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I also see the point he is making. He's only typed it out in all caps like 20 times. Would be hard to miss. I happen to think that it's irrelevant though. Whether racism exists among a few old employers out there that would rather hire someone white doesn't matter, the new generations are growing up without such prejudices, or at least they would be, but for the government's use of institutionalized racism to advantage minority groups, which only breeds renewed resentment. Quotas and affirmative action are ultimately self-defeating policies, regardless of their intent, because they perpetuate the perception of "otherness", the notions of victimhood, and breed resentment. Not to mention their inherent unfairness, which in a just society would be grounds enough to abolish them.

What about the article I just posted ? 2009, of course the new generation is perfect!

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Lack of reason? Of course no minorities suffer for discrimination, now I'll be as dumb as you are!

So tell me, when you are a teacher and one of the kids says something you don't like, are you going to call them 'dumb" also? Or perhaps if the kid is white you'll call him a "racist" and take away all his stuff and give it to the other kids to "equalize" the situation?

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Yeah, she had credit cards, liscence driver, a whole bunch of cards. You really belive that 3 months is the amount of time she had to wait??? CAnadian governmetn called her an imposter.

Man what planet do yo live in????

Even if you saw a White man stabbing a Black guy and yelling "Die Nigger Die, I hate you people" you would still say that he's not racist.

You would even go further and saying that Muslims like to punch people, Mohamed Ali was like that...Give me a break

1.Our government was protecting the rest of us from attack and unscrupulous people who would try to sneak into Canada illegally.

2. I live on planet Earth.

3. If I saw this I would try to help the coloured person.

4. I would never say this.

As I said about the article. This proves nothing. Just because a minority doesn't get every job they apply for doesn't mean that it's discrimination. That absurd.

So tell me, when you are a teacher and one of the kids says something you don't like, are you going to call them 'dumb" also? Or perhaps if the kid is white you'll call him a "racist" and take away all his stuff and give it to the other kids to "equalize" the situation?

Lol, don't give him any ideas.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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This proves nothing. Just because a minority doesn't get every job they apply for doesn't mean that it's discrimination. That absurd.

As Bonam has said cursing at people and using all capital letters, denoting yelling, is extremely rude. No one else is yelling or swearing at you so try to control yourself. What is it they say about swearing being the last gasp of a person losing an argument or some such...hrm seems to fit here.

Of course it doesn't prove anything, of course not.

On a serious note now:

My parents came to Canada, they are well integrated, I am Canadian and proud to be and I love this country. I never really suffered from discrimination having a different name and sometimes people say I'm an ethnic minority, some say I look like Canadians....

The point is, Canada is more open to its minorities than a lot of countries in the world, I realize that. I conceed that Quotas are bad for ETHNIC MINORITIES because they tell us that we ask for more and some people think that "we" are lazy bums that are not competent and we are stealing jobs from White people.

However, you guys are doing a HUGE VICTIMIZATION OF WHITE PEOPLE saying that ethnic minorities are in front of them in EVERY JOB. The fact is that a whole lot of ethnic minorities face the same problem, but you say nothing about that. That's why I argue with you guys.

You seem very mad that we have QUOTAS (which is a form of Discrimination) but you say nothing about the discrimination that ethnic minorities suffer of, and sometimes you even say that they don't suffer of any. Which makes no sense

Edited by monkeyman
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So tell me, when you are a teacher and one of the kids says something you don't like, are you going to call them 'dumb" also? Or perhaps if the kid is white you'll call him a "racist" and take away all his stuff and give it to the other kids to "equalize" the situation?

Nah...just call all the kids that don't agree 'rednecks'.


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Well congratulations for expressing your useless opinion by the way.

I have a simple point,

And a mind to match.

Ethnic minorities suffer of dicrimination WAY MORE than White Canadians.

Prove it.

Shouldn't you be out caring for the goats?

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Anyways, as for me, I'm Canadian but an ethnic minority (not that clear to see though) I always said that I will find a job no matter what, I'm studying to become a teacher and I know that I'll become one and find a job because I'm competent. But it's not the case of all minorities, especially the ones that were not born here.

It's true that they tend to have fairly low standards, and probably you will benefit from quotas, but I don't think you stand much of a chance of making it as a teacher. Your thinking processes are primitive and you appear to be quite socially backward in your efforts at discussing things intelligently.

In fact, the only way someone like you would be hired would be quotas. And before long they'd try their best to get rid of you.

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Bonam, I would say that you're wrong. I haven't seen anything radical that the poster has said.

Yes, once he identified himself as a visible minority it would not longer be possible for you to notice him doing anything wrong.

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Oh. I must have missed that.

Got links?

you're ridiculous tango...

here they are again:




White males need not apply

Internal e-mail reveals hiring ban at Public Works

Tom Blackwell

National Post

Saturday, November 19, 2005

A major federal department has temporarily banned the hiring of able-bodied white men in an unusual move critics say could spark a backlash against the very disadvantaged groups it is meant to help.

"Managers in the Public Works department must hire only visible minorities, women, aboriginals and the disabled, except with written permission from their superiors, David Marshall, the deputy minister, ordered in an e-mail circulated yesterday".

— Robert Reich (economic adviser to President Obama): "I am concerned, as I'm sure many of you are, that these jobs not simply go to high skilled people who are already professionals or to white male construction workers"
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15.2 actually.

But that isn't evidence of a real problem occurring.

18.1 for the quebec charter. 15.2 for the Canadian charter (which is almost identical):

Equality Rights

Equality before and under law and equal protection and benefit of law

15. (1) Every individual is equal before and under the law and has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law without discrimination and, in particular, without discrimination based on race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

Affirmative action programs

(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability

in other words: everyone is to be equally treated and cannot have one's race, religion or sexual orientations etc be a factor in anything.... .EXCEPT of course: if one is a minority and non white, in which case their race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation is to be hled in HIGHER ESTEEM and grant the person PRIVILEGES unavailable to "white swine"...

There you have it. The charter telling us quite clearly that whites are loathsome second class citizens (in the country their forfathers founded no less!) pretty amazing.. but I bet a flour souled humanitarian like you Tango is just overjoyed that such vile discrimination is committed (just as long as it isn't colored folks right?)

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Prove me that white people suffer more from discrimination. Let's play that game

Shouldn't you be out caring for the goats? After all, you're the one living in the jungle and having a jungle mentality. RED NECK

I just recapped 3 very good examples, and lifted many others while here... I also cited the CHARTER... that's right the LAW OF THE LAND... saying quite clearly that minorities have rights to SPECIAL PRIVILEGES which in effects makes them "MORE EQUAL" then us ie makes white people SECOND CLASS CITIZENS...

Now the fact that none of you arguing from the left are capable of confronting these quite cogent examples of anti-white discrimination is simply proof that you aren't really interested in what is fair and what is accurate... you would rather retain the undue privileges given to minorities because YOU WANT WHAT YOU WANT... not because of anything moral or EQUAL.

If it were a law that every white male give up an extra 20% of his salary to give to a huge trustfund given to only people of color... you people would be all for it... as somehow "correcting discimrination" or "equalizing the playing field" etc or whatever... that's because you don't care about whats fair and equal... if you have a prospect of benefiting from it.. that's all that matters to you.. you really could'nt care less about equality and a rational justice system or charter...

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Thought is predominantly public and social, and therefore a nation is a community of people who understand that those with whom they shop, ride public transit and share the roads and the sidewalks also share values, community knowledge and mythologies.

It is what enables us to talk to one another with some confidence of being not only heard but, as Isaiah Berlin would have it, being understood. It is what enables Canadians to live together with sufficient levels of trust and security and to conduct their democracy more or less under the rubric of having a common purpose and serving the common good.

Globe & Mail

Interesting point that relates to integration. Strict multiculturalism, it might seem, undermines Canadians' ability to communicate with, and be understood by, one another.

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I just recapped 3 very good examples, and lifted many others while here... I also cited the CHARTER... that's right the LAW OF THE LAND... saying quite clearly that minorities have rights to SPECIAL PRIVILEGES which in effects makes them "MORE EQUAL" then us ie makes white people SECOND CLASS CITIZENS...

What you have provided are examples of employers hiring those they want to hire, to provide better service to the public. How outrageous! :rolleyes:

Can an import-export business hire a Chinese Canadian to service China, an Iraqi Canadian to service Iraq, etc? Yes, of course they can: It's a requirement of the job.

Firefighters, police officers, nurses, doctors, teachers, etc, must likewise be qualified to serve the public that exists in their area, including understanding and speaking the language, understanding the culture, etc.

Big deal. :rolleyes:

you aren't really interested in what is fair and what is accurate...

you would rather retain the undue privileges given to minorities because

YOU WANT WHAT YOU WANT... not because of anything moral or EQUAL. ...

you people would be all for it... as somehow "correcting discimrination" or "equalizing the playing field" etc or whatever... that's because

you don't care about whats fair and equal... if

you have a prospect of benefiting from it..

that's all that matters to you..

you really could'nt care less about equality and a rational justice system or charter...

Don't tell me what I think, sonny.

I'll tell you what I think:

I think I'm embarrassed to be the same race as racist pigs like you. <_<

And btw ... you've shown no examples of white male individuals actually convincing a court or other adjudicator that they were discriminated against. The 'potential' for discrimination doesn't count as evidence of discrimination.

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What you have provided are examples of employers hiring those they want to hire, to provide better service to the public. How outrageous! :rolleyes:

And btw ... you've shown no examples of white male individuals actually convincing a court or other adjudicator that they were discriminated against. The 'potential' for discrimination doesn't count as evidence of discrimination.

oh god, all the smileys in the world aren't going to get you out of this one... you've just completely contradicted yourself again.

First off, your whole reason for supporting affirmative action is precisely BASED ON: "The 'potential' for discrimination", in effect giving boosts to people who may not even be discriminated against!!!!!!!!!! Affirmative action assumes or presumes that any person with dark skin, a hijab or kirpan is automatically a victim and is recompensated as such.

Oh but wait... put the shoe on the other foot, and look at you flip flop... all of sudden you're saying when it comes to WHITE PEOPLE, then: "The 'potential' for discrimination doesn't count as evidence of discrimination."

How more glaring can a double standard be!!!! If you're a minority race... you need affirmative action because of the "potential for discrimination"

oh but if you're white: "The 'potential' for discrimination doesn't count as evidence of discrimination."

And incidentally, affirmative action and racial quotas being the law, employers do NOT have complete freedom in hiring who they want

Charter: 15.(2) Subsection (1) does not preclude any law, program or activity that has as its object the amelioration of conditions of disadvantaged individuals or groups including those that are disadvantaged because of race, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, sex, age or mental or physical disability.

Either way the examples I mentioned are pretty unavoidable, cmon' public job applications with headings that read; "NO WHITE MALES NEED APPLY"!?!?! are you this insane and crazy? You're not sure how that's discimrinatory? Are you feeling okay?

If I sent out a public job offer on monster.ca that read "No Blacks or Muslims Need Apply" i'd be sued by the human rights tribunal IMMEDIATELY!

tango, just come out and admit it already, you hate white people,m you're a self hating weak willed liberal who doesn't have the courage to admit the diseased hatreds that fester under your mishappened skull. Just say it, you'll at last make some sort of cogent sense at least... I mean aren't you tired of keeping up the pretense... you know and we know, and we know that you know that we know that its sheer BS. have some decency.

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How more glaring can a double standard be!!!! If you're a minority race... you need affirmative action because of the "potential for discrimination"

oh but if you're white: "The 'potential' for discrimination doesn't count as evidence of discrimination."

We have equity programs because of existing discrimination in employment, housing, etc.

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We have equity programs because of existing discrimination in employment, housing, etc.


You still don't acknowledge that a federal public works employment offer SPECIFICALLY BARRING WHITE MALES FROM APPLYING is precisely "discriminatory and racist"? How do you twist your mind around this to say that ""The 'potential' for discrimination doesn't count as evidence of discrimination."... this isn't "potential discrimination" its barefaced, immediate, clear and obvious DISCRIMINATION. I mean COME ON tango, please tell me you're not really this hot headedly anti-white!

and btw... No, troll, we have affirmative action REGARDLESS if the discrimination is there or not... Our charter and affirmative action programs kick in regardless of if there is actual discrimination or not... one can be in a completely harmonious workplace with ZERO racism or discrimination and STILL reap the benefits of affirmative action and similar programs!

Its not as if an independent investigation is made, and THEN corrective affirmative action is used... affirmative action and preferential treatment are AUTOMATIC.

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We have equity programs because of existing discrimination in employment, housing, etc.

I'm loathe to say this, but I align with lictor on this: "equity programmes" merely legitimise and prolong discrimination, by their select application not so subtly implying that all minorities are victims of the white male's inherent misogyny and racism. It breeds resentment; most white males begrudge being constantly suspected of and made to feel guilty for beliefs they never had and acts they never carried out.

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I have so much trouble with things like this. I understand why people like equity programs and the good they bring, but at the same time I see the bad they bring. It's really a difficult situation to remedy. I wish there wasn't a place for them, and I hope that some day there isn't, but are they needed now? That's the real question.

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We have equity programs because of existing discrimination in employment, housing, etc.

No one has produced a single shred of evidence of any kind of systemic or wide scale discrimination in employment, housing, or anything else.

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No one has produced a single shred of evidence of any kind of systemic or wide scale discrimination in employment, housing, or anything else.

The only evidence of systemic widescale discrimmination is against WHITE MALES, of which I've provided clear suggestive examples (namly emplyment offers warning that "NO WHITE MALES NEED APPLY") as well as the charter which specifically decrees that whites are second class citizens.

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