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You copies and pasted this from the link I just provided in my previous post. It's right at the top of the link's page.

And your point is? I guess it doesn't matter wether i google "define fascism "or you google it, the same pages come up.

I still say that when the fascist shoe fits the conservatives should wear it. Read the definition again, it applies equally well to most of the righties on this board and the ones in Ottawa.

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And your point is? I guess it doesn't matter wether i google "define fascism "or you google it, the same pages come up.

Those were not your words. They were lifted and presented as your own. That's dishonest.

Read the definition again, it applies equally well to most of the righties on this board and the ones in Ottawa.

No thanks, once was enough and bored me. BTW nice roundabout way of calling conservative supporters here fascists. At least I can tell those were your genuine words, and not cut and paste.

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Those were not your words. They were lifted and presented as your own. That's dishonest.

No thanks, once was enough and bored me. BTW nice roundabout way of calling conservative supporters here fascists. At least I can tell those were your genuine words, and not cut and paste.

I never meant to present the words as my own, I provided the dictionary definition of fascism since conservatives seem to have a hard time recognizing their policies for what they are. I should have included the link, there was no dishonesty intended.

I didn't think I was being roundabout in suggesting that conservative supporters have fascist leanings, I was trying to say it pretty directly.

Is this better, more direct? People that support the authoritarian conservative party support fascism.

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Yup, those on the right are fascist and those on the left are commies. How original.

I never said anything about the left being commies but if they were as far left as the Conservative party is FAR RIGHT then I guess that would make them commies. Fortuneately there is no party in Canada that is as far left as the conservatives are far right. All we really have is the centre right(liberals) and centre left(NDP), and of course the far right fascist conservative party. Can u say authoritarianism? Better do what your Harper-daddy says or he will spank your bum.

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I never said anything about the left being commies but if they were as far left as the Conservative party is FAR RIGHT then I guess that would make them commies. Fortuneately there is no party in Canada that is as far left as the conservatives are far right. All we really have is the centre right(liberals) and centre left(NDP), and of course the far right fascist conservative party. Can u say authoritarianism? Better do what your Harper-daddy says or he will spank your bum.

SO when is your 18th birthday?

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you are mixed up, must be the conservatism.

Fascism is an authoritarian political ideology (generally tied to a mass movement) that considers the individual subordinate to the interests of the state, party or society as a whole. Fascists seek to forge a type of national unity, usually based on (but not limited to) ethnic, cultural, racial, and/or religious attributes. Various scholars attribute different characteristics to fascism, but the following elements are usually seen as its integral parts: patriotism, nationalism, statism, militarism, totalitarianism, anti-communism, corporatism, populism, collectivism, autocracy and opposition to political and economic liberalism.

Some authors reject broad usage of the term or exclude certain parties and regimes. Following the defeat of the Axis powers in World War II, there have been few self-proclaimed fascist groups and individuals.

If the shoe fits wear it. And the pot is none of your business by the way.

You have made it everyones business by bringing it into the forum through your advocacy for it. The facsim is very different from conservativism, and I don't much like being called one as I am a conservative. Fascists are totalitiarians conservatives are not, they favour less powerful government

in politics, a loosely defined term indicating adherence to one or more of a family of attitudes, including respect for tradition and authority and resistance to wholesale or sudden changes.


But this explains very little a conservative.

A conservative believes that wasteful governments are big governments. We encourage responsible behaviour, we believe that social programs should be ones the encourage help individuals become independent of the government and contentious members of the community. We encourage social assistance programs that hep people off social assistance and able to provide for themselves and contribute to their local community. We achieve these ideals through lowing taxes and rewarding those who work hard. We believe in limited government intervention, true capitalism, not corporatism (monoplies), we believe in balanced budgets, and returning tax surplus to the taxpayers who have been over taxed. We are the middle class of society not elitists. We believe in respecting traditions, but will change slowly over time and accept new traditions. We are the average taxpayers of a country that have no agenda of supporting vocal interests. We have believed in inclusion policies not exclusion policies. We are the average Joes/Janes of the world.

Edited by Alta4ever
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I never meant to present the words as my own,

I find that hard to believe.

I provided the dictionary definition of fascism since conservatives seem to have a hard time recognizing their policies for what they are.

No. You sir, are the one that is confused. The only reason you slur the conservatives here is because you're pining for your hero Marc Emery and how badly you think the conservative government is treating him. They won't cave in to the demands of potheads and you curse them for it.

I should have included the link, there was no dishonesty intended.

Yes you should have. When you get caught doing this you further damage your credibility.

I didn't think I was being roundabout in suggesting that conservative supporters have fascist leanings, I was trying to say it pretty directly.

Is this better, more direct? People that support the authoritarian conservative party support fascism.

I know now what you think and it is not very original or moving.

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I never said anything about the left being commies but if they were as far left as the Conservative party is FAR RIGHT then I guess that would make them commies. Fortuneately there is no party in Canada that is as far left as the conservatives are far right. All we really have is the centre right(liberals) and centre left(NDP), and of course the far right fascist conservative party. Can u say authoritarianism? Better do what your Harper-daddy says or he will spank your bum.

Depends on where your own perspective comes from as to what is right or left, unless of course you are stoned in which case the only party you are likely to support is the one most likely to let you stay that way.

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Emerson has said it many times.....he's not a politician - and he has done a masterful job without photo ops and without any political agenda. He doesn't like politics.....even though he's done a good job, he might not run again


Beside, the only thing more SPINLESS then a Liberal Hiding in Fear while in Opposition, is a political coward who crosses the floor on DAY 1.

He BETRAYED those who elected him. HE DID NOT CAMPAIGN SAYING....

I am a business man, not a politician....................YADDA YADDA YADDA......

He campaigned like any other LIBERAL of the day in 2006, SLAMMING the CONSERVATIVES and their Agenda.

I'm going to be Stephen Harper's worst enemy," he warned. "We're going to stir the pot and you better believe we are going to make a heck of a lot of noise."

What you are referring to is his blubbering excuses to express the turncoat nature of his actions. And even worse, how it goes against the REFORMIST vision that made up the Core of the Conservatives. Pretty much from that moment forward, we knew that these Conservatives were going to behave like Mulroney Conservatives.

Power and Priveledge before Ethics and Honour.

He is indeed a politician.

Now if the Liberals could find a spine.......

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Response to DRgreenthumb

Depends on where your own perspective comes from as to what is right or left, unless of course you are stoned in which case the only party you are likely to support is the one most likely to let you stay that way.

Here Here!

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You have made it everyones business by bringing it into the forum through your advocacy for it. The facsim is very different from conservativism, and I don't much like being called one as I am a conservative. Fascists are totalitiarians conservatives are not, they favour less powerful government

OK so by telling the conservatives and basically everyone else, including you, that my pot use is none of your friggin business I have made it your business?? Nice friggin try buddy, the conservatives YOU support made it their business in no small way and long before they ever got a letter from me.. The authoritarian dictator that you are supporting is trying to pass a law that would make it mandatory that a person goes to jail for at least 6 months for growing ONE PLANT. We were well on our way to getting the government out of our business before this crew of paternalistic nanny staters came into power.

You don't even make any sense, you say conservatives favour LESS powerful government, but giving more powers of search and seizure to the police and increasing the power of the state to remove people's freedom is certainly creating a MORE powerful government, while stripping the citizens of their freedom to live their lives how they choose. The drug war is HUGE GOVERNMENT.

You are right that conservatism is not fascism, but Harper's crew of authoritarians are certainly not practicing conservatism. They are not really all that conservative at all except in their social policy. They hate those that they view as sinners and think it is their job to punish the sinners. Hence their distaste for gays,minorities( unless they are christian) and people who use drugs they don't approve of. The conservatives would like us all to CONFORM to how they think we should live, to be more like them. That is another sign of fascism.

You see its not enough for you or them to CHOOSE not to use plant based medicines like cannabis themselves, they are not happy until they get to make that choice for everyone else as well. They think they have the right to mind everyone's business. How can you possible be foolish enough to believe that Harper wants a LESS powerful government when he feels that the government should have enough power to be able to come into people's homes and tell them what they can eat, what medicines they can take, and who they can sleep with?

I believe that the government and its henchman (the police), should leave people the hell alone. Real crimes like theft, rape, murder, assault, fraud, etc have identifiable victims who of course need to be able to count on the government to pursue people that have wronged them, and not take the "law" into their own hands. This is why we have police. The police and the courts should basically be for conflict resolution. They don't need spy gear, wire taps, and undercover cops to bust these kinds of crimes because the public is likely to cooperate in apprehending a suspect. Selling, buying or using any damn product we want as citizens, as long as we are not harming others is not criminal is it a simple excersise in free market. Consensual acts between free men and women. The drug market is conservatism at its best, captalist even, but not criminal. THe drug dealer makes a lot of money selling a product that is in demand, the buyer supports the underground economy by spending their money, and the government gets dick-all in taxes. Sounds like conservatism to me.

SO again, the pot use is none of yer friggin business, and none of Harper's business.

The medicines I use and the plants I grow are my business, and mine alone.

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I find that hard to believe.

No. You sir, are the one that is confused. The only reason you slur the conservatives here is because you're pining for your hero Marc Emery and how badly you think the conservative government is treating him. They won't cave in to the demands of potheads and you curse them for it.

Yes you should have. When you get caught doing this you further damage your credibility.

I know now what you think and it is not very original or moving.

You find it hard to believe that I forgot to copy and paste the link to the definition i cut and pasted but you believe the world is 6000 years old, and that if I don't behave, your Sky-Daddy will send me to burn in the pits of hell?

You conservatives sure have a funny belief system.

I can't believe you are trying to make such a big deal about about a missed link, i guess when you have nothing intelligent to add you keep grasping at straws.

I come here to warn people that the conservatives are going to put a lot of our children behind bars if we let them get away with it, and because i actually do like a government to stay the hell out of people's personal lives. Marc Emery is just one example, he is merely a spokesman for the 1000's of Canadians who are affected by stupid outdated cannabis laws, people whose names we never hear because they don't have themoney or fame to be heard.

If you only knoe NOW what I think, then you are pretty slow, I have not exactly been subtle about how I feel about the conservatives and their supporters. I have been quite open in my distaste for the CPC and their policies and their followers. I think that people or governments who want to control even the most intimate aspects of other people's lives, and want the law to give them that right are fascists, so if you believe that the law should give you the right to arbitrarily impose your will upon others then I think you are displaying fascism. Clear enough for ya? I can't believe it took you this long to to know what i think of Conservatives.

Edited by DrGreenthumb
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Real crimes like grow ops, meth labs and turf wars alos have victims.....

Yes I'm always seeing pharmacists and beer vendors shooting each other over "turf".

The only reason "grow-ops" exist is because people have to hide their cannabis indoors where rats and conservatives can't see them.

If people who were stupid enough to want to use meth despite how unhealthy it is could buy it at a pharmacy, it would be produced by a pharma company in a lab designed for its production instead of in your neighbors garage.

Don't blame the substances for the harm their prohibition causes.

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Yes I'm always seeing pharmacists and beer vendors shooting each other over "turf".

The only reason "grow-ops" exist is because people have to hide their cannabis indoors where rats and conservatives can't see them.

If people who were stupid enough to want to use meth despite how unhealthy it is could buy it at a pharmacy, it would be produced by a pharma company in a lab designed for its production instead of in your neighbors garage.

Don't blame the substances for the harm their prohibition causes.

What a load of nonsense. Is there a prohibition on glue, gasolene and solvents?...who do we blame for that harm? Grow ops exist because of the huge amounts of money that can be made not because it is a dangerous illegal activity. They would exist in any legal environment as well if trhe money was there. Alcohol is legal but that doesn't stop bootleggers or boozecan operators...Some people are self destructive and with prohibition or not there will be ruthless people willing to take advantage of them and the moronic idiots who enable them.

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You find it hard to believe that I forgot to copy and paste the link to the definition i cut and pasted but you believe the world is 6000 years old, and that if I don't behave, your Sky-Daddy will send me to burn in the pits of hell?

You know nothing about my beliefs. Bringing religion into this conversation when it was never raised is a clear sign that you are in some kind of fog.

I can't believe you are trying to make such a big deal about about a missed link, i guess when you have nothing intelligent to add you keep grasping at straws.

It was not a missing link. You posted something that you did not author, that you copied and pasted from a website. It appears you did this to try to impress the readers into thinking that you are more intelligent than you really are. You got caught.

I come here to warn people that the conservatives are going to put a lot of our children behind bars if we let them get away with it, and because i actually do like a government to stay the hell out of people's personal lives. Marc Emery is just one example, he is merely a spokesman for the 1000's of Canadians who are affected by stupid outdated cannabis laws, people whose names we never hear because they don't have themoney or fame to be heard.

No one is censuring you and you have a right to free speech just like the rest of us. Every one here are free to agree or disagree with you.

If you only knoe NOW what I think, then you are pretty slow,

My slowness in determining what you think of conservatives is a mere reflection of how little attention I have paid to your previous posts. After all, the only issue of concern to you is which government will facilitate your use of marijuana. Pretty boring stuff in my books.

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What a load of nonsense. Is there a prohibition on glue, gasolene and solvents?...who do we blame for that harm? Grow ops exist because of the huge amounts of money that can be made not because it is a dangerous illegal activity. They would exist in any legal environment as well if trhe money was there. Alcohol is legal but that doesn't stop bootleggers or boozecan operators...Some people are self destructive and with prohibition or not there will be ruthless people willing to take advantage of them and the moronic idiots who enable them.

You are the one vomiting nonsense all over the screen M Dancer. Are you suggesting that glue, gasoline and solvents should be prohibited? Are you saying that there would be LESS harm stemming from their use if they WERE prohibited? What exactly is your point? How many glue labs have you read about in the paper? Did the shell station owner murder the petro can station owner in your part of town, settling a turf dispute?

Grow ops exist because cannabis is prohibited plain and simple. IF the money was there? thats a pretty big if buddy. Where are people going to find anyone willing to pay 200 dollars an ounce for something that they can grow on their windowsill, flowerbed or in their garden between the corn and tomatoes? Maybe the same people willing to buy the load of crap you are trying to sell them. Nobody smart enough to refrain from voting conservative anyway.

Alcohol is legal, but it is also a very powerful drug compared to a lot of the illegal ones. Most of alcohol's harm now stems from using alcohol. During prohibition there was the extra layer of harm that prohibition caused. Turf wars, shootings, and corruption.

Bootleggers and boozecans are not a very big issue in most areas, especially in areas where you can LEGALLY buy alcohol, even on Sundays, and late at night. The only bootlegger around these parts went out of the business when the beer vendor opened up on Sundays.

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You are the one vomiting nonsense all over the screen M Dancer. Are you suggesting that glue, gasoline and solvents should be prohibited? Are you saying that there would be LESS harm stemming from their use if they WERE prohibited? What exactly is your point? How many glue labs have you read about in the paper? Did the shell station owner murder the petro can station owner in your part of town, settling a turf dispute?

Grow ops exist because cannabis is prohibited plain and simple. IF the money was there? thats a pretty big if buddy. Where are people going to find anyone willing to pay 200 dollars an ounce for something that they can grow on their windowsill, flowerbed or in their garden between the corn and tomatoes? Maybe the same people willing to buy the load of crap you are trying to sell them. Nobody smart enough to refrain from voting conservative anyway.

Alcohol is legal, but it is also a very powerful drug compared to a lot of the illegal ones. Most of alcohol's harm now stems from using alcohol. During prohibition there was the extra layer of harm that prohibition caused. Turf wars, shootings, and corruption.

Bootleggers and boozecans are not a very big issue in most areas, especially in areas where you can LEGALLY buy alcohol, even on Sundays, and late at night. The only bootlegger around these parts went out of the business when the beer vendor opened up on Sundays.

Do you you havea hard time following convesations?

You are the one who says the reason there is harm is because there is prohibition. In future between bong hits try and re read what you wrote so you can at least follow your own story.

And plagiarise more. At least what you copy makes sense even if you can't grasp its meaning.

Bootleggers and boozecans are not a very big issue in most areas, especially in areas where you can LEGALLY buy alcohol, even on Sundays, and late at night. The only bootlegger around these parts went out of the business when the beer vendor opened up on Sundays.

You don't know what you are talking about. They are a major head ache for police as they are habituated by drug addicts and criminals. (is that redundant?)

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You know nothing about my beliefs. Bringing religion into this conversation when it was never raised is a clear sign that you are in some kind of fog.

It was not a missing link. You posted something that you did not author, that you copied and pasted from a website. It appears you did this to try to impress the readers into thinking that you are more intelligent than you really are. You got caught.

No one is censuring you and you have a right to free speech just like the rest of us. Every one here are free to agree or disagree with you.

My slowness in determining what you think of conservatives is a mere reflection of how little attention I have paid to your previous posts. After all, the only issue of concern to you is which government will facilitate your use of marijuana. Pretty boring stuff in my books.

blah blah blah, more of your crap about me not properly quoting the definition of fascist that i got online. Nobody cares. Easier to complain about how I posted the definition than to look at the definition and see how well it describes conservatives and their sheeple. Get over it dude, I mean who really gives a damn that I didn't credit wiki or wherever the hell i got the googled definition of fascist from? Shoe fit? Truth hurt?

I don't expect any government to facilitate my use of anything, in fact i think the government should stay the hell out of it completely. They have no business in my body, my garden, or my home. I am against the conservatives so strongly because they intend to further increase the intrusion of the state into the personal lives of the citizens.

I think for the government to interfere in the private business of a citizen they should have to prove that they have a good god damn reason to do so. If people can drink legally there is simply no justification that can be made for criminalizing people for using Cannabis, a drug with far less harm potential.

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Grow ops exist because cannabis is prohibited plain and simple. IF the money was there? thats a pretty big if buddy. Where are people going to find anyone willing to pay 200 dollars an ounce for something that they can grow on their windowsill, flowerbed or in their garden between the corn and tomatoes? Maybe the same people willing to buy the load of crap you are trying to sell them. Nobody smart enough to refrain from voting conservative anyway.

What a load of crap. Grow ops would still exist if it was legalized, how likely would organized crime be to give up such a lucrative business.

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blah blah blah, more of your crap about me not properly quoting the definition of fascist that i got online. Nobody cares. Easier to complain about how I posted the definition than to look at the definition and see how well it describes conservatives and their sheeple. Get over it dude, I mean who really gives a damn that I didn't credit wiki or wherever the hell i got the googled definition of fascist from? Shoe fit? Truth hurt?

How do we know if it is a creditable reference or just your ramblings?

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What a load of crap. Grow ops would still exist if it was legalized, how likely would organized crime be to give up such a lucrative business.

How likley would the casual smoker spend the time and energy growing the stuff? My buddy tried to every year and every year he grew crap. It's like beer.....anyone can brew it legally, but how many of us do when it's so easy top go and buy a case? And if you knew someone who sold the absolute best beer at 1/2 the price ..you would buy from him....

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