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The best way to know U.S. politics is to view " Obama Deception Full Length " on youtube.com

Also download the free Obama Deception Guide :


There is no Left or Right in US politics , they are only acting in front of the camera. When off camera, the Left and the Right go to parties and dinner...etc.

The only people controlling the White House is the International Bankers and the US Presidency is only a puppet post.

For the explanation of all these wars in the past 100 years, please check out the link below and then read all the links of that site. One thing for sure, we have been sidetracked to petty issues while something deadly serious, threatening to Mankind is being secretly engineered.


And the relationship between that conspiracy theory and racism is?

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Actually I have been to Japan, S.Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan.

To a Japanese person a Korean is a white to a black man in north America.

Japan has a very rich and deep culture, and in no way do I insult them by stating that they are naturally an isolationist country. But they are. "Japanese only", "no wide eyes allowed", all signs I've come across in Japan. The young generation may love American culture, but the Japanese nationalists may not be so friendly. You should talk to some, I have.

Japan has a history of suspicion to those outside of it, I would suggest you read about British and American traders murdered in Japan when it first opened its shores. Japan is a beautiful and highly developed country, but socially there are skeletons in its closet. In addition; Japan in its history had no colonization aspirations until the British and Americans forced them to open up and they saw that the only way to industrialize was to have access to natural resources which it did not have, we know the rest of the story.

Japan is homogeneous as a nation. It is an island. Japan did not create colonies with slaves in the western hemisphere. If it did, it would have the same issues as contemporary western nations such as America and Brazil, and to a far lesser extent Canada. Britain is a special case since it is the opposite of Japan, they are very open and have a history of encouraging free trade and migration of people (Canada, America, and Australia for example).

I actually don't know what to say regarding the rest of your post since it is a rather useless rant regarding Japanese sport, opera, useless youtube links which is no different than any other modern day country so I'll leave it at that.

I would never attempt to justify the "wide eyed" peoples... they have done to much harm to Japan to be forgiven. And the nationalistic Japan understands that the sickness that currently afflicts the West (the idiot pop morality of Political Correctness) is a cancerous ideology, they're not as stupid as us in fact.

Tell a Japanese that all races are precisely equal and he'll look at you like you belong in an insane asylum, tell him that diversity is a strength and that Japan would be better off if it imported 3 million Mexicans and 1 million Nigerians and it would call for the men in the white coats, and they'd put you in a nice padded cell.

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I would never attempt to justify the "wide eyed" peoples... they have done to much harm to Japan to be forgiven. And the nationalistic Japan understands that the sickness that currently afflicts the West (the idiot pop morality of Political Correctness) is a cancerous ideology, they're not as stupid as us in fact.

Tell a Japanese that all races are precisely equal and he'll look at you like you belong in an insane asylum, tell him that diversity is a strength and that Japan would be better off if it imported 3 million Mexicans and 1 million Nigerians and it would call for the men in the white coats, and they'd put you in a nice padded cell.

Japan's economy in the last 25 years has been stagnant. I'm not sure why you keep comparing a so called "sick" west with a nation which has not grown economically in three decades. And now Japan is just as hard hit by the economic meltdown as any other nation.

Of course if you're a race hater (well...color skin hater) then the perception that the "west" is sick is definitely understandable. If you base everything in your life on race, then yes, you're in for a long miserable future. However if you live, and let live, then I don't see how the "west" is sicker than any other place in the world.

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I think cultural differences are what we notice. For example, I'm the same 'race' as lictor, but his culture is entirely foreign to me. We speak the same 'language' but with entirely different meaning.

And it's a mistake to assume that race or culture differences are hierarchical in any pre-determined way, though they are in practice in some places sometimes.

We're just different.

But white supremacists are a 'different' kind of different ... so you see I'm doing it too.

omigod ... i'm prejudiced against white supremacists! :blink::lol:

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  • 3 months later...
Japan's economy in the last 25 years has been stagnant. I'm not sure why you keep comparing a so called "sick" west with a nation which has not grown economically in three decades. And now Japan is just as hard hit by the economic meltdown as any other nation.

Of course if you're a race hater (well...color skin hater) then the perception that the "west" is sick is definitely understandable. If you base everything in your life on race, then yes, you're in for a long miserable future. However if you live, and let live, then I don't see how the "west" is sicker than any other place in the world.


Japan is stagnating!?!!?! really? you mean like 95% of the rest of the world? you do realize that we're in a GLOBAL financial recession right? btw they occupy the second GDP rank... but their "going through an economic meltdown?! Japan is VASTLY more modern then any number of western cities. They have the BEST service economy in the world. and they achieved their status with relatively far less natural resources then any other country in the world.

If you cannot see the racial hatreds that fester in the western world, if you cannot see the demographic disaster we are heading towards, if you are oblivious to the complete destruction of our social fabric which will be inevitable soon, if you cannot see the log rolling time wasting and downright silly institute of race relations in our unhappy civilization, if you cannot see the dangers... then you have every right to enjoy your ignorance... but please retain sufficient decency to not impose your blindness on others though.

If you swallowed the nonsensical mantra of "diversity is our strength" and think that racial diversity is actually a bonus of some sorts... then goodbye and good luck...

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One thing for sure, we have been sidetracked to petty issues while something deadly serious, threatening to Mankind is being secretly engineered.

There is nothing threatening to mankind that is "secretly" being engineered. We all know what we want and government is giving it to us. Check out the United Nations website they aren't hiding any engineering. The future is outlined there.

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Japan is stagnating!?!!?! really? you mean like 95% of the rest of the world? you do realize that we're in a GLOBAL financial recession right? btw they occupy the second GDP rank... but their "going through an economic meltdown?! Japan is VASTLY more modern then any number of western cities. They have the BEST service economy in the world. and they achieved their status with relatively far less natural resources then any other country in the world.

Crap. You still postin?

Japan will have an ecomonic crisis more than other countries. Because of their overal homogenous and xenophibic culture, we see a situation where there are more old people than young. And the birthrate is lower than the deathrate. The population is shrinking. And that means economic problems.

If you cannot see the racial hatreds that fester in the western world, if you cannot see the demographic disaster we are heading towards, if you are oblivious to the complete destruction of our social fabric which will be inevitable soon, if you cannot see the log rolling time wasting and downright silly institute of race relations in our unhappy civilization, if you cannot see the dangers... then you have every right to enjoy your ignorance... but please retain sufficient decency to not impose your blindness on others though.

We have the powers that be that keep up the segregation. They benefit from it. They pit the white against the black, because the more we fight among ourselves the less we fight united against them. It is a classic form of divide and conquer. They tell us what the divide is and we run with it. But yet not understanding that the powers that be want us to infight amongst ourselves. You have obviously taken the bait. And by every race thread we have on this board, you have shown what kind of 'racist' you actually are.

I will also call you out on your statement that you have actually been to Japan. For the record, I have not, but I'd love to go.

If you swallowed the nonsensical mantra of "diversity is our strength" and think that racial diversity is actually a bonus of some sorts... then goodbye and good luck...

/facepalm ... Why do you still post? I live in Ottawa and we are quite diverese here. If I never moved to Ottawa, I would have never experienced the foods of many different cultures. I am a fan of the Lebanese food, and we have some fine Indian cuisine, along with a couple good chinese, japanese and other asian restaraunts. I also had taken martial arts, and taken part in some cultural traditions I'd normally not be exposed to. I don't fear differences, I embrace them. Because we may be different, but I believe we can exchange cultures and understand each other more. More integration more understanding, and the more we can appreciate each others differences and at the same time we can celebrate our similarities.

Its cultural diversity, not race diversity. You are really the only one here pushing any kind of race agenda. And others like me have called you out on it. Was the reason you did not post in a couple months due to a 'time out' given to you by the mods?

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Crap. You still postin?

Japan will have an ecomonic crisis more than other countries. Because of their overal homogenous and xenophibic culture, we see a situation where there are more old people than young. And the birthrate is lower than the deathrate. The population is shrinking. And that means economic problems.

We have the powers that be that keep up the segregation. They benefit from it. They pit the white against the black, because the more we fight among ourselves the less we fight united against them. It is a classic form of divide and conquer. They tell us what the divide is and we run with it. But yet not understanding that the powers that be want us to infight amongst ourselves. You have obviously taken the bait. And by every race thread we have on this board, you have shown what kind of 'racist' you actually are.

I will also call you out on your statement that you have actually been to Japan. For the record, I have not, but I'd love to go.

/facepalm ... Why do you still post? I live in Ottawa and we are quite diverese here. If I never moved to Ottawa, I would have never experienced the foods of many different cultures. I am a fan of the Lebanese food, and we have some fine Indian cuisine, along with a couple good chinese, japanese and other asian restaraunts. I also had taken martial arts, and taken part in some cultural traditions I'd normally not be exposed to. I don't fear differences, I embrace them. Because we may be different, but I believe we can exchange cultures and understand each other more. More integration more understanding, and the more we can appreciate each others differences and at the same time we can celebrate our similarities.

Its cultural diversity, not race diversity. You are really the only one here pushing any kind of race agenda. And others like me have called you out on it. Was the reason you did not post in a couple months due to a 'time out' given to you by the mods?

stop spewing your half cooked drivel...

Japan's culture is more diverse then any other in the world... the fact taht because they don't have any black or brown faces (which seems to anger you for some inexplicable reason) doesn't mean that there are many many ways of being Japanese.


Your solution import 1million somalis? that's going to make our culture stronger? NO!


the most intelligent, brave, bold new way tackling the problem of low skilled labor is actually what the Japanese are doing... INVENTING CLEVER ROBOTS TO PERMANENTLY END THE NEED FOR BORING REPETITIOUS LABOR...

THAT'S WHAT WE SHOULD BE DOING! The Japanese are in an upward ascent towards a newer and a higher civilization, one that doesn't need a huge welfare class of chip factory workers...

Either way the cost of doing business in Japan is already so much better then our own... as I said Japan has the notable advantage of not having to allocate resources or money to fighting invisible ghosts and log rolling schemes like racism, affirmative action and similar nonsense.

and of course yuo've never been to Japan, that obvious from the beginning

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Ghost hacked,

I don't think you see the pitfalls of politically engineered cultural diversity. In and of itself cultural diversity is fine and we all gradually assimilate into adopting the best of each one and forming a new culture. It's an ever-evolving process.

What occurs with government engineered multiculturalism is that the process of evolution to a common culutre and assimilation of all into one is it is an enforcement and encourages cultures to not adopt the prevailing social and cultural mores and values but to continue negating any adoption of them.

I can't think of anything more divisive than entrenching culture within cultures. This is the divide and conquer technique of which you mention. We are already seeing laws being made to "protect" cultures from "uniting" which is basically a statement to other cultures that all your demands will be met lest we be seen as bigots and racists. It is very costly and, as I said, divisive.

In the short term, you can enjoy the cuisine of different cultures in the long term your culture becomes theirs not a melting pot of common purpose and values.

In this sense lictor has a point. I think we need to ensure people who immigrate here are up to living in a twenty first century world of tolerance and acceptance. We can't always be making the concessions to accommodate nor should we - especially from a political perspective.

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Ghost hacked,

I don't think you see the pitfalls of politically engineered cultural diversity. In and of itself cultural diversity is fine and we all gradually assimilate into adopting the best of each one and forming a new culture. It's an ever-evolving process.

It always has been an ever-evolving process. Cultures mix, become new ones, old ones fade out or die. This has been happening for thousands of years. Perhaps more.

What occurs with government engineered multiculturalism is that the process of evolution to a common culutre and assimilation of all into one is it is an enforcement and encourages cultures to not adopt the prevailing social and cultural mores and values but to continue negating any adoption of them.

What I would hope it would result in is, those people who have brought over their culture open their eyes to ours as well. They can take the good parts of their culture, trash the bad parts and integrate into ours. We at the same time can trash our bad parts and take their good parts. This creates an understanding.

I can't think of anything more divisive than entrenching culture within cultures. This is the divide and conquer technique of which you mention. We are already seeing laws being made to "protect" cultures from "uniting" which is basically a statement to other cultures that all your demands will be met lest we be seen as bigots and racists. It is very costly and, as I said, divisive.

I can't see a better way of integrating us which can result in less racsism as a whole. The more we integrate, interact and understand each other, the more we can get along as a whole. People are simply afraid of change or losing their culture or identity. That not need to happen. I am a Canadain, with a German background. I can take the good parts of German culture and apply it to my everyday life. I can also take the good parts of Canadian culture and combine the two into something that means something to me.

In the short term, you can enjoy the cuisine of different cultures in the long term your culture becomes theirs not a melting pot of common purpose and values.

Actualy like I said, I take part of that culture and make it part of my culture. As they have taken parts of Canadian culture and integrated into their own. We now have a great deal of similarities, but yet we do see some differences. We simply not need to be afraid of those differences. When we become afraid, we get long threads like this.

In this sense lictor has a point. I think we need to ensure people who immigrate here are up to living in a twenty first century world of tolerance and acceptance. We can't always be making the concessions to accommodate nor should we - especially from a political perspective.

I don't disagree with that for a moment. We do need to filter out the criminal element from the people that are immigrating to Canada. We need to filter out those who would become a problem and those who are determined to become a problem in Canada. This is not rasicm or a form of ethnic-racism. This is a form of rational thinking to keep the rest of those who want to come into Canada and start a new life, safe.

My Oma and Opa immigrated to Canada just after WWII. They wanted something better for themselves and the future of the familiy. They left the baggage behind (well Opa still has some unreasonable baggage from the war) to create a new life. My Oma loved Canada with all her heart before she passed away a couple years ago. She loved the english language and how she could express herself better with the variety within the english language. She made Canada part of her culture. She basicly is the model for most of my thinking in my adult life. She is also the reason why I think religion should be personal. I never knew how religious she was, she kept it to herself for the most part, knowing the children are not going to see it exactly as she sees it. She was a fearless woman. And one of the strongest people I will ever meet.

She is an example of what can happen if you just are not afriad of change, and not afraid of each other.


We can also look at other homogenous societies on this planet. Saudi Arabia is one of them.

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Japan is stagnating!?!!?! really? you mean like 95% of the rest of the world? you do realize that we're in a GLOBAL financial recession right? btw they occupy the second GDP rank... but their "going through an economic meltdown?! Japan is VASTLY more modern then any number of western cities. They have the BEST service economy in the world. and they achieved their status with relatively far less natural resources then any other country in the world.

If you cannot see the racial hatreds that fester in the western world, if you cannot see the demographic disaster we are heading towards, if you are oblivious to the complete destruction of our social fabric which will be inevitable soon, if you cannot see the log rolling time wasting and downright silly institute of race relations in our unhappy civilization, if you cannot see the dangers... then you have every right to enjoy your ignorance... but please retain sufficient decency to not impose your blindness on others though.

If you swallowed the nonsensical mantra of "diversity is our strength" and think that racial diversity is actually a bonus of some sorts... then goodbye and good luck...

If Japan was given the choice they would have colonized and absorbed millions of non-Japanese. It would have ended for them as it is for Europe and American nations. Colonialism followed by milticulturalism for the conquered or enslaved people. Japanese breakaway colonies would have to contend with the sins of the mother country's past policies and it would be reflective in the overall demographics of such regions.

However Japan had no such choice, the terms of their surrender after WW2 bound them to their tiny archipelago of islands. They had to make do with what they had. It doesn't change the fact that since the late 80s, Japan's economy has not grown more than 2.3% per anum, and many countries have caught up and even overtook Japan's GDP per capita, Canada being one of these countries. In fact...using Canada as an example, our GDP per capita 20 years ago was 2/3 of the Japanese and today we are a few percentage points higher. Canada of course has had an immigration boom and as a nation and as a collective Canadians have become richer, while the opposite has happened to the Japanese.

Lets look at some other regions...

The Chinese GDP growth per capita is still 8% (with an asset bubble forming in the housing market). The overall African continent's annual GDP growth was 5.54%. At this rate a nation such as Nigerian with a population of 200m by 2020 and projected annual GDP growth of 6.6%-7% will be in the G20 and China will be a close 2nd to the US in terms of total GDP (however it will lag behind significantly in GDP per Capita). India's growth is 7.3% annually.

In 20 years time the global economy will look vastly different. China and Brazil will be powerhouses, Africa will be rapidly catching up and fervorous resource nationalism will sweep that continent ("we're no longer going to sell you oil"), we're already seeing this in Nigeria's Shell woes with 95% taxes per barrel and Ghana's Kosmos oil field deal mishaps. Certain African nations (Nigeria, Angola, Kenya, Congo, current winners of global economic policies) will be deciding factors of how China's growth will occur.

India's growth will be stable. They will be a powerhouse.

So having some Indians, Nigerians, and Chinese in Canada in the long run can only be good for trade relations with these emergent powers.

As for Japan, if they don't get their act together they could be fighting for scraps.

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We can also look at other homogenous societies on this planet. Saudi Arabia is one of them.

And the least homogeneous, Canada, Singapore, Qatar, UAE, France (least homogeneous in Europe), USA, Barbados (90% black but different cultures), all highly developed and relatively wealthy.

Even as Australia dropped its white only immigration policy and has began filling up with other cultures, it has overtaken Japan as the highest developed nation in Asia.

I will admit that diversity does NOT bring mental strength, in-fact it makes us more distrustful of our communities and government, however it brings unquestionable economic prosperity.

A diverse nation that can control its antipathetic and divisive minorities in the long run ends up better off economically than a homogeneous one.

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A diverse nation that can control its antipathetic and divisive minorities in the long run ends up better off economically than a homogeneous one.

canada is 92% "white" btw....

And im sorry, could point out what specific strength is provided to the economy when a country has "diversity"? It seems that the examples you give (Qatar of all places) and Singapore... are pretty incidentally well off... Singapore is majority Asian (northern, south east), Indian and European... They do not have any crime prone minorities, and aren't helped at all by their diversity, in fact any economic report from Singapore will tell you that linguistic diversity alone is a huge cost to business that doesn't really help the economy in any way...

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If Japan was given the choice they would have colonized and absorbed millions of non-Japanese. It would have ended for them as it is for Europe and American nations. Colonialism followed by milticulturalism for the conquered or enslaved people. Japanese breakaway colonies would have to contend with the sins of the mother country's past policies and it would be reflective in the overall demographics of such regions.

Japan would have done NO SUCH thing... they would have never permitted any resident non-japanese in their homeland... and they would have perhaps tolerated under a hazardous compassion the millions of non-japanese in their empire.

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canada is 92% "white" btw....

And im sorry, could point out what specific strength is provided to the economy when a country has "diversity"? It seems that the examples you give (Qatar of all places) and Singapore... are pretty incidentally well off... Singapore is majority Asian (northern, south east), Indian and European... They do not have any crime prone minorities, and aren't helped at all by their diversity, in fact any economic report from Singapore will tell you that linguistic diversity alone is a huge cost to business that doesn't really help the economy in any way...

No its not, its 82%-84% white.


1 in 6 Canadians (around 5.5m) a visible minority. Homogeneous....hardly.

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Japan would have done NO SUCH thing... they would have never permitted any resident non-japanese in their homeland... and they would have perhaps tolerated under a hazardous compassion the millions of non-japanese in their empire.

you cannot make such an assumption, as I'm sure any historian will agree that the thought of the mighty British empire's streets full of ex slaves (Jamaicans) and colonial subjects (Indians/Pakistanis) in present day would be a joke. They would laugh. Not today.

Or perhaps the mere mention to Hitler or Von Bismarck that Germany would be the home of 2 million Turks in the present day would be scoffed and laughed at. Perhaps it would bring war.

If Japan conquered all those territories, they would, as the British and European colonials, in effect be stuck with millions of colonial subjects.

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canada is 92% "white" btw....

And im sorry, could point out what specific strength is provided to the economy when a country has "diversity"? It seems that the examples you give (Qatar of all places) and Singapore... are pretty incidentally well off... Singapore is majority Asian (northern, south east), Indian and European... They do not have any crime prone minorities, and aren't helped at all by their diversity, in fact any economic report from Singapore will tell you that linguistic diversity alone is a huge cost to business that doesn't really help the economy in any way...

Minorities are prone to crime when there are unequal opportunities. Perfect examples are Botswana and South Africa. Both gained independence from the British empire.

One has one of the lowest crime rates in Africa (perhaps in the world), and one has the highest. One has a society on largely equal footing, the other does not. ( http://www.economist.com/world/middleeast-...ory_id=14707287 )

In the 60s, Singapore had its bouts of race riots, and affirmative action policies were brought in to 'correct' the inequality.

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Minorities are prone to crime when there are unequal opportunities. Perfect examples are Botswana and South Africa. Both gained independence from the British empire.

One has one of the lowest crime rates in Africa (perhaps in the world), and one has the highest. One has a society on largely equal footing, the other does not. ( http://www.economist.com/world/middleeast-...ory_id=14707287 )

In the 60s, Singapore had its bouts of race riots, and affirmative action policies were brought in to 'correct' the inequality.

I don't know how you could have failed to notice that in this instance racial diversity was responsible for a huge problem... and offered no advantages..

and also there were no affirmative action type policies enacted...

of the only advantage to diversity is that it doesn't do a country any bad... and it doesn't do a country any good.. then it is at the very best.. USELESS..... some strength!


minorities are prone to crime and need institutional racism like affirmative action... that's the advantage of diversity?

very little for me please.. you can keep your "advantages"

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I don't know how you could have failed to notice that in this instance racial diversity was responsible for a huge problem... and offered no advantages..

and also there were no affirmative action type policies enacted...

of the only advantage to diversity is that it doesn't do a country any bad... and it doesn't do a country any good.. then it is at the very best.. USELESS..... some strength!


minorities are prone to crime and need institutional racism like affirmative action... that's the advantage of diversity?

very little for me please.. you can keep your "advantages"

The NEP was the 'affirmative action' policy put in place.

Sometimes minorities outperform the majority and are targeted in violent acts. The Jews of Europe are a perfect example of an over performing minority that suffered due to their ability to overcome bigotry. The Chinese in Singapore in the 60s were over performing minorities.

With blacks it's a sticky issue. In the US South, lynchings were not targeting the poor blacks, but usually wealthy and prosperous blacks. It was to keep blacks in their place so they don't start to outperform the anglo saxons. It was very common for shop owners and business-men to be targeted and murdered. Blacks as a minority never reached parity with the mainstream....


Today Nigerians have become the new "jews" of the west. Highly hard working and usually they top the income brackets by a far margin for blacks, and usually still far higher than whites on average. In the US Nigerians are in the highest strata of society and Nigerians also top even the Chinese for post-graduate attainment. Nigerians are constantly targeted in movies as savages, blood drinkers, criminals and petty humans in general. It is an uncanny reflection of the anti-jewish propaganda throughout medieval Europe. Jews drink blood, have horns under the yamaka, so on and so forth.

We also know Indians are another over-performing minority. In Uganda they were expelled because of it. Indians get good jobs because they work hard and don't complain.

The only reason why diversity may not work is that the mainstream dislikes its minorities over performing. When they are poor and hapless, we are quite happy to dish out money for security to keep them in their place.

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The NEP was the 'affirmative action' policy put in place.

Sometimes minorities outperform the majority and are targeted in violent acts. The Jews of Europe are a perfect example of an over performing minority that suffered due to their ability to overcome bigotry. The Chinese in Singapore in the 60s were over performing minorities.

With blacks it's a sticky issue. In the US South, lynchings were not targeting the poor blacks, but usually wealthy and prosperous blacks. It was to keep blacks in their place so they don't start to outperform the anglo saxons. It was very common for shop owners and business-men to be targeted and murdered. Blacks as a minority never reached parity with the mainstream....


Today Nigerians have become the new "jews" of the west. Highly hard working and usually they top the income brackets by a far margin for blacks, and usually still far higher than whites on average. In the US Nigerians are in the highest strata of society and Nigerians also top even the Chinese for post-graduate attainment. Nigerians are constantly targeted in movies as savages, blood drinkers, criminals and petty humans in general. It is an uncanny reflection of the anti-jewish propaganda throughout medieval Europe. Jews drink blood, have horns under the yamaka, so on and so forth.

We also know Indians are another over-performing minority. In Uganda they were expelled because of it. Indians get good jobs because they work hard and don't complain.

The only reason why diversity may not work is that the mainstream dislikes its minorities over performing. When they are poor and hapless, we are quite happy to dish out money for security to keep them in their place.



"After 1971, when all had settled down, the Malaysian government was able to follow an affirmative action policy marked particularly by the New Economic Policy (NEP) favouring the Malays. To this day, there is still an unease about the potential of violence as the power struggles between groups continue".

I'm not sure how this is supporting the view that racial diversity is some sort of strength for Singapore...

again... if you delve into the facts you find that racial diversity is a source of weakness and a liability... not a strength.


What in the world are you talking about with "nigerians" as the "new jews"? Nigeria is a howling cesspit of savagery and dearth... and Uganda despite what you say about blacks being wrongly stereotyped as raucous savages... still have cannibalistic cults.

how any of this is supporting the view that diversity is some sort of strength ... is a mystery to me...

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"After 1971, when all had settled down, the Malaysian government was able to follow an affirmative action policy marked particularly by the New Economic Policy (NEP) favouring the Malays. To this day, there is still an unease about the potential of violence as the power struggles between groups continue".

I'm not sure how this is supporting the view that racial diversity is some sort of strength for Singapore...

again... if you delve into the facts you find that racial diversity is a source of weakness and a liability... not a strength.


What in the world are you talking about with "nigerians" as the "new jews"? Nigeria is a howling cesspit of savagery and dearth... and Uganda despite what you say about blacks being wrongly stereotyped as raucous savages... still have cannibalistic cults.

how any of this is supporting the view that diversity is some sort of strength ... is a mystery to me...


Nigerian immigrants have the highest educational attainment of any immigrant group in the United States, with higher levels of completed education than East Asian Americans, who had been stereotyped as a model minority.[4] It is not only the first generation that performs well, as estimates indicate that a disproportionate percentage of black students at elite universities are immigrants or children of immigrants. Harvard University, for example, has estimated that more than one-third of its black student body consists of recent immigrants or their children, or were mixed race. [5] Other top universities, such as Yale, Princeton, Penn, Columbia, Duke and Berkeley, report a similar pattern.[6] As a result, there is a question whether affirmative action programs adequately serve African Americans who are descendants of American slaves.[7]
A growing number of Nigerian Americans are affluent and well educated. Many possess college degrees and have graduated with advanced diplomas in engineering, law, business and medicine from top institutions like Harvard, Yale, Brown, Cornell, Duke University, University of Pennsylvania, MIT, Stanford, Columbia University, UC Berkeley, University of Virginia among others. Today most affluent Nigerians are concentrated in the field of medicine; however, many are employed in Fortune 500 companies or are self-made entrepreneurs or American university professors.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_minority (see the chart)

Similar to the Asian American population, attainment rates vary widely between countries. While some African immigrants to the United States such as Nigerians,[18] Out of sub-Saharan Africans, Nigerians have both the largest number of immigrants as well as the highest educational attainment and income statistics.[18]

And here's more of an Opinion piece.


The only country on the continent of Africa (including Arab states) that is directly challenging China's supremacy on the continent in terms of investment.

And yes, all this while the nation is a "cess-pit" of savagery.

Edited by Strangles
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Model_minority (see the chart)

And here's more of an Opinion piece.


The only country on the continent of Africa (including Arab states) that is directly challenging China's supremacy on the continent in terms of investment.

And yes, all this while the nation is a "cess-pit" of savagery.

nigeria is not challenging anything... its choosing between china and the US...

and nigeria truly is a cesspit of dearth:


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nigeria is not challenging anything... its choosing between china and the US...

and nigeria truly is a cesspit of dearth:


I am not disputing Nigeria's problems. It is why Nigerians are leaving.

However, they are performing extremely well abroad. And as a collective their private investment across Africa rivals that of China. This is not a government (state policy) similar to Chinas. It is purely private enterprise.

And Nigerians in the west, as you saw in the statistics (and I know statistics you do love) are the ideal "overachieving minority". Not only do they have the highest education attainment of ANY immigrant group (in the USA), but so do their children. They are over-represented in higher education at elite universities.

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"What do you think the roots of racism are, how does racism become predominant in a society."

Before defining the roots of racism, you have to define the word itself, which Merrian-Webster fits for me: " a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race."

The key concept is the idea of 'inherent superiority.' So racism is not simply the recognition of the differences of others - their skin, nose configuration, language, religion, etc., nor is it the recognition that some of those differences may be more suitable in different environments over another. It is a belief in superiority of one race over another.

Predominance in a society requires the belief to have widespread acceptance and this requires some form of communication and communicative control of the belief. The better the belief can be communicated and that communication controlled, the more potential for predominance. Control of the belief in communication is key because a lack of control could allow the contrary belief to develop and be communicated - which, in the case of racism, it has.

There may have been racist believers in ancient times, but by and large evidence points away from this. Coupled with the smaller social organizational units of ancient times (tribes if you will) this may have manifested in itself as a temporary bigotry or prejudice, but these traits could also be applied to the 'other' tribes of the same race. Ready Edward T Hall's 'Beyond Culture' to get a good view of this.

We could likely make a good case for the racist idea growing in parallel with the rise of modern mass communication technology starting with the printing press (with which one could also make a parallel with nationalism, imperialism, colonialism, etc.) Being in control of the press it is likely that - as an offshoot or evil spawn child of nationalism/imperialism that the racist idea firm root in governmental policy whether that was economic, religious of social. After a few generations of this belief being normative it was only 'natural' that people believed it. Contrary opinion was either suppressed or ignored. Then along came "science" and eugenics and even more effective methods of mass communication (or a refinement of those that already existed) and racism became entrenched and institutionalized.

However, the eventual loosening of the controls over the mass media, including official scientific communications, resulted in beliefs contrary to racism coming to fire which has had the effect of loosening the grip of the racist belief including most entrenched in policy. However this loosening effect has only been over the past few generations in North America so there are still residual effects of institutional racism because of who belongs to those institutions. Eventually the rational will exclude the belief of racial superiority once the proponents of the belief die off like old dinosaurs from a primitive age. ^_^

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