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10 steps to Understanding Liberal Thinking

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How liberals think on 10 major issues of the day:

1. The U.S. Constitution Is Unconstitutional

According to liberal dogma, the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights are unconstitutional because all were crafted by an exclusive conclave of white male Christians.

Women, Hispanics, African-Americans, Asians, gays, lesbians, transsexuals, the handicapped, Muslims, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists, and the blind were all under represented, if at all.

Because of this devastating lack of diversity, the Constitution must be regarded as a “living document,” subject to change in accordance with ever changing demographics and contemporary values.

2. Free Speech

Freedom of speech must never be quashed, except for criticism directed at minorities and sensitive constituencies of the Democrat party.

Burning Old Glory is protected free speech, whereas expressions of conservative values by people like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage are unacceptable “hate speech,” which must be subjected to “fairness” censoring and termination by the federal government.

3. Abortion, the Death Penalty and Assisted Suicide

On issues of life and death, liberals are especially vulnerable to tripping on their own hypocritical double talk.


A woman’s right to abort the life of an innocent child is inalienable; whereas execution of a convicted killer is cruel, unusual & barbaric.

Starving a helpless victim like Terri Schaivo to death is acceptable; but using lethal injection to end the life of a brutal killer is not.

4. Religion

Religious faith and belief in God are outdated pagan concepts, which do more harm than good. Sophisticated citizens can rely on the Democrat party for support from cradle to grave, obviating the need to rely on beliefs and rituals long since debunked.

Symbols of Christianity such as the Ten Commandments, the Cross, Christmas trees, nativity scenes, and the like must be hidden from public view so as to offend no one.

Publicly wishing a friend or family member “Merry Christmas” is clearly an act of civil disobedience and unconstitutional.

While Christianity is to be suppressed at all costs, Islam must be openly promoted in the name of religious awareness, sensitivity and tolerance.

The separation of state and government applies fully when dealing with Christianity or Judaism, but is irrelevant with regard to Islam and all other religions.

Delivery of Christmas cards and gifts by the United States Postal Service is an unconstitutional violation of state-religion separation and must end immediately.

5. Taxes

Leveling the playing field between haves and have-nots is the most important function of government, even more critical than national security.

To support that objective, no government role is more essential than levying and collecting taxes, otherwise known as redistribution of wealth.

Tax cuts are wrong when returned to people who actually paid taxes, but are perfectly fine when sent to those who paid none.

Although most liberals deny that Jesus even lived, many use the quote in Matthew 22:21, “Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s...” to justify higher taxes.

Paying taxes is the “Christian Conservative” thing to do!

6. Marriage and Same-Sex Issues

The traditional American family consisting of one man and one woman is just one of several possible arrangements, all of which are equally moral and acceptable.

Marriage is no longer necessary to sanctify man-woman relationships.

Although the institution of marriage is no longer vital to heterosexual partners, it is absolutely essential that same-sex couples be allowed to marry. To deny them that basic right is discriminatory, immoral, unfair, and clearly unconstitutional.

7 Racism, Diversity and Affirmative Action

Liberals believe that discrimination based on race or gender is wrong. Except when waged against Caucasian men, in which case it is mandated by law and called Affirmative Action.

“Our Diversity Is our Greatest Strength” is the liberal pledge of allegiance to socialism.

Enforcing U.S. borders and immigration laws, including deportation of illegal aliens, is wrong because it targets Hispanics, obviously based on racial profiling.

Those who support English as the official language of America are racists. But those who prefer Spanish and other foreign languages over English are not because of the inherent value of diversity.

Conservatives who seek to preserve American language and culture are bigoted hate mongers, whereas new immigrants, including illegal aliens, must be allowed to maintain and celebrate their cultural heritage at all costs, even if it interferes with assimilation into mainstream America.

8. Preserving the American Dream for Working Class Americans

According to liberal propaganda, they are the only hope for American families, notwithstanding the fact that Democrats support the influx of millions of illegal aliens who work for lower wages and without benefits, and drive down the standard of living for working families.

Skyrocketing gasoline prices devastate working American families, but protecting Alaskan wild life is a greater priority.

Businesses are oppressive institutions that must not be allowed to become too large and powerful. By contrast, government creates wealth & happiness and should be expanded whenever possible.

Outsourcing of American jobs to foreign nations is driven by immoral corporate greed.

By contrast, open borders and amnesty are acceptable because most illegal aliens are future Democrats.

Huge profits are obscene and un-American, except when enjoyed by Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, George Soros, Oprah Winfrey, Ted Turner, Teddy Kennedy, and other liberals.

9. Global Warming, the Environment, and Energy Independence

According to liberal technocrats like Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, Katie Couric, and Dennis Kucinich, global warming is a greater threat to the health and well being of humanity than the war on terror.

Some liberal extremists even think that the colors of the American flag should be changed to green, white, and blue so as to reflect the importance of the environment to our nation, while simultaneously deleting the color red, which symbolizes blood shed in illegal wars waged by Bushes 41 and 43.

10. Use of Military Force, Invading Foreign Nations

Military force must never be used, except when needed to advance interests not vital to the United States, or to obscure a Democrat president’s sexual misconduct in the Oval Office.

Invading a foreign nation is wrong, except when aliens from Mexico invade America.

Understanding liberal thinking is probably more trouble than it is worth. The more prudent action would be to take all necessary steps to assure that liberals are not elected or reelected to political office



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If this was intended as satire, it's weak. However coming from:

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.


"Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. Pray for John: He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where people like Nancy Pelosi are actually considered normal!.

It's just sad.

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If this was intended as satire, it's weak. However coming from:

John W. Lillpop is a recovering liberal.


"Clean and sober” since 1992 when last he voted for a Democrat. Pray for John: He lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, where people like Nancy Pelosi are actually considered normal!.

It's just sad.

No it isn't sad, it only proves how far down the Liberals are politically disassociated with the American political convictions and are now attempting to emulate SAD undemocratic Canadian socialistic values.

Here's more of John's conservative wisdom, hitting on Hillary.

Should the American people be foolish enough to elect Hillary Clinton to the presidency in 2008, the following events will surely ensue:

The 44th president of the United States will take the Oath of Office at the UN. She will place her left hand on the Koran, while swearing (in Spanish) at the U.S. Constitution, free markets, and Republicans.

Presidential Inaugural Balls will be held in Moscow, Paris, Havana, San Francisco, and other venues with large populations of known anti-American leftists, feminists, atheists, and other anarchists.

Burning the American flag will no longer be a crime, unless Al Gore decides that the smoke from smoldering flags causes global warming.

Bill Clinton will be pardoned for all crimes past and future, excepting sexual infidelity missteps that will surely take place in the Oval Office and adjoining rooms.

Marriage will be redefined as a union between two or more consenting men, women, animals, insects, and plants, or any combination thereof.

Government-paid day care will be an inalienable right of American women, rooted somewhere in an undisclosed location in the privacy bowels of the U.S. Constitution.

Speaking English to Hispanics obviously in America illegally will be regarded as harassment, a crime subject to severe civil and criminal penalties.

All citizens will be automatically covered by universal health care insurance at birth; illegal aliens will be covered only after registering as Democrats.

An "Excess Initiative Tax" will be paid by households with annual incomes exceeding $200,000.

A "Global Warming Tax" will be levied on SUVs and luxury cars registered to Republicans.

Proving that one has seen Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth" at least twice within an election cycle will be required in order to vote Republican.

Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger will be appointed Director of Homeland Security.

Unleaded gasoline will be outlawed.

The Iraq war will be officially declared a "Hate Crime" against Islam.

George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, General Petraeus, and Donald Rumsfeld will be sent to Guantánamo Bay for their roles in the Iraq war.

Terrorists held at Guantánamo Bay will be set free to make room for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, General Petraeus, and Donald Rumsfeld.

Income tax rates will be trebled for white, Christian Republicans.

Mothers Day will be replaced by Women's Emancipation Day, which will be celebrated on January 22, date of Roe V. Wade.

Norman Hsu will be pardoned and appointed to head the Hillary 2012 Fundraising Bonanza and Reelection Campaign.

Memorial Day will be recognized as a holiday that places far too much emphasis on American military victories and war. Instead, America will holiday on August 14 to commemorate the birth of Fidel Castro.

Christianity will be declared the refuge of "Superstitious Pagans," and more dangerous to one's health than trans fats, cigarettes, cholesterol, sugar, salt, alcoholism, illegal drugs, global warming, and Islamic terrorists combined.

Washington, D.C., will be declared a "Sanctuary City" for illegal aliens, terrorists and would be terrorists, sexually confused members of the U.S. Senate, gay, lesbians, and transvestites.

Reading the 2nd Amendment in public and owning guns of any type will be considered acts of treason, the only crimes for which the death penalty is allowed.

The military draft will be reinstated to obligate all people between the ages of 18 and 50 to four years of national service, except those with 666 stamped on their foreheads by Howard Dean and authorized minions at the DNC.

Dick Cheney's birthday will be declared an official day of mourning, with all flags ordered to fly at half-mast.

Columbus Day will be declared "Old School" and replaced by March 31, birthday of Cesar Chavez.


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Straw-man arguments. (what liberals are "promoting" Islam?)

Dubious assumptions. ("Starving a helpless victim like Terri Schaivo"? Terry Schiavo was a vegetable. Her brain had atrophied to the size of a golf-ball. She wasn't a victim of starvation. She was a victim of a brain-injury.)

Based on self-referential value-judgments. (It's easy to show that abortion is murder, if you begin your argument with the premise that abortion is murder.)

The writer seems to suspect that his readership consists of idiots who can't think for themselves.

There are some good arguments to be made in favor of conservative positions. This piece of crap does not present any of them.


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Here's the conservative thou... wait, no there is no actual "thought process" involved... Just follow the sheep in front of you...

rightwingers believe:

- a woman's only value is as a breeding machine

- women lose their "value" once they are no longer virgins unless they become mothers then they have limited value as such

- a man's only value is as a wallet

- children should be seen and not heard

- getting drunk is fun and harmless but smoking pot will lead people to become raving lunatics

- black and brown people are "uppity" if they are disagreeable

- black and brown people are inherently terrorists and should never be trusted

- an ancient book is valuable as the basis of current morality and law

- atheists are inherently immoral

- there is only one "correct" religion -- everyone else gets to burn in a pit

- evil actually exists -- not just crazy/mean/nasty people, but e-v-i-l straight from the devil's lair

- animals don't feel pain

- guns are toys to be played with

- there are only two ways to see everything -- black OR white, us OR them...

- there is no such thing as a "middle" only left and right

- Hitler was a socialist

- Chavez is the devil incarnate

- there can be a devil incarnate :lol:

- child support is the same as alimony

- women should be virgins at marriage, but men should not

- if gays are allowed to marry, people will begin screwing their pets

- women should not vote

- being a "liberal thinker" is a bad thing

- all people who consider themselves liberal are "hippies"

- "commies" are still a threat

- terrorists are lying in wait in the mall

- men don't know how to shop

- women can't stop shopping

- women always take all of a man's money

- women don't earn

- boys are being "left out" because they can no longer settle their childhood disputes with their fists

- teachers are "indoctrinating" children into the "gay" (or worse yet!) the "liberal" mindset

- all women want babies

- no women want the stress of being a CEO

anyone care to refute these points? No? Hard to refute the truth innit? :lol:

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Here's the conservative thou... wait, no there is no actual "thought process" involved... Just follow the sheep in front of you...


anyone care to refute these points? No? Hard to refute the truth innit? :lol:

(this is satire, right? You set out to produce a post that's just as stupid as the stuff Leafless has been posting, right?)


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Well maybe a bit satire, but there's some truths in there! :lol:

Tit for tat -- both the left and the right have extremists. The extremists on the right seem louder because the left still maintains a level of decorum (for the most part). Take Moxie's reaction to Kuzad's post in "Mohammed/Cookie" thread. She totally loses it, no decorum at all... of course I lost it once too... so maybe Moxie just had a bad day. ;)

*cept I never called anyone an asshole... just sayin'

Good thing for us that most people are in the middle.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well maybe a bit satire, but there's some truths in there! :lol:

Tit for tat -- both the left and the right have extremists. The extremists on the right seem louder because the left still maintains a level of decorum (for the most part). Take Moxie's reaction to Kuzad's post in "Mohammed/Cookie" thread. She totally loses it, no decorum at all... of course I lost it once too... so maybe Moxie just had a bad day. ;)

*cept I never called anyone an asshole... just sayin'

Good thing for us that most people are in the middle.

Lol, the Far-Right is really scared of Muslims aren't they?

Just imagine what would have happened if religions like Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism etc. ACTIVELY and AGGRESSIVELY started missionary work and started to convert people... I'm afraid the focus would have shifted on the other "threats"

Terrorism is real. But the fact that National Security is the number 1 goal is laughable. Aren't the conservatives, atleast the Old Right, against Nation Building and against wasteful spending? Oh it's okay, if it is spent on the name of National Security and "You are with us or against us" psychology or the "Patriot Act" which is completely against the conservative ideology of individual freedom.

More and more these days it seems the liberals uphold the constitution and individual freedoms.

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More and more these days it seems the liberals uphold the constitution and individual freedoms.

Sorry that should read less and less....The Liberals started to abandon those things on a wholesale level during the thirties. Conservatism then shifted from maintaining the heirarchy to maintaining classical Liberalism which was overtaken by the Socialists.

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Here's the conservative thou... wait, no there is no actual "thought process" involved... Just follow the sheep in front of you...

rightwingers believe:

- a woman's only value is as a breeding machine Actually, they're good for practice too.

- women lose their "value" once they are no longer virgins unless they become mothers then they have limited value as such Not if they can still clean the house.

- a man's only value is as a wallet See point #1.

- children should be seen and not heard Not true. I should be able to see my kids mowing the lawn.

- getting drunk is fun and harmless but smoking pot will lead people to become raving lunatics Untrue. Most pot smokers fall asleep and become even more useless.

- black and brown people are "uppity" if they are disagreeable "Uppity" is an outdated word. We prefer "combative".

- black and brown people are inherently terrorists and should never be trusted Not all black people are terrorists.

- an ancient book is valuable as the basis of current morality and law It is not the basis for all Canadian law.

- atheists are inherently immoral Of course they're immoral. Morals are given to us by an ancient book and they don't believe in it or follow it.

- there is only one "correct" religion -- everyone else gets to burn in a pit No one knows for sure if it's a pit. If it is, that means it would fill up. If it fills up there will be no more room for Libs and NDP's, and therefore we prefer to believe that it's more of a gateway to a never-filling hell universe.

- evil actually exists -- not just crazy/mean/nasty people, but e-v-i-l straight from the devil's lair This is a common misconception. Evil actually comes from Shawinigan.

- animals don't feel pain They don't after you shoot them in the head with a "paralyzer" and then butcher them for steaks. Mmmmm....steak.

- guns are toys to be played with Only if they're loaded. Otherwise, they're just really heavy paperweights.

- there are only two ways to see everything -- black OR white, us OR them... Don't forget "french or English".

- there is no such thing as a "middle" only left and right Next time you're driving your car, try to turn "middle".

- Hitler was a socialist No, he was a control freak that thought he could run people's lives better than the people could. Kinda like a Liberal.

- Chavez is the devil incarnate Now Chavez is a socialist.

- there can be a devil incarnate :lol:Not any more. He died and they drove his body around Canada on a train.

- child support is the same as alimony No it's not. Child support can end when the child turns 18. A nasty ex can live with her boyfriend forever and still collect blood money as long as she doesn't get married.

- women should be virgins at marriage, but men should not Women should be virgins when I meet them. That's it.

- if gays are allowed to marry, people will begin screwing their pets Come on. They were doing that long before they were able to get married.

- women should not vote Of course they should vote. Just make sure that it's for whoever their husband wants them to.

- being a "liberal thinker" is a bad thing Being stupid is bad. Being a liberal thinker is retarded. Retarded does not equal bad.

- all people who consider themselves liberal are "hippies" Not all. Some are just pot smokers. See point #5 above.

- "commies" are still a threat Only now we call them Liberals and NDPer's

- terrorists are lying in wait in the mall No they're not. They're lying in wait at the Mac's store. Open your eyes.

- men don't know how to shop Never been around a man that was buying a Harley, have you?

- women can't stop shopping Of course they can. The man just takes away the money.

- women always take all of a man's money Only if they collect alimony or the man wants sex.

- women don't earn ...their right to vote.

- boys are being "left out" because they can no longer settle their childhood disputes with their fists They aren't left out of the Liberals or NDP. See points above.

- teachers are "indoctrinating" children into the "gay" (or worse yet!) the "liberal" mindset Of course. Most teachers are liberal (and probably gay).

- all women want babies Not all the gay ones do.

- no women want the stress of being a CEO Hell, I doubt they can spell CEO.

anyone care to refute these points? No? Hard to refute the truth innit? :lol:

I'll refute it. Your entire post is bullshit.

Nuff said. :lol:

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Thank you Drea, I thought I proved my point quite well.

As bad as this may sound, there actually are some points in that list that bear resemblance to real feelings. Unfortunately, these points can apply to either end of the political spectrum, so they are not inherently conservative.

Ask any liberal man that's paying alimony to he ex-spouse so her and her live-in boyfriend can go to Cabo this winter.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't alimony a thing of the past?

I look at it this way

-- if you marry a woman and you both decide she is going to stay home then you are financially responsible for her for life even if you divorce. The financial responsibility should end, however, if the woman remarries or cohabitates.

-- if you marry a woman and decide that you will both work then you are not finanically responsible for her for life.

My advise to young men (and old men LOL) is to marry a woman with a career and learn to share in the household and the raising of the children.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't alimony a thing of the past?

I look at it this way

-- if you marry a woman and you both decide she is going to stay home then you are financially responsible for her for life even if you divorce. The financial responsibility should end, however, if the woman remarries or cohabitates.

-- if you marry a woman and decide that you will both work then you are not finanically responsible for her for life.

My advise to young men (and old men LOL) is to marry a woman with a career and learn to share in the household and the raising of the children.

Do the dishes on occassion and pay attention. It's not about becoming as a man what woman used to be..the secret to a good life is reasonablity and loyalty. It does not take much to be happy - what will bring about poverty of every kind is lieing. Don't be a liar it will catch up to you. It may take a year or 25 years but eventually the deceptive party will corner themselves in a tangled web that will not let them go. As far as support to a former spouse..just remember that the courts are not your friends - not to the male as we know and in the long run not to the female. I have seen situations where a woman divorced for 16 years still attempts to access the estate of the former spouse is dead - rationalizing all the way. I have heard of situations where the courts put males in poverty - enriching the woman for a short period - then the woman finds herself disgarded and alone and eventually broke - If you have problems- resolve them - If you are staying together because of the kids - keep going and do your duty.

If I were a family law judge and a couple came in bickering and coercing each other - and using the children as a weapon here is what I would say - "Both of you had better get along and do your duty on behalf of the children that you both brought into the world - if you do not behave in a respectable and civilized manner in these regards - I AM SENDING BOTH OF YOU TO JAIL FOR 90 DAYS UNTILL YOU BOTH COME TO YOUR SENSES.

The divorce industry only enriches parasitic lawyers and all sorts of other connected to the domestic chaos buisness..don't give your money or your children's money to lawyers..give it to the kids and to each other....it is totally obscene what takes place in the family law arena...Moral issues concerning bad behaviour are ignored. If you catch the wife or husband performing oral sex on the neighbour - you are supposed to hand over "support" payments that he or she is to take that payment with the free hand...I saw another situation where a woman had wounded a husband with a kitchen knife and the judge awarded damages to the assualter and force the husband to pay the bill for cleaning the carpet of his own blood. Remember - domestic conflict has become a thriving business...get along and do your duty.. and when you hear bull crap like "I need room to breath" - or "we have outgrown each other" - or "he raised his voice and frightened the cat- he needs an anger management course" ...well - this is immature behaviour..

Whether you are compatible or not is not the issue - you have children - you put in your 18 years and make sure they are secure - and not crimminally minded or become mentally ill because of you and your spouses inablity or reluctance to control your hate. The liberal mindset is to devide men and woman - and then let professionals hyjack the children and drug them - employing dozens of parasites at the expense of the poor kids..in effect they create if you let them - child employers - in turth they create child labour - stay away from the liberal lunitics..boycott them...Like I said - If I was a judge I would not fool around - I would jail both partners - who selfishly abuse children though divorce....BUT - If the man or woman physically are predisposed to injuring the other - or are so crazed that mental abuse is normal for them - then....break up the little bastards who are not fit for marriage or breeding.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't alimony a thing of the past?

I look at it this way

-- if you marry a woman and you both decide she is going to stay home then you are financially responsible for her for life even if you divorce. The financial responsibility should end, however, if the woman remarries or cohabitates.

-- if you marry a woman and decide that you will both work then you are not finanically responsible for her for life.

My advise to young men (and old men LOL) is to marry a woman with a career and learn to share in the household and the raising of the children.

I have never been divorced, but I have been closely involved in a few cases. Without dredging up a long and tortuous sub-plot:

Alimony is not a thing of the past. Payments do not end unless the woman gets married. Cohabitation does not count to negate the payments (even if she files as common-law on her taxes).

This is a huge sore spot with men (of any political stripe):

If he does not make his payments, the judge can imprison him (woman's lawyer takes him to court and man goes to jail).

If she does not let him see the kids, the judge looks sternly at her (man's lawyer takes her lawyer to court and woman promises not to do it again).

If he makes more one year, his payments go up (he has to supply T4 information at minimum once per year).

If he makes less one year, his payments do not change (typically takes 3-4 years to lower payments).

And let me tell you about some of the payment awards.......

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Someone very close to me is going through a bitch of a time with his ex so I am well aware of how the courts favour the mother (not so aware if there are no kidlets involved).

To make a long story short -- she* lied to him said she was on birthcontrol. (*herein referred to as the bitch)

They had a fling.

2 years later she shows up with a year old baby girl.

He sees her every weekend up until she is 3.

At one visit baby girl decides she wants to stay with daddy "Nooooo! Mommy I want to stay with daddy" -- this upset the bitch so much that she made a wild accusation.

Accusation was investigated and found false.

It was found out that the bitch had been living with a convicted pedohphile from Alberta. Social services found the baby girl in a beat up old trailer... she had no panties and no shoes. Social services took the child into care.

Then they went to court. Bitch bawled her eyes out in court and got to keep the child. Child is now going on 8 and her father has yet to see her since the accusation. I do not know whether the child molester is still in the picutre.

Is our court system fair to men? Not a bit.

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That kind of story makes me sick to my stomach (the part about the poor child).

To drift a bit...I unfortunately have had to hear and see too many stories like this (my wife spent years on the pediatric intensive care unit at the Stollery). I have yet to find someone who doesn't believe in the use of a gun with extreme prejudice in cases like this.

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I cannot imagine how difficult it must be for a man to have custody of his little daughter(s).

"did daddy touch your bum?"

"Yes, I was on the toilet" (says 2 1/2 year old)

Now was daddy being a pedophile or a parent?

Parents wipe their children's bums. It's kinda necessary and if daddy is the only parent available, I guess he's gotta get out that tissue and wipe that bum.

Unfortunately, there are idiots out there that can't tell the difference between wiping poop off a toddler's bum and "touching" the bum.

What is the father to do? Let her run around with poop all over her butt?

I cannot imagine how difficult this type of thing is for men.

So, with this fellow, he went to court last June and the judge said "You can have supervised visits". The father declined because by allowing supervised visits he would be essentially admitting to molesting her (which he didn't).

He said to the judge "I guess I will see her when she is 18 -- I will not confess to doing something I didn't do".

Sad for both father and daughter that the bitch is able to holler out an unfounded accusation and get the father removed from his child's life. Friggin' sad IMO.

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Unfortunately, there are idiots out there that can't tell the difference between wiping poop off a toddler's bum and "touching" the bum.

What is the father to do? Let her run around with poop all over her butt?

Give them a toilet session with my boy and they will grasp the concept mighty quick.

You could have cleaned my daughter with a cottonpuff ball....my son requires a hose and mop...

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