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Tory aide tried to scuttle Hanukah event, school says


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Prove what I said wrong then talk to me. If the Jews didn't conspire with the Romans then what happened Toad? Enlighten me.

You're being partisan and petty, grow up please. Are you an adult?

The Jews were even in the First Century a rather large number of people living throughout the area of Roman Palestine, with colonies even back then elsewhere in the Empire. At best you might say some Jews in Jerusalem demanded his death, but to say an entire ethnic group who lived in a wide area from Egypt to Spain were responsible for some guy's death is ludicrous to the extreme.

The Jews did not kill Jesus, *some* Jews allegedly demanded his death, and that's only if you actually accept the highly problematic Gospels as being, well, the gospel truth.

It's not my fault you're a historically ignorant xenophobic bigot. Don't blame me because you hold views that the major Christian churches have finally backed down from. The theology is clear, Jesus was supposed to die (if you believe the Bible). Pilate, the Jews of Jerusalem and Judas Iscariot himself were merely doing what was required of them. After all, if everyone had said "Ah, he's just a goofy holy man" and let him be, I guess there wouldn't be a Christianity at all, and you'd probably be here bitching because some liberal urban Mithraist temple in Toronto was performing same-sex ceremonies.

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If you don't live your faith you're a Catholic by Baptism and nothing else. You choose to not live your faith because it's too hard for you. Don't feel bad, it's hard for many people to put their faith ahead of the secular society.

Well at least you've entered the correct and true Christianity. Perhaps in time you'll mature spiritually and return. I'm an extreme moral conservative, even for Catholicism and many in my Parish are much more Liberal than I.

Dang, even when I try to say something reasonable I sound like a jerk. Hopefully you catch what I'm trying to say.

I'm Protestant,Mr.Halton Hills..Martin Luther and John Calvin were correct.We've had a reformation,in case you have'nt heared,about 500 years ago.If you want to believe the stuff that comes out of The Vatican,and this current man in a funny hat,then go ahead.The NAZI Pope does'nt speak for me!

Having said that,I don't totally disagree with you on moral issues.However,I have always felt that because they are moral issues,they are personal issues between Jesus and myself.I cannot impose my morality on you anymore than you can do the same to me.As Christians,we can only admonish those who we know are sinning to change,or face Judgement.I am far from perfect myself,and probably sin every day.All I can do is ask for forgiveness from the Creator,Yaweh,and try to live my life correctly.

You should really try and understand that you only speak for yourself,and your sanctimonious tone only turns people against you.I pressume that's the opposite of what you want,yes?

Edited by Jack Weber
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The Jews were even in the First Century a rather large number of people living throughout the area of Roman Palestine, with colonies even back then elsewhere in the Empire. At best you might say some Jews in Jerusalem demanded his death, but to say an entire ethnic group who lived in a wide area from Egypt to Spain were responsible for some guy's death is ludicrous to the extreme.

The Jews did not kill Jesus, *some* Jews allegedly demanded his death, and that's only if you actually accept the highly problematic Gospels as being, well, the gospel truth.

It's not my fault you're a historically ignorant xenophobic bigot. Don't blame me because you hold views that the major Christian churches have finally backed down from. The theology is clear, Jesus was supposed to die (if you believe the Bible). Pilate, the Jews of Jerusalem and Judas Iscariot himself were merely doing what was required of them. After all, if everyone had said "Ah, he's just a goofy holy man" and let him be, I guess there wouldn't be a Christianity at all, and you'd probably be here bitching because some liberal urban Mithraist temple in Toronto was performing same-sex ceremonies.

Yeah, I said the same thing. I didn't want to waste time typing all sorts of stuff that's common knowledge. You knew what I was saying so what's the big deal? You're that sensitive that I need to spell out every detail for you to be happy? Lol, just ignore my posts from now on if you're going to be so anal about everything.

Ah and finally more typical lefty name calling. When I post facts or disagree with them I get name called, lol.

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He was born a Jew and was telling the Jews they would die sinners if they didn't accept that Jesus as the Messiah.

He said that? What passage of the bible are you referring to?

Jesus Christ was to save both jews and Gentiles together but the Jews weren't having any of it and set up Jesus Christ and we now have Easter.

Funny. It seems that Jesus and the apostles were all Jewish. They were having none of it?

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I'm Protestant,Mr.Halton Hills..Martin Luther and John Calvin were correct.We've had a reformation,in case you have'nt heared,about 500 years ago.If you want to believe the stuff that comes out of The Vatican,and this current man in a funny hat,then go ahead.The NAZI Pope does'nt speak for me!

Having said that,I don't totally disagree with you on moral issues.However,I have always felt that because they are moral issues,they are personal issues between Jesus and myself.I cannot impose my morality on you anymore than you can do the same to me.As Christians,we can only admonish those who we know are sinning to change,or face Judgement.I am far from perfect myself,and probably sin every day.All I can do is ask for forgiveness from the Creator,Yaweh,and try to live my life correctly.

You should really try and understand that you only speak for yourself,and your sanctimonious tone only turns people against you.I pressume that's the opposite of what you want,yes?

I was born a Protestant and converted through RCIA as I didn't like the road that Protestantism was going down. Plus Sola Scriptura is a flawed logic that has many holes in it as everything cannot be explained by the Bible alone which is what Protestantism is as there is no head of the Church like the Pope for the RCC.

Every branch of Christianity outside the Catholic Church is just a watered down form of the real McCoy. Catholicism is the purist form of Christianity. More name calling, how unoriginal. You aren't Catholic so why would he speak for you?

I come here looking for conflict as I know my views are to the right of many here. I enjoy the heated exchanges, I think the left does too. How fun would it be if everyone agreed all the time? No new ideas would come about.

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He said that? What passage of the bible are you referring to?

Funny. It seems that Jesus and the apostles were all Jewish. They were having none of it?

John 8:24, Romans 3:9 and 6:23 Outlines it all.

I know what you're trying to do dobbin, you're trying to trip me up so you can point and say that I don't know what I'm talking about. Knock it off.

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I was born a Protestant and converted through RCIA as I didn't like the road that Protestantism was going down. Plus Sola Scriptura is a flawed logic that has many holes in it as everything cannot be explained by the Bible alone which is what Protestantism is as there is no head of the Church like the Pope for the RCC.

Every branch of Christianity outside the Catholic Church is just a watered down form of the real McCoy. Catholicism is the purist form of Christianity. More name calling, how unoriginal. You aren't Catholic so why would he speak for you?

I come here looking for conflict as I know my views are to the right of many here. I enjoy the heated exchanges, I think the left does too. How fun would it be if everyone agreed all the time? No new ideas would come about.

I tend to agree with you that Protestantism is luke warm when it comes to preaching End Time Prophecy and in its soft pedaling of what sin is.Please refer to the 3rd chapter of the Book of Revelation,and Jesus 7th Letter to the Church of Laodocea,as an accurate depiction of the current Churh Age.And I can agree with you that almost all sects of Christianity come from Roman Catholocism,however,what is a Protestant?He/she is PROTESTING CATHOLIC!Martin Luther's protestations of the heavy handed actions of the Catholic church were correct.They still are!!!

Ratzenberger does'nt speak for me.John Paul ll was a Pope I had alot of respect for.Ratzenberger in the last two years has effectively pissed off every montheistic faith in some way or another.He seems to be one of the greatest minds of the 10th century.John Paul opened much dialogue and understanding between the faiths,and was the biggest catalyst for ending the Cold War because he had the moral authority(unlike President Reagan), while this clown has built them back up.If you don't like the tem "NAZI Pope",question your local parrish priest as to why a former Hitler Youth member can reach these hieghts?.

The Catholic Church is the purist form of Christianity?I know some southern Baptists who might disagree with you.Mr.Halton Hills,I'm afraid your version of Christianity does'nt corner the market on that one.

Edited by Jack Weber
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Ratzenberger does'nt speak for me.John Paul ll was a Pope I had alot of respect for.Ratzenberger in the last two years has effectively pissed off every montheistic faith in some way or another.He seems to be one of the greatest minds of the 10th century.John Paul opened much dialogue and understanding between the faiths,and was the biggest catalyst for ending the Cold War because he had the moral authority(unlike President Reagan), while this clown has built them back up.If you don't like the tem "NAZI Pope",question your local parrish priest as to why a former Hitler Youth member can reach these hieghts?.

The Catholic Church is the purist form of Christianity?I know some southern Baptists who might disagree with you.Mr.Halton Hills,I'm afraid your version of Christianity does'nt corner the market on that one.

You aren't Catholic so no Pope speaks for you. All youth in Germany were part of the Nazi Youth movement it wasn't optional.

Catholic means literally Universal. It was the Church started by Jesus Christ and St. Peter. Cannot get purer then that. Baptists started in what ? The 16 century or so, some 15-1600 years after the RCC. As with many Protestants there is no head of the Baptist Church so teachings vary from Church to Church. Not very pure. Plus the Sola Scriptura problem again.

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John 8:24, Romans 3:9 and 6:23 Outlines it all.

8:24 is not specific to Jews as you claim.

Romans 3:9 outlined how no religion had special dispensation for mercy from God.

Romans 6:23 is not specific to Jews either.

I know what you're trying to do dobbin, you're trying to trip me up so you can point and say that I don't know what I'm talking about. Knock it off.

Your are trying to attribute passage of the bible as being specifically aimed at Jews. They aren't. Knock it off.

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You aren't Catholic so no Pope speaks for you. All youth in Germany were part of the Nazi Youth movement it wasn't optional.

Catholic means literally Universal. It was the Church started by Jesus Christ and St. Peter. Cannot get purer then that. Baptists started in what ? The 16 century or so, some 15-1600 years after the RCC. As with many Protestants there is no head of the Baptist Church so teachings vary from Church to Church. Not very pure. Plus the Sola Scriptura problem again.

That's a cop out,Mr.Halton Hills...I've met former members of the Hitler Youth.Their views have not changed and I doubt Ratzenberger's have either.No Pope speaks for me,that's the beauty of Protestantism.The Papacy only has authority over Catholics,not the rest of us,no matter how much you think it should.

The Bible is the only infallable source of religious authority,not a guy in a funny hat in Rome!

October 31,1517....The day the "purity" of the Catholic Church was revealed....95 theses...Thank you,Martin Luther....

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The Bible is the only infallable source of religious authority,

Is it? I've always thought the bible was the translation of interpretation of a translation that is updated regularly to meet the ever changing grammar over the years. There is also no publicly known original text of the bible either. I've compared a couple versions of the bible and there are several subtle differences through out the entire bible. Which makes me wonder which one is more accurate?

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Is it? I've always thought the bible was the translation of interpretation of a translation that is updated regularly to meet the ever changing grammar over the years. There is also no publicly known original text of the bible either. I've compared a couple versions of the bible and there are several subtle differences through out the entire bible. Which makes me wonder which one is more accurate?

Their are original texts, they are scrolls and the church of the day decided on which would be included and which wouldn't. That is why their was such contraversy over the dead sea scrolls.

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The Bible is the only infallable source of religious authority,not a guy in a funny hat in Rome!

The Bible you're holding is a Catholic Bible first of all, all Bibles are. Next, it is a council which decides the direction of he Church and the Pope is merely the head of that council.

Thirdly, Sola Scriptura is incorrect in many ways and is flawed. It is not the only infallible source. Scripture and Tradition is the key.

Lastly, Man cannot interpret the Scriptures accurately without the Holy Mother Church. Scripture is the product of Tradition of the Church and neither can be wrong or the Holy Spirit would also be wrong.

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Oh, Mr. Canada....we need to talk.

"I enjoy how the left uses Christianity when it suits them but bashes it when it doesn't.

You don't get to use my religion as a shield sorry. You made that decision when you

became an secular socialist atheist. What else do you have?"

This is exactly why we need to separate Church and State. Doctrine has no place in politics when the population is so diverse. I can never have a conversation with anyone from the extreme Right without eventually being referred to as a Godless Socialist, or something similar. What the heck? Who is really using their religion as a shield?

The thread was about a Tory Aide attempting to prohibit the attendance of a school Hanukah celebration by the Liberal leader. It shouldn't really matter whether it was a Jewish, Muslim, Christian, etc. event. You can't use intimidation for political gain.

"Well you're obviously conceding that Jesus Christ was a real person who was alive at a

point in history. Good for you, seriously. More socialists need to come to this realization."

Few so-called socialists would argue this point. There is a lot of historical proof that a man named Jesus of Nazareth did exist and was put to death for his beliefs. There is none however, that he was the son of God. Only Faith in that belief validates the claim. You have that Faith shared by billions. I support it when your religion inspires you to do good, but you lose that support when it encourages hatred or arrogance, because it means that you've completely missed the point.

I was raised Catholic but the new Religous Right movement has caused me to question my faith. You might say I'm in transition.

You do have one thing right though, Mr. Canada. "How fun would it be if everyone agreed all the time? No new ideas would come about." Just stick to the topic because narrow minded attitudes do nothing to sell your religion.

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Mr. Canada, you don't deserve a response, but if you must know, I belong to the same religion as you. I am a Confirmed Catholic. That said, I don't agree with much of church doctrine, and so I choose to believe on my own.

How does that make you a "confirmed Catholic"? Wouldn't that make you a lapsed Catholic? I mean, you either believe in Church doctrine or you don't. If you don't, you leave.

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I'm Protestant,Mr.Halton Hills..Martin Luther and John Calvin were correct.We've had a reformation,in case you have'nt heared,about 500 years ago.If you want to believe the stuff that comes out of The Vatican,and this current man in a funny hat,then go ahead.The NAZI Pope does'nt speak for me!

I have a feeling you wear a tinfoil hat to protect yourself from the evil brainwaves the man in the funny hat sends out with his mind!

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I have undertaken the sacrament of confirmation. I am a Confirmed Catholic as far as the Church is concerned.

Yeah, me too. But so what? I haven't been in a church - aside from funerals and weddings - in 30 years. I'm not much of a Catholic, and I don't believe in a variety of doctrines the Church preaches. I am just not a very religious person, so I wouldn't go around calling myself a "confirmed Catholic" for that implies otherwise.

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Also, I'm quite sure that almost every member of the Church doesn't believe all of its doctrine. That would mean almost everyone within the Church was a lapsed Catholic (though they probably agree with far more than I do).

The real Catholics are the ones who go to church regularly, take part in Church activities, pray, and abide by Church rules. Well, except birth control. I have a feeling even most of the religious Catholics roll their eyes at that one.

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I am just not a very religious person, so I wouldn't go around calling myself a "confirmed Catholic" for that implies otherwise.

I am in the same boat as you, and I agree. He simply asked me what religion I was, and so I told him. I was simply speaking of confirmation in the sense of the sacrament and nothing else. I apologize for any confusion and I apologize if it seemed I was misrepresenting what I was.

I am a Catholic, but not one that is actively involved within the Church.

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The real Catholics are the ones who go to church regularly, take part in Church activities, pray, and abide by Church rules.

Well, I pray (well, to a degree), but other than that, no I don't do any of the other things. Thinking of it, you're right, and I really don't consider myself to be a part of the Church. I technically am, but I don't go very often (or at all really anymore).

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Lol. I never said I hated Jews and you know it dobbin. Fun though hehe.

If you don't hate Jews, why do you consistently make comments of the sort which appear on anti-Semitic websites? For example, in previous posts you claimed that Karl Marx was a Jew even though he was an atheist. You referred to Jews as a race even though Judaism is a religion. You refer in your posts to "Jewish Bolshevism", a pejorative anti-Semitic expression used by Hitler, the authors of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and numerous Holocaust Denial websites. It is a mystery to me why the moderator hasn't banned you for your persistent anti-Semitic comments. Perhaps the moderator is giving you the benefit of the doubt by assuming that your level of intelligence precludes you from realizing that your comments are anti-Semitic.

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