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Russell by-law spat sparks bilingual study


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How about more insults to your intelligence, this time coming from officially bilingual New Brunswick:

For the interest of space-saving, I won't copy the string of letter again. That being said, the letters are indeed an insult to the intelligence. If they were to be believed, there would be a sinister plot to make New Brunswick an unilingual French-speaking society or even (wait for this) annex New Brunswick and eastern Ontario to Quebec by stealth or by force. Letters from Santa Claus to little children are more credible than this.

My favorite complaint though is this:

In most cases during meetings, lunch and coffee breaks the French officers carry on their conversations in the French language leaving the English officers with little or no knowledge of what is being discussed. (...) This is clearly a scheme to degrade and discourage English employees into quitting, requesting a transfer or take early retirement so they can be replaced by another Francophone.

(warning to Leafless: the following is meant to make fun of what is a most ricidulous complaint) Two individuals talk to each other in French during their break, and that's part of scheme to chase Anglophones from their workplace? And all those years I was mistakenly believing that it was just, oh the naiveté, having a conversation in French. :P

Such injustice cannot go unpunished. New Brunswick, and Ontario, should have laws guaranteeing the RIGHT to an English-speaking only workplace, including penalities for anyone who dares using another language.

But wait, doesn't Quebec has such a law already? And aren't such laws Nazi-like? Oh well, there is no need for this kind of laws in Ontario or New Brunswick... as long as the Frenchies know their place and keep their language to their homes. :P

Edited by CANADIEN
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I don't really understand the huff over jobs that require you to be bilingual. If you want a job that requires French and English, learn French if you want it that much. If someone "French" gets the job instead, that's because they went to the trouble of learning English.

He already has trouble with the English language. :P

As for the thing about jobs... The real thing is that Leafless, and those like him, cannot accept the fact that French-speaking Canadians are no longer considered by law (federal, at least) to be second-class citizens. Too bad (for him that is).

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I don't really understand the huff over jobs that require you to be bilingual. If you want a job that requires French and English, learn French if you want it that much. If someone "French" gets the job instead, that's because they went to the trouble of learning English.

Obviously you do not have any concept relating to the development of corrupt language policies and the application of such policies.

But most of all, you don't have any concept of how this country FREELY evolved in making the English language the de facto language of business and common communication in Canada.

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My favorite complaint though is this:

(warning to Leafless: the following is meant to make fun of what is a most ricidulous complaint) Two individuals talk to each other in French during their break, and that's part of scheme to chase Anglophones from their workplace? And all those years I was mistakenly believing that it was just, oh the naiveté, having a conversation in French.

Even immigrants know better not to carry on conversations in a foreign language in the presence of other English speaking workers as it is impolite and just looking for trouble. They know this and most have properly integrated and have no problem speaking English.

Such injustice cannot go unpunished. New Brunswick, and Ontario, should have laws guaranteeing the RIGHT to an English-speaking only workplace, including penalities for anyone who dares using another language.

But wait, doesn't Quebec has such a law already? And aren't such laws Nazi-like? Oh well, there is no need for this kind of laws in Ontario or New Brunswick

There are Nazi type laws in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that make the 4.5% Francophone population (out of Quebec) in all of Canada equal to the entire English speaking population of Canada and that form the basis for corrupt language laws out of Quebec.

Relating to the French language, Trudeau left no stone unturned in his quest to degrade the majority English speaking population of Canada.

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Even immigrants know better not to carry on conversations in a foreign language in the presence of other English speaking workers as it is impolite and just looking for trouble. They know this and most have properly integrated and have no problem speaking English.

In the company of Canadians, do you speak English ? Youse shure dont shpell it.

By the way, get out more, lots of immigrants speak their language in my presence. I have a whole side of my office that operates in Mandarin. And guess what, they make us a ton of money !

Viva la difference ! (and change your depends)

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Obviously you do not have any concept relating to the development of corrupt language policies and the application of such policies.

Actually, it is because he does that he, and anyone who has a clue, cannot see the non-existant corruption you whine about.

But most of all, you don't have any concept of how this country FREELY evolved in making the English language the de facto language of business and common communication in Canada.

The one person here who has no concept, or clue, about what actually hapened, it`s YOU.

There was nothing free in legislation that banned the French language from schools or provincial legislature. That you won't even try to challenge that FACT is telling.

Most importantly, close to one quarter of Canadians are proving each and every day that English is not the only language of business and communications in Canada.

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Obviously you do not have any concept relating to the development of corrupt language policies and the application of such policies.

But most of all, you don't have any concept of how this country FREELY evolved in making the English language the de facto language of business and common communication in Canada.

How do you figure you know so much about me and whatever historical knowledge I might have? Speaking of having no idea what you're talking about, how about a few pages ago when you tried to say that a certain highly populated area in Canada had no demographics.

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Even immigrants know better not to carry on conversations in a foreign language in the presence of other English speaking workers as it is impolite and just looking for trouble. They know this and most have properly integrated and have no problem speaking English.

I am not an immigrant and my language is not foreign, but that's beside the point.

I too have seen plenty of people perfectly capable of speaking English (or French) who revert to another language when having a private conversation, even in such public spaces as the subway, the water cooler or the grocery store. And guess what, unless I have reason to believe it's about me or unless I want to involve myself in their conversation, I don't care what language they actually use. Because it IS NOT MY FREAKING BUSINESS.

You don't have a clue about it? Your problem.

There are Nazi type laws in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms that make the 4.5% Francophone population (out of Quebec) in all of Canada equal to the entire English speaking population of Canada and that form the basis for corrupt language laws out of Quebec.

About 23% of the population of Canada is Francophone. Yep, I know you don't like it, but Quebec is part of Canada.

As for the one thing here that would qualify as Nazi-like, or more exactly as something out of 1960 Mississippi, it is your belief that members of minority groups are inferior. Unfortunately (for you), I am your equal.

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How do you figure you know so much about me and whatever historical knowledge I might have? Speaking of having no idea what you're talking about, how about a few pages ago when you tried to say that a certain highly populated area in Canada had no demographics.

Now, let's be fair to the man. That was written two years ago... He hardly has a clue of what he wrote two days ago.

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This proposed, to be imposed by-law, effectively removes Canadians democratic right of freedom of expression.

It will allow a by-law to override constitutional rights to make (force) businesses to provide bilingual signs in a province (Ontario) that is not 'officially bilingual.

It also focuses on the premier of the province himself Dalton Mc.Guinty, a bilingual Liberal, who is not standing up for the rights of the large English speaking majority to make the province 'officially English speaking' to protect the democratic rights and JOBS of the majority English speaking population.

This outright language discrimination further pits the English against the French and will force the English speaking public to stay clear of any politician that wants anything to do with bilingualism and to stand up for their democratic rights and not to be walked on by discriminatory French policies.



I wonder if that also means all of Quebec with both languages!

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How about more insults to your intelligence, this time coming from officially bilingual New Brunswick:

Another dismissed Letter To The Editor September 2009. Are English speaking New Brunswickers being gagged?


A few letters to the editor...well, that's evidence of a grandiose French conspiracy!

Since you don't live in NB, and I do, I will let you in on some locally well-known information: the Anglo Society is a joke. They are impotent bigots, and no one in NB--certainly including the English--take them at all seriously. They're pathetic losers, the residual clots left over from the abortion known as the COR Party.

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Actually, it is because he does that he, and anyone who has a clue, cannot see the non-existant corruption you whine about.

The one person here who has no concept, or clue, about what actually hapened, it`s YOU.

There was nothing free in legislation that banned the French language from schools or provincial legislature. That you won't even try to challenge that FACT is telling.

Most importantly, close to one quarter of Canadians are proving each and every day that English is not the only language of business and communications in Canada.

You are wandering all over the place.

You are nothing but a cheap,French supremacist, as well as an activist, along with your sympathizer lackey followers.

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How do you figure you know so much about me and whatever historical knowledge I might have? Speaking of having no idea what you're talking about, how about a few pages ago when you tried to say that a certain highly populated area in Canada had no demographics.

How about using the quote function,asshole.

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A few letters to the editor...well, that's evidence of a grandiose French conspiracy!

Since you don't live in NB, and I do, I will let you in on some locally well-known information: the Anglo Society is a joke. They are impotent bigots, and no one in NB--certainly including the English--take them at all seriously. They're pathetic losers, the residual clots left over from the abortion known as the COR Party.

I don't have to live in New Brunswick to know what is going on relating to outright language discrimination. I have experienced it and lived through it and know what they are talking about.

Bilingualism is a social revolution initiated by dictator Trudeau and his 'just society' that makes majority English speaking Canadians 2nd class citizens.

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I don't have to live in New Brunswick to know what is going on relating to outright language discrimination. I have experienced it and lived through it and know what they are talking about.

Then why use the Victimology rantings of NB's most laughably bunch of stupid bigots, whom no English people here take seriously?

Bilingualism is a social revolution initiated by dictator Trudeau and his 'just society' that makes majority English speaking Canadians 2nd class citizens.

No, but it's clear you do wish for a certain people to be second class citizens.

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Bilingualism is a social revolution initiated by dictator Trudeau and his 'just society' that makes majority English speaking Canadians 2nd class citizens.

Actually, bilingualism has existed officially in this country since before the country was created. Even in the 1700s, the British government understood the place of minority rights in democracy, though the concept wasn't as refined as it is today. Your inability, in this present time, to understand the same pretty much illustrates who the wanna-be tyrant is here.

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Then why use the Victimology rantings of NB's most laughably bunch of stupid bigots, whom no English people here take seriously?

I don't think they are bigots.

They are simply fed up with corrupt dictated government language legislation making them TRUE 2nd class citizens.

No, but it's clear you do wish for a certain people to be second class citizens.

I don't wish anything.

But it is another story with the federal government beginning in the Trudeau era.

Actually I believe in the territorial principle for Canada.

If you are French you go and live in Quebec.

If you are English speaking you go and live anywhere else in English speaking Canada.

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Actually, bilingualism has existed officially in this country since before the country was created.

There was no bilingual policy of any kind.

Even in the 1700s, the British government understood the place of minority rights in democracy, though the concept wasn't as refined as it is today.

Lord Durham did not think so:

According to Durham, the French culture in Canada had changed little in 200 years, and showed no sign of progress like British culture had. His report contains the famous assessment that Canada consisted of "two nations warring within the bosom of a single state." (1838)

Durham recommended that Upper and Lower Canada be united into one province, which would give British Canadians a slight advantage in population. He also encouraged immigration to Canada from Britain, to overwhelm the existing numbers of French Canadians and hopefully assimilate them into British culture.[1] The freedoms granted to the French Canadians under the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and the Quebec Act of 1774 should also be rescinded.


Your inability, in this present time, to understand the same pretty much illustrates who the wanna-be tyrant is here.

My inability?

It was also Trudeau's just before he changed his mind and went ahead and sowed the seeds of destruction.

"There is no way two ethnic groups in one country can be made equal

before the law....and to say it is possible is to sow the seeds of


Pierre Trudeau, 1966.

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There was no bilingual policy of any kind.

Au contraire:

1764: Governor James Murray issues an ordinance modifying the restrictive rules regarding the administration of justice to permit French-speaking Catholics to serve as lawyers in the Court of Common Pleas...[37]

1764: The Quebec Gazette is published for the first time on June 21. This publication contains public ordinances and subordinate legislation (regulations) in both English and French. From this point forward, all such information has never ceased to be available in published form in both languages, in the successor governments to the one then governing Quebec.[38]

1768: Governor Guy Carleton hires a secretary to translate all laws and orders of the governor and council into French. This provides a permanent formalization of the process of bilingual publication that had been undertaken by the Quebec Gazette four years earlier.

1774: The Quebec Act is adopted... [F]rom the very start debates in the Legislative Council take place in both French and English, and both languages are used for its records.[39]

1845: The Council of Assiniboia agrees to promulgate all laws in both French and English.[9]

1848: Article 41 of the Act of Union is amended. In a return to the situation had had existed from 1792 to 1837 in Lower Canada, it is once again legal to use the French language in the Parliament and in the Courts.

1849: The Council of Assiniboia agrees to henceforth conduct all judicial proceedings in both English and French. According to Claude-Armand Sheppard, this event "marked the beginning of bilingualism in the courts of Assiniboia."[10]

1857: Section 15 of the Act respecting the Codification of the Laws of Lower Canada relative to Civil Matters and Procedure requires that the Civil Code of Lower Canada be printed only in bilingual form, with English and French displayed on the same page... Side-by-side publication is a first step towards the adoption of the "Equal Authenticity Rule" for interpreting bilingual statutes.[41]

1866: The Legislative Assembly of the Province of Canada enacts the Civil Code of Lower Canada. This law code, which will remain in effect in the post-Confederation Province of Quebec until 1994, includes Canada’s first explicit rule for the judicial interpretation of statutes that have been drafted in both English and French...

Lord Durham did not think so...

Good for Lord Durham. Did I not say the concept of minority rights in centuries past was not the same as ours now? Was Lord Durham the British government? And did the British government really give much support to any of Durham's suggestions relating to language? The above chronology, especially the part after 1840, will give you a clue.

My inability?


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You are wandering all over the place.

You are nothing but a cheap,French supremacist, as well as an activist, along with your sympathizer lackey followers.

Nice way of NOT responding to the FACTS I wrote.

and as I said countless times before, I am actually an extra-terrestrial bent of destroying Canada as a first step in conquering your pathetic little planet. MWAHAHAHAHAHA.

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I don't have to live in New Brunswick to know what is going on relating to outright language discrimination. I have experienced it and lived through it and know what they are talking about.

Indeed, how dared anyone ask you to know our country two NATIONAL languages when you already have a hard time using one. :P

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I don't think they are bigots.

Clueless once again.
I don't wish anything.

Except for people to use English only when conducting business, English to be proclaimed the sole Official language of Ontario, no government services whatsoever in French outside Quebec, etc., etc., etc.

Actually I believe in the territorial principle for Canada.

If you are French you go and live in Quebec.

If you are English speaking you go and live anywhere else in English speaking Canada.

Apart from the fact that very idea would be a violation of the rights of English-speaking CANADIANS living in Quebec, I don't believe that's your position.

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