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Why do Black men rape White women?


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Guest American Woman
QUOTE=American Woman: Myth: Rape only happens to young attractive women.

Fact: Rape can and does strike anyone at anytime.

Did I deny that? Did I not just get finished acknowledging there are some wacked out nut jobs out there who rape little old ladies?

But what your quote completely fails to contradict - is my quote. Eighty percent are under 30. You think that's a coincidence?

You're taking one part of what you said and one part of my quote and claiming that I "completely fail to contradict" what you said. I wasn't responding to/refuting the "Eighty percent are under thirty" claim.

QUOTE=American Woman: Research data clearly proves that a way a woman dresses and / or acts does not influence the rapists choice of victims. His decision to rape is based on how easily he perceives his target can be intimidated. Rapists are looking for available and vulnerable targets.

If that were the case, then the great majority of victims would be seniors. Hell, they're helpless, they don't see very well, and they often live alone. Easy prey. But seniors rarely get raped. Cheerleaders get raped, pretty girls get raped. Right, right, okay, women in ALL categories, including ugly fat women get raped. But pretty young women seem to get raped by far the most.

As I said, Bernardo didn't follow fat women with moustaches off the bus.

This is the part of your post that I was refuting. The "cheerleader, pretty girl;" your claim that rapists are following "the blonde cheerleader."

Of course it's not surprising, given the average age of rapists, that more young women would be raped that senior citizens. Add to that the fact that a lot of rapes are date rape. Since the men of "average age range of rapists" aren't dating senior citizens, it makes sense that more younger women would get raped. But "young" and "blonde cheerleader" and "pretty" are not by any means synonymous. I would like you to cite a source that supports your claim that most rape victims are "blonde and pretty."

But since you used Bernardo to back your claim, even though it's totally irrelevant regarding all rape victims, I'll counteract that example with the Boston Strangler's victims:

Anna E. Slesers, 55

Mary Mullen, 85

Nina Nicols, 68

Helen Blake, 65,

Ida Irga, 75

Jane Sullivan, 67

Sophie Clark, 19

Patricia Bissette, 23

Mary Brown, 69

Beverly Samans, 23

Evelyn Corbin, 58

Joann Graff, 23

Mary Sullivan, 19

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Rape is exactly like child abuse - you kill the victim but leave them breathing...the rape of males or females should also be a captital offense - but some law makers are frinking kinky -nothing worse than a judge playing with himself under his black robe as the victim testifies - the reason we do not have strong laws against rape (which is now called sexual assualt) The term deminishes the horror...IS because - we have bastards that actually like the idea of rape - bastards who sit in high positions...who are for all intent and purpose sexually and spiritually dysfuctional - dickless men who sit on the bench.

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Yes when taken to the extreme - when woman no longer form power partnerships with males - real feminism - I don't have a problem with - my mother was a feminist - but she also knew the power of family - IF negative feminism is instilled and hate occurs - the female is disempowered through the illusion of power - the powers that be who are males - push this type of feminism - they just use woman to control and disempower both sexes..so it's a rape..of woman and men - It's a lie..and a duping.

Rape is forcing another person to submit to sex acts.

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This is the part of your post that I was refuting. The "cheerleader, pretty girl;" your claim that rapists are following "the blonde cheerleader."

Is it not elementary logic that men want to have sex with women they find to be attractive? Is it even a tiny stretch from that to assume that some subset of those men will simply take what they want? I know the young women I am friends with who are, subjectively, very pretty, get harassed a lot more than women are are, again subjectively, plain. Is that not a general truism? Why would you not expect this to carry over into sexual assault and rape?

I doubt anyone has ever done an actual study as to the attractiveness of rape victims. I mean, how would you set about doing it? You'd need pictures of presumably hundreds of rape victims, then need to assign a necessarily arbitrary but quantifiable value to their individual attractiveness. And what would be your motivation for doing such a study in the first place? Most such studies are done by feminists, who would probably be simply irritated by the mere presumption that some women are prettier than others and thus more attractive to men.

Stating that women of all ages, all sizes, all races can be raped is an accurate summary, and I can't believe they would find much value in stating, after much study "Prettier girls tend to get raped more often than uglier girls".

But I believe that to be the case. Knowing human nature, knowing men, I believe that if one is going to rape, if one sets out to rape, one is going to target someone attractive to you, and while it's true that attractiveness is subjective and thus varies widely, there is a general community consensus as to what is and is not attractive.

Stating rape is a crime of violence is absolutely accurate. Stating it is a crime of power is somewhat accurate, but incomplete. I believe the attractiveness of the victim is a major component, which for some reason most people don't talk much about.

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I can tell some folks here watch lots and lots of TV to be guided by what is beautiful, attractive, and desirable. Incidentally, I was at a restaurant yesterday and I must have seen over 100 white women - weighting about 180-360 lbs waggling from one side to the next, and I deliberately pointed out to my companion - 100 desirables. BTW, I didn't see one white woman that matched those seen on TV. And, I can guess the ones on TV are also NOT living in your houses either, unless you hallucinating of .2% of beauties in the world. But, it is these discussions that makes one wondered if beauty defies logic, vs. what is a good person - who decides who should live in this world, who is ugly, worthless, what color is preference and who gets to announce this particular group is the demise of the human race.

You learn a lot from children. The group that is growing up currently sees beyond the pale color of the people. Unless you are the parent and decided to live isolation with your own kind - it is the choice you make and later you wind up in the hands of the same child who sees people for who are - good human. I think children are much more sensible than adults when it comes to the color business.

Anyway, I suspect many black women do not report crimes against them for the simple reason that laws were not written with blacks in mind but to protect whites and even when raping a black women became illegal it is still not considered a crime. Deb Friedman, “Rape, Racism and Reality,” Quest 1 (1979).

Here are some stats. For every white woman that reports her rape, at least 5 white women do not report theirs; and yet, for every African-American woman that reports her rape, at least 15 African-American women do not report theirs (Bureau of Justice Special Report 2003).

Myth: The majority of rapes are committed by black men against white women.

Fact: 90% of rapes occur between people of the same race and economic class.

I am just hopeful that black women are not placed in a precautious position where she has to be in touch with idiots with idiotic thoughts. I have always thought in order for black people to rise above the Argus of this world we need to have more black lawyers, to table changes to the system that is systemic and entrenched in institutional customs. Have some representation where a black person can easily confide their worries to a black person who shares a burden.

Edited by RB
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Guest American Woman
Is it not elementary logic that men want to have sex with women they find to be attractive? Is it even a tiny stretch from that to assume that some subset of those men will simply take what they want? I know the young women I am friends with who are, subjectively, very pretty, get harassed a lot more than women are are, again subjectively, plain. Is that not a general truism? Why would you not expect this to carry over into sexual assault and rape?

We're not talking about men hoping to start a relationship here. We're talking about seeking instant sexual release for the most part, or men wanting to dominate and control. But for the sake of argument, do you think boys who want to get laid seek the cheerleader or the one who will put out? You think if the one who puts out isn't a "blonde cheerleader" the horny boys will take a pass? Have you ever taken a look at the majority of prostitutes that men pay for? You think they are all "young, blonde, pretty cheerleader" types? You honestly think rapists have higher criteria as to who they will or won't rape? That they'll exhibit self control until someone young and pretty enough comes along?

A rapist isn't on the lookout for a beautiful cheerleader; he's on the lookout for a victim who, as I cited, is easily intimidated. Someone he can dominate. Someone who is "available and vulnerable."

Stating rape is a crime of violence is absolutely accurate. Stating it is a crime of power is somewhat accurate, but incomplete. I believe the attractiveness of the victim is a major component, which for some reason most people don't talk much about.

They most likely don't talk about it much because it isn't true.

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I can tell some folks here watch lots and lots of TV to be guided by what is beautiful, attractive, and desirable. Incidentally, I was at a restaurant yesterday and I must have seen over 100 white women - weighting about 180-360 lbs waggling from one side to the next, and I deliberately pointed out to my companion - 100 desirables.

You're an American? You work on a fat farm? You're insinuating the average weight of women is what, about 250lbs? What kind of bizarroland do you live in anyway?

BTW, I didn't see one white woman that matched those seen on TV.

I work with a number of lovely young ladies, so I think I can state quite categorically that they exist and are not all that rare.

You learn a lot from children. The group that is growing up currently sees beyond the pale color of the people.

Uh, yeah, until they're about eight or nine. That's when they start noticing, and singling out those who are different. Children haven't really changed that much.

Anyway, I suspect many black women do not report crimes against them for the simple reason

Actually, according to the quote from the Bureau of Justice Statistics earlier in this thread, Black women are MORE, not less likely to report crimes to the police than White women.

Here are some stats. For every white woman that reports her rape, at least 5 white women do not report theirs; and yet, for every African-American woman that reports her rape, at least 15 African-American women do not report theirs (Bureau of Justice Special Report 2003)

I'd like to see a cite on that, but even so it's irrelevant to the figures presented earlier, which are based on surveys among victims of crime, not police reports.

Myth: The majority of rapes are committed by black men against white women

I've never heard _anyone_ make such a statement or suggestion.

I am just hopeful that black women are not placed in a precautious position where she has to be in touch with idiots with idiotic thoughts

I suggest you do the right thing then, and keep away from them.

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In clinics, it's not rare to encounter rape victims being shameful because their rapes were secret dreams that were realized.

If they are reporting rape and feeling shameful, clearly it was not a desired fulfillment of a fantasy for them.

One might fantasize about the death of a rival with no real desire for that to happen in reality.

One might fantasize about sex with a former lover, with no real desire to rekindle the relationship.

I might fantasize about swimming in a lake of chocolate without intent to do it in reality.

I might fantasize about being a Princess, without real desire to undergo the constraints of such a life.

Fantasies do not necessarily reflect real desires. Fantasies are often just ... fantasies.

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Here are some stats. For every white woman that reports her rape, at least 5 white women do not report theirs; and yet, for every African-American woman that reports her rape, at least 15 African-American women do not report theirs (Bureau of Justice Special Report 2003).

Myth: The majority of rapes are committed by black men against white women.

Fact: 90% of rapes occur between people of the same race and economic class.

When rape kits remain in cold storage, it is not enticing to document that we have being rape.


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Guest American Woman
QUOTE=RB: I can tell some folks here watch lots and lots of TV to be guided by what is beautiful, attractive, and desirable. Incidentally, I was at a restaurant yesterday and I must have seen over 100 white women - weighting about 180-360 lbs waggling from one side to the next, and I deliberately pointed out to my companion - 100 desirables.

You're an American? You work on a fat farm? You're insinuating the average weight of women is what, about 250lbs? What kind of bizarroland do you live in anyway?

Um. No. She lives in the Toronto area. Evidently you have 180-360 lb. women in Canada, too. ;)

Edited by American Woman
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I can tell some folks here watch lots and lots of TV to be guided by what is beautiful, attractive, and desirable. Incidentally, I was at a restaurant yesterday and I must have seen over 100 white women - weighting about 180-360 lbs waggling from one side to the next, and I deliberately pointed out to my companion - 100 desirables.

You've come too late to the party... the claim that cultural standards of beauty are biased towards European features has been completely refuted. Contact Morris Dancer for details. ;)


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You're an American? You work on a fat farm? You're insinuating the average weight of women is what, about 250lbs? What kind of bizarroland do you live in anyway?

Does it matter who I am or where I am from. I give you the facts as I saw them. Your desirables are about the size I mentioned.

Uh, yeah, until they're about eight or nine. That's when they start noticing, and singling out those who are different. Children haven't really changed that much.

This is so not true. I have faith that children will not single out others. My kid is 18 now, starts 3 year medical school in September only recently reminded me that - in all seriousness how can she do a good in her profession if she sees a color. The children are far more sensible than the biased adults who not only pre-judge others but the adults also make sure that they put their fangs and biases out on a glorious display

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Does it matter who I am or where I am from. I give you the facts as I saw them. Your desirables are about the size I mentioned.

This is so not true. I have faith that children will not single out others. My kid is 18 now, starts 3 year medical school in September only recently reminded me that - in all seriousness how can she do a good in her profession if she sees a color. The children are far more sensible than the biased adults who not only pre-judge others but the adults also make sure that they put their fangs and biases out on a glorious display

The only talented doctor that I saw recently was a man from Africa - If I was stupid enough to only see colour - I would still be sick...He was kind and brilliant.

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Puberty is a difficult part of the transition from childhood to adulthood.

Children will run and hide when the crook arrives at the door driving an expensive car - the dog will growl - but the adults will welcome the preditor into their home hoping for some sort of benefit that never comes... Kid are smarter than adults - untill we teach them that all people are nice - and not to trust their instincts.

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Children will run and hide when the crook arrives at the door driving an expensive car - the dog will growl - but the adults will welcome the preditor into their home hoping for some sort of benefit that never comes... Kid are smarter than adults - untill we teach them that all people are nice - and not to trust their instincts.

All to the contrary, children have to be taught by adults to reject candies offers coming from strangers.

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Puberty is a difficult part of the transition from childhood to adulthood.

I want to call puberty part of life growing up.

Nowadays we have some medical condition for everything. You are agitated - you have a problem of ADD.

Puberty is difficult for young people - how, i just don't get it.

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I want to call puberty part of life growing up.

Nowadays we have some medical condition for everything. You are agitated - you have a problem of ADD.

Puberty is difficult for young people - how, i just don't get it.

Coming-of-age ritual and ceremonies often imposed to the young harsh tests.

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You've come too late to the party... the claim that cultural standards of beauty are biased towards European features has been completely refuted. Contact Morris Dancer for details. ;)


well good for Morris

I really had enough of this nonsense that black women are ugly

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well good for Morris

I really had enough of this nonsense that black women are ugly

But you would agree that TV and movies and magazines and "the beauty industry" push an idea of beauty that is extremely Eurocentric, right? I mean, you were complaining about that just a few messages earlier, right?

You'd have to be a complete tool to disagree with that, right?


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Coming-of-age ritual and ceremonies often imposed to the young harsh tests.

Children need direction, fixed schedules and activities such a dancing, music, sports from a young age so that they learn discipline - self-discipline to be exact

Otherwise, meet 90% worrying mothers going out of their minds (NOT fathers) hoping for the best for their child/children. Teen years to say 23 is the time when the “ young harsh tests” is tested. What this really means is the young ones go berserk following the “in” crowd, the “TV” crowd, make wrong choices, trying drugs, alcohol, and sex with too many regrets.

I meet up with worrying parents with teens every week that has the same story – they are not happy with their teens. Plus I am still in university so I would asks the students about this trendy behavior of establishing themselves where friends are important during the trying years. The answer of the older students - they have smarten up, they are older, wiser, would not like repeated experience, they were foolish, should have listened to the parents….teens are disappointments to their parents – but thank heavens parents have some faith, patience, forgiveness and hope for their precious or miracle children.

One of the good advice from the students was that the mother is always standing there - waiting, waiting for the prodigal child to return with welcome arms. In short, the parent stood by them and waited for the lasses to come to their senses.

In a bigger picture, it is strange even when they kick us, we have so much more courage and hope that we can continue to cling to our own kind, to guide them because we know there is something better out there for them but we could not transfer or relate some of that hope to see other kinds of people, other color of people in the same light

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But you would agree that TV and movies and magazines and "the beauty industry" push an idea of beauty that is extremely Eurocentric, right? I mean, you were complaining about that just a few messages earlier, right?

You'd have to be a complete tool to disagree with that, right?


Oh the TV guides the entire place senseless - I would be foolish NOT to make up my own mind - making a claime that a certain group of people is ugly is ad hoc. But, I would be foolish not to capitalise on what the TV sells - it is already good business and well promoted.

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