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60-year-old Calgary mother welcomes twins


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Ranjit Hayer tried for decades to have a child, enduring multiple miscarriages, surgery, even the trauma of being robbed by a fertility doctor. Finally, after a successful IVF treatment, the Calgary woman gave birth to twins — at age 60.

She is believed to be among the oldest Canadian women to give birth.

There is a lot of backlash against this woman.

I guess it is okay for men to father a child at this age or higher but a woman has to be a lot younger.

I can't remember the backlash against Trudeau on this.

Edited by jdobbin
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There is a lot of backlash against this woman.

I guess it is okay for women to father a child at this age or higher but a woman has to be a lot younger.

I can't remember the backlash against Trudeau on this.

A woman to FATHER a child? :lol: No wonder there is backlash - looks like the world is nuts and can not tell the difference between a mother and father. And this biological mother vs. mother - what the heck only the mother is the mother - having ranted that - It's no ones god damned buisness if the woman is 16 or 60 - It's her body and not the states or the publics! As far as support structures that were tribal and familiar - they have for the most part destroyed by our gleeful social engineers. In the past days grandmothers - aunts - even older daughters would be a remedy for any time constraint that may envelope an older woman or a younger one for that matter. Now they want us to be on our own - and the public has been conditioned to hate children and woman having them. If I was eighty and wanted to father a child - it's no ones affair - and that child would survive no matter what. A child being born is glorious and wonderful - to not be born is a travesty against devine contract and plan.

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There is a lot of backlash against this woman.

Thats no surprise. Lost of people are stupid and cant mind their own business. Plenty of people will wade in on non-sensical bs trying to justify why she shouldnt have the kids. Hang on a sec, someone will be by soon to tell us she should be billed for all of this.

But one remark did make me laugh.....

"..the idea of not having to pick the kids up to breast feed is appealing."

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A woman to FATHER a child? :lol: No wonder there is backlash - looks like the world is nuts and can not tell the difference between a mother and father.

Think we know a typo when we see it.

Sort of like how you typed in buisness and publics and devine.

And this biological mother vs. mother - what the heck only the mother is the mother - having ranted that - It's no ones god damned buisness if the woman is 16 or 60 - It's her body and not the states or the publics! As far as support structures that were tribal and familiar - they have for the most part destroyed by our gleeful social engineers. In the past days grandmothers - aunts - even older daughters would be a remedy for any time constraint that may envelope an older woman or a younger one for that matter. Now they want us to be on our own - and the public has been conditioned to hate children and woman having them. If I was eighty and wanted to father a child - it's no ones affair - and that child would survive no matter what.

It seems to be women who are talking about this most on some of the websites.

A child being born is glorious and wonderful - to not be born is a travesty against devine contract and plan.

Do you have many, many children?

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Thats no surprise. Lost of people are stupid and cant mind their own business. Plenty of people will wade in on non-sensical bs trying to justify why she shouldnt have the kids. Hang on a sec, someone will be by soon to tell us she should be billed for all of this.

It does seem to be a double standard. Many men have children into their 50s and 60s.

Edited by jdobbin
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It does seems to be a double standard. Many men have children into their 50s and 60s.

True. That joy should not be denied by those out side of the happening. Remember the out cry by the intruding masses when the daughter of Sarah Palin's young daughter was going to bare a child with the SUPPORT of the whole family. Would they have cheered if the Palin family insisted on abortion and sent the daughter off to beauty school? The people who want to condemn this 60 year old mother are the same kind that would rather toss a newborn in the river than put up 50 bucks to feed it.

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In a way I feel sorry for the kids though, because chances are they may barely spend much time with old' ma before she kicks the bucket.

Not much different than when lifespans were a lot lower in Canada. Even if women had children at a young age, they sometimes were died while they were still growing up.

I knew a bunch of old drunks who fathered kids with women 1/2 their age when I was living in Indonesia... unfortunately for the kids, dad hardly ever made it to their 10th birthday.

Were the kids worse off?

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Not much different than when lifespans were a lot lower in Canada. Even if women had children at a young age, they sometimes were died while they were still growing up.

Were the kids worse off?

If I was one of these kids and I could have been given the CHOICE..To be born and not have a living father or die so the kind people would not WORRY about my existance. I would rather be born...and take my chances. But woman have choice - what about the smaller humans? If I were a "fetus" - and I could be communicated with I would surely like to decide if I was to live or die. I like the way the writer discredits the old dads by calling them drunks --- I guess it would be fine if the old bastards were strung out on Prozac and Valium --- it's more pleasing to the eye than booze. :rolleyes:

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Not much different than when lifespans were a lot lower in Canada. Even if women had children at a young age, they sometimes were died while they were still growing up.

Were the kids worse off?

Whether they were worse off or not depended on whether the old men left their assets to their Indonesian family or with their 1st family back in Britain, Australia, Canada, or where-ever... if they didn't have the foresight to leave money to the Indo fam, then they were much worse off.

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Whether they were worse off or not depended on whether the old men left their assets to their Indonesian family or with their 1st family back in Britain, Australia, Canada, or where-ever... if they didn't have the foresight to leave money to the Indo fam, then they were much worse off.

Enough about the money - humanity has been giving birth to childern for a million years - money or no money. Some kids grow up with lots of money and go to an early grave. It's not an issue when it comes to breeding ---- do leopard frogs have a discussion about funds before fertilzing the eggs?

Frankly and I will repeat again - other peoples children are not your buisness - your children are your buisness - this takes a village crap is tiresome...Like my mother said to me prior my first child being born ---"You are a poor musican...you can not afford children - I demand that you have it aborted" - she was motivated by money - the possibility that SHE may have to part with a few dollars.

My daughter is full grown and productive - and I just dropped by to eat a steak - use the computer and have a beer. If I had listened to dear old money grubbing mom - I would be outside with a paper cup scrounging change.. :P All of my children have been a good investment and all of them are very valuable to society.

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Whether they were worse off or not depended on whether the old men left their assets to their Indonesian family or with their 1st family back in Britain, Australia, Canada, or where-ever... if they didn't have the foresight to leave money to the Indo fam, then they were much worse off.

Sounds like the old days of the Hudson Bay Company with wives in both countries.

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Sounds like the old days of the Hudson Bay Company with wives in both countries.

Takes a long time to come to bed when you have to cross an ocean by sail to visit the hot Mrs! Sounds rather pragmatic to me..and quite fair - besides - who's to know - it's not like the local trapper is going to send a letter to England out of spite.

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In a way I feel sorry for the kids though, because chances are they may barely spend much time with old' ma before she kicks the bucket.

I knew a bunch of old drunks who fathered kids with women 1/2 their age when I was living in Indonesia... unfortunately for the kids, dad hardly ever made it to their 10th birthday.

I won't feel sorry for them. Many kids grow up without even having a real family ...

However, 60 is pretty old to have a child .. she is gonna be a very tired woman.

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I won't feel sorry for them. Many kids grow up without even having a real family ...

However, 60 is pretty old to have a child .. she is gonna be a very tired woman.

It would not matter if the mother died at birth - at least a new human would be born - that's a plus. I keep running into young men who were passed about from foster family to institution then back to some other money sucking foster parents ----one such man had in total 14 - yes 14 foster homes...He would have been happy to have had a mother or father for even a few years. This detestment of the 60 year old mother reminds me of what my mother went though in England...her resentful wards (employers) - stated - You can not have children - who will clean the floors...the harsh attitude seems parallel to me. They all worry that someone might just not serve them or they will get stuck with serving someone else. WHY has woman hate and child resentment grown in todays world - it use to be birth and woman were celebrated.

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However, 60 is pretty old to have a child .. she is gonna be a very tired woman.

It is not tiring when the 60 year old is saddle with tons of grandchildren to look after. It is troubling when the wee ones are her own children.

The length some women go to have children is amazing, some steal newborns, it is something I cannot comprehend.

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There is a lot of backlash against this woman.

I guess it is okay for men to father a child at this age or higher but a woman has to be a lot younger.

I can't remember the backlash against Trudeau on this.

The father of these children is 60 years old as well. There is a good chance that these children could be orphans before they're in high-school.

At least Trudeau's last love-child had a young healthy mother to look after it. I don't know if there was a backlash, but to me it does make him seem like something of an old fool.


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The father of these children is 60 years old as well. There is a good chance that these children could be orphans before they're in high-school.

Is the health of either parent an issue?

At least Trudeau's last love-child had a young healthy mother to look after it. I don't know if there was a backlash, but to me it does make him seem like something of an old fool.

What makes you think the child was his choice?

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There is a lot of backlash against this woman.

I guess it is okay for men to father a child at this age or higher but a woman has to be a lot younger.

I can't remember the backlash against Trudeau on this.

Women are usually the primary caregivers for children, that's the difference. If it's good enough for divorce court, it's good enough for social perceptions as well. When grandpa has a baby, we assume it's with someone who is of child-rearing age, not the case with grandma.

Having said that, I personally don't like it when either gender has babies when they're grandparent age. I feel the same way about people of either gender who date much younger than themselves... I don't see the gender bias in it at all where it's 'normal' for older men to date younger women whereas women are 'cougars'.

Both genders are selfish for having babies so late in life and both genders are having a difficult time with their own maturity if they exclusively date people much younger than themselves.

Just my two cents.

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Both genders are selfish for having babies so late in life and both genders are having a difficult time with their own maturity if they exclusively date people much younger than themselves.

What age do you think is too old?

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What age do you think is too old?

For dating younger people or having children? :P

No, but seriously, with the average-life expectancy getting higher, I think 45 or so is a good time to start giving up on fulfilling that human instinct, just for the sake of the child at least. 50 is getting unreasonable and anything near the golden age pretty much crosses the line.

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For dating younger people or having children? :P

Think we have the answer for having children below. For dating?

No, but seriously, with the average-life expectancy getting higher, I think 45 or so is a good time to start giving up on fulfilling that human instinct, just for the sake of the child at least. 50 is getting unreasonable and anything near the golden age pretty much crosses the line.

Do you think IVF clinics should have rules against anything older?

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Think we have the answer for having children below. For dating?

Do you think IVF clinics should have rules against anything older?

Noway! You were asking about gender bias and social outrage, neither of which have anything to do legislating morality. I don't 'like' to see 12 year olds having children either, but what people do with their lives is ultimately nobody else's business but their own.

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Noway! You were asking about gender bias and social outrage, neither of which have anything to do legislating morality.

I wasn't thinking about legislation. It seems Canadian clinic have their own internal rules. I just don't know what they are.

I don't 'like' to see 12 year olds having children either, but what people do with their lives is ultimately nobody else's business but their own.

I don't know that a 12 year old can get access to an IVF clinic.

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Come'on people, let's call it like it is. These people were totally irresponsible. Afterall, if that was the case made against Sarah Palin for choosing to have a child at the age of 43, then this is irresponsibility times a thousand. You people could at least try to be consistent.

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