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Gay is not norrmal

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OK. If you're straight man, like me, try to imagine this:

You come home form work and there is Jimmy. He rushes over and gives you a big kiss. Then you both cook dinner and curl up in "spooning" position while watching a late night movie in bed.


I dont care what anyone says, being gay is not normal.

Someonee I know just "came out of the closet" and it's the most annoying thing in the world.

Get off it. And the "rainbow" flag. WHat is up with that? Sexuality is a personal matter, not to be advertised on a bumper sticker.

You see a gay guy driving down the street with one of those rainbow bumper stickers on his car. I mean, basically you've got a big sign on your car that says "I love the big cock". eally, is that entirely necessary.

You don't see me driving around with a "I love to f*ck women" bumper sticker.

So not only is gay's sexual behavior abnormal, but so is their social behavior.


Frankly, I'm tired of the whole thing. All I can say is: "Next"

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You come home form work and there is Jimmy. He rushes over and gives you a big kiss. Then you both cook dinner and curl up in "spooning" position while watching a late night movie in bed.

All I can say is: "Next"


Gays don't bother me one bit. I have known many gays, hung out at a gay bar. Also Dj'd with a few gays. Dj'd drag shows, and did karaoke at a gay bar.Most gays are harmless. There is always a few dinks among all groups. Only those who are not confident enough in themselves (manhood womanhood) seem to pick on the gays. Why?? Cause they love the penis.

The one thing I will ask you. If you think dykes are hot, then you have no issues at all with gays.

Edited by GostHacked
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Normal is the norm.

Gay is not the norm. It is abnormal.

WHat's so wrong with pointing out the obvious. It has nothing to do with hatred.

If i see a guy picking his nose and eating it, do I not have the right to say "that's not normal in fact I think it's f*cking disgusting"?

Apparently not, because in this politically backward country you're a heretic if you don't get along with the program and go down to the local pick-your-nose-and-eat-it pride parade and blow bubbles at the guy wearing a rainbow gstring.

You know what I like to do when I see two gays walking down the street holding hands? I stare to make them uncomfortable. Why?

Because it's a free country, and I can. As the two of them would say about holding hands: deal with it

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Normal is the norm.

Gay is not the norm. It is abnormal.

WHat's so wrong with pointing out the obvious. It has nothing to do with hatred.

If i see a guy picking his nose and eating it, do I not have the right to say "that's not normal in fact I think it's f*cking disgusting"?

Apparently not, because in this politically backward country you're a heretic if you don't get along with the program and go down to the local pick-your-nose-and-eat-it pride parade and blow bubbles at the guy wearing a rainbow gstring.

You know what I like to do when I see two gays walking down the street holding hands? I stare to make them uncomfortable. Why?

Because it's a free country, and I can. As the two of them would say about holding hands: deal with it

You seem to be putting it in the context of being morally wrong as well. While you are at it, define normal. 99% of the people I know, are not normal. For the record I am not gay either. It may not be normal to be straight and have many gay friends. The whole human race is abnormal compared to the rest of life on this planet.

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Normal is the norm.

Gay is not the norm. It is abnormal.

WHat's so wrong with pointing out the obvious. It has nothing to do with hatred.

If i see a guy picking his nose and eating it, do I not have the right to say "that's not normal in fact I think it's f*cking disgusting"?

Apparently not, because in this politically backward country you're a heretic if you don't get along with the program and go down to the local pick-your-nose-and-eat-it pride parade and blow bubbles at the guy wearing a rainbow gstring.

You know what I like to do when I see two gays walking down the street holding hands? I stare to make them uncomfortable. Why?

Because it's a free country, and I can. As the two of them would say about holding hands: deal with it

There is a biblical verse concerning gay - as understood by the ancients - they were originally called eunechs..hope I spelled that correctly --------------"There are eunuchs made by God - in order that they dedicate themselves to God - there are eunuchs made by choice so as they can dedicate themselves to God and not be of sex or or the world - And there are eunuchs made by man (those conditioned and gayified via sexual and emotional abuse of the young) - these are created to serve men and not God -----------it's a case of asexuality...there are the "top" gays and there are "bottom" gays -

Those in submissive roles or attempting to take on the role of woman are usually asexual eunuchs ---and those that are the agressive ones - or the "top" are usually straight men to lazy to deal with woman and enjoy the abuse of power over the asexual eunuchs - these are common sodomists - who wear the poitically correct protective cloak of gay but are NOT - gay ----- I have no problem with those who are born asexual - but I do dispise those that abuse gays and use them -

There is also - a bit of script concerning Sodom and Gomora ----------three angels - very beautiful beings land and take shelter in a man's house - The some debauched citizens of Sodom (sodomites) find out that there beautuful creatures (angels) in male form are being held in protection within the good man's household - the sodomites demand of the housekeeper to send out the angels --------so they can "know them" - in other words F** them - when straight men or woman - or so-called butch females or sodomite males lust for possession of something beautiful - they seek to possess - like an object - lesbians and hetorsexual males sometimes want the same thing - the angelic beautful woman - the want to OWN it....Gay as we know it is about putting someone into a state of possession - to objectify beauty....

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You seem to be putting it in the context of being morally wrong as well. While you are at it, define normal. 99% of the people I know, are not normal. For the record I am not gay either. It may not be normal to be straight and have many gay friends. The whole human race is abnormal compared to the rest of life on this planet.

I think if you're wierd enough to wanna have a different kind of love, go ahead. But it's not normal. That's why they call themselves "queer".

It ain't normal. Live with it.

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I think if you're wierd enough to wanna have a different kind of love, go ahead. But it's not normal. That's why they call themselves "queer".

It ain't normal. Live with it.

Jerry it's not your problem - I don't like it either - but I look for the little bit of good that is in the queerest of the population - If I looked for the damning worst in hetro and homo - and if I had the power that you so seek - I would destroy all the jerks - queer and straight ---as Christ said "what's it to you?" _ how does it effect YOU! - If humans are defective - it comes in all degrees - for you to be fixated on this gay thing means you have a defect also.

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Do you also linger too long in public washrooms?

When old gay men stare at me - I briefly let them know with a tiny glance - No ...I am not one of you.. I do not go out of my way to stair at scarey black guys with dreads - nor do I bother trying to intimidate homosexuals - BOTH are not of my culture - unless they are cultured - apparently our friend that likes to stare - has no culture.

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Jerry this is very telling on your part - For you to know you would have to be a close observer - in a public urinary facility - Jerry - get out of the bathroom - I am trying to pee in peace!

haha. but seriously, since you brought it up, I know about gays' public washroom habits because when I was in university there was a big controversy about how gay's were caught using one particular washroom as a a place to...ahem..."connect". comeplete with holes in the walls between stalls at...waiste level.

nice lifestyle.

and the most hiarious part was that the gay contingent on campus was crying foul saying that the entire campus wide discussion on the topic was homophobic and hateful.


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Okay - you got a break -----here is my public washroom story --- We were filming in a suburban mall...I sat down to have a crap ---- as I sat I studied the construction of the stalls ---looking at the crack in the door I thought to myself ..as I scanned it - "Jezz - thats quiet the gap ----slowly I trailed up the crack in the door - till I came to and EYE ball staring in...... the urinals were right by the stalls - some freak seemed to have made it a habit to stand at the urinal and peer in ---------------- I was preturbed - I yell "You - you sick son of a bitch - I coming out now and you better fucking run" It was funny - they eye disappeared and out the door it scampered --- I don't even know if this guy was gay or not - I assume he is just some sexually dysfunctional freak...I still see that big eye staring in - wish I had a sharp stick.

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Okay - you got a break -----here is my public washroom story --- We were filming in a suburban mall...I sat down to have a crap ---- as I sat I studied the construction of the stalls ---looking at the crack in the door I thought to myself ..as I scanned it - "Jezz - thats quiet the gap ----slowly I trailed up the crack in the door - till I came to and EYE ball staring in...... the urinals were right by the stalls - some freak seemed to have made it a habit to stand at the urinal and peer in ---------------- I was preturbed - I yell "You - you sick son of a bitch - I coming out now and you better fucking run" It was funny - they eye disappeared and out the door it scampered --- I don't even know if this guy was gay or not - I assume he is just some sexually dysfunctional freak...I still see that big eye staring in - wish I had a sharp stick.

One time a friend of mine was sitting on the throne in a public washroom in a mall, and some guy passes a note under the stall saying "please don't flush the toilet - I want to eat your shit"

Yea. Gay is sooooo normal.

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One time a friend of mine was sitting on the throne in a public washroom in a mall, and some guy passes a note under the stall saying "please don't flush the toilet - I want to eat your shit"

Yea. Gay is sooooo normal.

Jerry lets give it a rest - gay or not - there are some dogs in the pack that have been kicked around as kids and young adults that they can only be described as sexually dysfucntionals - preverted from the true course......Just because you or I managed to survive this crazy and confused society is no reason to pick on the sexually crippled...forget about it - there are damaged people everywhere..either have sympathy and grace and perhaps that thing called tolerance.. .................what you decribed is a freak - I had a young writing partner - and he was fixated on ladies shoes - small ones - he was f## up - when we used to order up some girls - he was so afraid of the tall ones that he would take the small one dressed in the Nazi outfit ----- I have seen it all ---------------There is a friend of mine who has cerebral palsy ---- He went out on a date recently and some woman tried to lock him in a room and put some baby diapers on - he had to struggle to get free of the weirdo - I could tell you stories - People are strange - and "normal" - well what the hells that - all I know is - I can appreciate a woman -end of story ---other peoples problems in those regards are not mine!

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Jerry lets give it a rest - gay or not - there are some dogs in the pack that have been kicked around as kids and young adults that they can only be described as sexually dysfucntionals - preverted from the true course......Just because you or I managed to survive this crazy and confused society is no reason to pick on the sexually crippled...forget about it - there are damaged people everywhere..either have sympathy and grace and perhaps that thing called tolerance.. .................what you decribed is a freak - I had a young writing partner - and he was fixated on ladies shoes - small ones - he was f## up - when we used to order up some girls - he was so afraid of the tall ones that he would take the small one dressed in the Nazi outfit ----- I have seen it all ---------------There is a friend of mine who has cerebral palsy ---- He went out on a date recently and some woman tried to lock him in a room and put some baby diapers on - he had to struggle to get free of the weirdo - I could tell you stories - People are strange - and "normal" - well what the hells that - all I know is - I can appreciate a woman -end of story ---other peoples problems in those regards are not mine!

But I'm not "picking on them"

I'm glad you said this, because that's the true issue of this thread. Since when is stating your opinion such a bad thing. Dialogue shoulod be a good thing.

This thread highlights something: The left has done such a fantastic and stealth job of taking control of language and dialogue/debate that basically any opinion other than theirs is considered outside the limits of normal discourse.

That's unhealthy. Even more unhealthy than a crusty olf fart like me expressing my viewpoints on a particular lifestyle. Tolerance means tolerating opinions you don't like, doesn't it?

N'est pas?

Edited by JerrySeinfeld
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Jerry - I feel some homo-errotica coming on...God I feel so inferior.......so much for the attempt at humor. Judging is a good thing. We should all be able to say "life=good ......death=bad.....keep it basic and forget political correctness - put it this way and when I say that I am superiour on a basic natural level - to that of a gay male - well I am -___ ---- I created children - he did not - so I be the superiour - cause I can generate power and life....now if your average gay interloper - YOU know the type - people who are all for the gay thing who are not gay - like those soccer moms who insist on being spokesmen for gay youth - soccer moms who are more interested in taking away power from all males - so the gay thing fits in really well to their shallow agenda...off on a tangent there..You will find that gays are not interested in promotion of the "life style" - it's the stupid liberal straights who are caught up in pushing the gay agenda - gays are not interested for the most part.

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Jerry - I feel some homo-errotica coming on...God I feel so inferior.......so much for the attempt at humor. Judging is a good thing. We should all be able to say "life=good ......death=bad.....keep it basic and forget political correctness - put it this way and when I say that I am superiour on a basic natural level - to that of a gay male - well I am -___ ---- I created children - he did not - so I be the superiour - cause I can generate power and life....now if your average gay interloper - YOU know the type - people who are all for the gay thing who are not gay - like those soccer moms who insist on being spokesmen for gay youth - soccer moms who are more interested in taking away power from all males - so the gay thing fits in really well to their shallow agenda...off on a tangent there..You will find that gays are not interested in promotion of the "life style" - it's the stupid liberal straights who are caught up in pushing the gay agenda - gays are not interested for the most part.

Actually you're right. Apparently in the US there are many gay academics at the forefront of "queer theory" who actually oppose the concept of gay marriage on the principle that "true" gays should not and do not wish to emulate the hetero lifestyle, but rather have their own distinct lifestyle which doesn't fit the normal or "typical" married way.

It's a filthy lifestyle, but they have a point. That is the point: why try to change the definition of a word "marriage" for optics when you could carve out your own definitions and traditions. That would be the sign of a truly confident lifestyle choice.

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Actually you're right. Apparently in the US there are many gay academics at the forefront of "queer theory" who actually oppose the concept of gay marriage on the principle that "true" gays should not and do not wish to emulate the hetero lifestyle, but rather have their own distinct lifestyle which doesn't fit the normal or "typical" married way.

It's a filthy lifestyle, but they have a point. That is the point: why try to change the definition of a word "marriage" for optics when you could carve out your own definitions and traditions. That would be the sign of a truly confident lifestyle choice.

Homophobia isn't normal.

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Homophobia isn't normal.

More than half the world disagrees with this - including your favourite people - the muslims - almost all of African Protestants, Catholics and islamics and more than a few asiatic countries - packers in most parts of the world are either ostricized, imprisoned, avoided or killed

I suspect they believe "homphobia" is normal - tell them your opinion and see the response


Edited by Borg
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This thread highlights something: The left has done such a fantastic and stealth job of taking control of language and dialogue/debate that basically any opinion other than theirs is considered outside the limits of normal discourse.

That's unhealthy. Even more unhealthy than a crusty olf fart like me expressing my viewpoints on a particular lifestyle. Tolerance means tolerating opinions you don't like, doesn't it?

Let's recap your points so far. You think being gay isn't normal. You think that people should have the right to say something isn't normal. You think that the "left" is saying your opinions aren't normal. You are now offended at being accused of abnormal discourse. Congratulations on successfully arguing against yourself. If tolerance means tolerating opinions you don't like then why did you even start this thread with a post that essentially says you're tired of tolerating the gay lifestyle?

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