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Black is a sociopath who was caught obstructing justice by a much more lifeless eye (a surveillance camera) than his two own eyes. Given this element of proof, his only chance of winning his trial would have been by pleading mental alienation. The only (useful) work Black has performed in his life was to carry himself the 13 banker's boxes to his car.

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Bening a commonwealth nation allows our citizens to sit in the house of lords.

It wasn't the british that had the problem it was one PM.

I don't dispute that this became a personal issue between Black and Chretien but are you saying you would have no problem with British citizens being awarded Senate seats?

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I don't dispute that this became a personal issue between Black and Chretien but are you saying you would have no problem with British citizens being awarded Senate seats?

Canada still has Crown land - we do not have District attorneys..we have Crowns...we still have a few legalists that are Queens Council status...who still give council to the Queen - we still have her Majesty's herald and likeness on our money... we have a Governor Gerneral - we are not a seperate entity from the Crown--if we were like the Americans, we would have none of the above that I mentioned..The Queen is not a mere figure head - and Lord Black is a citizen of Canada and of Britian - it is not duel citizenship..Lord Black is as much Canadian as you or I.

Britian and the Crown still have tacit control over many parliments that are operational though the common wealth - Chretien is still loyal to France - and this feud is as old as the feud between Britian and France - between Quebec and the rest of British Canada. YOU could go tomorrow and settle in Britian without a problem as could I - not just the fact that I was born there but because I am a ward of the Crown as we all are untill the monarchy is desolved - and I don't see that happening!

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Canada still has Crown land - we do not have District attorneys..we have Crowns...we still have a few legalists that are Queens Council status...who still give council to the Queen - we still have her Majesty's herald and likeness on our money... we have a Governor Gerneral - we are not a seperate entity from the Crown--if we were like the Americans, we would have none of the above that I mentioned..The Queen is not a mere figure head - and Lord Black is a citizen of Canada and of Britian - it is not duel citizenship..Lord Black is as much Canadian as you or I.

Britian and the Crown still have tacit control over many parliments that are operational though the common wealth - Chretien is still loyal to France - and this feud is as old as the feud between Britian and France - between Quebec and the rest of British Canada. YOU could go tomorrow and settle in Britian without a problem as could I - not just the fact that I was born there but because I am a ward of the Crown as we all are untill the monarchy is desolved - and I don't see that happening!

NOTE: To put it fairly - If our Lord Black is to be confined in the dungeon than it would be more than fair if Richard Cheney was also put out of commission and retired to a jail cell..These two men are very similar - but they have two different codes of conduct - Cheney will indirectly do away with what he percieves as threats to his interests and ego ---- Black is from the other side - When I asked an old Canadain elite if they kill competators - the reply was "We don't do that sort of thing" - where as the Cheney set of corporates can be murderous - THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE.

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Canada still has Crown land - we do not have District attorneys..we have Crowns...we still have a few legalists that are Queens Council status...who still give council to the Queen - we still have her Majesty's herald and likeness on our money... we have a Governor Gerneral - we are not a seperate entity from the Crown--if we were like the Americans, we would have none of the above that I mentioned..The Queen is not a mere figure head - and Lord Black is a citizen of Canada and of Britian - it is not duel citizenship..Lord Black is as much Canadian as you or I.

Really, try clearing immigration in the UK sometime. The first time I went to Britain in the sixties I went in line that said UK and Commonwealth passports. Everyone else went in the line designated "Others". Now we are an "Other", the special line is for UK and EU passports. The Queen may be the Queen of Canada but Canadians no longer have any special status in the UK.

Black renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2001. I know it was a result of his feud with Chretien but no one put a gun to his head to do it. He chose Britain and a peerage over Canadian citizenship because he wanted to be called "Lord Black". Let him go to there.

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Whether it be super American elites or Canadian ones - all seek the approval and exceptance of the British Crown - to go in to that circle is considered the pinicle of success and social status. The agenda that was with in the EU is a socialist one. This nazi like union assisted in the destruction of the privledged class - that being white anglo Christians with close and or indirect connection to the Royal Family.

Now Ireland - is full of Poles and the culture is almost gone...Britain is a swamp of people of all breeds and nationalities. as is Canada - but still the core of power is still held by old British and Scottish clans...and all Black wanted was to re-join the original family. Chrietien knew that this move by Black was to make him more powerful than a common French prime minister of Canada...that is a figurehead much like Harper is today . It was sheer jealousy on the part of the liberal socialist french mind.

People like Bush and Cheney and others have been rejected by the Queen and company - and they hate Black because he managed to tread where their common pirate asses are not welcome - because the are murderous and plundering barbarians.

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NOTE: To put it fairly - If our Lord Black is to be confined in the dungeon than it would be more than fair if Richard Cheney was also put out of commission and retired to a jail cell..These two men are very similar - but they have two different codes of conduct - Cheney will indirectly do away with what he percieves as threats to his interests and ego ---- Black is from the other side - When I asked an old Canadain elite if they kill competators - the reply was "We don't do that sort of thing" - where as the Cheney set of corporates can be murderous - THAT'S THE DIFFERENCE.

Catching one of them is better than catching none.

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Catching one of them is better than catching none.

Saw an documentary following Black as a young man though the streets of London - the part where he is chatting in the back of the limo reminded my a boyish man who was having an adventure - some fun...Yes I did met an old lady who taught him at Upper Canada College...she said he cheated on his exams - and went as far as stealing answers and selling them...and Yes he got his first big break as a buisness person by some old guys that were originally rum runners that delt with Joe Kennedy and the Brofmans....I guess he spawned from very elite gangsters - much like JFK - and George Bush... Having said all of this - I believe that the man has talent...BUT his only weakness was the love and the loving of a woman...he did everything to please his wife.....for that he sits in jail.

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Saw an documentary following Black as a young man though the streets of London - the part where he is chatting in the back of the limo reminded my a boyish man who was having an adventure - some fun...Yes I did met an old lady who taught him at Upper Canada College...she said he cheated on his exams - and went as far as stealing answers and selling them...and Yes he got his first big break as a buisness person by some old guys that were originally rum runners that delt with Joe Kennedy and the Brofmans....I guess he spawned from very elite gangsters - much like JFK - and George Bush... Having said all of this - I believe that the man has talent...BUT his only weakness was the love and the loving of a woman...he did everything to please his wife.....for that he sits in jail.

Chances are that Black will be remember as a biographer who had an strange attraction to megalomaniacs men.

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At the origin of Black's troubles with his shareholders and justice, is a 2002 interview his wife granted to Vogue magazine in her London mansion, where she said that her "extravagance knows no bounds."

She brought him down.

Suck it up babs.


In August 2008, Amiel published a five-page defense of her husband in Maclean's magazine in which she portrayed herself as the victim of a gross injustice. "My life was wiped out in Chicago — at least all that mattered in it," she wrote. "What does it matter if one well-off elderly white woman with too many pairs of expensive shoes now finds her social life largely limited to visiting her dearly missed husband in a U.S. federal correctional institution."



You broke him, you bought him, babs.

Take him 'home'.

Edited by tango
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At the origin of Black's troubles with his shareholders and justice, is a 2002 interview his wife granted to Vogue magazine in her London mansion, where she said that her "extravagance knows no bounds."

She brought him down.

Suck it up babs.


Now we are getting somewhere on this issue - this poor doink would toss a millon dollar party to ensure a blow job..talk about a sissy... If there was real justice we would toss his wife in the slammer along with old Barbara Bush who's ego maniacle arrogant cruelty generated a son who brought down all of the western world..and is now spreading like a disease ..maybe estrogen is the huntress hormone..? :rolleyes:

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She lends herself well to being mocked, but that's too easy.

Conrad Black, who is currently imprisoned for mail fraud and obstruction of justice.

Mail fraud.

Obstruction of justice.

Not even anything dramatic!

Really, these are just people worth forgetting.

Truly, such arrogance is its own undoing.

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She lends herself well to being mocked, but that's too easy.

Conrad Black, who is currently imprisoned for mail fraud and obstruction of justice.

Mail fraud.

Obstruction of justice.

Not even anything dramatic!

Really, these are just people worth forgetting.

Truly, such arrogance is its own undoing.

I own nothing and am an artist and aging musican...I was engaged as a young man to the daughter of the person that Conrad was mentored by in buisness....I loved this young woman dearly but money and power got in the way - after all these years I understand that they were all human - and foolish....I feel sorry for people like Conrad...most of all I feel sorry for myself because they were to arrogant and exclusive to utlize my abilities and I feel my life was wasted in Canada - these guys bought up every company in Canada - including the judicary right up to the Surpreme Court --- do I forgive people like Conrad after all this time? YES.

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I really don't have a problem with other countries honouring Canadian citizens for doing something worthwhile but Black electing to accept a peerage entitled him to sit in the House of Lords. Do you think Canada should award Senate seats to foreign citizens for accomplishments performed in Canada?

Your comparison would be worth looking at if Black had actually been a foreigner of the United Kingdom. He was, however, not; he held dual citizenship. It was as a British citizen that Black was to be elevated to the peerage, yet, Chretien felt it was necessary to step in and block the action. Odd, given that Canadians are permitted to receive other foreign honours all the time (Legion d'honneur, Monsieur Bouchard?).

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Britian and the Crown still have tacit control over many parliments that are operational though the common wealth

Wrong, wrong, wrong, and... how can I put it? WRONG! Because Canada shares its crown with the UK no more means Britain has control over Canada's parliament than Canada has control over Britain's. The only governmental connection between Canada and the UK is that our crown and the UK's crown sit on the same head; other than that, there is no link. So, though I'm not sure whether or not Senate membership is limited to Canadian citizens only, it's pretty certain that if someone held British citizenship along with Canadian citizenship they could be appointed to the upper house, with no more favour than an individual who held both Canadian and French citizenship.

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  • 1 month later...
As a global capitalist, at the helm of a Media Empire, Black had no national allegiances, no home.

People change. People rediscover what they have foolishly lost. People eventually come to there senses and realize what family is - what national family is - and as they say - You can never go home again - well you can! Finally someone is going to look over the figures and do the math - The Supreme Court Of America is going to review Conrad Black's case - the premise is that no real damage was done the company..That fraud (gaining of something of value through deception) may have taken place - but the key is - in order to have the full effect of the terminolgy, it must be shown that damage was done to the company...

I believe they will find in the books after measuring all the wealth - that wealth was shifted about but never did anything of value actually leave the company - all monies were strickly contained within that company - the taking of petty cash from the till to be used for personal pleasures does not consitute a fraud or a theft - Conrad was not about to retire and skip town like Ron Kovall - of Bankers Exceptance (Kings' Health Centre) ....Ron took a suit case and filled it with almost 30 million in cash and split for the states with his wife - They brought him back by using his daughter as bait - Ron did less than 18 months - He was not establishment - nor did he contribute to the building of a nation and the creation of an economic global strong hold that is Canada.

On the other hand - Conrad Black - is one of the worlds top 5 executives - experienced - more connected than your average American President - a hard worker - and an intelligent man who loved his wife a little to much and wanted to please and appease her ----------To continue to waste this very wise and intelligent human resourse by confining him to a cell is sheer foolishness - he is mischievious at worst - arrogant - and proud - but he is also very useful in these very confusing and dire economic and political times ----- I pray that our American brothers press Conrad back into service and allow him to contribute again - we actually need the old buffon...

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We have no leaders in Canada - no good advisors...Harper? Ignatieff? Bob Rae? Layton - Dion - Ruby -----these are not leaders..we need to utilize our best - not our most ambitious...ambition has passed from Conrad - he is now fully experienced - right from crown heads - down to the common cell mate...lets not hate the rich - we are conservatives - rich and poor are equal - as we saw with the Ruby case - the liberals beleive that rich and poor are not equal.

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The most important is that U.S. Supreme Court did not agree to review Black's obstruction of justice conviction.

See you have done your home work - one must remember that to obstruct justice or to interfere with the flow of it in any manner you must have two things in play - first the clear and will full premeditated intent to obstruct - and secondly there has to to be justice in existance to obstruct. IF - and this might be off the wall - If a particular court has a history of being unjust - and has a history of having rulings over turned by a higher court of appeal then that court must be examined...If - as we see the American corporate world in general has lost sight of ethics in general and corruption to different degrees exists - then surely their counter parts the judicary if effected by what big buisness does and how it conducts it self in the new normal - what I see is that all of our systems have slowly over time corrupted themselves and monopoly has formed every where - this situation must be corrected - and a new start for all must occur - Holding old grudges as will not ensure a new and prosperous future - time to let go the past and move forward - learnnig from our mistakes - we have all breached moral law..legalist and lay.

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"Power is sexy, not simply in its own right, but because it inspires self-confidence in its owner and a shiver of subservience on the part of those who approach it."

Barbara Amiel (Mrs. Black is a former director at Hollinger)

You seem to like to return to Amiel. Forget about the woman for a moment...This level of power is almost occultish - and part of the criterium that has to be met before a man can take the high office is that he must be beyond the influence of a female - or for that fact family - the top dog must be cold as ice in regards to his personal life - this leaves him un-touchable - much like the Issac story in scripture - where God insisted that he take the life of his own son...to show that he was not controlable by mankind or earthly pirameters...Conrad failed the test..so what - the poor guy was no a man in the full sense of the ancient doctrine.. so the Americans figure they caught themselves a top Canadian dog - they did not - Conrad has always been a front man and a dancer for public consumption - theatre -------------those that have final influence will never be known or seen - ever ..because they are not moved or controled by what the average person is controled by...Conrad is an actor and enjoys the adventure - Much like Obama...he maybe a bit of a scoundrel but he is our scoundrel.

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so the Americans figure they caught themselves a top Canadian dog - they did not - Conrad has always been a front man and a dancer for public consumption - theatre -------------those that have final influence will never be known or seen - ever ..because they are not moved or controled by what the average person is controled by...Conrad is an actor and enjoys the adventure - Much like Obama...he maybe a bit of a scoundrel but he is our scoundrel.

I see you beside Diane Francis at the National Post:

Black failed to grasp the U.S. way; A Downfall Of Shakespearean Proportions

Diane Francis. National Post. Jul 14, 2007. pg. FP.2

"What he didn't understand is that Americans are a bunch of social Darwinists whose laws stem from Puritanical beliefs. This is why they are the only developed country in the world that still imposes capital punishment and why they go after white-collar criminals, no matter their position, with a vengeance, unlike Canada or Britain."

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Also while I'm at it - If you go back 50 years - there were to factions in control of the economic centre of Canada - the anglo scotts and brits and the jews...the jews had a section of the city that was over by what is now China town - and the Anglos hovered around Bay St..slowly the two factions merged - and even the old anglo bastion that was once controled by the oldest anglo corporation - the hudson bay company and later the eaton family - is now a mix - of Jewish and Anglo law firms and buisnesses - I noticed a look on Blacks Lawyers face when he failed to fully protect his client.....it was a look that said - I have done a dirty deed - I think it was not just the fued with the French faction in Montreal (Chrietien) but also a power play by the Jewish faction in Toronto - Conrad was in their eyes the proverbial white rhino...a torphy kill - It was a huge game that the elite played...and he took the fall - but it was a useless and damaging game that disrupted and effected our system in a negative way - Conrad was convicted out of sheer spite. He was no more guilty or innocent than a hundred other top players...There is no point in allowing what is in effect some second rate shadow government - having revenge and one upmanship...it's stupid - I say let the guy go....and screw the old lunitics that think they are gangsters from another era - gone international.

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