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Freedom of the Press, Speech, and Thought, RIP

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, You can look at the images to see if women in the photo looks like "throw away human beings":

You know, if they allowed free speech in China, you might be:

Aware of these atrocities

Allowed to discuss them

Nonetheless, in September 1997, the World Health Organization's Regional Committee for the Western Pacific issued a report claiming that "more than 50 million women were estimated to be 'missing' in China because of the institutionalized killing and neglect of girls due to Beijing's population control program that limits parents to one child


If I were you I would use your democracy to elect a diferent party....you can do that right?

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But they should be. Faith is a personal thing and in a country with such diverse beliefs, it has no place in government. Polls may show that most Canadian claim to be Christian, but when it comes down to practicing their faith or going to church, the numbers drop significantly.

I agree - even in Christianity it tells you to go into your private room to meditate and not to make pronoucements "like the heathen do in public - thinking that by praying in chants that they will be heard and honoured by other men ' to para phrase.

The occurance in the states where they removed the monolith from the court house that contained the ten commandments (laws) seemed to be an attempt at seperating church and state - but the fools were actually seperating law from the state which is unwise.

The real Christians that I have met are rough around the edges and do not attend formal churches - in fact they rarely mention their faith - they are very private..those that attend a state sponsored and sanctioned church - that is tax exempt - are not really religious...They are conformists - real religion in my mind is an on going uninstitutional state of learnnig - Institutions whether they be state or church bring learning to a stand still..Never trust a person who constantly talks about Jesus - or repeats repetative incantations - it clearly states in scripture that you are not to do that - so to tell you how I think - Christianity never fully reach the world - it was hyjacked by the Roman (state) and nothing has changed.

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China is not like Canada, most women go out work, they get achievement in all area,

They do here too. Get outside in the early AM and see them all going to work.

if you have ever watch Olympic games, you will have chance to notice women get more medals than man,

Those werent women,those were young girls not to mention in violation of the rules, but China...she no play by rules, she change birthdates....not like in Canada where you get one birthdate not numerous to support phony pride.

Dude, the whole world knows they cheated.


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Woman get "achievement" and they "go out and work" Great society that China - and they also have force abortions. And if you are a bad bad boy they charge you with a silly non-crimminal offence and kill you. Then they harvest your organs to be sold abroad...and did you see that air? That was not air that was human industrial filth....it's amazing we have people in Canada so poorly educated in real independent thought that they actually think that Marxism is wonderful...dream on.

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Woman get "achievement" and they "go out and work" Great society that China - and they also have force abortions. And if you are a bad bad boy they charge you with a silly non-crimminal offence and kill you. Then they harvest your organs to be sold abroad...and did you see that air? That was not air that was human industrial filth....it's amazing we have people in Canada so poorly educated in real independent thought that they actually think that Marxism is wonderful...dream on.

I am not going to argue with you on this. I just tell you those are mainly lies. Some of resent lies are no longer able to spread because of better freedom of speech, (we have youtube now), for the old lies, it will be hard for you to understand. Go to China and stay there for a year, you will be able to understand more.

I am in Canada for 7 years, it is very different from what I thought before I came here.

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I am not going to argue with you on this. I just tell you those are mainly lies. Some of resent lies are no longer able to spread because of better freedom of speech, (we have youtube now), for the old lies, it will be hard for you to understand. Go to China and stay there for a year, you will be able to understand more.

I am in Canada for 7 years, it is very different from what I thought before I came here.

All people and nations are lied about and disinformation is spread about I know - Last time I communicated with main land China via computer was few years ago.. From what I gathered - it was only those who operated under that auspice of the government of China, that were permitted to use the net. What I did notice is that they can be very aggressive and hateful - I did see tons of anti-American propoganda...western woman were all portrayed as over fed pigs - After about a month of banterng back and forth they figured out what city I was in --- then they in a playful fashioned - said that they were sending someone to the airport that would harm me ----- they are not that nice.

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There have been regular polls of the Afghan People. This is the msot recent:

Frustration With War, Problems in Daily Life Send Afghans' Support for U.S. Efforts Tumbling

"A new national public opinion poll in Afghanistan by ABC News, the BBC and ARD German TV finds that performance ratings and support levels for the Kabul government and its Western allies have plummeted from their peaks, particularly in the past year. Widespread strife, a resurgent Taliban, struggling development, soaring corruption and broad complaints about food, fuel, power and prices all play a role."

That does not help, because now politicians have a different agenda, they need new material.

I said at decision stage for launching the war, the overwhelming information on media had flooded over all different opinions, at that time, is there any report on what different groups of Afghanistan people thought?

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From what I gathered - it was only those who operated under that auspice of the government of China, that were permitted to use the net.

How ridiculous, China had 210 million Internet users at the end of 2007 and its online population is on course to become the world's largest at the beginning of 2008.

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How ridiculous, China had 210 million Internet users at the end of 2007 and its online population is on course to become the world's largest at the beginning of 2008.

And has the hpnour of being the most restrictive. Certaiin search providers have the dubious honour as well of working hand in hand with the oppresive regime in helping the authorities find people who search for forbidden topics...things like porn, democracy or a free Tibet.

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That does not help, because now politicians have a different agenda, they need new material.

I said at decision stage for launching the war, the overwhelming information on media had flooded over all different opinions, at that time, is there any report on what different groups of Afghanistan people thought?

We didn't need their opinion as a whole. Only that there was one large block who wanted the Taleban out and would die to do it and another block who wanted the Taleban in and who would die to see it.

In which we helped both sides achieve that end.

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You're joking right? My boss has threatened to kill me and I probably threaten to kill my deckhands at least a couple of times a season and we've all threatened certain kids that we'd use them to chum up some killer whales or skarks if they didn't behave themselves.

Kids make great bait when you drag them around behind the boat. If you tie the rope under one arm you get some really nice spinning action.


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We didn't need their opinion as a whole. Only that there was one large block who wanted the Taleban out and would die to do it and another block who wanted the Taleban in and who would die to see it.

In which we helped both sides achieve that end.

I guess some of politicians need not different opinions because they just don't like freedom of speech. They just fear of truth if the truth does not help them obtain what they want to get.

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And has the hpnour of being the most restrictive. Certaiin search providers have the dubious honour as well of working hand in hand with the oppresive regime in helping the authorities find people who search for forbidden topics...things like porn, democracy or a free Tibet.

I send several post to BBC Chinese, I never find any of my post appeared.

I send some post to CBC, about 1/4 not appeared.

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I send several post to BBC Chinese, I never find any of my post appeared.

I send some post to CBC, about 1/4 not appeared.

That proves nothing beyond tht we have a lower tolerance for tinfoil.

Try using a chinese IP and search for chinese democratic reform, Maozeedong pedophile or china out of Tibet.....

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That's probably the fault of the people being controlled. Ignorance is no excuse.

Your mind has been controlled, that is not your fault.

That is the result that some powerful people want,

for the agenda to "help" government to make policies,

for the agenda to control the world so that they can take whatever they want all over the world.

Edited by bjre
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Never trust a person who constantly talks about Jesus - or repeats repetative incantations - it clearly states in scripture that you are not to do that - so to tell you how I think - Christianity never fully reach the world - it was hyjacked by the Roman (state) and nothing has changed.

For some their religion has become like an addiction or drug of choice, and they've completely lost touch with reality. We're more accepting of this in society, than the heroine addict or alcoholic, yet often those under the influence of the Bible can commit horrendous acts.

I have a friend who is a minister, and so is her husband. We met because we are both raising grandchildren, and our paths crossed in our advocacy group.

To me she represents just what I always thought a Christian should be. She's a tireless volunteer in out community, where she doesn't preach, but acts. My sister is on the board of a local drop-in centre that provides meals and a warm place for those living on the streets, or simply finding it difficult to survive. They can get one hot meal a day for just $ 1.00 (only required if they have the $ 1.00 to give); and there is hot coffee, cold drinks, donuts, etc. served all day.

Part of the program also provides clean needles. My friend supports this because she knows she can't cure their addiciton but can at least help to stop the spread of HIV. She can be found there most days, serving food, or engaging in conversation, and has become a favourite, for her warmth and sense of humour. She leaves her Bible at home, and only discusses religion if asked. I've never even seen her pray in public.

She is a supporter of equal marriage and does not believe that homosexuals are sinners. We've never discussed abortion, though I'm sure she's pro-life; in every sense of the word, because she's avid anti-war activist.

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I am in Canada for 7 years, it is very different from what I thought before I came here.

We are so used to getting our information from gov't approved media, that we've become incapable of independant thought. I'm a natural born sceptic, so will always question 'official' reports.

I've no doubt that China commits many human rights violation, but I think we are wrong in having that define who they are. Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib have opened our eyes to the fact that everyone is capable of evil in the name of nationalism.

You are speaking from experience, so have a right to be heard, since we advocate free speech and all. Canada is not squeaky clean and our foreign policy, especially recently, is often based on ideology, not common sense or sound judgement.

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Your theory of secret control of the media doesn't stand up against known and documented suppression of human rights in China.

Your thoughts of China is based on the information obtained from the media that controlled by powerful people which is not acurite.

The human right situation in China is not like what you think.

Any conclusion you make is based on wrong information include the docuemts you love to read.

What can I expect the result to be correct?

Did you ever even take a look at the link I have post in the post #2:


It is hard and will take time for you to realize the truth even if you have a willing for that because you have exposed to the incorrect, misleading, selected information for too long time and used to trust those kind of things. "China has bad human right" has exactly the same purpose with "Iraq has WMD"

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That proves nothing beyond tht we have a lower tolerance for tinfoil.

Try using a chinese IP and search for chinese democratic reform, Maozeedong pedophile or china out of Tibet.....

Or google Harper Torture

Stephen Harper: the torture files

"Evidence of Canadian complicity in torture in Afghanistan continues to pile up. Now the particularly brave chair of the Military Police Complaints Commission, Peter Tinsley, has put the boots to Harper government apparatchiks who have tried to block an independent public inquiry into our possible involvement in war crimes. The government had done its best to derail this inquiry, as it has attempted to delay or scuttle earlier investigations of abuses.

But there will be an inquiry after all, to look into the Canadian Forces' continuing practice of handing prisoners over to the Afghans to be tortured. And it will be a wide-ranging examination, slated to begin in early December, that will shine a spotlight on possible complicity at the highest echelons of our armed forces. The government, we are told, could be "compelled to deliver documents it has long sought to hide." Meanwhile that same government may try to delay things further with an application to the federal court.

The Conservative government has shown a shocking disregard for human rights during its time in office: indeed, this is a virtual hallmark of the Harper regime. I've blogged about that national disgrace before. Whether it's the handling of prisoners of war "enemy combatants," or leaving various brown Canadians marooned in hell-holes around the globe, our government has been lying and covering up, with the usual approving grunts and yawps from Harper's knuckle-dragger chorus.

Mr. Harper, this cannot stand. Decent Canadians want a government that will neither condone nor be complicit in torture in our name, and one that will fight for the safe return of our fellow Canadians held and abused in foreign prisons--regardless of their colour."

We are not blameless, and need to put our own gov't to task before we start trying to fix what's wrong in China. They've got Saudi Arabia beat by a mile.

The Cons condemn an Ignatieff book in which he states that he does not condone torture, but presents all sides of a growing practice from what we once thought was a humane society. Writing a book is a lot different than actually handing people over to be tortured, especially when that book delves into the reasons why we should not engage in it at the levels that we currently do.

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We are so used to getting our information from gov't approved media, that we've become incapable of independant thought. I'm a natural born sceptic, so will always question 'official' reports.

I've no doubt that China commits many human rights violation, but I think we are wrong in having that define who they are. Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib have opened our eyes to the fact that everyone is capable of evil in the name of nationalism.

You are speaking from experience, so have a right to be heard, since we advocate free speech and all. Canada is not squeaky clean and our foreign policy, especially recently, is often based on ideology, not common sense or sound judgement.

There is a big defference between the unauthorized actions of Abu Graib, the allegations of Club Carribean and the state sponsored/approved brtuality of the world largest oppresser. How many for instance were charged with running down peaceful protester with tanks in Beijing?

We are so used to getting our information from gov't approved media, that we've become incapable of independant thought

There is no such thing in Canada, unless you are refering to te CBC, and the governement doesn't approve of the CBC.

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The point was that China ignores human rights and I'm just saying that so do we.

Okay....then the point is, you are wrong.

Unless you feel that indictments, trials and convictions are "ignoring", in which case, you are still wrong.

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