuable in the context of surviving a walk home from school in Chicago....elevated parental consciousness is usually after the fact, usually at the funeral.

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Nothing worth replying to in the first two statements.....on to the rest.....

Sorry, I used a common American reference to The Lone Ranger. He rode on a big white horse and used six shooters on the job. Six shooters are firearms.

Not sure what makes this relevant as I don't recall any Lone Ranger stories wherein the Ranger committed a drive by, or ride-by as it were.

Homicide (and suicide) are interesting behaviours....no monopoly by the "street gangs".

True, but introducing this only serves to further muddy the waters.

High schoolers do not manufacture the guns (or ammo).

True again, but the manufacturers are not the ones who impose regulations which to them are simply something that limit their profit margin.

Common sense is more valuable in the context of surviving a walk home from school in Chicago....elevated parental consciousness is usually after the fact, usually at the funeral.

And more's the pity. Common sense parenting, however, may reduce the number of kids getting involved in gangs, thereby reducing the numbers of gang members and the associated casualty rate.

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He entered military service as well. He still never went around bragging about killing anyone. So this point is completely useless.

Only if you stay on your side of the fence when it comes to discussing "gun crimes".....but that never happens around here, so we get the usual references to Hollywood, "gangsta culture" being glorified, and even the manufacture and distribution of guns from the USA. Elvis was very much a part of the same culture, and was criticised in the exact same way for his musical gyrations by "parents".

Frankly, I wish Canada had more domestic reference material, but many still find it easier to just play the American "culture" card.

Try CanadianGunslingers.com


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Only if you stay on your side of the fence when it comes to discussing "gun crimes".....but that never happens around here, so we get the usual references to Hollywood, "gangsta culture" being glorified, and even the manufacture and distribution of guns from the USA. Elvis was very much a part of the same culture, and was criticised in the exact same way for his musical gyrations by "parents".

You can't equate Elvis' gyrating hips getting many ladies excited and screaming to the gansta gangbanging gun culture of today. Even if you wanted to talk about morals there is still no comparison.

And lol @ your side of the fence comment. Priceless.

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You can't equate Elvis' gyrating hips getting many ladies excited and screaming to the gansta gangbanging gun culture of today. Even if you wanted to talk about morals there is still no comparison.

You obviously do not know the dirty details.....it's not a fair fight.

And lol @ your side of the fence comment. Priceless.

That was meant especially for you after previous post about where and when I should discuss Canada.... LOL!

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You obviously do not know the dirty details.....it's not a fair fight.


That was meant especially for you after previous post about where and when I should discuss Canada.... LOL!

I know you get off on it as well. But we have detracted from the topic somewhat thanks to both you and me. So let's get back to the topic shall we? And in this thread we deal with Canada. So guess what, now should be your time to shine.

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If there exists a correlation between gun crime and intelligence, I would suspect it would have more to do with marginalization and poverty, which, needless to say, influences education. In fact, it would appear that aboriginal communities are more prone to gun violence because Winnipeg, Saskatoon, and Regina have some of the highest crime rates in the country. It is well known that youth, regardless of race, are more prone to violent crime, so it stands to reason that age plays a factor as well. The average age of aboriginal populations in Saskatchewan is 27, whereas the average age of all Canadians is 40. Obviously those communities will be more prone to violence. Poverty and marginalization of our native communities is well documented. A young population makes the situation that much worse for them.

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Hey we were marginalized immigrants when we were kids..there were no blacks to persecute so they tossed rocks though our windows..and gangs would chase my brother home like a pack of wolves beating him as he went. We might have had our on and off years of poverty and prospertiy - and we had access to guns - we were well behaved because my parent were bright people and taught us some ethics - when you are stupid you don't know that it's better to be good than bad. If certain people can not figure out that goodness is the optimal state of being...then they are stupid. There are privledged weathy people also who have horrible lives because they think that being bad is cool....that is also stupid..Bernie Madoff is a prime example.

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