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Svend Robinson

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If you, I or any other regular Joe did the same thing and reacted the same way, we would go to jail or at least get the book thrown at us. Why should Mr. Robinson get treated any differently than any of us? He should be treated and punished just like the rest of us would. This little escapade has shown that Mr. Robinson can not hold it together when the times get tough. Is this a person any of us wants to be in a position of power? A person who decides what rules and laws the rest of us have to live with. I never really liked the guy before but this really solidifies my feelings.

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3) I don't think there are too many more would-be jewellery thieves in Parliament. Other thieves cannot expect to be judged the same way, unless they are suffering from mental issues and are repentant in the way that Svend is, in which case not jailing him might be a better precedent.
What do you mean, Hugo? Do you believe that this case will have no bearing on shoplifting? The cost of Svend's trial would surely be less than the cost to society of more shoplifting.
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Wow funny how the left gets sidetracked yet again. Hmmmm, lets compare the liberals and conservatives to Mr. Robinson so it pales in comparison. Wow neat trick, but somehow that still does not erase the fact that the man STOLE!!! YES STOLE!!!! a $50,000 ring. Keep comparing apples and oranges lefties. You are sure making your point of how the left thinks and acts on emotion rather than reason and logic.

Hey NDP can I borrow that big broom you guys use to sweep the actions of your leaders under the rug. :o

What else do you want?

Svend has quit, has apologised, and says he is prepared to face criminal charges if the crown recommends them..

He returned the merchandise too..

That cannot be said of Liberals and Conservatives. The Liberal party should be forced to pay back $100 million of taxpayers money that ended up in the pockets of friends and insiders of the Liberal party.

The Conservatives gave Canada the GST, big government, big taxes, and over $300 billion in new debt in the 9 years they governed.

Perhaps you would be happy if Svend was taken outside and beaten with a crowbar? Shot in the head? Hanged in a public square?....for a stolen $50,000 ring that he returned?

NO ONE is suggesting that Svend should be exempt from whatever criminal proceedings may occur...least of all him.

There are several other examples of theft and abuse by liberal and conservative politicians...I wonder how many of them have humbled themselves the way Svend did and resigned? None?!

Goddamn hypocrites..

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I don't know if anyone has made the point that a man is usually judged to how he responds under stress.

George Bush responded very well during those weeks following Sept. 11. I couldn't imagine anything more stressfull and yet what followed ensured G.W. Bush will be remembered as a heroic leader.

I really coudn't say the same about Clinton because after an attack on the World Trade Centre and an attack on the Cole and a genocide in Africa, there was no unpopular moves to make postitive changes in the world. Just oral sessions in the oval office.

We all know Cretiens response to a stressfull situation in the1995 referendum was to steal money from tax payers.

So we see what a person is truly made of in stressful situations. If Svend was hero to some because he attended rallies and protests and had a shoving match with a border guard in Isreal and heckled Reagan in Parlaiment, then this, "unthinkable act", won't change how you feel.

I would hope that just showing up for work and saying popular or uttering politically correct things, as Clinton and Svend has done isn't what made or makes them electable.

To blame a criminal act or immoral act on stress is an admission of weakness of character. I think alot of Svend detractors have always believed this, that his moral superiority on issues sounded hallow. So now we have confirmation.

George Bush reacted to the stress of his job by cutting funding to the very departments that were responsible for counterterrorism. Bush also downplayed the Al Qaeda threats and ignored intelligence reports.

When the tower attacks happened, Bush reacted by telling a joke "jeez, those are bad pilots hey?"

When the tower attacks were finished and all air travel was stopped in North America, one flight was allowed to continue...the Bin Laden family was put on a plane and sent home to Saudi Arabia.

George Bush reacted to 9/11 by wanting to blame Iraq for it...instead, he bombed Afghanistan, even though the nationality for most of the terrorist hijackers were Saudi...oddly enough though, the biggest demand from Osama was the American evacuation of its troops from holy Islamic soil in Saudi Arabia...which America promptly did shortly after 9/11.

Bill Clinton stopped the millinium bombing attempt on LAX. Bill Clinton acted on intelligence info and bombed terror training camps in Afghanistan - and the Repug's dismissed it as a 'wag the dog' stunt while they were trying to impeach the president because he cheated on his wife...imagine that - Bill Clinton and the Democrats were focused on fighting terrorism while Newt Gingrich was focused on Bill Clinton's pants.

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If there is any truth to that Chinese proverb that ....

"He who steals chickens as a child will steal cattle as an adult."

..... Mr. Robinson's got some confessing to do.

Confessing for what?

He just embarrassed himself in front of the whole country and returned the stolen ring.

Perhaps you have evidence of something else? Please share?

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If there is any truth to that Chinese proverb that ....

"He who steals chickens as a child will steal cattle as an adult."

..... Mr. Robinson's got some confessing to do.

Confessing for what?

He just embarrassed himself in front of the whole country and returned the stolen ring.

Perhaps you have evidence of something else? Please share?

No evidence.

What I'm reasonably sure of though is that if 52 year old Svend went to confession and said ......."Forgive me father for I have sinned" ..... on this occasion no Father in the land would believe that that was the first time Svend has stolen. Nor the second. Nor the third.

Would you?

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If there is any truth to that Chinese proverb that ....

"He who steals chickens as a child will steal cattle as an adult."

..... Mr. Robinson's got some confessing to do.

Confessing for what?

He just embarrassed himself in front of the whole country and returned the stolen ring.

Perhaps you have evidence of something else? Please share?

No evidence.

What I'm reasonably sure of though is that if 52 year old Svend went to confession and said ......."Forgive me father for I have sinned" ..... on this occasion no Father in the land would believe that that was the first time Svend has stolen. Nor the second. Nor the third.

Would you?

Not good enough..

This 'guilty until proven innocent' approach is wrong and contrary to the bill of rights.

If I am not mistaken, the 'innocent until proven guilty' notion has been with civilized nations since the magna carta, several centuries ago.

Guilty until proven innocent is popular with other famous dictators like Hussein and Hitler, but not acceptable in a free democratic society.

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No evidence.

Thankfully, our justice system operates on the basis that accused are innocent until proven guilty.

No evidence=No case.

Just because they can't find a skeleton in Svend's closet doesn't mean we have to believe that he didn't steal before.

You know, Black Dog, I've been watching you, and I suspect that you get away with murder in your posts sometimes. But just because I can't find a skeleton in in you closet doesn't mean I should stop having those suspicions. Especially knowing that it's much easier for you and me to get rid of the bones.

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Not good enough..

This 'guilty until proven innocent' approach is wrong and contrary to the bill of rights.

If I am not mistaken, the 'innocent until proven guilty' notion has been with civilized nations since the magna carta, several centuries ago.

Guilty until proven innocent is popular with other famous dictators like Hussein and Hitler, but not acceptable in a free democratic society.

So you don't consider France to be civilized and a free democratic society?

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Just because they can't find a skeleton in Svend's closet doesn't mean we have to believe that he didn't steal before.

So, we should assume that he has more skeletons therefore proclaim him guilty of things that he hasn't even been accused of?

Wow! This kind of thinking would get you a good job in Robert Mugabe's government in a heartbeat.

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Just because they can't find a skeleton in Svend's closet doesn't mean we have to believe that he didn't steal before.

So, we should assume that he has more skeletons therefore proclaim him guilty of things that he hasn't even been accused of?

Wow! This kind of thinking would get you a good job in Robert Mugabe's government in a heartbeat.

Ok, I give up.

If we are to believe that Jesus' mum was a virgin, why the hell not that this was Svend's first time too.

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Just because they can't find a skeleton in Svend's closet doesn't mean we have to believe that he didn't steal before.

Who the hell cares? If it was his first or fifteenth time, it's irrelevant. he committed a crime, he confessed, the victim is not pursuing the matter. Case closed. If evidence coems to light that he committed other criminal acts, they should be dealt with accordingly. However, given there is no evidence of such crimes, speculation on their existence is just that: speculation. Indeed, such talk in this context amounts to little more than character assasination.

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Just because they can't find a skeleton in Svend's closet doesn't mean we have to believe that he didn't steal before.

So, we should assume that he has more skeletons therefore proclaim him guilty of things that he hasn't even been accused of?

Wow! This kind of thinking would get you a good job in Robert Mugabe's government in a heartbeat.

Ok, I give up.

If we are to believe that Jesus' mum was a virgin, why the hell not that this was Svend's first time too.

Oh, I get it...you want him in jail for being gay.

Homosexuality has been legal in Canada for some time now. I guess if it was outlawed, then Svend would be in jail for gay sex.

While we are at it, lets outlaw left handed people...or scrap womens right to vote...and birth control pills...

Theft is illegal. Svend knows that. Svend is prepared to pay the price for it...even after returning the ring and apologising for it. Being gay is not a crime...except in Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, Yemen and Egypt...where being gay can get you executed.

If Alliance MP Larry Spencer had his way, it might be outlawed here too.

Whether or not you think being gay is ok or not is not the point though...although your slant is becoming clear.

You suggested that because he stole one item, then he MUST be guilty of stealing others. Prove it.

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Just because they can't find a skeleton in Svend's closet doesn't mean we have to believe that he didn't steal before.

Who the hell cares? If it was his first or fifteenth time, it's irrelevant. he committed a crime, he confessed, the victim is not pursuing the matter. Case closed. If evidence coems to light that he committed other criminal acts, they should be dealt with accordingly. However, given there is no evidence of such crimes, speculation on their existence is just that: speculation. Indeed, such talk in this context amounts to little more than character assasination.

Adolf Hitler reacted to a Jewish assassin's attack on a German diplomat by firing Jews from the public service, seizing their assets, and organizing anti-Jew riots that destroyed Synagogues...otherwise known as "Krystalnacht" or 'the night of broken glass'. All Jews wore the blame of one criminal act and all were guilty.

Blaming all of one 'kind' for the acts of one or a select few is typical of conservates. That is why today you find a large concentration camp of Islamic people at Guantanamo Bay that have no rights whatsoever...and how many have been charged with criminal acts relating to terrorist activities?

Svend admitted theft, returned the ring, and is prepared for whatever criminal proceedings come his way. Svend the person did a stupid thing. But to some on this forum, his act is a damning indictment of all gays and politically moderates...they're all thieves, paedophiles (according to one infamous poster on here), and corrupt.

What a great way to offend the thousands of gays and lesbians. 99.998% of them are good citizens that have jobs and pay taxes....and vote.

This is why this issue should have been left alone. Conservate social engineers will pay a huge price if they try to push this any further.

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Again: Svend committed a crime, confessed, returned the merchandise, stepped away from politics, and is prepared to accept the consequenses of his actions. In short, this man, who represents everything the right despises, perfectly demonstrated the trait of personal responsibility that is so beloved by conservatives.

It's a dead issue, really, and the mileage the right wing is trying to get out of this shows they are doing so not out of a sense of justice (which Robinson has submitted himself to), but out of partisanship.

And by the way, I have been ripped off on a couple of occassions. I felt violated, but would have been willing to forgive the perpetrators if they had, as Svend did, come forward, returned what was mind and demonstrated contrition for their act. That's the difference between Robinson and other "theiving bastards".

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Again: Svend committed a crime, confessed, and is prepared to accept the consequenses of his actions.

Again: Wouldn't you confess and be prepared to face the consequences if your wife had a videotape of you focking some other bitch?

That's the difference between Robinson and other "theiving bastards".

I wrote "theiving bastards" before my editor changed it to "thieving buggers".

There is something eerie about this place.

You are crossing a the line here..

You compare cheating on a spouse to committing a criminal offense.

If you cheated on your wife, you might expect to get yelled at, divorced, etc...but not thrown in jail...except in Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Libya, Syria, etc where cheating spouses can also be shot.

And, what if you had been caught on tape shagging some other chick? Does that make you a serial cheater?

Luckily, in this country, we have the right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, and the right to a fair trial.

You keep trying to tie a moral argument into criminal law. Theft is illegal, being gay, or cheating on a spouse are not.

This is the very essence of keeping the state out of the bedrooms of consenting adults. Government does not have the right to legislate morality. This tactic is what happens when a nation has failed to separate church and state.

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I know lets somehow relate this Svend Robinson case to Saddam Hussein, lets somehow relate it to Adolf Hitler, lets relate it to the issues of his political views. All I have stated all along is that there was a criminal act on Mr. Robinson's part, he should be held accountable like anyone else, me or you, Liberal, Conversative or NDP.

All governments have made some stupid decisions no doubt, whether they be Liberal, Conservatives, or NDP. But when the NDP acts like all things are fine and dandy and say it was only a $50,000 ring, it wasn't like he stole millions. Whats to stop the Federal lying Liberals from using that rationale and say well we only stole hundreds of millions of dollars, it wasn't like we stole billions, which we all know they probably have.

But what is so clear cut about Svend's case is that there was a theft involved, there is no denying it, he admitted it and this case should be treated like you or me had committed it. PERIOD.

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I know lets somehow relate this Svend Robinson case to Saddam Hussein, lets somehow relate it to Adolf Hitler, lets relate it to the issues of his political views. All I have stated all along is that there was a criminal act on Mr. Robinson's part, he should be held accountable like anyone else, me or you, Liberal, Conversative or NDP.

All governments have made some stupid decisions no doubt, whether they be Liberal, Conservatives, or NDP. But when the NDP acts like all things are fine and dandy and say it was only a $50,000 ring, it wasn't like he stole millions. Whats to stop the Federal lying Liberals from using that rationale and say well we only stole hundreds of millions of dollars, it wasn't like we stole billions, which we all know they probably have.

But what is so clear cut about Svend's case is that there was a theft involved, there is no denying it, he admitted it and this case should be treated like you or me had committed it. PERIOD.

Right on..

This was a rare and lone act by a confused person that obviously wasn't thinking on all cylanders.

Whatever the crime, whatever the reason, he has done the right thing now and is prepared for whatever consequences there are...and, no - there should not be any special treatment for him because he is a politician..

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"He didn't indicate he was absolutely stepping down forever and a day. That leaves open possibilities, I suppose. But really, it's going to depend on his well-being," Layton said yesterday."

A week later and they are already talking about Svends return. The tears were for all the bleeding harts that think all he needed was treatment. His show was a strategy. The strategy worked because at this point I would be surprised if he didn't run.

Combine that with the Liberals mess in Burnaby Douglas and they probably think he is likely to win again. Let’s hope the young Conservative running can show well so we have some credibility left in our political process.

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